GJSMS Technology Resources & Reminders

GJSMS Technology
Resources & Procedures
2012- 2013
Kelly Ray, GJSMS Tech Liaison
You can do it … we can help!
Kelly Ray - Tech Liaison, Multimedia Coordinator, Webmaster/Edline Superuser
Steve Barth - Tech Liaison Alternate, Computer Administrator - RM 19
Jason Adams - RM 55
Janette Adams – RM 43
Diana Beales – Guidance Office
Jamie Higgins – RM 26
Michael Hong - NEW Team member! RM 26
Heather Karwacki – RM 35
Kate Kastner – RM 25
Vaughn Platt - RM 05
Lindsey Rattet - NEW Team Member! RM 30
Mary Ellen Sittner – RM 13
Jeff Verkest – RM 15
GJSMS Tech Resources
• General’s Staff Wiki and General’s Help Desk
– Log into Edline @ www.edline.net > click on
Faculty & Staff tab > see Links
– Includes: Tech Support Team contacts, news &
announcements, helpful links, tips, tutorials, professional
learning community (coming soon)
• Shared drive:
– Tech Resources folder
• AV Equipment Reservations and Library/ Computer Lab/
Mobile Lab Reservations sheets – more on these later
• Support Resources – most of these will be moved to Wiki
Tech Support?
• Consult HELP Resources:
– Embedded HELP utilities
– General’s Help Desk
• Do not call BCPS Help Desk.
– Contact a GJSMS Tech Support member if you can’t
solve your problem.
Requesting Tech Support
• Emergency need: Call Kelly in Library on x081
• Kelly, Steve, or Jason can install software or printers
requiring Computer Administrator credentials.
• Kelly or Steve can troubleshoot computer issues or install
software/printers remotely.
• When contacting us about a computer issue, provide:
Room Number
DELL TAG (labeled on side of CPU)
Computer Number (if Computer Lab or Mobile Lab computer)
Detailed description of problem (screenshot if possible)
• Check Printers & Devices (under START menu)
for the Faculty Room 600 network printer.
• Old Faculty Room 8000 and Copyroom Oce should be
deleted from Printers and Devices (Right-click> Delete)
• If you have a hallway network printer installed, consult
hallway teachers to contribute to the purchase of toner.
• The new Copyroom CANON is not yet configured for
LARGE PRINT JOBS. If necessary, see Donna Hutchinson
to print a large job on Front Office Canon.
Printing Policies
– No personal printing.
– No color printing unless for display items.
– No printing multiple copies/class sets on Faculty Room,
Library, or Lab printers; use duplicator or copier.
– Large print jobs must be sent to the Copyroom Canon.
– Don’t print what you don’t need!
– Paper and toner are costly … we can’t afford waste!
Classroom Presentation Equipment
• Desktop computer
– Math & Special Ed: Laptop on cart with projector/ELMO
• LCD projector (place on cart or on a table)
• ELMO portable document camera (on cart); USB cable for
computer connection/use with ImageMate software
• External computer speakers (for video sound)
• Presentation remote (keep secured)
• LCD/ELMO remotes (some)
• PC-to-TV Units for wall-mounted TVs (by request)
Connecting Presentation Equipment
• Pass-through adaptors purchased for new Dell
desktop computers installed last year.
• Instructions for connecting will be provided.
• Presentation carts available Monday/Tuesday
after equipment is cleaned and inventoried.
• Cable Path tape available after equipment is
connected; return tape to Library Office promptly.
• Contact a Tech Support Team member for help.
Office of Art PSD - Wednesday
• Presentation equipment must be connected
and verified as working by Tuesday 3:10 PM
• All Science rooms and Room 27:
– Projector & ELMO connected/tested, speakers
connected, projector remote left beside keyboard.
• Rooms 18, 20, 30/31, 32/33, 39, 40, 41, 44/45, 41, 47:
– Projector & ELMO connected/tested, speakers
connected. Presentation Remote secured off cart.
– Walls will be opened in 31/32, 32/33, 44/45.
Circulating Equipment
• AV Equipment Reservations Excel sheet on
Shared drive in Tech Resources
Flip Cams - borrow a single or a set of 5
Digital cameras/Camcorder, SD Card reader
Computer Microphones, Microphone Headsets (18)
Audio Headset
VCR/DVD players w/cables for connection to projector
CD Boombox, Audio Cassette Player, Listening Station
Student Response Systems
SRS Reservations Excel sheet
on Shared drive in Tech Resources
• Turning Point (2 sets)
• ActivExpressions (4 sets/1 Special Ed set)
– Professional Development needed for ActivInspire software and
ActivExpressions SRS.
– School-based PD from OIT will be offered; 3 weekly sessions
beginning in September. BCPS Inservice course/workshops and
Promethean Planet online courses are also available.
– ActivExpressions Resource Wiki and PLC will be created.
Computer Lab, Mobile Lab, and
Library Reservations
• Reservations sheets on Shared drive in Library Media
Center & Computer Labs folder.
• Reservations available AFTER students get Computer
ID Cards and Technology/Library Orientation or
Review in the Library.
• Kelly & Siobhan will develop a schedule for rotating Math
classes in Lab 59.
• Kelly will notify Math & Reading/Language Arts teachers
when students have been added to Study Island.
Edline & EGP Web
• Hold off on setting up Gradebooks for the new
school year until Tuesday.
– Instructions & Help Session will be provided.
• See Edline Teacher Resources page on the
General’s Help Desk for info on adding resources to
Class Pages and posting Homework assignments on
Class Calendars.
– Use course prefixes for all Class Calendar postings.
– Do not post school-wide calendar items on Class Calendars.
Outlook Email Distribution Lists
• You will receive an email from Kelly today with the
GJSMS Plus 2012-13 school-wide distribution list
and Emergency 2012-13 list for Outlook Contacts.
– Use GJSMS Plus 2012-13 ONLY for email pertaining to
– Use Homeroom Teachers, Grade Level, Department,
& Committee distribution lists for specific groups.
– Use Emergency distribution list to report class status in
event of Emergency Lockdown; directions under NOTES
button in the list.
Tech Support requests this week:
• Leave Kelly a note on pad
outside the Library Office.
• Email Kelly or another Tech
Support Team member.
– Go to the General’s Help Desk
under Faculty & Staff in Edline
for Tech Support Team contact info.