WORD - SIR Branch 160

We meet the 4th Monday of the month
Next reg. meeting – our 276th ……………………Monday SEPTEMBER 23rd……………We meet at Tep’s Villa Roma
Officers & Chairmen……………………………….10:00am.........................................3450 Lake Tahoe Blvd )Hiway50)
Social hour…………………………………………..11:00am………………………….South Lake Tahoe, California
Luncheon……………………………………………12:00noon………………………Across from the Bijou Center
It’s September already and we are heading into the beautiful shoulder season at
The Lake. As I reflect on our membership, it is not the number of SIR members but
the great men who make up the membership of our branch. I am reminded of this
each Monday as we gather for golf, each meeting we have together and the numerous
communication events I have with you through the months. Our membership is strong in numbers as
well but the important pieces are each and every one of you. I’m sure you enjoyed last meeting’s
speaker and I am anticipating another entertaining presentation again this month as well. Good job
Little SIR Dan Kerr.
I had a call from Danny at Tep’s and they will be closed for two weeks in October which includes
the Monday of our meeting next month. We will discuss our options at the BEC prior to this month’s
meeting and will bring our ideas forward to the entire group at our lunch meeting on September, 23.
I hope you are enjoying our smoke-free days at The Lake and I look forward to seeing you all on the
23 .
Monday, August 26, 2013
SIR Branch 160
Board of Directors/Executive Committee Meeting
South Lake Tahoe, CA.
The scheduled meeting of SIR Branch 160 for August was held at Tep’s Villa Roma restaurant.
Big Sir Tom Sawyer called the meeting to order at 10:01 AM. A quorum of 11 was present of the Branch Executive
Committee (BEC).
Our guest speaker will be Karen Bender of the El Dorado County Environmental Management – Vector Control.
The minutes of the June 24th meeting were approved and adopted without changes.
Treasurer’s Report: Mike Davis reported our beginning cash balance was $2111.65 and our ending balance is
$2723.92, which does not include petty cash of $200. A final accounting of the picnic expenses and income will be
presented next month per Mike.
Big Sir Report: Tom Sawyer talked about his recent attendance (8/5) at the State SIR board and was encouraged by our
branch’s membership increasing while many other groups saw a decline in their membership numbers. Tom also
indicated that there were 3 rule and by-law changes; namely, 1) the option of collecting dues to defray the costs of
operating a branch is no longer banned; 2) the long standing practice of adding the State Advisor as EX Officio remains
and was clarified via Law Section 220; and, finally 3) they added the State Budget Oversight Committee to the list of
standing committees. As a last thought, the State SIR Board did not discuss reimbursing Branch Big Sirs for attending the
state meeting; however, it is thought Tom Sawyer could receive reimbursement from the State SIR group if so requested
by Tom.
Little Sir Report: Dan Kerr, although pleased with the picnic turnout, felt the accounting procedure at the event itself
needed better organization and implementation. Dan also felt the picnic ticket collections woefully inadequate. (Tim
Donley accepted full responsibility for serving the main courses at an earlier than agreed time due to the barbeque coals
being started prematurely). Dan was pleased that every table except two had canopy covers, thus removing the necessity
of our branch purchasing same for future years. Regarding future years, Mike Vadnais suggested we consider Lampe
Park in Gardnerville for next year’s picnic for the following reasons: 1) Douglas County remains the landlord, thus the
cost should be relatively the same; 2) the restrooms are closer and the eating areas have covers, thus eliminating set up
and tear down times; 3) water and many grassy areas are prevalent. It was decided the general membership will consider
the move at a later date.
Activities/Bowling Report: Dave Dugan reports a fine turn out for the putt-putt event (10) and that Otto Hefner won
“everything in sight” with respect to bragging rights and that the next putt-putt event will either be 9/11 or 9/18. Please
contact Mr. Dugan for further info as the calendar advances. Mr. Dugan also reports the 11th annual bowling State SIR
tournament in Reno was very successful and that the results will be posted shortly on line via the State SIR. Finally, 3
members participated in a 10 mile round trip bike ride and lunch afterwards.
Membership Report: George Ramirez reports 3 new members will be voted on later this meeting and the information
will be listed below in New Business. Also, Larry Tinker applied last year to be a new member, but circumstances
prevented this at that time. Mr. Tinker will be submitting a new application later today now that he has returned to the
Attendance: Ron Rathburn states we have 109 total members, including 2 still inactive members on medical leave. Ron
will be sending letters to Ron Bigler and Tom Craig inquiring of their medical status and desires.
Sunshine Report: Mike Vadnais reports sending get well cards to the following members and their spouses: George
Ramirez following a bout of pneumonia requiring hospitalization; Linda Cannon following her recent surgery; Polly
Baker during her hospital stay; and finally, Mack Brown during his long and hopeful recovery. It is very sad to note that
both Polly Baker and Mack Brown were unable to recover from their illnesses and thus passed recently. A moment of
silence on both their behalf will be heard during the general membership meeting. Our condolences and prayers go out to
both of these families and cards will be sent to express these thoughts per Mike Vadnais.
Rooster Sales: Bill Chambers has nothing significant to report other than white golfer hats will be available soon.
Golf Report: Sig Heidemann will report his golfing news to the general membership later but did shed some light on his
recent son-inspired fishing trip to the Alaska panhandle. While Sig did survive the high humidity, constant rain and fog
and somewhat suspect fishing results, he managed to beat back the no see ums assault the others in his party failed to do.
This must be due to his strong German blood although he claims his garlic infusion as his savior. Finally, Sig wishes he
had been in stronger physical shape to handle the large halibut that “came aboard” his boat and the lengthy time it takes to
arrive and depart from this wild region. Welcome home Sig and get well soon from the weather induced illnesses you
Web Site Update: Robert Fleischer reports he has not heard a peep from other committee chairpersons or others and thus
he is confident his website is both correct and timely. In other words, please contact Robert with ideas, thoughts, and
information to be included in the future.
Old Business: Mike Vadnais of the nominating committee for BEC positions reports they are still looking for
participation in some senior posts and that background checks are still being conducted for potential inductees (just
kidding!). Tim Donley gave an update to the plaque being constructed by Signs of Tahoe for inclusion on the wall of
fame at Tep’s Villa Roma. The total cost should be roughly $150 and be completed in time for next month’s meeting.
New Business: The following new members were voted on and accepted as presented by George Ramirez: Dan
Wilkinson, Dr. John Meek and David Keith. Congratulations and welcome aboard fellow SIRs!
The executive board meeting was adjourned by Tom Sawyer at 11:05 AM.
Bowling Report – SIR Branch #160
It was the five ‘R’s on 9/13 @ SIR Friday bowling. Ron Rathbun, Ralph Devine, Rod Hayes, Ron Lyness
and Ron Ticknor. My thanks to Ron Rathbun for compiling the details of today’s contest. The hotshot
for today was Ron Ticknor, who bowled a 278, ‘300’ and 167. Must feel good even if it’s no-tap. The
poker portion was more divided. Ticknor – 4 kings, Hayes – full house , then Lyness – full house. All
had a good time. That’s the whole objective, have fun!
The results of the big Reno SIR tournament are in. To find out how you or others did, go online to the
bowling section of the SIR website. The results are in four parts. The big winners from our branch were
Tim & Chris Hall, Jim & Paula Gilmore – First place in Div. 2 – Teams. Fifth place (in the team money)
were Devlin, Lyness, Akins, and Ticknor. Then we had winners in Div. I- singles, Ron Ticknor and
Larry Coffman. Div. II, singles – First place, Tim Hall. Div. II, doubles, Ron Lyness & Bobbie Devlin.
Another winner from our branch was Bobbie Silvius. Great results with over 250 entries in this annual
event. Congratulations to all winners.
Unfortunately, for myself. In the second game of team play, I tore the bicep muscle in my right arm. I
was through with bowling for the day, tournament and probably the next few months. My sincere thanks
to all SIR’s that have made this job of Bowling Chairman a lot easier.
Dave Dugan
Looking for new members. Keep an eye out for
prospective new members who you might think
would like to become a SIR. We are looking to
increase our membership by 10% this year to keep us
going. I have handouts on things that we do and
participate in. See me if you would like one of these.
A get well card sent to Ron Biegler recovering
from a medical procedure.
If you know of someone who is going
through some tough times and need a little cheer
please let our sunshine chair know. Please call
Mike Vadnais at 775-546-0810 or email him at
Previews of
Coming Attractions …
9/23 Regular luncheon meeting Teps.
9/24 Tue Golf Dayton Valley 8:30 am SG
9/30 Golf Thunder Canyon 9 am SG
1990 Bob Peterson, 1996 Sig Heidemann, 2000
Russ Newkirk, 2003 Bill Kaster, Karl Keller, Jr.,
2004 Joe McKenna, 2005 Joe Scott, 2006 Rob
Clements, 2008 Ken Davis, 2012 John Benkert,
Charles Garber, Carl Slate
10/7 Eagle Valley West 9 am SG
10/14 Eagle Valley East 9 am SG
10/28 Sir Branch 160 meeting 11 am – 2 pm
Lake Tahoe Branch 160 Badge Color Scheme
Charter Member…RED Honorary Life Member…GOLD
New Member …. BLUE The rest of us …… BLACK
When you see a badge with BLUE lettering indicating
a NEWER MEMBER, be sure to make him feel extra
Joe Scott will be putting on our winter
golfing again this winter on Monday’s at
9am. Give him a call at 775-246-2654.
New SIR State Officers for 2014 are shown above from left to right Secretary Dick DeVoe, Vice President
Bobbie Hairston, President Maynard Rodland, Treasurer Mike Berry and Assistant Treasurer Karl
Ryden. Assistant Secretary Ron Flagel was unable to attend the annual meeting.
Golden Gate Fields
A Fall “Salute to SIR” day at the races!!!
When: Friday October 18, 2013
Where: Golden Gate Fields Turf Club
Time: Please arrive @ 11:15 a.m.
Gates open at 11:00 a.m.
Buffet Hours: 11:30-3:00 p.m.
First race: 12:45 p.m.
Cost: $29.00 per adult (Groups of 12+ required)
Includes: Valet parking (or parking for a bus), admission &
reserved seating, daily racing program, Turf Club buffet,
tax/tip for the food servers. The first 21 groups to book will
receive a named race in honor of their Branch!
For more information please call Michael Roberts of Golden Gate Fields @ (510) 559-7380
Or email mroberts@goldengatefields.com
Membership & Luncheon Report
Sons In Retirement – Lake Tahoe Branch 160
August 2013
Members Dropped (1) Mack Brown
Members Added (3) David Keith, John Meek,
Dan Wilkerson
Medical leave (2) Ron Biegler, Tom Craig
Inactive embers reclassified to active (0)
Total Members this report (109)
Total inactive members (2)
Net active members (107)
Please post these changes to your Branch Roster –
Add THREE New Members
David C. Keith, Badge 110, 3752 Prospect Dr,
Carson City, NV 89703 (808)478-4648, email
76Daveok@gmail.com, Sponsor Ron Thompson
John M. Meek, Badge 76, 428 Kent Way, P.O.
Box 623 Zephyr Cove, NV 89448, (530) 721-1011,
email JOBRME3@charter.net, wife Brenda,
Sponsor Herb Wheeler
C. Dan Wilkerson, Badge 94, 262 McFrul Way,
P.O. Box 10401, Zephyr Cove, NV 89448, (775)
400-7872, email CDANALICE@yahoo.com,
Wife Alice, Sponsor Herb Wheeler
Attendance – active members (82)
Guests-Prospective members (1) Larry Tinker
Visitor/Speaker (1) Karen Bender and 2
Thank you two for stepping up and being a
bigger part of SIR Branch 160
Gary Burns has taken caller 5 list
John Gerard has taken caller 9 list
Non-attendance letters sent (1) Tom Craig
Total present (80)
Your attendance chairman,
Ron Rathbun
Want to be a bigger part of SIR Br. 160. We
are in need of members to be officers of the
branch for 2013. Give Mike Vadnais a call
Badge drawing winner!!!!
In Memoriam
Richard Mack Brown
December 8, 1932-August 1, 2013
Member from August 1999-August 2013
Past Little SIR 2003, Past Big SIR 2004,
Director, 2005, 2006, 2007
Come to a meeting, have lunch, hear
our guest speaker and have your badge
pulled from the bucket for a lunch on the
Sirs at the next meeting
Happenings Travel Bulletin
November 13-25, 2013
September 25-October 11, 2013
Provence to Paris
Panama Canal Cruise
This is an 8-day (7-night) cruise on the Rhone River
(Broudoux Valley) to Macon. We will travel by bus to
Paris for three days where we will enjoy tours of the city
and Versailles. Prices range from $4510 to $5210
PPDO. Offered by Branch 62 Travel. Call Jim
Hohenshelt at 408-394-7226.
Cruise on the Island Princess from San Francisco to Ft.
Lauderdale. Ports of call include: Cabo San Lucas, San
Juanmdel Sur, Puntarenas, Costa Rica, Panama Canal,
Cartagena, Columbia, and Aruba. Trip includes a one
night, post-cruise stay in Ft. Lauderdale with a guided
Everglades Adventure tour plus a guided tour of Miami
Beach and Miami. Prices range from $3030 to $4230
PPDO. Offered by Branches101 and 121 Travel. Call
Werner Schlaper at 925-443-8291.
October 5-12, 2013
Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta
This is the most photographed event in the world…but
our trip doesn’t end there. We will also visit Santa Fe,
Taos, the wonders of Carlsbad, travel through the
Sacramento Mountains to Ruidoso (Billy the Kid
Country), then to Albuquerque by way of White sands &
“Valley of Fire” Lava Flow. We will visit Acoma, Indian
Pueblo for a tour of the Mesa Top Fortress and ride the
world’s longest aerial tram to the top of Sandia Peak.
Cost is $2695. Offered by Branch 98 Travel. Call Sam
Kemp at 916-781-0822.
October 15-26, 2013
Cruise Canada & New England
This 12 day trip begins and ends in San Francisco. The
first day is a flight from San Francisco to New York with
an evening and the next morning in New York City. Then
we board the Emerald Princess for a 10 night cruise up
the New England coast and into Canada. Ports of call
are Newport, Boston, Bar Harbor, Saint John, Halifax,
Sydney, Charlottetown and Quebec City. Prices range
from $2985 to $3890 PPDO depending on cabin
selection. Offered by Branch 141 Travel. Call Brian
Serpa at 408-227-7658 or Rollo Parsons at 408-2685245.
October 18-23, 2013
Branson… Autumn in the Ozarks
Autumn is the perfect time to visit Branson… the hills
are awash in red and gold, the temperature is cool, and
the shows are HOT! Some of the tour highlights include:
Five nights at the beautiful Radisson Hotel (unpack only
once!), 12 meals, the Tim Conway Comedy Show,
Yakov Smirnoff Show, Incredible Acrobats of China,
Dolly Parton Dixie Stampede Dinner Show, a guided
area sightseeing tour, and either the Great Passion Play
or Pine Mountain Jamboree. Cost is $1899 PPDO.
Offered by Branch 73 Travel. Call Paul Peters at 510724-8345.
December 6-14, 2013
Christmastime on the Seine
This river cruise includes 8days/7/nights on the Grand
Circle Lines MS Bizet whose capacity is only 60 outside
cabins. Among the attractions our travelers will visit are
Christmas markets in 3 French towns and then spend 4
days in Paris. All meals, excursions and r/t air are
included. The price is $2810 PPDO. Offered by Branch
22 Travel. Call Henry Puccinelli at 415-457-3990.
January 9-22, 2014
See and hear the music, culture and the roots of the
Cuban revolution. This a people to people program that
visits Santiago de Cuba, a cultural melting pot of AfroCuban traditions, as well as Baracoa an unspoiled gem
on the coast. The Cuban capital will also be included.
The cost of $5295 PPDO, includes R/T airfare, all
accommodations, 28 meals, private motor coach, and an
English speaking guide. Offered by Branch 171 Travel.
Call Russ Aubry, at 510-644-2692 for more information.
May 13-29, 2014
Hidden Gems of the Dalmation Coast & Greece
This is a 16 day Cruise aboard a privately owned Grand
Circle small ship with a maximum of 50 passengers.
Ports of Call will include Zagreb, Split, Hvar, Korcula,
Dubrovnik, Montenegro, Butrint, Albania, Corfu, Delphi
and Athens. Prices range from approximately $4595 to
$6170 PPDO, depending on accommodations and
airfare. Trip also includes 37 meals, 12 exclusive tours
with personal headsets, home hosted dinner, and
resident Grand Circle Program Director. Offered by
Branch 146 Travel. Contact Ken Richter at 925-6896217.
September 5-12 , 2014
Nantucket, Martha’s Vineyard, & Cape Cod
Tour the Rhode Island mansions and gardens, visit the
Korean War Museum, and enjoy a high speed
catamaran ride to Martha’s Vineyard and so much more.
Cost is $2676 PPDO. Offered by Branch 125 Travel. Call
Dick Kohl at 408-268-0428 or Bill Kurtz at 408 -268 8830.
We had 50 golfers participate in our SIR Branch 160 Golf Club Memorial Championship. I thought
that we might have many low scores. However, the course, or our ability, would not allow this to
happen. Thirty six golfers shot 90 or more. Sixteen golfers had 37 putts or more. I now know what it
was; it was the smoke in our eyes.
For the second time since 2010 we have 2 Club Champions. Tim Donley and Carl Slate.
Tim had a gross score of 80 and net score of 63. Carl had a gross score of 82 and net score of 63.
Both individuals will have their names engraved in our # 4 iron trophy and receive a dinner for two.
Congratulation to both of our champions!
Despite all the adversities it was a wonderful day with our friends on the course and at our
luncheon. The food and drinks were great.
Sir Branch 160 Golf Chairman
Sig Heidemann
Activities Report – Branch #160
Our last “Putt-Putt” golf contest was held on Wed. Aug.14th with ten golfers. Otto Hefner, Ron Rathbun,
Bob & Patty Peterson, Franz & Jeanee Goepfert, Meg & Steve Aldridge plus my better half & I. Otto
again showed his expert putting with a low score of 46. Most of us just couldn’t get it going on the
Dinosaur course. After golf, six of us had an enjoyable lunch @ Denny’s.
The next “Putt-Putt” will be on Wed. Sept. 18th. Mark your calendars since this may be the last one for
the summer. Again the data, Magic Carpet Golf – 11 AM @ $8.00 ea.. Bring your own putter, if you
Bowling Report Fridays’– Branch #160
Judging from the number of bowlers, or the lack of them in these summer months, it appears that we
might do better just eliminating bowling during this period. Today, only five healthy contestants showed
up. Restrictions such as no further gambling (Monte Carlo) and bring only pastries in the form of food
puts a big dent in our efforts to have fun. A reminder, Sept. 20 & 21, is our ‘annual’ SIR tournament,
directed this year by Tim Hall.
I’ve heard that some of our regulars have chosen to find greener lanes over on the Nevada side @ Gold
Dust West. We certainly can’t fault them for their move. If attendance on the second Friday of each
month doesn’t pick up next month, we might think seriously about moving this activity to another
location. Carson Lanes, Gold Dust or Incline Village as an offering. Like our golfers, we can bowl
anywhere we choose, but we would have to vote on any change.
BIG SIR ................................
LITTLE SIR ........................
SECRETARY ......................
ASST. SECRETARY ...........
TREASURER .......................
ASST. TREASURER ...........
TOM SAWYER .............. .775-852-8675
DAN KERR ..................... .775-588-2376
TIM DONLEY ................ 530-577-4008
JOE MCKENNA ............ 530-544-5806
MIKE DAVIS .................. 775-388-4990
DAVE KNIGHTON…….619-937-1369
DIRECTOR .................. LARRY COFFMAN……….530-577-0328
DIRECTOR.................. WAYNE LOGAN ………….775-588-9830
DIRECTOR .................. RON RATHBUN……………530-541-0603
DIRECTOR.................. GEORGE RAMIREZ………530-541-0641
DIRECTOR………......DAVE DUGAN……………..530-573-1052
DIRECTOR………......DAVE TIONGCO…………..775-265-9448
AL BARTLEY ..................... 530-544-1278
KEN KOEGL …………….. 530-544-2961
MACK BROWN ................. 775-588-2126
GEORGE PERUSITS…..…530-544-8349
DOM DELCENIO ………..530-544-5997
JACK POST ……………….530-570-8063
MIKE VADNAIS……….775-546-0810
____________________________________________ COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN _____________________________________________
ATTENDANCE……………RON RATHBUN……….530-541-0603
ACTIVITIES……………....DAVE DUGAN…………530-573-1052
CALLER……………………RON ST. THOMAS……775-575-0881
CHAPLAIN………………..CURT EMRIE…………..530-544-2374
GOLF ……………………….SIG HEIDEMANN……..775-265-4810
ASST GOLF………………………...JOE SCOTT……………...775-246-2654
MEMBERSHIP…………………….GEORGE RAMIREZ……530-541-0641
NEWSLETTER .......................... ……..LARRY COFFMAN…….530-577-0328
ROOSTER SALES………………..BILL CHAMBERS……….775-267-5267
RECRUITER………………………LARRY COFFMAN……..530-577-0328
SUNSHINE………………………..MIKE VADNAIS…………775-546-0810
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Area 19 Governor – TBD
...................................... ...........................................
Region 2 Director - Ralph Lingis 916-933-5561 State President–Richard Dittmar
SIR Branch 160 Newsletter
1655 Bakersfield St.
So. Lake Tahoe, CA 96150