L-Z Work conquers all Motto of the state of Oklahoma The maze designed by Daedalus for King Minos at Knossos, Crete. Any difficult path or route Slip of the tongue Honours or a crown Rest on your laurels Teacher of Medicine Great spirited; showing a great spirit; showing nobility of feeling or generosity of mind Great work Battle of 490 Race of 26 miles, 385 yards Pheidippides My fault Wife of Jason Killed the children Rode off in a dragon chariot Friend of Odysseus put in charge of Telemachos Wise and trusted counselor and teacher Bull of Minos Son of Pasiphae and the Cretan Bull Norms, habits, customs, traditions, and values of a society O tempora, o mores Home of the gods Close to Delphi, home of the Python 79 eruption buries Pompeii, Herculaneum and Oplontis Note well Pay special attention Homeric Hero from Ithaca Ulysses Written by Homer Odysseus’s 10 year travel home from Troy Calypso Circe Sirens Polyphemus Telemachus Penelope Suitors Eumaeus Argus All-knowing Eurydice is bitten and dies Orpheus fetches her, but looks back Written after – something added to a letter after it’s written Half goat-half man, protector of shepherds from Arkadia The first woman, made from gifts of all the gods – hence the name: weaving and clothes from Athena, looks from Aphrodite et cetera She opened the box she was told not to open and all the evils of the world flew out, leaving only hope behind in the box. All the gods Temple to all the gods originally built by Agrippa in Campus Martius, but it sank in the swamp Hadrian’s Pumpkin Egyptian reed used to make the first paper, ultimately the rood word for paper Trojan shepherd who chooses Aphrodite as the fairest – he turns out to be a prince who was exposed on Mt Ida because he was foretold to be the ruin of Troy. Athenian Temple dedicated to Athena Parthenos, the maiden. Father of the family (n.b. the archaic genitive ‘as’) Complete control over all members of the household The upper class Roman citizenry, name derives from pater, patris – father. Still used to signify posh nobs 27-180 AD The period of Roman peace from Augustus to Commodus. Rome constantly expands and brings peace to the Mediterranean. Peace be with you Winged horse born of Poseidon and Medusa (sometime from her head after Perseus cut it off) Bellerophon’s steed Wife of Odysseus, mother of Telemachus Wove funeral shroud of Laertes by day and unwound it by night to fend of the suitors By the year By head, for each head For each day, by the day By mouth Daughter of Ceres and wife of Hades Legendary hero, founder of Persians, born of Danaë kills the Gorgon An unwanted person, particularly in a diplomatic or legal context. An ostracized meanie-head no one wants around That guy… Teacher of philosophy Highest academic degree Common people in ancient Rome Still used pejoratively for lower classes or anything common or vulgar ‘redneck’ horseshoes competitor After mid-day, afternoon Belief in many gods Roman costal town destroyed by eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD Archaeological treasure trove of Roman daily life Head of Roman religion, yesterday and today Brother of Zeus, Hera, Hestia, Demeter and Hades Dominion over the seas, horses ‘After death’ A medical exam shortly following death The last King of Troy Father of Hector and Paris, husband to Hecuba Famously kisses hands of Achilles for Hector’s body For the time being, an impermanent solution or place holder: locum tenens Usually used in politics Titan who molded men out of clay He liked his work, stole fire from the immortals and tricked them by making them like bones rather than meat. Punishment: eagles eat the liver…q.d. Juvenile, childish or silly; boylike Set of three wars Rome fights vs Carthage 1st Punic War – 264-41. Regulus 2nd Punic War – 218-02. Hannibal and Scipio 3rd Punic War – 149-46. Cato and Tiberius Gracchus ‘Strange bird,’ an odd duck, a weirdo, someone special, something unique 21 April 753 BCE (trad. founding date of Rome) Children of Rhea Silvia and Mars Settled in Alba Longa Romulus founded Rome Neuter, plural. Prows of ships at the foot of the speaker’s platform in the Forum.