Sophomore Transition Plans The sophomores have a special situation during the transition to semesters, in that we are using the opportunity to revamp the sophomore courses, combining the old ECE 205, 206, 209, 261, 301, and 351 into a year-long sequence with integrated lecture and lab. In the new sequence, the material is taught in a very different order, so it is vital for people in these courses to plan very carefully to make sure they don’t get delayed. Transition during 2011-2012 To ease the transition, the ECE department has piloted the new courses in 20102011 under the numbers ECE 294.01 ECE 294.02 and ECE 294. 03, and again in 20112012 under the numbers ECE 290. ECE 291, and ECE 292. During the last academic year on quarters, these new courses will be required for all ECE students unless they have already started the traditional sequence. Table 1 shows the relationship in the course materials between the old and new courses. Note that the new courses must be taken in the order shown. Table 1. Relationship between old and new courses. Traditional courses New sophomore courses (under quarters) ECE 261 and 206 ECE 294.01 (permanent number 290) ECE 351 ECE 294.02 (permanent number 291) ECE 205, 301, and 209 ECE 294.03 (permanent number 292) Special case: ECE 206 may be replaced ECE 270 for students who have already by… taken ECE 261. Further, the new courses use special equipment not used in the traditional courses. Therefore, students who need to move into the new sequence, either into 291 or 292, but who have already taken ECE 261, must take a self-guided transition lab course (ECE 270) before taking ECE 291 or 292. No exceptions. This is true whether you have taken ECE 206 or not, but if you have not taken 206, the transition lab will count as 206 for you. Students who have already taken some subset of ECE 205, 206, 209, 261, 301, and 351 should consult the tables below to see their options on how to complete the sophomore requirements. Table 2 shows the options for students who plan to complete their sophomore courses by the end of academic year 2011-2012. To use this table, find the row that corresponds to the courses you expect to have passed by the end of summer 2011. There will only be one row that applies to you. Then you see in the next column what courses you need to take to complete the requirements. In some cases there is more than one way to do it. In that case, you have your choice. Fill your remaining courses in the right hand column, then discuss it with an advisor. Note: Some of the traditional courses are being phased out during 2011-2012. Therefore, you should also consult Table 3 to make sure your courses are being offered when you expect. Electrical and Computer Engineering | 205 Dreese Laboratories | 2015 Neil Ave. | Columbus, OH 43210 8/24/11 Table 2. Sophomore transition plans for the 2011-2012 Academic Year. Category Integrated Sophomore Experience Courses Courses I will have passed as of Su’11 None 261 Remaining Courses needed 261, 206, 205, 301 205, 301, 209 261, 205, 301, 209 290, 291, 292 Opt. a) 270, 291, 292 Opt. b) 270, 205(lastAu11), 351(lastWi12)(lastWi12), 209(lastWi12), 291 Opt. c) 205(lastAu11), 206(lastAu11), 209(lastWi12), 351(lastWi12)(lastWi12), 351 Opt. a) 270, 291, 292 Opt. b) 270, 205(lastAu11), 209(lastWi12), 351(lastWi12)(lastWi12), 291 Opt. c) 205(lastAu11), 209(lastWi12), 351(lastWi12)(lastWi12), 351 Opt. a) 290, 209(lastWi12), 351(lastWi12)(lastWi12), 291 Opt. b) 290, 209(lastWi12), 351(lastWi12)(lastWi12), 351 Opt. a) 270, 209(lastWi12), 351(lastWi12)(lastWi12), 291 Opt. b) 206(lastAu11), 351, 351(lastWi12)(lastWi12), 209(lastWi12) Opt. a) 270, 351(lastWi12)(lastWi12), 209(lastWi12), 291 Opt. b) 351, 351(lastWi12)(lastWi12), 209(lastWi12) 351(lastWi12)(lastWi12), 209(lastWi12), 290 206(lastAu11), 351(lastWi12)(lastWi12), 209(lastWi12) 351(lastWi12)(lastWi12), 209(lastWi12) Opt. a) 209(lastWi12), 290, 291 Opt. b) 209(lastWi12), 290, 351 Opt. a) 351, 209(lastWi12), 270 Opt. b) 351, 209(lastWi12), 206(lastAu11) 351, 209(lastWi12) 351, 290 206(lastAu11), 351 261, 206, 205, 301, 209 205, 351, 301 261, 205, 351, 301 261, 206, 205, 351, 301 205, 351, 301, 209 261, 205, 351, 301, 209 261, 206, 205, 351, 301, 209 351 209(lastWi12), 290 206(lastAu11), 209(lastWi12) 209(lastWi12) 290 206(lastAu11) None 261, 206 205 261, 205 261, 206, 205 205, 351 261, 205, 351 261, 206, 205, 351 205, 301 261, 205, 301 What I need to take The following are unusual cases 205, 209 261, 205, 209 261, 206, 205, 209 206, 205, 209 351, 351(lastWi12)(lastWi12), 290 351, 351(lastWi12)(lastWi12), 270 351, 351(lastWi12)(lastWi12) 351, 351(lastWi12)(lastWi12), 290 Table 3. Transition plan and quarters of offering, for students in the middle of the sophomore classes. Electrical and Computer Engineering | 205 Dreese Laboratories | 2015 Neil Ave. | Columbus, OH 43210 8/24/11 Electrical and Computer Engineering | 205 Dreese Laboratories | 2015 Neil Ave. | Columbus, OH 43210 8/24/11 Completing the transition during 2012-2013 While we recommend that all sophomores complete the transition during 20112012, we recognize that may not be possible, due to co-ops, internships, leaves of absence, or other circumstances. This section describes the transition plan for students who are partway through the sophomore classes when we start semesters. The sophomore sequence under semesters will consist of two semester courses, ECE 2000 and ECE 2100. They also have integrated labs. The equivalency of these courses is shown in Table Integrated Sophomore Experience Courses: 2012-2013 academic year4. Table 4. Equivalency of semester courses. Traditional New (under quarters) 261, 206, and half of 351 290 and half of 291 Second half of 351, 205, and Second half of 291 and all of 301 292 New (under semesters) 2000 2100 Since most students should have transitioned into or started the 294.0X series, we expect most students to transition according to Table 5. Table 5. Most students completing the sophomore courses during semesters should transition according to this table Category Courses I will Remaining Courses What I have passed as of Sp’12 needed need to take Integrated None 2000, 2100 Sophomore 290 (294.01) 2000.03, 2100 Experience 290, 291 2100.02 Courses (294.01, 294.02) 290,291, 292 None (294.01, 294.02, 294.03) For students who have taken at least one, but not all, of the courses in this set {261, 206, 205, 351, 301, 209}, and who did not complete their sophomore course transition during the 2011-2012 academic year, they will transition according to Table 6. Here, there are a number of transition courses that will be offered under semesters. They consist of attending ECE 2000 or 2100 during specified weeks to get the material that the student has not completed. The transition courses have decimal numbers after them. As in the previous table, there should be one and only one row that applies to you. It is best to avoid being in Table 6 if possible. The reason is as follows: ECE 2000 and 2100 have integrated labs. Therefore, you must take the lab part of the course as well as the lecture part. The labs, however, build on the labs from the earlier parts of the courses, therefore even if you join the sophomore sequence in the middle, you must complete the entire year’s worth of labs. In other words, if you plan to join ECE 2100 somewhere in the middle by taking a transition course, you have to have already completed all the labs before that, even if you do not need the associated lectures. There are transition labs that allow you to do this, but they are less efficient than the plan for completing these six courses during the 2011-2012 academic year and increase the risk you may be delayed to graduation. Electrical and Computer Engineering | 205 Dreese Laboratories | 2015 Neil Ave. | Columbus, OH 43210 8/24/11 Table 6. Transition plans for students partway through traditional sophomore courses when semesters begin. Integrated Sophomore Experience Courses Courses I will have passed as of Sp’12 Remaining Courses needed 205 2000, 2100.04, 2100.06, 2100.07 205, 209 (consider doing 2000, 2100; particularly if it has been a long time since 205 was taken) 205, 301 205, 301, 209 205, 351, 301 205, 351 205, 351, 209 205, 351, 301, 209 205, 301, 290 205, 301, 290, 209 205, 290 205, 290, 209 261, 205, 270 261, 205, 270, 209 261, 206, 205, 270 261, 206, 205, 270, 209 261 261, 206 261, 270 261, 206, 270 261, 205 261, 205, 209 261, 206, 205 261, 206, 205, 209 2000, 2100.04, 2100.07 2000, 2100.01 2000, 2100.07 261, 205, 301 261, 206, 205, 301 261, 205, 301, 209 261, 206, 205, 301, 209 261, 205, 351 261, 205, 351, 209 261, 206, 205, 351 261, 206, 205, 351, 209 261, 205, 351, 301 261, 206, 205, 351, 301 261, 205, 351, 301, 209 205, 351, 290 205, 351, 290, 209 261, 270, 291 261, 206, 270, 291 205, 290, 291 205, 209, 290, 291 261, 205, 270, 291 261, 205, 270, 291, 209 261, 206, 205, 270, 291 261, 206, 205, 270, 291, 209 205, 351, 301, 290 What I need to take 2000.02, 2000.08, 2100.05, 2100.07 2000.02 2000.03, 2100.04, 2100.07 2000.03, 2100.01 2000.03, 2100.04, 2100.06, 2100.07 (consider doing 2000.03, 2100; particularly if it has been a long time since 205 was taken) 2000.03, 2000.07, 2100 2000.03, 2100 2000.03, 2000.07, 2100.04, 2100.06, 2100.07 (consider doing 2000.03, 2000.07, 2100; particularly if it has been a long time since 205 was taken) 2000.03, 2000.07, 2100.04, 2100.07 2000.03, 2000.07, 2100.01 2000.07, 2000.08, 2100.06, 2100.07 2000.07, 2100.07 2000.07 2000.08, 2100.05, 2100.07 2100.02 2100.06, 2100.08 2100.07 Electrical and Computer Engineering | 205 Dreese Laboratories | 2015 Neil Ave. | Columbus, OH 43210 8/24/11 Appendix 1. Philosophy for sophomore Q2S transition plan A student completing any of the following courses has fulfilled the requirement of taking ECE 206: 290, 294.01, 270, 2000, 2000.02, 2000.07 A student must complete the lab portion of ECE 2100 in its entirety to be considered to meet the requirements of ECE 209. The table below shows possible combinations. A student taking any of the lectures associated with 2000 and 2100 must take the corresponding lab. This is because courses rely on the labs to reinforce the learning of the material. A student taking any of the courses 2000.0X and 2100.0X must have completed all the labs preceding the course in question. This is because the labs rely on previous labs. Quarter course ECE 206 ECE 261 ECE 205 ECE 301 ECE 351 ECE 209 Ways to fulfill requirement 290, 294.01, 270, 2000, 2000.02, or 2000.07 290, 294.01, 2000, or 2000.02 292, 292, 2100, 2100.02, or 2100.05 292, 292, 2100, 2100.02, 2100.03, 2100.05, or 2100.06 291 or 294.02, or 2000+2100, or 2000.03+(2100 or 2100.01 or 2100.04) 291 (294.02) and (292)2 94.03 291 (294.02) and (2100.02 or 2100.08) 2100 2100.01+(2100.02 or 2100.08) 2100.07 Electrical and Computer Engineering | 205 Dreese Laboratories | 2015 Neil Ave. | Columbus, OH 43210 8/24/11