New Windows on the Universe Jan Kuijpers • Part 1: Gravitation & relativity J.A. Peacock, Cosmological Physics, Chs. 1 & 2 • Part 2: Classical Cosmology Peacock, Chs 3 & 4 10/5/2004 New Windows on the Universe Part 2: Classical cosmology • The isotropic universe (3) • Gravitational lensing (4) 10/5/2004 New Windows on the Universe The isotropic universe • The RW metric (3.1) • Dynamics of the expansion (3.2-3.3) • Observations (3.4) 10/5/2004 New Windows on the Universe Gravitational lensing • • • • Lense equation; lensing potential (4.1) Simple lenses (4.2) Fermat’s principle (4.3) Observations (4.4-4.6) 10/5/2004 New Windows on the Universe The isotropic universe The RW metric (3.1) Define fundamental observers: at rest in local matter distribution Global time coordinate t can be defined as proper time measured by these observers SR: c d c dt dr 2 2 2 2 2 Here: c 2d 2 c 2dt 2 R 2 ( t )[f 2 ( r )dr 2 g 2 ( r )d 2 ] d 2 d 2 sin 2 d 2 Choose radial coordinate so that either f=1 or g=r2 10/5/2004 New Windows on the Universe The RW metric (3.1) c 2d 2 c 2dt 2 R 2 ( t )[dr 2 Sk2 ( r )d 2 ] (k 1) sin r Sk ( r ) sinh r (k 1) r (k 0) Different definition of comoving distance r: Sk ( r ) r 2 dr 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 c d c dt R ( t ) r d 2 1 kr Or dimensionless scale factor: a( t ) R( t ) R0 Or isotropic form: 2 R (t ) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 c d c dt dr r d 2 2 ( 1 kr / 4 ) 10/5/2004 New Windows on the Universe The RW metric (3.1) t Or define conformal time: cdt' R( t') 0 c d R ( t ) d dr r d 2 10/5/2004 2 2 2 New Windows on the Universe 2 2 2 Redshift Proper (small) separation of two fundamental observers: d R( t )dr dv d R R dr d dt R H( t ) Hubble’s law R( t ) R( t ) Comoving distance between two fo’s is constant: r tobs t em cdt R( t ) tobs dtobs t em dtem cdt dt em dt obs R( t ) R( t em ) R( t obs ) em R( t obs ) 1 z obs R( t em ) 10/5/2004 New Windows on the Universe Dynamics of the expansion (3.2-3.3) GR required: - Birkhoff’s theorem - Integration constant Friedmann eqns: Use RW metric in field eqns (problem 3.1): 2 2 8 G R 2 R c 2 R kc 3 3 4 GR 3 p Rc 2 R 2 3 c 3 2 Newton.: 1. Energy eqn. Take time derivative + energy conservation d c 2R 3 pd R 3 Eqn. 2 8 G kc 2 m ( a ) r ( a ) v ( a ) 1 2 2 2 c 3H H R 10/5/2004 New Windows on the Universe • Flatness problem • Matter radiation equality: m / r ( 1 z )1 1 zeq 23900h2 • Recombination: 1+zrec=1000 • Matter dominated and flat: R(t ) t 2 / 3 • Radiation dominated and flat: 1/ 2 R(t ) t • Vacuum energy (p=-c2 follows from energy conservation): 8 G v c 2 v 2 3H 3H 2 Empty De Sitter space: R e Ht where H 10/5/2004 8 G v 3 c 2 3 New Windows on the Universe Observations (3.4) Luminosity distance: the apparent distance assuming inverse square law for light intensity reduction -Luminosity L : power output/4 -Radiation flux density S: energy received per unit area per sec L S 2 2 Dlum ( 1 z )R0Sk ( r ) 2 R0 Sk ( r )( 1 z ) Redshift for photon energy and one for rate Angular-diameter distance: the apparent distance based on observed diameter assuming euclidean universe R( t em )Sk ( r ) DA 10/5/2004 New Windows on the Universe R0Sk ( r ) 1 z Gravitational lensing Lensing equation; lensing potential (4.1) Relativistic particles in weak fields (eq. 2.24): d 2y v 2 d d 1 2 2 2 dt c dy dy Bend angle (use angular diameter distances): 2 2 ad c 10/5/2004 Approximation: geometrically thin lenses New Windows on the Universe Gravitational lenses are flawed!!! 10/5/2004 New Windows on the Universe Gravitational imaging 10/5/2004 New Windows on the Universe Lensing equation DLS DL DS DS DL I I S DLS where I S is mapping between 2D object and image planes Flux density from image is: Amplification is ratio of areas S I image area I 3 10/5/2004 is invariant I A S New Windows on the Universe Lensing potential 2 2 2 2 a d 2 2 d 2 2 d c c c DLS I S DL I I DS DLDLS 8 G 2 Poisson 2 DS c c 2 surface density d DS c2 critical sd c DLDLS 4 G ( ) 10/5/2004 1 2 ( ')ln ' d ' c New Windows on the Universe Notation: - potential! Simple lenses (4.2) Multiple images DLS Circularly symmetric surface mass density: 4G M b 2 c b where b Dl I is closest distance and M b is mass in projection 10/5/2004 New Windows on the Universe DL Einstein ring S r L E DL DS 1/ 2 1/ 2 2 RS DLS 2 RS E DL DS DL 10/5/2004 New Windows on the Universe O Typical numbers Einstein Radius point mass: M E 11 10 M 1/ 2 DLDS / DLS Gpc 1 / 2 arcsec ER isothermal sphere: v DLS E arcsec 186 km/s DS 2 Critical surface density: DLS / Gpc c 3.5 kg/m2 DL / Gpc DS / Gpc 10/5/2004 New Windows on the Universe DL I Time delays DS I S DLS b DLS DL DS Time lags between multiple images because of: 1. Path length difference: 2 c t g b 2 1 zL I S DL 2 1 zL I S DLDS 2DLS 1 zL 2. Reduced coordinate speed of light (static weak fields): 2 2 2 2 c 2d 2 1 2 c 2dt 2 1 2 d r c t p 1 zL 2 d c c c 10/5/2004 New Windows on the Universe Fermat’s principle (4.3) Images form along paths where the time delay is stationary I , S 2 DLS 1 c t I S I 2 1 zL DLDS Note: differentiation wrt I recovers lens equation. Example: from a to d: introduction of increasing mass (increasing -) leads to extra Stationary points (minima, Maxima, saddle points in ) 10/5/2004 New Windows on the Universe Caustics and catastrophe theory 10/5/2004 New Windows on the Universe Lens model for flattened galaxy at two different relative distances. a: density contours c: caustics in image plane b: time surface contours d: dual caustics in source plane 10/5/2004 New Windows on the Universe Observations (4.4-4.6) Light deflection around the Sun 1.75” The Sun 1,75'' 10/5/2004 2 RS 4GM 2 R c R New Windows on the Universe Newton/Soldner versus Einstein 10/5/2004 New Windows on the Universe 10/5/2004 New Windows on the Universe Total eclipse 21 september 1922 Western Australia, 92 stars (dots are reference positions, lines displacements, enlarged!) 10/5/2004 New Windows on the Universe Strong lensing 10/5/2004 New Windows on the Universe 10/5/2004 New Windows on the Universe Modelling 10/5/2004 New Windows on the Universe 10/5/2004 New Windows on the Universe 10/5/2004 New Windows on the Universe 10/5/2004 New Windows on the Universe 10/5/2004 New Windows on the Universe Robert J. Nemiroff 1993: Sky as seen past a compact star, 1/3 bigger than its Schwarzschild radius, and at a distance of 10 Schwarzschild radii. The star has a terrestrial surface topography 10/5/2004 New Windows on the Universe Sirius Orion Orion Sirius 10/5/2004 New Windows on the Universe 10/5/2004 New Windows on the Universe