The Scarlet Letter Reading Schedule Instructions: On the due dates specified below you will take a quiz over the assigned reading. On that same day the students who were assigned the literary devices for those chapters will share their findings with the class. Due Date 11/7/12 11/14/12 11/20/12 11/28/12 12/5 12/12 Chapters Ch.1&2 Ch.3&4 Ch.5&6 Ch.7&8 Ch.9&10 Ch.11&12 Motif Benningfield Cross Haliday Hollingsworth Meadows Mullican Symbol Booher Downey Handy Litchfield Mehegan Thomas Characterization Clark Evans Hinton Long Moran Extra Credit Syntax Colvin Gilpin Holland McCubbin Morgan Extra Credit Ch.13&14 Ch.15&16 Ch.17&18 Ch.19&20 Ch.21&22 Ch.23&24 Thomas Mehegan Litchfield Handy Downey Booher Mullican Meadows Hollingsworth Haliday Cross Benningfield Morgan McCubbin Holland Gilpin Colvin Extra Credit Moran Long Hinton Evans Clark Extra Credit MOTIF: a recurring subject, image, or idea that helps reinforce a theme in a literary work. Examples from The Scarlet Letter include light vs. darkness and wilderness vs. civilization. SYMBOL (SYMBOLISM): Symbols are objects, characters, figures, and colors used to represent abstract ideas or concepts. CHARACTERIZATION: The process by which Characterization is the process by which the writer reveals the personality of a character. Characterization is revealed through direct characterization and indirect characterization. With direct characterization the author tells the audience what the personality of the character is. With indirect characterization the author reveals the personality of a character through descriptions of the characters speech, thoughts, appearance, actions, and the way others perceive them. SYNTAX: Syntax is sentence structure, or the author’s use of punctuation and word order to convey meaning and tone. Parallel syntactical structure, anaphora, anadiplosis, ellipses, asyndeton, polysyndeton, ect. are all elements of syntax. The Scarlet Letter Reading Requirements You must read all 24 chapters of The Scarlet Letter. Vocabulary List: You must keep a running list of vocabulary words and their definitions that you encounter in the book as you read. You will turn in to me a typed or hand written list of the words and their definitions when we have finished reading the book. You must have at least 4 words per chapter for a total of at least 96 words on your list. You will likely run in to more than this number of words that you do not know. On your assigned day you must turn in at least a page of notes about your assigned Literary Device. Your notes page should include at least 4 examples of that device, the page number where the example is from, and an explanation of the example. We will discuss in class further what this notes page should look like. You will take a QUIZ on the day that each reading assignment is due. You can get Extra Credit by completing a notes page for any or all of the four days marked as extra credit on the reading calendar. After we have finished reading The Scarlet Letter we will have a major summative assessment over the novel, the major literary devices used, and your understanding of them.