5.13.15 - International Association of Clinical Research Nurses

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IACRN Research Committee Conference Call
Meeting Summary
May 13, 2015
3:30 to 4:30 EST
Joy Bailey, Emory; Chair
Cheryl Fisher – NIH; Co-Chair
Shaunagh Browning, IACRN Past Pres.
Carolynn Thomas-Jones
Kathy Grinke
Catherine Griffith
Kathy Hall
Penny Jester
Audrey Nathanson
Meeting convened: 3:40pm EST
1. Welcome to new member Penny Jester from UAB.
2. Review of past minutes: April 08 minutes reviewed. Motion carried to accept April minutes with the
following edits:
a. Correct spelling of Kelleher to Keller.
b. Committee member vote verified to include committee roster with email addresses on Research
Committee webpage. This information is not available to public view but only available to
people with IACRN current membership who are in good standing with active log-in credentials.
3. Carried forward from April 08 a. Research Committee webpage update:
i. Discussion occurred about whether or not to include minutes in their entirety or post the
annual report of committee progress. Motion made and carried to add Research
Committee minutes to committee webpage and to also add a summary annual report of
Research Committee activities on the public site.
ii. Posting the Research Committee Annual Report will allow interested parties to see what
the Research Committee has accomplished. This is advantageous to marketing and
recruiting members for both the IACRN and the Research Committee.
b. Review of 2015 Committee Goals
i. Continuing discussion of the subcommittee goals and overlapping of their charges:
1. Workforce charge: describe the clinical research nursing workforce; develop
action plan for capturing demographic data on large scale.
2. Domain of practice charge: extend and refine description of Clinical Research
Nursing by describing role profile and analysis of what CRNs are doing and
3. Metrics charge: nurse sensitive outcomes to capture impact of CRNs.
ii. In April, Joy made a proposal to mildly merge Workforce and Domain of Practice.
Discussion carried forward from April meeting. Decision was make about adding
questions to Workforce survey that would also capture information needed by the
Domain of Practice Group.
iii. Background to consider related to Workforce. Carolynn Thomas-Jones gave an
accounting of conference she attended Feb 26-27, 2015, Second National Meeting for
Enhancing Clinical Research Professionals’ Training and Qualifications in Dallas.
GCP-CTSA ; GCP-CTSA meeting archive . Administrators and educators are in
process of defining core competencies that will be used to point the way for educators to
develop curriculum.
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1. A lot of work has been done and is being done to define the workforce
according to PIs and clinical research coordinators. What are the minimum
competencies required of clinical research professionals?
a. Nancy Calvin-Naylor - video transcript of Dallas meeting working
group leaders orientation
b. Enhancing Clinical Research Professionals’ Training and
Qualifications. (Tom Shanley; Rick Barohn)
c. CJT participated in a core competency alignment
Alignment of Core Competencies; and Moving
Aligning core
from Compliance to Core Competencies
d. NCATS Joint Taskforce for Clinical trials Competency
JTF Clinical Trial
CTJ-Moving from
compliance to competencies.pdf
iv. Greg Koski – ACRES (Alliance for Clinical Research Excellence and Safety);
accreditation of clinical research sites.
c. Follow up on 2014 Research Committee Preconference: Cheryl
i. The raw data from the sticky notes generated by each of the 8 Round Table discussions
at the conference is shown in the excel file (IACRN 2014 Conf notes). Each Round
Table's raw data has a tab in the workbook. The raw data was placed into one of the
three columns in each tab. Each column name represents a main variable STRUCTURE,
ii. Cheryl made a first pass at grouping most frequent items into groups under each Main
Variable. This is shown in the word document "First Pass_CRN Workshop Data."
iii. Next step is validation of the three Main Variables (STRUCTURE, PROCESS,
OUTCOME) and to make sure that what is in each column belongs there.
iv. Joy and Carolynn have already given feedback. CTJ has created a mapping of each of
the main variables and put them into a spreadsheet.
v. Our task as members of the Research Committee is to each of us look at this data and
compare your groups from the tabs for each table to the First Pass Grouping of the
variables that is is the First Pass CRN Workshop Data.
vi. Once we collate our committee members responses, the plan is to send the data to each
of the Preconference attendees and analyze.
vii. Please send your responses to Cheryl by June 3.
Meeting Adjourned at 4:30.
Next meeting June 10, 2015
Submitted, Catherine Griffith, RN, MGH
If you have Agenda items for June meeting please send them to Joy, Cheryl, or Catherine.