Intel Thematic Unit Showcase By: Tayler Kline WVSU The Winter Season 2nd Grade Essential Question What events take place during our winter season? Subjects Reading Math (geometry) Writing Science Approximate Time Needed For Each Lesson Lesson 1- 40 minutes Lesson 2- 30 minutes Lesson 3- 35 minutes Lesson 4- 35 minutes Lesson 5- 1 hour Day 1 Students will listen to the story “Lights of Winter” by Heather Conrad on Movie Maker that has been previously recorded. We will discuss the book after they listen to it on their individual laptops. After the discussion the students will write down on a sheet of paper 3 holidays they learned about in the story. Story This story lists different holidays, and festivals taking place around the world in the winter. Day 2 Students will use Kidspirtation to design a Christmas tree ornament. They will use a variety of shapes(square triangles, ovals, etc.) to design the ornament. They may also use color, and paint options to design their ornaments. Students will identify the shapes they used by writing the names of the shapes on the back of the ornament along with how many sides the shapes has. Then the students will cut out their ornaments, and we will place it on our bulletin board Christmas tree. Day 3 The students will listen to a message from Santa made on Voki. Then students will use Microsoft Word and type up a letter to Santa. They will be asked to use complete sentences, using punctuation, verbs, and nouns. Then we will print our letters, and “mail” them to Santa. Day 4 We will identify the type of percipitation we usually have during the winter. We will learn about snow, and snowflakes. As a class we will use the Smartboard and do a Snow Quest. Last the students will be given a snowflake grpahic organizer, and they will write short facts about snow that they learned by doing the webquest. Snow Quest Graphic Organizer Day 5 Students will use Microsoft Publisher to create a cover page for a story they will write. Students will write a story based on the winter, or holiday theme cover they created. The cover page will be created using a specific list of directions of what is needed on the cover page. The story then can be typed on Microsoft Word. Technology Used in Lessons Movie Maker Laptops Kidspiration Voki Microsoft Word SmartBoard Webquest Microsoft Publisher Standards SC.O.2.2.14 observe and describe different types of precipitation. M.O.2.3.1 identify and describe the following geometric solids according to the number of faces and edges: rectangular solid cube cylinder cone Pyramid Standards RLA.O.2.3.1 listen, recite and respond to familiar stories, poems and songs (e.g., retell in sequence, relate information to own life, describe character, setting, plot, engage in creative dramatics, imagine beyond the story). RLA.O.2.2.2 write correctly formed and punctuated simple sentences (e.g., declarative, interrogative, exclamatory). RLA.O.2.3.3 access media tools to create an oral or visual presentation (e.g., desktop publishing, electronic resources, photos). Resources est.htm Microsoft Word Microsoft Publisher “Lights of Winter” by Heather Conrad