Strategic Asset Alliance – Investment Manager Questionnaire I. Background Information Firm Name: Year of Organization: Total Number of Employees: Total Number of Investment Professionals: Address: Telephone: Fax Number: Contact for Questionnaire: Telephone: Email: Insurance Client Contact: Telephone: Email: A. Firm ownership and any changes within the past five years: (please indicate majority owner of the investment firm); Organizational structure : Public, Private, Subsidiary of another firm % Held by: (Employee Ownership, Firm Name) Managed by (Firm Name, NA) Changes within last 5 years: If employee ownership is part of your structure, how does an employee become an owner? B. Insurance company affiliations: (please indicate any direct or indirect affiliations with an insurance company) Direct, Indirect C. Registration Status with the SEC. Please provide a copy of your most recent full form ADV, if available. Registered, Not Registered, In Process ADV attached? (Yes, No) D. Please list the number of individuals in the following positions: Portfolio Manager: Corporate Credit Analyst: Structured Credit Analyst: Municipal Credit Analyst: Government/Agency Analyst: Corporate Trader: Structured/Securitized Trader: Municipal Trader: Government/Agency Trader: Other Analyst (i.e. Risk not including compliance): E. List Key Investment Professionals: Title, Areas of Responsibility, Professional Designations, Years of Experience with your firm, Years of Experience overall, etc. Name Title (President, Vice-President, Director, Portfolio Manager, Other) Areas of Responsibility Professional Designations (CFA, CAIA, CPA, Other) Years of Experience with your firm (0-5, 5-10,10-15,15+) Years of Experience in investment field overall (0-5, 5-10, 10-15, 15+) F. List Key Marketing/Client Service Professionals: Title, Areas of Responsibility, Professional Designations, Years of Experience with your firm, Years of Experience working with insurers and overall and provide an overall organizational chart. Name Title (President, Vice-President, Director, Portfolio Manager, Other) Areas of Responsibility (Client Service, Business Development, Research. Other) Professional Designations (CFA, CAIA, CPA, Other) Years of Experience with your firm (0-5, 5-10,10-15,15+) Years of Experience overall (0-5, 5-10, 10-15, 15+) G. Please provide information regarding the number of relationships covered by client service professionals at the firm. H. Please provide Information on any changes to personnel within the investment team or key personnel within the organization over the past five years Key Personnel Name Title Designation (President, Vice President, Portfolio Manager, Other) Year Departed/Retired (2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010) I. How are members of the investment team, client service and marketing team compensated? J. Has your firm, parent, or subsidiary, or any officer or principal of the organization been involved in litigation relating to the management of investment assets and/or compliance violations within the last seven (7) years? Yes/No – If Yes Explain. K. Is there any pending litigation? Yes/No; If yes, please provide a brief explanation and indicate the current status of the proceedings or disposition. L. In the past five years, has your organization or any members of your organization been involved in an Attorney General or SEC investigations? Yes/No. If yes, please describe in full including resolution. M. Please provide levels of coverage for fidelity bonds, errors and omission coverage, officers and directors, and other fiduciary coverage that the firm carries; including the names and addresses of the coverage provider. Fidelity Bonds (Name, $$, Address) E&O (Name, $$, Address) Officers and Directors (Name, $$, Address) Other Fiduciary Coverage (Name, $$, Address) N. Does your firm have a code of ethics? Yes/No : If Yes, please provide a copy O. Please provide the name of your trade order management system vendor 2 II. Assets Under Management - By client category & strategy Please list your broad strategy composite AUM: Total AUM at quarter ending: ________ # Clients Assets ($millions) Total Assets Under Management: Total Fixed Income Assets Under Management: A. Average Client Account Size B. Median Client Account Size Affiliated: # of Accounts General insurance accounts Separate insurance accounts Insurance co. variable accounts Unaffiliated: General insurance accounts Separate insurance accounts Insurance co. variable accounts Governmental Risk Pools/Associations Bank/other financial institutions Corporations Foundations, Endowments, and Associations Commingled funds Limited partnerships Mutual funds Individuals & Other 3 $ Value of Accounts III. Historical development of insurance asset business (general accounts only): Date 12/14 12/13 12/12 12/11 12/10 Assets managed Govt. Risk Pools P&C Life& Health Number of clients Govt. Risk Pools P&C Life & Health General account assets under management for three largest P&C, Health, and Risk Pooling accounts: Account Number or Designator G/A Assets 1. 2. 3. Please provide the number of clients in each AUM category as follows: <$100mm $100mm to $500mm $500mm to $1B >$1B Please provide the following for each insurance segment above (Government Risk Pool, P&C, Life/Heath): Clients gained (# and $) and lost in the last 12 months Average size of client in each category Median size of client in each category IV. Administration A. Please provide your standard fee schedule for insurance company general accounts. Are fees negotiable? Yes/No B. Are you paid commissions or fees when investments are purchased for client portfolios? Yes/No. If so, please explain how are these commissions/fees handled and accounted for. C. Are you paid trailer fees on any investments after a period of time? If, so how are these fees handled and accounted for? Yes, No) Explanation> D. Does your firm provide the following services, please indicate if any additional fee is incurred for these services and approximate amount: Service Service Offered? Schedule D investment accounting Yes/No Asset/liability management (dynamic Yes/No financial analysis) Performance attribution Yes/No Daily internet access of portfolio Yes/No information SVO filing Yes/No 4 Approximate Fee Please indicate how investment accounting services are provided (i.e. through an outsourced relationship with a vendor, internally by a team on a licenses investment accounting platform etc.) (Outsourced relationship w/ vendor, internally by team, other) E. Does your firm have in house insurance investment accounting and regulatory experts who are well versed on GAAP and Statutory accounting issues? F. Identify the investment accounting system that is utilized. (CAMRA, PAM, Aladdin, Eagle Pace, Advent Geneva, Other) G. Please provide a copy of your Firm’s SSAE 16 Internal Control Report. If one is not provided, please explain why your Firm has not performed a SSAE 16 evaluation. SSAE 16 Attached? (Yes, No) If no… H. Describe your firm’s philosophy for communicating with clients and client’s Boards of Directors. a. Frequency b. Content c. Please provide a sample, standard investment reporting package, including a performance attribution report for fixed income. d. Describe Staff & Board educational opportunities your firm offers to clients. F. Identify the automated compliance system(s) and describe the frequency and scope of compliance monitoring processes used to ensure compliance with an insurer’s objectives and guidelines. Compliance System (Charles River Development, Aladdin, Bloomberg PTS, Fidessa’s LatentZero Capstone Suite, Sentinel, Other) Frequency ( Scope of compliance monitoring processes a. How does your firm confirm that insurance accounts are in compliance with the appropriate state insurance laws and company mandated guidelines? G. Describe the firm’s Internet-based, portfolio access and reporting capabilities and the security processes in place for such access. Is electronic access to holdings and valuations available daily? Internet (Partial Reports, Full Reports, Modeling/Testing Capability, No Access) Frequency of Updates (Quarterly, Monthly, Daily, NA) V. Performance Interrogatories: A. Please provide composite returns for your firm’s core and intermediate core fixed income mandates. Any composite provided should only contain investment-grade portfolios. a. List quarterly rates of return for the last ten years, or a shorter period if ten year history is unavailable. If these returns are available in the PSN database, please advise and provide the composite name. b. Are performance numbers in compliance with GIPS standards? GIPS certified? If not, please explain. c. Performance: For your core portfolios (duration between 3 and 7 years), please provide a consolidated composite return and the consolidated weighted average benchmark returns for 5 portfolios’ benchmarks for the trailing quarter, YTD, 1 year, 2 year, 3 year, 5 year, 7 year, 10 year periods. B. Performance attribution: historically when your model portfolio over or (under) performs its benchmark, what have been the principal causes of the over (under) performance and how much of the over (under) performance do you attribute to these causes? a. What performance attribution system does your firm deploy? Internal or Third Party? b. Please provide performance attribution for the following periods (YTD, 1 year, 2 year, 3 year, 5 year, 7 year, 10 year and since inception) under the following breakdown if possible: Duration, yield curve, sector allocation, security selection c. Please provide an anticipated break down of excess return going forward (e.g. 50% from sector allocation, 20% from duration etc. C. To complement the standard return composites, please provide returns for a comparable client’s fixed income portfolio (if applicable). 1. General Information: A. B. C. D. E. F. Started managing account Investment Objective Investment Constraints Performance Benchmark Portfolio manager(s) assigned to account Predominant Sectors (e.g. equities, municipals, corporates, mortgage backed securities, government bonds, foreign fixed-income, etc.) a. List quarterly rates of return for the last ten years, or a shorter period if ten year history is unavailable. b. Are performance numbers in compliance with GIPS standards? GIPS certified? If not, please explain. VI. Investment Process, Risk Management & Client Service Investment Management Process: A. Describe your organizations investment strategy decision-making process and the approach used to implement the strategy decisions in the management of fixed income accounts. Is your process top down/bottom up or a combination? Are portfolios managed by specific individuals or by a team? If by a team, how are decisions made? What if there is disagreement among team members? How many credits/issues do analysts cover in both the corporate and securitized space? Are coverage assignments changed over time? Is research a career path or a stepping stone to portfolio management? Provide a summary of how a portfolio is invested after funding. Has your philosophy and/or process changed over time? B. How, if at all, does the management of accounts that follow your organization’s model or core strategy differ from your organization’s management of constrained insurer general accounts? 6 C. Describe your investment management style on the total return/book income spectrum. What will your firm do to balance total return and book income? D. For your firm’s core insurance composite or representative insurance core account, please provide quarterly portfolio characteristics for the past 5 years. These characteristics should include at a minimum; yield to maturity, OAD, OAS, OAC, overall quality, sector distribution and breakdown of the portfolio by ratings. The sector distribution should break down the portfolio to the level below corporates (i.e. finance, industrial, utility etc.) and similar breakdown for securitized sectors. E. For your firm’s core insurance composite, please provide the most recent quarter end holdings in excel. F. The past six years 2008 through 2013 period has been extremely challenging for all investors especially so for fixed income investors. How do events during this period continue to affect your organization and what changes if any have been made to your organization’s: Strategic decision making processes? View of certain types of investment structures, such as mortgages, all forms of structured products, U.S. and non-U.S. sovereign-debt? Counterparty risk? Duration decisions? Measurement/management of security and overall portfolio liquidity Risk Management Process: A. Describe your firm’s risk management process, including its organizational structure, the reporting relationship within the firm, and the processes employed to evaluate the risks present in portfolios as market conditions change. B. Is there a risk management function that is independent of the CIO that reports into the CEO or another officer not linked to the investment decisions? When an issue is flagged by Risk Management, what is the process for resolving the issue? C. How does the firm judge the tradeoff between the various risks taken and the potential returns received? Does this judgment change when the account is an insurance company general account? D. Describe the primary analytical tools used to quantify and manage investment risk. E. Describe your credit analysis process. Include the names and roles of professionals involved in credit analysis. Client Service & Staff Capability: A. Does your firm have a separate service delivery structure for the insurance clients? a. If so, what are the major components of the insurance service structure? If not, how does your firm respond to the unique service and investment needs of an insurance organization? b. Who are the leaders of your insurance investment management practice and what is there experience? c. What are your organization’s insurance asset management strengths versus your competitors? d. Do you have a relationship with an accounting agent that specializes in insurance portfolios? If so, who and do you know what accounting system they use? 7 B. Does your organization offer a “model” fixed-income portfolio for insurance companies that takes into the consideration the unique regulatory and cash flow needs of an insurance company? If so how does it differ from your organizations unconstrained model portfolio? C. Please describe the service team, including resumes for each, that XYZ would be assigned if we were to employ your firm and how would the daily interaction between XYZ your organization be handled? For example: a. When we have a question who would we call? b. At year end when we are determining OTTI with whom would we interact? Competitive Advantage A. What in your opinion distinguishes your firm from other firms engaged in providing similar investment management services for insurance/risk pooling organizations? B. What is your value added proposition? 8