temperate deciduous forest - Naperville Community Unit School

• Latitude range anywhere from 23 ° north to 38 °
Bradley Woods, Cuyahoga County, OH
4 distinct seasons
Temperature 70s in summer
Temp just below freezing in winter
Average precipitation 30-60 inches/year
Biome’s short distance to oceans explains the
wide range in climate
Plant Adaptation
• Plants capture sunlight in summer through
• Lose leaves in winter to conserve water
• Absorbs food material in leaves before falling
Beech Tree
Evergreen Tree
Maple Tree
Animal Adaptations
• Blujays migrate to escape winter
• Bears hibernate during winter months
• Squirrels store large amounts of food
Soil and Chemical Cycling
• Soil generally very fertile
• Soil fertilized by falling leaves/decaying matter
• Wide variety of soil types
• Rich Loamy, Red Clay, Rocky, Sandy
• Water most often from
• Water high in nutrients
Economic Value
Crucial to timber business
Helps balance carbon dioxide levels
Helps check soil erosion
Provides animal products
Regulates earth’s temperature/water cycle
Human Disturbance
• Deforestation affects not only
trees but animals
• Animals hunted for fur
• Soil damaged from polluted
• "Deciduous Forest Biome." Blue Planet Biomes. Web. 19 Oct. 2009.
• "Deciduous Forest." Thurston High School Springfield Oregon. Web.
19 Oct. 2009.
• Miller, G. Tyler. Living in the environment principles, connections,
and solutions. Pacific Grove, CA: Thomson Brooks/Cole, 2005. Print.
• "Phosphorus in Surface Runoff from a Deciduous Forest -- Singer
and Rust 4 (3): 307 --." Journal of Environmental Quality. Web. 19
Oct. 2009.
Red Wolf
Canis rufus
Key Characteristics
• Location: - Temperate Deciduous Forests
- no longer in wild.
• Range: Pennsylvania to central Texas.
• Niche: -roam in small packs
- white tailed deer, raccoons, other
small mammals, insects, and berries.
- nocturnal, shy, complex social
• Habitat: - costal prairie and marsh areas
- between 10 and 100 square miles
Causes of Endangerment
• Loss of Habitat
-expansion of agriculture
-human settlement
• The hunting of wolves
• Mating of red wolves and
Level of Endangerment
• Status of red wolves is Endangered.
• Believed to be extinct in the wild.
• Current population is 300 captive animals
- zoos
- captive breeding facilities
- Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge in
North Carolina
- Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
• Restoration plans were
made in 1973
• Restoration began in 1987
• 1.7 million acres
• 20 packs with 41 pups
• Red Wolf Coalition
• "About the Red Wolf Coalition." The Red Wolf Coalition:
Columbia, NC. Web. Oct. 2009.
• "Red Wolf - Canis rufus - Defenders of Wildlife." Defenders
of Wildlife - Protection of endangered species, imperiled
species, habitats. Web. Oct. 2009.
• "Red Wolf Recovery Project." U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Home. Web. Oct. 2009.
• "Red Wolf." The Wild Ones. Web. Oct. 2009.
Endangered Species Act
Signed December 28, 1973
President Richard Nixon
93rd United States Congress
• Authorizes determination and listing of
endangered status
• Prohibits “tampering with” endangered species
• Authority to require land for conservation
• Establishes funds to support conservation
• Authorizes the assessment of penalties for
• Authorizes rewards to those who help lead to
• Administered by two federal agencies
-United States Fish and Wildlife Service
-National Oceanic and Atmospheric
• Both agencies have officers and headquarters
in the U.S. and around the world.
• Endangered Species Prevention Act of 1966
-listed endangered domestic fish and wildlife
-$15 million for habitat
• Amendment of 1969 – Endangered Species
Conservation Act
-to provide species that are endangered
-made importation and sale illegal
• Endangered Species Act of 1973
-Amendments in 1978, 1988, 1989, 1990
• Protects various endangered species in
Temperate Deciduous Forests
- Northern Hemisphere: red wolf, caribou,
elk, bison
- Southern Hemisphere: orange-bellied
parrot, grey goshawk, and scrubwren
"Endangered Species Act -." Wikipedia, the free
encyclopedia. Web. Oct. 2009.
"Endangered Species Act." The International
Parrotlet Society. Web. Oct. 2009.
"Office for Law Enforcement." NOAA :: National
Marine Fisheries Service. Web. Oct. 2009.