France, Canada, & United States Brian, Zoheb, and Julian France Geography Geography French Regions Metropolitan France: Western Europe, bordering the Bay of Biscay and English Channel, between Belgium and Spain, southeast of the UK; bordering the Mediterranean Sea, between Italy and Spain French Guiana: Northern South America, bordering the North Atlantic Ocean, between Brazil and Suriname Guadeloupe: Caribbean, islands between the Caribbean Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean, southeast of Puerto Rico Martinique: Caribbean, island between the Caribbean Sea and North Atlantic Ocean, north of Trinidad and Tobago Mayotte: Southern Indian Ocean, island in the Mozambique Channel, about half way between northern Madagascar and northern Mozambique Reunion: Southern Africa, island in the Indian Ocean, east of Madagascar General Information Area: 643,801 sq km; 551,500 sq km (metropolitan France) Population: 65,630,692 GDP: $2.808 trillion (2011 est.) Work force (2009): 28.3 million Services--75%; industry and construction--21.7%; agriculture--2.9%. 1 out of 12 people in France is a foreigner History 1200 BC : Settlement by the Gauls (related to the Celts) 59-52 BC : Conquest of Gaul by Julius Caesar and the beginning of Gallo-Roman civilization. 600 AD : Settlement by the Franks, the barbarian tribe from which France derives its name. 768 AD : Charlemagne, named Emperor of the Western world, attempts to recreate the Roman Empire. 11th-13th centuries Middle Ages : Flourishing of Romanesque and Gothic art. Crusades. 14th-15th centuries : French-English rivalry culminates in the Hundred Years War. Charlemagne History (cont…) 1804-1815 : Napoleon is named Emperor; he reorganizes the French administration and legal system, establishing the Napoleonic Code. 1815 : Restoration of the Monarchy. Napoleon 1848 : Revolution. Second Republic. Slavery abolished. 1852-1870 : Second Empire under Napoleon III. Prosperity and growth. Colonial conquests. 1875 : Third Republic. History (cont…) 1939-1945 : World War II (700,000 killed). Germany occupies France. Collaboration of the Vichy regime. General de Gaulle in London calls on the French to resist. Resistance. 1946-1958 : Fourth Republic is marked by economic reconstruction and end of colonization. Political instability. 1958 : De Gaulle returns to power and founds the Fifth Republic, Charles de Gaulle adopted by referendum. Wine Considered the best in the world More than 5000 varieties of French wine Tradeoff between globalization and cultural identity Fragmented into smaller wine growers Bordeaux region has 20000 wine producers Competition from outside Joint ventures with China and India to produce superior wine French Society Identities North-east German-Swiss North-west English South-west Catalans and Basques South-east Italian Four Classes Haute Bourgeoisie Petite Bourgeoisie Classes Moyennes Classes populaire Artistic Social Standing is very important Business and Managerial Style Presentations are given from the heart Obsession with form Discuss abstract and complex ideas spontaneously Business is highly centralized Managers have total control over subordinates Have a tight inner circle Few decision are made without approval from the top High context to understand one another Culture Devote five weeks to vacation Weekends are reserved for family matters Quality and pace of life is more important Conversations maintains high quality of life Tu/toi for close friends, vous is used more formally Smiling at someone unknown is considered provocative Strong family bonding Very private Gender equality Health conscious Sources Canada Vital Statistics Official language(s) - English and French Government - Federal parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy Area - 3,854,085 sq mi (2nd) Population 2012 est. - 34,761,000 (35th) GDP 2011 est. - Total $1.758 trillion (11th) GDP by sector 2010 est. - agriculture: 2.2%, industry: 26.3%, services: 71.5% Main industries - transportation equipment, chemicals, processed and unprocessed minerals, food products, wood and paper products, fish products, petroleum and natural gas Currency - Canadian dollar Historical Background The Canadian Mosaic A very socialist outlook “a global village in one country” Immigration Canadians as Non-U.S. Americans References Susic, Stela (August 15, 2006). "Air Force becomes command authority for CFS Alert". The Maple Leaf (National Defence Canada) 12 (17). Retrieved 2011-05-23. Encyclopedia of the Nations. Retrieved 2011-10-14. "Significant Canadian Facts". Natural Resources Canada. April 5, 2004. Retrieved 201105-23. National Atlas of Canada. Natural Resources Canada. 2005. p. 1. ISBN 0770511988. Bailey, William G; Oke, TR; Rouse, Wayne R (1997). The surface climates of Canada. McGill-Queen's University Press. p. 124. ISBN 0773516727. Etkin, David; Haque, CE; Brooks, Gregory R (April 30, 2003). An Assessment of Natural Hazards and Disasters in Canada. Springer. pp. 569, 582, 583. ISBN 9781402011795. American Football By Brian Hamilton American Football Soccer is called Football in most countries Most popular sport in United States Tailgate Party U.S. Phenomenon Outdoor party before game High School Level College Level Pro Level Tailgaiting 101 Tailgate Foods Tailgate Foods Tailgating Traditions UNC vs East Carolina Traditions Pre-game & Half-time Festivities Pre-Game Band Performs Colorguard Cheerleaders Pre-game & Half-time Festivities Half-time Band Performs Competitions Awards Football Strategy is fundamental Captures many of the central values of American society Intregal component of community More like chess Objective is to wear down and destroy opponent Selection, Training Camp, etc. Coaches must choose right player for job Playbook Complex plays to deceive opponent Very precise Execution Plays must be executed properly Everyone must take responsibility for play to work Strength & Conditioning Weight-lifting, etc. Pro Football teams Multi-million Dollar corporations Each player has very specialized task Equipment is highly specialized Risks Concussions Injuries may have long-term effects Competition is Goal Means to an end in the United States Perfection Rivalry Football is similar to how Americans live daily life U.S. Economic Statistics Federal Constitution Republic Legislature Congress Senate (Upper House) House of representatives (Lower House) Population 313,093,000 Gross Domestic Product Total $15.065 Trillion Per Capita $48,147 Kingdom of Morocco Brian Hamilton Kingdom of Morocco Population 35 million Western Sahara History of Morocco Kingdom of Morocco Constitutional Monarchy Elected Parliament Executive Power Exercised by government and king Legislative Power Exercised by government and two chambers of parliament Assembly of Representatives Assembly of Councillors 50th Anniversary of Independence November 18, 2006 Became independent from Spain & France in 1956 Kingdom of Morocco Geography Kingdom of Morocco Economy Liberal Economy Governed by Law of Supply and Demand GDP Services sector accounts for just over half Depends on agriculture Accounts for 14% of GDP Employs 40-45% of population Major Resources Agriculture Phosphates World’s 3rd largest producer Tourism Kingdom of Morocco Economy Industry & Mining Accounts for 1/3 of GDP Economic Issues High Cost of Imports Petroleum Unreliable Rainfall Droughts & Sudden Floods Droughts 1995 Caused GDP to fall 7.6% Kingdom of Morocco Economy Currency Moroccan dirham Gross Domestic Product Total $158.994 billion Per Capita $4,940 Kingdom of Morocco Languages Arabic Berber Largest City Casablanca King Mohammed VI Prime Minister Abdelillah Benkirane Ethnic Groups Arab-Berber 99.1% Other 0.7% Jews 0.2% Kingdom of Morocco Floods Flooding in Casablanca Locating Global Activities Chapter 5 Role of National Factors Traditional country considerations Globally strategic countries for activity location R&D Manufacturing Role of exchange rates Direct effect on cost and competitive positions Catalyst in the international restructuring of companies Forecasting long term exchange rate is difficult Locate operation in countries with weak economies Increase productivity to move ahead of competition Speculate, Hedge or be flexible Strategic and Comparative advantages Core-Formula Strategy Globally Leveraged Strategy FedEx in 1980s & 1990s Nokia in 1990s & 2000s Untenable Strategy Cost-Based Export Strategy Mark & Spencer in 1990s Hyundai in 1990s Yes Strategic Advantage No No Yes Comparative Advantage Benefits of Global Location of Activities Cost Reduction Improved Quality Enhanced Customer Preference Increased Customer Leverage Drawbacks of Global Location of Activities Lessened Responsive to Customers Increased Currency Risk Increased Risk of Creating Competitors Difficulties in Managing Value-Added Chain Global Activity Location For Service Businesses People-Processing Activities Possession-Processing Activities Information-Based Activities Future Location of Service Facilities Global Location of Service Value Chain Locating Individual Activities Global Financing Global Research and Development Global Purchasing and Sourcing Global Production Global Distribution and Logistics Global Service Corporate History "We sell fun, not just ice cream." — Irv Robbins, cofounder. 1945 - Snowbird Ice Cream 1946 - Burton's Ice Cream Shop 1948 – Baskin-Robbins Management with owning interest Some statistics Subsidiary of Dunkin' Brands Founded 1945 Headquarters Canton, Massachusetts More than 5800 locations Since 1945, more than 1,000 unique flavors. The top 5 selling Baskin-Robbins ice cream flavors are Vanilla, Chocolate, Mint Chocolate Chip, Pralines 'n Cream and Chocolate Chip. Preliminary Market research – Morocco Trends Competitive landscape Prospects References refox-a&hs=XjG&rls=org.mozilla:enUS:official&prmd=imvns&source=lnms&tbm=isch&ei=GGZMT8va MaX3sQKyoIUW&sa=X&oi=mode_link&ct=mode&cd=2&ved=0CB kQ_AUoAQ&biw=1262&bih=613 refox-a&hs=XjG&rls=org.mozilla:enUS:official&prmd=imvns&source=lnms&tbm=isch&ei=GGZMT8va MaX3sQKyoIUW&sa=X&oi=mode_link&ct=mode&cd=2&ved=0CB kQ_AUoAQ&biw=1262&bih=613