INFINITE OPTIONS • How to pick, where to start? IT’S NOT ALL ABOUT TECHNOLOGY: • Studies show that 21st Century Learners want a moderate amount of technology integrated into courses. • Too little technology in courses risks losing the power that technology has to [help students]; too much technology risks losing interaction with the instructor.” Adaptado del artículo de Michael Rodgers and David Starrett National Teaching and Learning Forum Newsletter, Volume 14, Number 5 © Copyright 1996-2005 • How do we choose what to do with technology? • If you are a digital immigrant, start small. • Try one new activity and use one new tool. • Remember TPACK. Advantages of using technology. • • • • • • Repetition, computers never get tired Authentic materials Need for multiliteracy, we live in a digital world. How is literacy different now than 30 years ago? P. 456, students need tech for Creativity, communication, research and info. fluency, critical thinking, digital citizenship, tech operations and concepts. WEB 2.0 – A NATIVE SPEAKER AT EVERY PC (OR MAC, OR IPHONE, OR ANDROID, BLACKBERRY, IPAD, ETC. ETC. ETC. :) Good use of tech. = Good use of pedagogy • How will the use of tech help students learn aspects of the language in meaningful contexts? • Which of the 5 c’s will this use of this tool help students to improve in? And, which mode of communication does this technology emphasize? • What process will learners experience in using the technology and associated materials? • What will this tool cost in terms of time, planning, supplies, and equipment? If the cost seems high, can you think of alternatives that would bring the cost down? • Is this the best way to accomplish the objectives of instruction and to meet the needs of students? • P. 455, slightly modified. Is this a good use of technology? • Russian students go to a computer lab. Then call each other using Skype to have long conversations in Russian. • Technologies used in education were generally created for other purposes. Therefore, a given technology, is usually best used in ways that mirror its original purpose. • A given use of technology in language teaching should improve upon or at least be equal to other techniques using no or low technology. Is this a good use of technology? • Students create a website with lots of pictures of their favorite French singer and write about them, mostly in English. • Within reason, technology can be used simply for the purpose of increasing motivation and interest among students as long as the other principles are not violated. • A given use of technology should stem from the teacher’s overall goals for students’ outcomes. Is this a good use of technology? • A teacher asks students to get online with a native speaker. They are to read a written dialogue out loud from the class textbook. • A given use of technology should stem from the teacher’s overall goals for students’ outcomes. • Technologies used in education were generally created for other purposes. Therefore, a given technology, is usually best used in ways that mirror its original purpose.