day ward welcome to day ward - Lincoln Nursing

You are due to start on Day Ward Grantham on :
Your Mentor will be:Your Associate will be:Your first week of off duty will be:Monday
If you have any problems with this rota or any other questions please don’t hesitate to
phone us on 01476 464408
Our Expectations of you
As a Student nurse you are expected to wear appropriate uniform according to the ULHT
uniform policy.
It is not appropriate for students to wear lots of jewellery but a plain wedding band
and plain stud earrings are permissible.
Make up should be discrete
Fingernails should be short clean and without nail varnish. False nails should not be
worn when carrying out clinical duties.
Hair must be clean neat and off the face. Men should be clean shaven or make sure
their beards are neatly trimmed.
You are expected to behave in a professional manner and it is important that you introduce
yourself to all patients before you become involved in their care and gain the patients
consent to do so.
Off Duty
Work rotas will be planned by the Ward Manager, if you have any requests please let them
know well in advance. Changes to the rota can only be made with agreement of the ward
Computer Access
Students are advised to contact the IT department on 01476 465800, either prior to their
allocation or early in their placement, to get a pass word in order to access the Intranet.
Students requiring parking can obtain reduced daily parking rates of £1 if parking on site.
Please contact the Estates Department on 01476 464601. Failure to display a valid parking
ticket could result in a fine.
Catering facilities
There is a hospital canteen and small WHSmiths shop onsite for meals and snacks during
the day. There are dedicated facilities on the ward for staff – fridge, microwave and kettle.
Day Ward Grantham
We are a 12 bedded day surgery ward. We have a quick turnover of patients which are both
male and female. The ward consists of day surgery, inpatient admission and day treatment.
From October 2012 we also became the designated Escalation area for winter bed pressure
management, which means during times when the hospital has to open extra in-patient
beds our area is used to facilitate this.
Except for periods of Escalation Day Ward is open from 07.00 to 20.00 Monday to Friday
Shifts are allocated between these times and there is a choice to do short days (8hours with
30minute dinner break) or long days (11.5 hours with 30minute dinner break).
Day Surgery
The patients having day surgery will go to theatre and usually be well enough to be
discharged home in the same day. There are many different specialities:Orthopaedics e.g. arthroscopy of knee or shoulder or Trauma e.g. fractures
Gynaecology e.g. hysteroscopy, surgical termination of pregnancy (STOP)
Urology e.g. circumcision, trans-urethral resection of bladder tumour (TURBT), cystoscopy
General Surgery e.g. hernia repair, Laparoscopic cholecystectomy, haemorrhoidectomy.
Breast Surgery e.g. Wide Local Excision of Breast
Dental e.g. extractions of teeth
Pain Management e.g. lignocaine infusion/lignocaine steroid injection
Ophthalmology - mainly cataract surgery
Maxillofacial e.g. removal facial cancer and moles
Inpatients are admitted here and wait to be called to theatre, afterwards they will be taken
to the appropriate ward for their stay. Here are some examples of inpatient surgery:
Orthopaedics - Joint replacements e.g. knee and hip
General Surgery - Major bowel ops e.g. Hemicolectomy
Breast Surgery - e.g. Mastectomy
Day Treatment
This area also receives patients attending for medical treatments such as:
Blood transfusions
Liver and lung biopsy
Trial without catheter (TWOC)
Medical termination of Pregnancy (MTOP)
Infliximab infusions (Used to treat inflammatory Bowel Conditions)
The Board
The board is key to communication and all staff use it. It is made up of all the wards bed
spaces to which a patient is allocated, along with the surgeon they have been admitted
under. There are then boxes that should be ticked as to whether they have been admitted,
consented, seen by anaesthetist, taken to theatre or back from theatre.
The names of patients are written in different colours according to the treatment they are
having:Black – Morning Day Case
Green – Afternoon Day Case
Blue – Inpatients
Red – Day Treatment
There is also a list of symbols used to communicate amongst staff. The key is
attached at the end of this welcome pack. There is also a list of Consultants and
their different specialities
Insight Visits
Surgical Pre-assessment – Louise Hyde
Orthopaedic pre-assessment – Ruth Martinelli
Ophthalmology Pre-assessment Maxine Motley (Sister Out-Patient)
Theatres – Chris Glencross
Colposcopy Clinic - Elizabeth Gaywood
Colorectal nurse – Bobby Lee
Outreach Nurse (3rd year only)
Bed Manager (3rd year only)
Site Sister (3rd year only)
Breast Nurse – Nicky Turner
Urology Nurse – Zina Bojin
Lung Nurse – Kate Brady
Endoscopy – this is an internal examination using a scope, which is used to
diagnose conditions. Endoscopy can involve procedures such as colonoscopy,
gastroscopy, sigmoidoscopy, bronchoscopy. There may also be an opportunity to
observe the insertion of a PEG.
Patient Journey
One of the main ways to achieve your proficiencies during this allocation is to follow a
patient journey which starts in pre-assessment. At pre-assessment patients will be given a
date for their surgery. You can then make sure you are on duty for that day so you can
admit them, accompany them to theatre, then recovery and from there you will be able to
care for them on day ward before discharging them .
Things to look up
It will be useful for you to have some understanding of the procedures and treatments
mentioned earlier although you will obviously have an opportunity to learn more about them
on this placement.
There are some commonly used drugs in theatre that you may want to look up before
starting on the day ward:
Your First Day
On your first day it can be quite daunting in a place that is unfamiliar to you. This
orientation guide should help you to become acquainted with the area.
Take your time to walk round and find all these things.
Fire Exits
Fire Break Points
Fire Extinguishers
Resuscitation Trolley
Student Resource Shelves
Staff room
Staff Toilet
Staff Changing Room
Waiting Room
Patient Toilets
Store Room
Linen Room
Pod Shoot
Sisters Office
Oxygen and suction points
Also whilst looking around see if you can find the following items:
BM box
Drip Stands
Gloves and aprons
Disposable urine bottles
Patient information leaflets
Patient notes
Sharps bins
It would also be useful if you walked around the hospital and found these places.
Pathology Lab
Useful Numbers
Cardiac Arrest and HIT (High Intervention Team) 2222
Fire or another emergency 3333
If you need to bleep anyone the number you dial is 4333 followed by the bleep number then
the number of the ward which is 4408
List of Staff
Kate Cole – Sister/Ward Manager
Jane Strawson – Junior Sister
Raina Robinson – Registered Nurse/ PLT rep
Debbie Sach – Registered Nurse/ Health and Safety, Safeguarding and Diabetes Link Nurse
Jane Elsom – Registered Nurse/ Learning Disabilities Link Nurse and Dignity Link Nurse /
Jill Wright – Registered Nurse/ Diligence (Moving and Handling) and Medicine
Management Link Nurse
June Poddar – Registered Nurse/ Gynaecology Nurse/ Infection Control Link Nurse
Jenny Blakemore – Registered Nurse/ Tissue Viability Link Nurse
Kirsty Dingwall – Registered Nurse
Holly Robertshaw - Registered Nurse
Samantha Fields – Falls Champion
Carole Pring – HCSW/ Moving and Handling
Ruth Davies – HCSW/ Pre-assessment
Soo Perry – Ward Clerk
Julia Borthwick – Housekeeper
Lynda Crook – Housekeeper
Margaret Hensen – Housekeeper
Housekeepers work between Dayward and Endoscopy.
List of Consultants and the Abbreviations used to Represent them
General Surgery
WAN - Mr Niezywinski
- Mr Paramasivan
- Mr Othman
- Mr Trehan
- Mr Singhania
MOD - Mr Modi
- Mr Potdar
- Mr Andrew
- Mr Mark
-Mr Darha
- Mr Husemeyer
NAK - Miss Kangeyan
MHC – Mr Clark
MKB – Mr Buah
- Mr Clark
Pain Management EJD
- Dr Dedhia
- Dr Matsiko
- Dr Campbell
- Dr James
Patients who have the same name.
The Patient is Diabetic
Patient is having a Local Anaesthetic
Patient is having a Spinal Anaesthetic
Patient has had Morphine
Inpatient bed required
Patient has eaten
Patient is using Ambulance/Volunteer transport
Patient has had a nerve block.
Risk assessed for Venous Thromboembolism. More commonly known
as Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT).
This welcome pack was updated and complied by 3rd year management student Emma Kelly and 1st year Kerry Grocock. We
hope you find it helpful 
Updated on 31/12/13 by Raina Robinson