Course Requirements 12 New Paltz

English 12/SUNY New Paltz Credit
Tappan Zee High School
Course Description:
The first semester of 12R will provide you with the opportunity to become a more effective writer and critical
reader. Literature will concentrate on the themes of Challenges and Reflections. A significant emphasis will be
placed on writing personal essays to prepare those of you who will be writing college admissions essays. The
second quarter will conclude with a final portfolio in lieu of a midterm exam.
In the second semester of this course (Culture & Literature or Senior Seminar), you will complete a research paper
and at least one presentation.
Course Goals and Objectives:
By year’s end, students will demonstrate the ability to:
1. Write well in different rhetorical situations and modes, i.e., for different purposes, occasions, and
2. Understand and reflect on key concepts about writing and rhetoric (style, exigence, voice, invention, etc.).
3. Craft well-developed, well-organized, clear, and grammatical sentences, paragraphs, and essays.
4. Think and write as college students (reflecting, observing, explaining, comparing, summarizing,
synthesizing, analyzing, evaluating, and interpreting).
5. Approach writing as a process (planning, shaping, drafting, revising, and editing).
6. Critique one’s own writing and the writing of others through reflection on important concepts and issues in
composition studies.
7. Evaluate sources of information using criteria such as currency, authority, objectivity, accuracy, specificity,
and relevance.
8. Use information ethically and legally.
9. Develop oral presentation skills.
10. Develop computer and library information literacy skills.
Student Responsibilities:
1 Arrive on time and prepared for class each day.
2. Participate daily.
3. Maintain a class journal.
4. Take clear and organized notes each period.
5. Take care of texts issued to you.
6. Work effectively and respectfully with peer groups and teacher.
7. Seek help from your teacher as soon as you realize help is needed.
8. Follow the school rules.
9. Take responsibility for all missed work due to absence or lateness.
Statement on Academic Integrity:
“Students are expected to maintain the highest standards of honesty in their academic work. Cheating, forgery, and
plagiarism are serious offences, and students found guilty of any form of academic dishonesty are subject to
disciplinary action” (SUNY NP Faculty Handbook 33).
Plagiarism is the unacknowledged (intentional or unintentional) use of summary, paraphrase, direct quotation,
language, statistics, or ideas from articles or other information sources including the Internet. A student must cite
according to the Modern Language Association (MLA) format (which is outlined in the Simon and Schuster
Handbook and other locations).
We will read texts from the list provided below:
Blakesley, David and Jeffrey L. Hoogeveen. Writing: A Manual for the Digital Age.
The Composition Program Handbook: 2012-2013. SUNY New Paltz. Web.
The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer
Night by Elie Wiesel
The Body by Stephen King
Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer
Othello by William Shakespeare
A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams
Common Culture: Reading and Writing About American Pop Culture by Michael Petracca and Madeleine Sorapure
Selected short stories, poems, and essays including, but not limited to:
“Happy Endings” by Margaret Atwood
“Chicxulub” by T.C. Boyle
“Changing Roles of TV Fathers” by Jenna Goudreau
“How to Analyze Advertising” by Scott A. Lukas, PhD
“Journey” by Joyce Carol Oates
“The Journey” by Mary Oliver
“Can TV Improve Us?” by Jane Rosenzweig
“Family on Television” by Lynn Spigel
“Big Black Good Man” by Richard Wright
We will watch films from the list provided below:
Breakfast at Tiffany’s
The Breakfast Club
Do the Right Thing
Europa, Europa
The Godfather
Hotel Rwanda
Into the Wild
The Laramie Project
Little Miss Sunshine
Pan’s Laybrinth
The Pianist
The Princess Bride
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Raging Bull
Schindler’s List
The Shawshank Redemption
Slumdog Millionaire
Stand By Me
A Streetcar Named Desire
Toy Story 3
Course Assignments:
The following is subject to change depending on the instructor and needs of the class.
Personal essays
Two selections of the teacher’s choice from the list of texts above
Selected short stories, articles, and poems
Selected television shows, popular songs, and films
Journal responses
Diagnostic essay (timed)
Literary analysis
Personal narrative
Persuasive essay
Quarter Final Essay 1 (timed)
Final Exam essay (timed)
*Senior Portfolio (including requirements for SUNY New Paltz)
Research paper
Oral Presentations
* SUNY New Paltz Portfolio: To receive credit for SUNY New Paltz, your portfolio for the end of the first
semester will be reviewed by SUNY New Paltz instructors. It should include the following: 1. the diagnostic essay,
2. two revised essays from main class papers—all drafts (at least one an argument with MLA-style sources), 3.
Midterm timed essay exam, 4. Final exam essay, 5. A cover letter (final reflective statement explaining your writing
processes and progress towards writing goals throughout the course).
Your Quarter One grade will be based on:
Class participation and homework
Writing assignments, tests, quizzes, and projects
Your Quarter Two grade will be based on:
Class participation and homework
Senior Portfolio
Writing assignments, tests, quizzes, and projects
Your Quarter Three grade will be based on:
Class participation and homework
Writing assignments, tests, quizzes, and projects
Your Quarter Four grade will be based on:
Class participation and homework
Writing assignments, tests, quizzes, and projects
Your final grade for English will be based on:
English 12R quarter 1 average
English 12R quarter 2 average
English 12R quarter 3 average
English 12R quarter 4 average
Final Exam
Assignments are weighted according to their significance, and the amount of time allowed for each.
Class Participation includes all items listed under Student Responsibilities.
SUNY New Paltz Grade Scale:
93-100 = A
90-92.9 = A- 87-89.9 = B+
73-76.9 = C
70-72.9 = C- 60-69.9 = D
83-86.9 = B
80-82.9 = B59.9 or below = F
77-79.9 = C+
Policies Concerning Absence:
1. Any work previously assigned is due on the day you return. Any test previously assigned must be taken on the
day of your return. These tests must be made up during a study period, lunch, or after school. Extenuating
circumstances will be handled at the teacher’s discretion.
2. You are responsible for making up the class work and homework assigned during your absence. This work must
be made up and submitted within one week of your return. It is YOUR responsibility to find out exactly what
you have missed and to COMPLETE it without having to be reminded. When you are absent, call another
member of your class to get your assignments. When you return, be sure to check the absentee folder for missed
work. Failure to make up work within the allotted time will result in a zero for that assignment.
4. Any absences for school-related reasons (music lessons, field trips, appointments with the nurse, guidance
and/or another teacher) must be approved in advance.
Policies Concerning Late Work:
1. Homework will NOT be accepted late. If it’s not in class, it’s a zero. Extenuating circumstances will be
handled at the teacher’s discretion.
2. Essays and other assignments must be handed in on or before the due date. If you are in school, but miss English
on the date the assignment is due, you are still responsible for handing the assignment to your teacher on that day.
If you are absent on the date the assignment is due, the assignment must be handed in on the day you return.
Penalties: 5 Points will be deducted for each day the assignment is late.
Re-write policy: Any major written assignment may be re-written within a week of its return to you provided:
 the first draft was handed in on time
 you schedule a writing conference to discuss the revision with your teacher
 Copied or plagiarized work will result in a zero for all parties concerned.
 Work that is completed for another class CANNOT, under any circumstances, be turned in for credit in this
class. Any attempts to do so will be treated as plagiarism and will result in a zero.
 Talking or looking around during testing situations will result in a zero for all parties concerned.
Name: ___________________________________
Class Participation Grades
Participation grades will be given approximately every two weeks based on the following rubric.
69 and below
You are rarely late.
You are sometimes
You are frequently
You are very often
*Frequency of
Your hand is often
raised to participate.
Your hand is
sometimes raised to
participate and/or you
are able to contribute
when called on.
You do not volunteer
to contribute to the
class and/or are
unable to participate
when called on.
*Quality of
You make insightful,
meaningful, and/or
profound comments in
class discussion.
You make thoughtful
and relevant
comments in class
Preparation for
You bring all
necessary materials to
class every day. You
are ready to work
when the bell rings.
You are on task
during group, paired,
or individual work the
entire time
Your hand is rarely
raised to participate
and/or you are
sometimes able to
contribute when
called on.
You are able to offer
answers to some
questions, but rarely
provide insight
beyond objective
answers to the
questions posed.
You sometimes bring
necessary materials to
class and/or you are
only sometimes ready
when the bell rings.
You often need to be
reminded to stay on
task during group,
paired or individual
You sometimes listen
to your teacher and
classmates. You
sometimes treat
teacher(s) and
students with respect.
You rarely listen to
your teacher and
classmates. You
rarely demonstrate
respect towards
teacher(s) and
You rarely help other
students and/or the
teacher in order to
help things run
Work is often
submitted late or
incomplete; you often
fail to make up
missed work due to
absence or lateness.
Listening &
You always listen to
the teacher and
classmates. You
always treat
teacher(s) and
students with respect.
You almost always
bring necessary
materials to class.
You are ready to work
when the bell rings.
You complete group,
paired, or individual
work in the allotted
time and rarely need
to be reminded to stay
on task.
You almost always
listens to your teacher
and classmates. You
almost always treat
teacher(s) and
students with respect.
You always help other
students and/or the
teacher in order to
help things run
Work is always on
time; you always
make up any missed
work due to absence
or lateness without
being reminded.
You often help other
students and/or the
teacher in order to
help things run
Work is usually on
time; you usually
make up any missed
work due to absence
or lateness without
being reminded.
You sometimes help
other students and/or
the teacher in order to
help things run
Several assignments
have been submitted
late; you sometimes
fail to make up
missed work due to
absence or lateness.
** If you are late three or more times in a two-week period, you cannot score above a 70.
*These qualities are rated most heavily.
You rarely participate
and/or distract others
during discussion.
You frequently have
to ask to borrow
materials. You are
rarely ready to begin
when the bell rings.
You put forth
minimum effort
during group, paired,
or individual work
and are often off task.
Homework Grades
You will be graded on a scale from 1-3 for every homework assignment you complete. Please refer to this rubric. Keep in
mind that your answers do not have to be correct to receive full credit; you are given homework credit based on the level of
effort you put into the assignment. Homework should be completed independently and will be collected periodically to ensure
integrity. When working with a friend, please keep this in mind; use your own words and ideas. Working with a partner or
group doesn’t mean copying.
Any student caught plagiarizing will face disciplinary consequences, which may include suspension and/or denial from honor
Every couple of weeks, homework grades will be tallied and entered into Power School based on the number of assignments
that have been given. For example, if you received full credit on 10 assignments, you will receive a score of 30 out of 30.
Journals that are given as homework grades will be scored and entered separately. Journal scores are given out of 10 points.
ALL parts thoroughly completed
Uses quotes to support answers to
ALL parts completed, but not
Some, but not all parts completed
May include incomplete sentences
Answers are simple, one-word, silly,
or inappropriate
Most parts completed thoroughly, but
may have skipped or missed some of
the assignment
Shows effort and time spent on
Shows some effort and time to
complete assignment
Shows little to no effort or time to
complete assignment