EDIT 5340 Dr. Dave Stamper Syllabus University Mission: Wayland Baptist University exists to educate students in an academically challenging and distinctively Christian environment for professional success, lifelong learning and service to God and humankind .************************************************************************ Course: EDIT 5340 Title: Adv Desktop Publishing and Digital Graphics Instructor: Dr. Dave Stamper 210-916-3745 (during day) after 6:00 PM (210) 670-0564 cell 210-332-3484 (emergency only) Email Primary Wayland email Dave_Stamper@sbcglobal.net David.stamper@wayland.wbu.edu Class hours: Scheduled via email/IM or by phone call (see below for more on assistance) Room: Online All Assignments posted online http://virtualcampus.wbu.edu/ Catalog description Skill building in how to use and teach desktop publishing and digital graphics, to instruct, solve problems, and communicate course content based upon the TEKS. Further, this course is designed to extend the students’(p prospective educators/trainers, instructors, teachers, parents, administrators, counselors, supervisors, and specialists of all kinds) basic knowledge of and to continue to build skill in word processing, spreadsheets, and multimedia presentations. The goal of the course is to enhance the students’ delivery of effective instruction, communication skill, ethical practices and decision-making concerning use of electronic information for diverse audiences. Prerequisite: COSL 1300 or EDIT 2310/or Instructor Permission Course Objectives: The student will: Become familiar with the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills, TEKS, for desktop publishing and digital graphics Become familiar with MS Publisher 2007and other software by completing textbook skill building activities and projects (Outlook, Word/Publisher applications and MediaPowerPoint + Animation) Become familiar with media software by completing a tutorial and projects Discuss copyright laws/issues and model ethical acquisition and use of digital information, citing sources using established methods Demonstrate proper etiquette and knowledge of acceptable use policies when using networks, especially resources on the Internet Extend the learning environment beyond the classroom through the creation and sharing of desktop publishing products for a variety of audiences and purposes. Evaluate technology products for design, content delivery, purpose, and audience using MS products and the established criteria. EDIT 5340 SPRING 2011 Page 1 Resources: Textbook: Microsoft Office 2007 PUBLISHER 2007: COMPLETE CONCEPTS AND TECHNIQUES SHELLY CASHMAN SERIES, COURSE TECHNOLOGY, CENGAGE LEARNING Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) Technology Applications BLACKBOARD: Lesson Notes, Support Documents Periodical Resources available through the Internet- LRC-Virtual Internet Computer lab resources available through Wayland Baptist University ISBN 13-978-4188-4349/ 10-4188-4349-0 SOFTWARE: MS PUBLISHER 2007 OR 2010, POWER POINT 2007, GRAPHIC EDITOR: PAINT OR PHOTOSHOP Requirements: Complete weekly online assignments/project – Online work/projects are assigned on Monday of each week and are normally due by NLT Sunday (midnight) of the following week ALL ASSIGNMENTS ARE DUE SUNDAY, NLT THAN MIDNIGHT PRIOR TO START OF THE WEEK. For example, Exercise #1 has start date of Monday, Exercise is due Sunday prior! Complete two original projects – Newsletter format/PowerPoint with animation Complete exam(s) Evaluation: Course grade will be determined by using the following point system: Rubric Exams (online-Blackboard) Educational Resume + PPT Artifact (#1) Digital Media Exercises (#2-5 @ 50 pts) Print Media Exercises (#6-9) - Club Flyer# 6 - One-page newsletter #7 - Two-page newsletter #8 - Three-page integrated #9 Newsletter Final Project Complete #10 Announcement & Feedback Total Possible points Percent 20% 10% 20% 27.5% 50 pts 75 pts 75 pts 75 pts 20% 2.5% 100% Points 200 100 200 275 200 25 1,000 points Online Assessment/WBU Blackboard (more to follow) Exam 1 Exam 2 Digital Media Exercises Point System: Resume Artifact Part II Digital Graphic (Using Clipart) Exercise 2 Graphic (Photodownload from Web & PowerPoint) Development Exercise 3 Graphic- Chart-Send from Excel to PowerPoint Then Save Exercise 4 Digital Still from Digital Camera Total Possible pts 100 pts 100 pts 50 pts 50 pts 50 pts 50 pts 50 pts 250 pts EDIT 5340 SPRING 2011 Page 2 DIGITAL DEVELOPMENT MEDIA DEVELOPMENT Due Class 2 Ex #1 Part II Artifact Due Class 5 Ex #5 Digital Photo Ex #2 Digital Graphics Digital Media Development Due date Class 5 Due date: Class 3 Due Class 4 Ex #3Digital Graphic Ex #4, Excel Print Media Exercises Point System: Resume Part I, Using either Word or Publisher Club Flyer Exercise 6 1-Page Newsletter Exercise 7 2-page NewsletterExercise 8 3-page Integrated Print & Graphics Exercise 9 Total Possible pts 50 pts 50 pts 75 pts 75 pts 75 pts 325 pts PRINT MEDIA AND DEVELOPMENT EXERCISES Due date: Class 6 Due date Class 11 Ex #6 Flyer Final Class Due date: Class 7 Ex #5 4-6 page newsletter Due date Class 9 Written Media Dev Ex #2 1 –Page Newsletter Due Date Class 8 Ex #4 3 page newsletter Ex #8 2-Page Newsletter EDIT 5340 SPRING 2011 Page 3 Blackboard Announcements/Online Examinations (25 points total) There will be a few announcements in Blackboard that you will have specific instructions to respond back to my email address. In addition, there are two online examinations, 20 multiple choice questions (60 minutes, max) with directions on how to submit over the following areas: Test One: Lesson notes on Computer Essentials, Desktop Publishing in General and Textbook Chapter 1 Test Two: Textbook Chapters:2,3,4, & 6 There are also two test reviews under lesson notes to focus your attention on details cover in exams! Final Newsletter Project (200 points total) Under “Assignments”, the instructions for this one will be under Exercise 10. University Grading System: A 900-1000 B C D F 800-899 700-799 600-690 below 600 Cr NCR I W X IP For Credit* No Credit Incomplete** Withdrawal No grade given In Progress * A grade of CR indicates that credit in semester hours was granted but no grade or grade pts were recorded. **A grade of incomplete is changed if the deficiency is made up by the end of the next regular semester; otherwise, it becomes F. This grade is given only if circumstances beyond the student’s control prevented completion of work during the semester enrolled and attendance requirements have been met. In Blackboard, each electronic assignment is explained in detail. Once you have completed all tasks (use the grade sheet as a reference), you will attach the exercise, then email them to me by the due date listed on the schedule. Each exercise has a grade sheet which you will also include. I will then let you know by sending my Excel grade sheet back to you as you complete the exercise. To facilitate access online through WBU’s blackboard, I have developed a Power Point, that I can attach to an email which has instructions on how to access the system. At any point if you have questions, please let me know and I will answer via email, or telephone. Attendance Policy: Students are expected to make class attendance with punctuality a priority. More than 25% of class time missed will result in a grade of F. Students are encouraged to communicate promptly with the professor and/or classmates in case of an unavoidable absence in order to keep pace with the requirements of the course. Absences due to school activities require advance notice from the student and school sponsor. Percentage pts will be deducted from the final accumulation of pts for each unexplained or inexcusable absence. An example of an unexcused absence is oversleeping. You are training to be a professional. If you wouldn’t use the excuse for your boss/principal, don’t use it as excuse for your absence from this class. You will never be better as a teacher than you are a student. EDIT 5340 SPRING 2011 Page 4 Note: Any student who, because of a disabling condition, may require some special arrangement in order to meet course requirements should contact the instructor as soon as possible to make necessary accommodations. Plagiarism “Plagiarism — The attempt to represent the work of another, as it may relate to written or oral works, computer-based work, mode of creative expression (i.e. music, media or the visual arts), as the product of one's own thought, whether the other's work is published or unpublished, or simply the work of a fellow student. When a student submits oral or written work for credit that includes the words, ideas, or data of others, the source of that information must be acknowledged through complete, accurate, and specific references, and, if verbatim statements are included, through use of quotation marks as well. By placing one’s name on work submitted for credit, the student certifies the originality of all work not otherwise identified by appropriate acknowledgements. A student will avoid being charged with plagiarism if there is an acknowledgement of indebtedness. Examples include: 1. Quoting another person's actual words. 2. Using another person's idea, opinion, or theory, even if it is completely paraphrased in one's own words. 3. Drawing upon facts, statistics, or other illustrative materials — unless the information is common knowledge. 4. Submitting a paper purchased from a term paper service as one's own work. 5. Failing to accurately document information or wording obtained on the World Wide Web. 6. Submitting anyone else's paper as one's own work. 7. Violating federal copyright laws, including unauthorized duplication and/or distribution of copyrighted material. 8. Offering, giving, receiving or soliciting of any materials, items or services of value to gain academic advantages for yourself or another.” Additional help/assistance Voicemail: HM:210-670-0564 (only call this after 6:00 PM), Work: 210-916-5958, Email: david.stamper@wayland.wbu.edu or dave_stamper@sbcglobal.net. Check for Lesson Notes on WBU Blackboard/Virtual Campus. EDIT 5340 SPRING 2011 Page 5 EDIT 5340, SPRING 2011 Projected WEEK BY WEEK RUN-DOWN FEB 21 – MAY 14, 2011 NOTE: ALL ASSIGNMENTS ARE DUE ON SUNDAY PRIOR TO CLASS WEEK BY NLT MIDNIGHT! WEEK # Tasks and Homework 121 FEB Blackboard Lesson Notes**: ADD LESSON NOTES HERE 228 FEB Exercise #1 RESUME (Part I & II)Turn-In (Due Sunday NLT Midnight) Blackboard Lesson Notes**: Pre- Web Expression (Browser + Email) HOMEWORK: READING: CHAPTER TWO: PUB 73-144 & CHAPTER THREE: PUB 145-PUB 224 3 6 MAR Exercise #2 Digital Graphic Turn In Blackboard Lesson Notes**: ADD LESSON HOMEWORK: READING CHAPTER THREE: PUB 225-234, CHAPTER FOUR: “USING TABLES PUB 286-295, APPENDIX A, PROJECT PLANNING GUIDELINES: APP1 – APP3 SPR BRK 13 -19 March 2011 WAYLAND BAPTIST UNIVERSITY SPRING BREAK 4 20 MAR Exercise #3 Digital Graphic Turn-In Review for Test 1 (Book chapter(s) + BLACKBOARD Lesson Notes Blackboard Lesson Notes**: add lesson notes 20-31 MAR TEST 1 Test One availability: SUNDAY Mar 20 (7:00 AM) – Thursday, March 31 (11:59 PM) Test 1 (Expression: C1+ Lesson Notes) Note: All tests are online. They are multiple choice format. 20 Questions, you will have 60 minutes (average 3 minutes per question). Recommend you complete the test review prior to attempting the test. Once you submit the answer, you cannot go back. 5 27 Mar Exercise #4/Exercise 5 Digital Graphic, Turn-In Blackboard Lesson Notes**: add reading HOMEWORK: READING: CHAPTER SIX: CREATING AN INTERACTIVE WEB SITE, PUB 385417, “Embedding an Excel Worksheet in Publisher Publication, 470-480. 6 3 Apr Ex #6Flyer Turn In Blackboard Lesson Notes**: HOMEWORK: READING: CHAPTER SIX: CREATING AN INTERACTIVE WEB SITE, “HOT SPOTS – PUB 439-441,. 7 10 APR Exercise 7: 1 Page Newsletter TURN IN Blackboard Lesson Notes**: add new notes HOMEWORK: READING: CHAPTER SIX: INTEGRATION FEATURE, HTML CODE FRAGMENTS – PUB 441--445 8 17 APR Ex#8: Two-Page Newsletter Blackboard Lesson Notes add new notes Review for Test 2 (book + Lesson Notes) HOMEWORK: READING CHAPTER ONE: PUB1 –PUB72, CHAPTER FOUR: “EDITING GRAPHICS - PUB 260-268, “EDITING AUTOSHAPES – 268-279 EDIT 5340 SPRING 2011 Page 6 WEEK # APR 17-25TH TEST 2 Tasks and Homework - continued Test Two availability: SUNDAY APRIL 17TH TO MONDAY APR 25TH (11:59 PM) Test 2 (Book + Lesson Notes Multimedia) Note: All tests are online. They are multiple choice format. 20 Questions, you will have 60minutes (average 3 minutes per question). Recommend you complete the test review prior to attempting the test. Once you submit the answer, you cannot go back. 9 APR 24TH Turn in Ex #9 Three-page Integrated 10 2 MAY Work on your final newsletter 11 9 MAY LAST WEEK TURN IN FINAL PROJECT (4-6 PAGE COMPLETE NEWSLETTER) ASSIGNMENTS (PRIOR TO MIDNIGHT) 28 FEB Exercise #1 Turn-In (Due Sunday NLT Midnight) 6 MAR Exercise #2 Digital Graphic Turn In 20 MAR Exercise #3 Turn IN 27 MAR Exercise #4, Turn-In Ex #5 Turn In Ex#6: FLYER Turn In Turn in Ex #7, 1-PAGER Turn in Ex #8, 2-PAGER Turn in Ex 9; 3-pager integrated TURN IN FINAL NEWSLETTER (#10) Project: 27 MAR 3 APR 10 APR 17 APR 24 APR 9 MAY DATE HOMEWORK/READING 21 FEB HOMEWORK: READING CHAPTER ONE: PUB1 –PUB72, CHAPTER FOUR: “EDITING GRAPHICS - PUB 260-268, “EDITING AUTOSHAPES – 268-279 HOMEWORK: READING: CHAPTER TWO: PUB 73-144 & CHAPTER THREE: PUB 145PUB 224 HOMEWORK: READING CHAPTER THREE: PUB 225-234, CHAPTER FOUR: “USING TABLES PUB 286-295, APPENDIX A, PROJECT PLANNING GUIDELINES: APP1 – APP3 HOMEWORK: READING: CHAPTER SIX: CREATING AN INTERACTIVE WEB SITE, PUB 385-417, “Embedding an Excel Worksheet in a Publisher Publication, PUB 470-480 HOMEWORK: READING: CHAPTER SIX: CREATING AN INTERACTIVE WEB SITE, “HOT SPOTS – PUB 439-441, HOMEWORK: READING: CHAPTER SIX: INTEGRATION FEATURE: HTML CODE FRAGMENTS – PUB 441--445 28 FEB 7 MAR 27 MAR 03 APR 10 APR EDIT 5340 SPRING 2011 Page 7