
Research Methods
Research Methods
Graded Assignment Requirements
This document includes all of the assignment requirements for the graded assignments in this course.
Your instructor will provide the details about when each assignment is due.
Research Methods
Unit 1 Assignment 1
Compare and Contrast Scientific Inquiry with Everyday Assumptions
Write a one-page paper displaying your understanding of the difference between scientific inquiry versus
everyday assumptions and the way claims are made based on these two different approaches. Provide at
least one example for each.
While reviewing your notes for the Unit 1 class discussion, spend a couple of minutes summarizing your
understanding of the difference between scientific inquiry and everyday assumptions. Then, write a one
page paper displaying your understanding of these differences. It may help to pretend that a friend or
family member asked you to explain this to them. How would you explain to a friend or family member the
difference between scientific inquiry and everyday assumptions? As many of us learn from examples, be
sure to provide one example of learning through scientific inquiry, and one example of learning through
everyday assumptions.
Deliverables and Format
Remember to:
Submit your answer in a Microsoft Word document as a one page paper.
Font: Times New Roman; 12 pt.
Line Spacing: Double
Did you write a summary that displays your understanding of the difference between scientific
inquiry and everyday assumptions?
Did you provide one example of learning through scientific inquiry?
Did you provide one example of learning through everyday assumptions?
Did you meet the full one-page requirement?
Research Methods
Unit 1 Assignment 2
WebQuest and Peer Review
Use the following information to use a WebQuest approach to search specific websites for definitions and
examples of each of the key terms.
Definition of a WebQuest: A WebQuest is a scaffolded learning structure that uses links to
essential resources on the World Wide Web and an authentic task to motivate students’
investigation of a central, open-ended question, development of individual expertise, and
participation in a final group process that attempts to transform newly acquired information into a
more sophisticated understanding. The best WebQuests do this in a way that inspires students to
see richer thematic relationships, facilitate a contribution to the real world of learning, and reflect
on their own metacognitive processes. March, T. (2011). What WebQuests Are (Really).
Retrieved from:
Explore Like any site, it may seem a little confusing at
first. Just take some time to get used to it, and enjoy exploring and moving around the site.
Explore it as you would if you just bought the latest and greatest cell phone, and allow your
interest in the topics to evolve as you become immersed in the content.
Student Requirements: In a one- to two-page paper, choose two main topics covered by the site
that you found helpful. Explain why you found these topics to be helpful, and how you think these
topics may be helpful to others (consider that these recommendations may be different from your
own needs).
Complete the rubric handout provided by your instructor and bring it to class. You are required to
provide substantive feedback to one classmate using the rubric. One purpose of this activity is to
reinforce learning by providing feedback to other students. Guidelines of how to appropriately
provide constructive feedback are provided in the rubric. This assignment will be graded by the
Deliverables and Format
Remember to:
Research Methods
Submit your answer in a Microsoft Word document as a one to two-page paper.
Font: Times New Roman; 12 pt.
Line Spacing: Double
Did you set aside a sufficient amount of time to explore the website
Did you choose two main topics that you found helpful?
Did you explain why you found these topics helpful?
Do you explain why you think these topics may be helpful to others?
Did you provide substantive feedback to a classmate’s assignment using the rubric?
Did you meet the full one to two-page requirement?
Research Methods
Unit 2 Assignment 1
Peer-Reviewed Article Analysis
In class, you took a brief walkthrough of various sections of the peer-reviewed article: Lecture
Absenteeism, including:
Overview/Literature Review
Purpose of the research
Method (data collection/analysis)
Implications for future research
Knowing how to read these studies will prepare you for the opportunity to seek out and analyze your own
peer-reviewed studies in preparation for creating your course research paper.
This assignment will provide you with a head start on considering and choosing your research topic for
your final research paper.
Review the peer-reviewed article: Lecture Absenteeism (provided by your instructor).
Explain the social research issue and the findings of the article in 3-4 paragraphs, using the
guiding questions below.
How did this article provide more insight into the social phenomenon than you might
gather by just guessing?
How did this article provide more insight into the social phenomenon than you might
gather by your own experience?
Make sure that your submission includes proper citations. Your submission must also include the
reference for the article in the proper APA format.
Deliverables and Format
Remember to:
Research Methods
Properly cite and reference your source(s) using APA format.
Submit your answer in a Microsoft Word document as a one to two-page paper (3-4 paragraphs).
Font: Times New Roman; 12 pt.
Line Spacing: Double
Did you spend a sufficient amount of time reviewing the article, so that you understand the
research issue and findings?
Did you explain how the article provides more insight into the social phenomenon than you might
gather simply by guessing?
Did you explain how the article provides more insight into the social phenomenon than you might
gather through your own experience?
Did you properly cite and reference the article using proper APA format?
Did you meet the full requirement of 3-4 paragraphs?
Research Methods
Unit 2 Assignment 2
Differentiating Qualitative from Quantitative Studies
It is important to be able to explain the differences between quantitative and qualitative research. Your
final research paper will be qualitative research, and it is best to understand the difference as you begin
to formulate your final research paper topic early on in the quarter.
Using the ITT Tech Virtual Library or other valid research resources and websites, such as Google
Scholar, locate two studies (one qualitative and one quantitative). Submit a one to two-page paper
comparing the quantitative and qualitative studies. Be sure to discuss data collection methods, data
analysis methods, and the role of variables, hypothesis, etc. Be sure to properly cite and reference each
article using APA format.
Deliverables and Format
Remember to:
Properly cite and reference your source(s) using APA format.
Submit your answer in a Microsoft Word document as a one to two-page paper.
Font: Times New Roman; 12 pt.
Line Spacing: Double
Did you locate one scholarly qualitative research article?
Did you locate one scholarly quantitative research article?
Did you compare and contrast the qualitative and quantitative nature of the articles?
Did you discuss the following:
Data collection methods
Data analysis methods
Role of variables
Role of hypothesis
Did you properly cite and reference the articles using proper APA format?
Did you meet the full requirement of one to two pages?
Research Methods
Unit 2 Assignment 3
Reviewing Research Videos
Use YouTube or another video-sharing site that includes videos that teach about qualitative research and
the differences between qualitative and quantitative research.
Search the site you have chosen and find three relevant videos.
Write a half-page summary of each of the three videos you chose to watch. (1 ½ pages total)
Write a half-page proposal (for each video) for what you would do to change how the principles
were taught to make the information clearer/easier to understand (or even more creative or fun to
learn!). (1 ½ pages total)
Be sure to focus not on the technical aspects of the videos, but rather their content in regards to
qualitative and quantitative research.
You must properly cite videos using APA format for online resources. Demonstrate the most
current approach to APA citing for online resources.
Deliverables and Format
Remember to:
Properly cite and reference your source(s) using APA format.
Submit your answer in a Microsoft Word document as a one to two-page paper.
Font: Times New Roman; 12 pt.
Line Spacing: Double
Did you write a full half-page summary for each of the three videos?
Did you write a full half-page proposal for each of the three videos?
Did you focus on the content rather than technical aspects of the videos?
Did you properly cite and reference the article using proper APA format?
Did you meet the full requirement of three pages?
Research Methods
Unit 3 Research Paper 1
Research Question Peer Review
This peer review session will provide you with a chance to apply your knowledge to a variety of research
questions. It will also provide you with clarification and varying perspectives that you can then apply to
your Unit 3 homework assignment.
Engage with a fellow student in a peer-review session for your initial research idea. Submit a peer review
of your research question, along with a completed quantitative vs. qualitative comparison chart for that
research question (handouts will be provided by your instructor). Along with instructor assistance, the
peer review will determine the appropriateness, feasibility, and qualitative nature of the research question.
During the peer-review session, discuss potential ethical issues that may arise based on that area of
research. Be sure to submit your completed rubric review of your peer’s research question. These will be
collected by instructor during class, and a few will be discussed as a class.
Deliverables and Format
Remember to:
Use the handout provided by your instructor to complete the peer review session
Did you utilize your notes and the course text to provide substantive feedback to your peer on his
or her research question?
Did you provide justification for your suggestions during the peer review session?
Research Methods
Unit 3 Research Paper 2
Research Proposal Justification
Using the feedback you received from your class and instructor during the peer review session, you will
submit a one- to two-page document containing your research question (stated in one concise sentence
as a question). This activity will provide you with clarification on the qualitative nature of your research
question, the feasibility of your study, relevant APA ethical codes that must be considered for your
research proposal, and how your study will fill gaps in current research.
1. In the beginning of your assignment, state your research question in one concise sentence.
2. Provide justification for the feasibility and qualitative nature of your research proposal.
3. Provide specific APA ethical codes (with their respective code numbers) that might have
implications on your proposed research.
4. Explain how your research question might fill in gaps in current research.
Deliverables and Format
Remember to:
Properly cite and reference your source(s) using APA format.
Submit your answer in a Microsoft Word document as a one to two-page paper.
Font: Times New Roman; 12 pt.
Line Spacing: Double
Did you clearly and concisely write your research question in the beginning of your document?
Did you provide justification and explain the feasibility of your study?
Did you explain how your research question will add to what is currently known about the topic?
Did you properly cite specific APA ethical codes and how they might pertain to your study?
Did you meet the full requirement of one-to-two pages?
Research Methods
Unit 4 Research Paper 1
Research Question Peer Review
Exposure to the references and websites in this activity will also reduce some of the fear that may be
associated with such a new and challenging topic.
The literature review can be a confusing part of the research process for some individuals. A careful look
at these references can provide clarification and even confidence with the literature review process. Many
students have not practiced the necessary search skills through the virtual library and may instead try to
rely solely on the Internet for their searches. This can lead to frustration for both instructors and students,
as this can be a waste of valuable time. Ensuring that you understand the difference between scholarly
and non-scholarly references is vital. Using appropriate resources from the beginning prevents students
from falling behind and becoming frustrated.
Your instructor will provide you with a variety of activity sources and other valuable sources that can aid in
your understanding of conducting a proper literature review (some examples are provided below).
Activity Sources:
The Literature Review: What is it and why do it?
Critically Analyzing Information Sources by Cornell University Library
Literature Reviews 
Other Valuable Sources:
UCSC LibraryWrite a Literature Review
The Literature Review: A Few Tips On Conducting It
Sample APA Papers: Literature Review
Research Methods
Write a half- to one-page summary of each of the three reference handouts provided by your instructor
(listed below).
The Literature Review: What is it and why do it?
Critically Analyzing Information Sources by Cornell University Library
Literature Reviews 
Deliverables and Format
Remember to:
Properly cite and reference your source(s) using APA format.
Submit your answer in a Microsoft Word document as a 1 ½ to 3 page paper.
Font: Times New Roman; 12 pt.
Line Spacing: Double
Did you carefully examine each of the three resources?
Would you be able to describe each of the three resources to a friend if you needed to?
Did you meet the full requirement of 1 ½ - 3 pages?
Research Methods
Unit 4 Research Paper 2
Conducting a Literature Review
You will begin the literature review process for your research topics in this unit. Review your notes on how
to locate peer-reviewed (scholarly) articles in the ITT Tech Virtual Library and other appropriate sources.
This activity will not only provide practice locating scholarly articles, it will also provide you with knowledge
of what current literature is available on your research topic. This information will allow you to become
expert on the topic and will also provide background of the topic and what research has been performed.
Using the ITT Tech Virtual Library and other appropriate sources, locate five (peer-reviewed) scholarly
articles that pertain to your research question. By looking at the Title, and also the Abstract and
Discussion section of potential articles, you will gain an understanding of which articles pertain to your
research. Be sure to properly reference each article, and print them out if necessary to make sure that the
articles are available to you at a later time. When you have the opportunity, you will want to examine
other sections of the research article to determine its appropriateness for use in your literature review.
Deliverables and Format
Remember to:
Properly reference your five source(s) using APA format.
As per your instructors discretion, this may be an in class assignment or given as a homework
assignment. Ask your instructor to specify the format (written or typed) for this assignment
Did you locate peer-reviewed (scholarly) articles?
Did you carefully examine these articles to determine appropriateness for your literature review?
Did you provide proper APA references for each of these five articles?
Research Methods
Unit 4 Research Paper 3
Annotated Bibliography
Use resources obtained from your literature review and other resources as necessary to submit an
annotated bibliography for your research paper. This annotated bibliography is a list of research
resources including five or more scholarly sources from the ITT Tech Virtual Library or other appropriate
sources that you will use to develop your final research paper. For each resource, use proper APA
format. Following each source, provide a paragraph that describes the article’s utility and relevance to
your study. Be sure to provide a careful evaluation of the source and summary of its findings.
Using five or more peer-reviewed (scholarly articles) create an annotated bibliography. Be sure to use
proper APA formatted references. Also be sure to use proper APA formatted citations within your
description of each article.
Deliverables and Format
Remember to:
Properly cite and reference your source(s) using APA format.
Submit your answer in a Microsoft Word document.
Font: Times New Roman; 12 pt.
Line Spacing: Double
Did you include five or more references to peer-reviewed articles?
Did you include proper APA references and citations?
Did you carefully examine each article and describe how each article will provide insight to your
research question?
Research Methods
Unit 5 Assignment 1
Matching Questions with Data Collection Methods
In this assignment, you will apply your understanding of direct methods of data collection and determine
the most appropriate method of data collection for each of four sample studies. Your instructor will assign
groups of three and distribute the Direct Methods of Data Collection handout.
In your assigned groups of three, discuss which of the survey types (Personal interview, telephone
interview, mail questionnaire, internet survey) would be the best for:
Gathering a large amount of information in a very brief amount of time
Asking questions about a sensitive topic
Understanding the opinions of senior citizens on the issue of health care
Learning about the day in the life of an athlete training for the Olympics
Be sure to support answers with detailed explanations. Write (or type) your answers to this activity and
hand them in to the instructor (one submission per group).
Deliverables and Format
Remember to:
As a group, submit one document (written or typed) to your instructor.
Did you use the course texts to provide support for your answers?
Did you provide enough detail in your explanation to display your understanding of each survey
Did each group member participate equally?
Research Methods
Unit 5 Assignment 2
Five Qualitative Interview Questions
In this activity, you will create interview questions that will be used to collect qualitative data for your final
research paper. Using your qualitative research question as a guide, create open-ended questions that
you would use to interview participants.
1. Write your qualitative research question at the top of your assignment.
2. Create and write five qualitative interview questions for the proposed research question.
a. Use the course text, class notes, and other appropriate resources as guides to formulate
appropriate questions that are open-ended, not leading, and otherwise qualitative in
3. Write a brief justification for each question, providing support as to why it is qualitative in nature,
and why it will produce qualitative data.
*Do not to include follow-up questions as part of the five questions for this activity. Note that follow-up
questions are helpful during the actual interview process for extracting more information from study
participants. For example, follow-up questions are those like “Can you tell me more about that?” “What
was the experience like when…?”
Deliverables and Format
Remember to:
Submit your answer in a Microsoft Word document.
Font: Times New Roman; 12 pt.
Line Spacing: Double
Did you create five questions to gather data for qualitative research question?
Are your five questions qualitative in nature, avoiding bias and avoiding leading the participant?
Did you provide a brief justification for each question as to its qualitative in nature?
Did you consult the course texts, class notes, and other appropriate resources to aid you in
formulating your five questions?
Research Methods
Unit 6 Assignment 1
Six Approaches to Qualitative Research
In this activity, you will apply classroom learning to strengthen your research papers. You will display your
understanding of various approaches to qualitative data collection by choosing, analyzing, and providing
support for an approach that is appropriate for your research paper.
There are many different approaches to qualitative research. Choose one of the following qualitative
research approaches that best fits your research paper:
Grounded theory
Case study
Use the ITT Tech Virtual Library and other appropriate resources (including the course text) when
researching these approaches. Submit a two-page document that details your chosen approach.
Use the following guidelines:
1. State your chosen qualitative research approach.
2. Describe your chosen approach.
3. Describe its strengths and weaknesses.
4. Explain how this approach best fits your research paper.
Deliverables and Format
Remember to:
Properly cite and reference your source(s) using APA format.
Submit your answer in a Microsoft Word document as a one to two-page paper.
Font: Times New Roman; 12 pt.
Line Spacing: Double
Did you choose one qualitative research approach to focus on that is appropriate for your chosen
qualitative research question?
Research Methods
Did you consult appropriate resources when researching your chosen approach?
Did you clearly state your chosen qualitative research approach?
Did you provide a thorough description of your chosen approach so that someone unfamiliar with
the approach would understand it after reading your assignment?
Did you describe the strengths and weaknesses of your approach?
Did you thoroughly explain how your chosen approach is a proper fit for your research paper?
Did you properly cite and reference your sources using proper APA format?
Did you meet the full requirement of two pages?
Research Methods
Unit 6 Research Paper 1
Final Research Paper Outline – Data Collection
This activity provides a necessary step in the final research paper formation. You will now strengthen your
research paper by outlining specifics about the data collection method that will be used in your research
Continue with research paper development as you outline your data collection method. This may
include observation, interview, and direct methods, or any combination of the three.
The outline will provide a very specific, step-by-step blueprint of how participants will enter the study,
where data collection will take place, which data collection will be used, and how data will be
collected and stored.
Remember that validity and reliability are issues that qualitative researchers face. Therefore, records
of all data collection must be meticulous and secure. All interviews should be recorded through
verbatim transcript (and recorded by voice and video if possible). Observations must be recorded in
You may refer to the components of any scholarly study previously provided as a handout in class or
that you obtained from the ITT Tech Virtual Library.
Include how bracketing (setting aside researcher bias) will occur.
Outlines are due by the end of class for credit.
Deliverables and Format
Remember to:
Properly cite and reference your source(s) using APA format.
Submit your answer in a written or typed document (ask your instructor which method is
Did you include your data collection method in your outline?
Did you include a specific, step-by-step blueprint of participant recruitment, data collection, and
data analysis method(s)?
Did you include help data will be recorded and stored?
Did you include how bracketing will occur in your study?
Did you use proper APA format for any citations and references?
Research Methods
Unit 7 Assignment 1
Understanding Your Research Question
This assignment will help display your understanding of the vital differences between qualitative and
quantitative research.
Write a one-page paper explaining why your final research paper research question is
appropriate for qualitative research. Be sure to include:
Your target population
How your participants will be selected (How will you obtain your sample?)
Write an additional one-page paper describing how your study might change if you used a similar
research question, but decided to make it a quantitative study.
*As an aid, consult Chapter 5 in the course text to contrast your research method against quantitative
methods discussed in Chapter 5.
Deliverables and Format
Remember to:
Properly cite and reference your source(s) using APA format.
Submit your answer in a Microsoft Word document as a one to two-page paper.
Font: Times New Roman; 12 pt.
Line Spacing: Double
Did you explain why your research question is appropriate for qualitative research?
Did you include your target population?
Did you include how your participants will be selected?
Did you write an additional one-page paper that displays your understanding of the differences
between qualitative and quantitative research by describing how your study might change if you
use a similar research question, but decided to make it a quantitative study?
Did you use proper APA formatting for any citations and references?
Did you meet the full requirement of two pages?
Research Methods
Unit 7 Assignment 2
Sample Population
Since data collected for your study will come from the participants in your sample, it is important that you
have a solid sampling method that includes participants who are able to provide data relevant to your
research question. In this activity, you will work towards the completion of your final research paper by
identifying the sampling method that you would use in your research.
Add to your final research paper outline by providing the following:
Description and definition of your chosen sample population.
Explanation of how that sample could be obtained.
In addition to enhancing your outline with the above information, submit a one-page paper describing your
sample population and how that sample can be obtained. Be sure to provide justification for your
sampling method and consult appropriate resources as needed.
Deliverables and Format
Remember to:
Properly cite and reference your source(s) using APA format.
Submit your answer in a Microsoft Word document as a one page paper.
Font: Times New Roman; 12 pt.
Line Spacing: Double
Did you describe and define your chosen sample population, providing justification for why these
participants are good fits to provide data for your research question?
Did you explain how you might obtain your sample for this study, and provide justification for that
sampling method?
Did you include this information in both your final research paper outline as well as one-page
paper that will be submitted for a grade?
Did you use proper APA formatting for any citations and references?
Did you meet the full requirement of one-page?
Research Methods
Unit 8 Research Paper 1
Final Research Paper Rough Draft
As a part of this unit’s research paper assignment, you need to draft your research paper and submit it to
your instructor. In addition, you will submit your draft to an assigned peer for feedback, and you will
review two assigned peers’ drafts.
Prepare the first draft of your research paper by consolidating the following components:
Title Page
Abstract (include research question)
Introduction (include research question)
Literature review and background—be sure to include at least five scholarly (peer-reviewed)
Discussion (include strengths, weaknesses, researcher bias, etc.)
Implications for future research
Note: You will not be able to draw concrete conclusions, as you are not actually carrying out your
research plan. However, in your conclusion, you need to communicate what gaps in research you feel
your research plan would fill. What questions will it answer and how?
Deliverables and Format
Submit your research paper draft in a Microsoft Word document. Be sure to print out three copies (one for
you, one for your instructor, and one to give to a peer for the peer-review during class next week).
Content of the research paper rough draft:
Is the paper divided into sections using headings?
Have you created a title page with a title related to the research question(s)?
Did you include an abstract?
Does the rough draft include a complete literature review of at least five different studies from
relevant scholarly sources?
Research Methods
Have you clearly identified and described the study population within the methodology section of
the paper?
Have you described how subjects of the study would be selected within the methodology section?
Have you provided a description of the proposed qualitative research/data collection methodology
within the methodology section?
Have you addressed any ethical conflicts or issues your research has raised?
Have you included a discussion section providing the implications of the research and future
recommendations for researchers?
Is there a conclusion section?
Have you integrated the peer-review feedback into your paper? (This question applies to the final
draft after the peer review exercise has been completed).
Style of the research paper:
Have you provided an APA-formatted references list?
Have you followed APA style requirements for citations throughout the research paper?
Did you avoid direct quotes unless they were necessary? Did you cite any information that you
summarized in your own words?
Does your research paper include the language of scientific learning instead of the language of
everyday learning?
Is the research paper written in a cogent, understandable manner?
Have you proofread your paper for proper grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc.?
Research Methods
Unit 9 Research Paper 1
Peer Review III
This activity will provide you with useful feedback on your final research paper draft from another
perspective. In this activity, you will pair up with a new partner. Conduct the review session using the
handout provided by your instructor. Be sure to provide thorough feedback to your partner, and be sure to
ask questions regarding your research paper to your partner as well as the instructor.
Using the handout provided by your instructor, conduct a peer review session with your assigned partner.
Be sure to completely fill out the handout, providing supportive feedback to your peer. Be sure to seek
clarification, when needed, regarding the feedback your class provides you regarding your final research
paper draft.
Deliverables and Format
Remember to:
Properly fill out the peer review session form and submit to your instructor.
Did you provide substantive feedback for your classmate regarding his or her final research paper
Did you follow the guidelines in the handout when providing feedback?
Did you provide justification and support for the feedback you provided your classmate?
Did you seek clarification on feedback you received?
Research Methods
Unit 9 Research Paper 2
Updated Draft Based on Peer Review
In this activity, you make revisions to your research paper draft based on the review comments received
from your peer. You have been provided with feedback from peer review sessions and your instructor
regarding the details of your final research paper. Using this feedback, strengthen your paper and
prepare for final submission.
Update your final research paper rough draft based on the feedback you received in the peer review
session and from your instructor. Be sure you understand why changes (if any) are being made. Also be
sure that you maintain the proper flow of your paper when adding any new information. As needed,
consult peer-reviewed (scholarly) research articles and APA guidelines for proper formatting of your final
Deliverables and Format
Remember to:
Properly cite and reference your source(s) using APA format.
Submit your answer in a Microsoft Word document.
Font: Times New Roman; 12 pt.
Line Spacing: Double
Did you carefully consider all feedback and suggestions from your peer and instructor when
making file revisions to your rough draft?
Do you fully understand why you are making changes (if any) to your paper?
Does your paper maintain proper flow and organization?
Did you consult appropriate resources for proper formatting of your paper?
Did you use proper APA formatting for any citations and references?
Research Methods
Unit 10 Final Research Paper 1
Final Research Paper
In this activity, you finalize your research paper based on the review comments received from your peer
and your instructor. Use this feedback to strengthen your paper and prepare it for final submission.
Update your final research paper rough draft based on the feedback you received in the peer review
session and from your instructor. Be sure you understand why changes (if any) are being made. Also be
sure that you maintain the proper flow of your paper when adding any new information. As needed,
consult peer-reviewed (scholarly) research articles and APA guidelines for proper formatting of your final
Deliverables and Format
Remember to:
Properly cite and reference your source(s) using APA format.
Submit your answer in a Microsoft Word document.
Font: Times New Roman; 12 pt.
Line Spacing: Double
Did you carefully consider all feedback and suggestions from your peer and instructor when
making file revisions to your rough draft?
Do you fully understand why you are making changes (if any) to your paper?
Does your paper maintain proper flow and organization?
Did you consult appropriate resources for proper formatting of your paper?
Did you use proper APA formatting for any citations and references?
Research Methods
Unit 10 Presentation 1
Research Paper Presentation
This activity provides you with the experience of presenting your final research paper to the class
As assigned by your instructor, deliver a three- to five-minute oral presentation of your final
research paper to the class.
Deliverables and Format
Create a 5 slide PowerPoint presentation that includes visually engaging graphics, including video and
sound, if applicable and a succinct description of your final research paper. Use the following sections to
create your presentation and submit your final presentation to your instructor:
Proposed Research Questions
Proposed Study Methods
Proposed Analysis (Be sure to clarify between quantitative and qualitative analysis)
Create a 1 slide learning summary (Describe what you learned about the research
process as well as your chosen topic)
Did you fully prepare and practice prior to giving your presentation to the class?
Did you proofread and submit your final research paper presentation to your instructor?