Discipline program

Discipline program
Management consulting
For specialization 080200.62 «Management»
Name of master’s program
«Management of natural resources»
1. Name of discipline: «Management consulting». Author of the course – Makogonova
Nadezhda Vladimirovna, Candidate of Economics, MBA, management consultant, business
consultant, auditor, associate professor of management theory and technologies at the department
of public administration in MSU of M.V. Lomonosov.
2. Annotation of the course. The discipline acquaints students with modern approaches to
management consulting and the latest practices in management consulting with various
economic subjects, including commercial and non-commercial organizations, public authorities,
branches, representation offices and other structural subdivisions of organizations, established
under the Russian legislation and legislation of foreign states, international organizations, their
branches and representations in territory of the Russian Federation.
3. Goals and objectives of the course. Chief aim of the course is to train practical skills and
master established (regulated) procedures on management consulting by example of the chosen
(selected) economic subject to solve the agreed practical problem. Major tasks of the course are
as follows (1) the students mastering basic categories, notions, concepts, ways, technologies,
methods and techniques of this applied academic discipline, (2) mastering the model of
professional behavior for a management consultant (including business consultant, expert
consultant, auditor consultant) and his professional competencies to reduce professional risks to
the acceptable level, as well as other risks accompanying the professional sphere of activity, (3)
procession of procedure skills at the stage of preparation, planning, organization and at the final
stage of management consulting in the Plan and Program of management consulting, (4)
adjustment of documentation skills during procedures of management consulting, as well as (5)
adjustment of skills to formalize results of fulfilled management consulting procedures in the
final reporting document according to All-Russian Classifier of management documentation.
4. Place of the course in the structure of educational program. Mastering of the course
material is based on profound knowledge of materials in courses «Ethics of business relations»,
«Management theory», «Management of projects», «Marketing» and other professional
(functional) disciplines. Total work content makes 72 academic classes, including 32 academic
auditorium classes from which, in turn, 16 academic classes are seminars and 40 academic
classes of independent work.
5. Form of final attestation: «test».
6. Organization form of classes and work with students including laboriousness for each
type of work. Classes with students are organized in the form of lectures and interactive
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The course mastering is organized as follows:
- Current control (attendance of lectures, regular speaking in subgroups or individual speaking at
seminars, a degree of activity in group discussions of problems which need decision-making,
final oral presentation in auditorium of a collective or individual project, and by results of this
presentation – documentation under the agreed form or report of the made work);
-Intermediate control – writing an intermediate and final control test.
7. Distribution of laboriousness by sections and themes, as well as forms to organize classes
with indication of forms for current control and intermediate attestation:
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Name of themes and sections
Auditorium classes (hour)
LECTURE theme № 1.
Nature of management consulting, its
content, goals and objectives
Theme of seminar № 1.
Control forms and organization of
work with students
LECTURE theme № 2. Conceptual
models to comprehend an economic
subject activity, environment where
it is realized and assessment of its
economic risks
Theme of seminar № 2.
Explanation of choosing organization
Formation of general presentation
about activity of organization to
realize a collective / individual
LECTURE theme № 3. Organization
of services on management
Independent work
Control form
Initiative oral test
To form a project list of possible
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To form subgroups, to formulate
problems in subgroups, to organize a
preliminary discussion on planning
in subgroups, to formalize conditions
to realize a collective / individual
Auditorium speaking in
Theme of seminar № 3.
Presentation to comprehend an
activity of organization, its
functioning environment and
assessment of economic risks
LECTURE theme № 4
Planning of services on management
Control form 1.
Intermediate control work
LECTURE theme № 5.
General methodological approaches
to management consulting
Theme of seminar № 4.
Presentation of Plan and Program
for a collective / individual project in
an agreed form
LECTURE theme№ 6. Interrelations
of various subjects in management
Theme of seminar № 5.
Presentation of achieved results in
realization of fulfilled procedures
under a collective / individual
project, explanation of choosing the
final document
LECTURE theme № 7.
Business modeling in the epoch of
instability. Special aspects of
consulting (Part I)
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To assign problems
/segments/elements, etc. to specific
members of a subgroup
Answers to problems of
intermediate control
work in writing
To develop general strategy and
detail approach to expected
character, realization terms and
volume of procedures
Auditorium speaking in
Speaking in subgroups
in auditorium
To test internal control and material
tests, as well as other procedures to
collect evidence
Auditorium speaking in
Theme of seminar № 6.
Presentation of final document under
a collective / individual project
LECTURE theme № 8. Marketing
strategy of consulting company.
Special aspects of consulting (Part II)
Control form 2.
Final control work
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To form a final reporting document
Auditorium speaking in
Answers to questions of
the final control work in
8. Content of discipline by sections and themes – auditorium and independent work.
LECTURE theme № 1. Nature of management consulting, its content, goals and
objectives. (1) Changes at the world market of management consulting in the current year as
compared with the previous one, according to data of an own research project. (2) Urgency to
study procedure and methodological bases of management consulting. (3) Nature of management
consulting, origin, formation and its development. (4) Economic conditionality of management
consulting. Basic principles of ethics and a conceptual approach to their observation. (6)
Connection of management consulting with other forms of economic control. (7) Types of
management consulting. (8) Practical task to the course “Management consulting”.
LECTURE theme № 2. Conceptual models to comprehend an economic subject activity,
environment where it is realized and assessment of its economic risks. (1) «Module
approach» to comprehend an organizational activity, its functioning environment and assessment
of risks, or «5 problems» model. (2) “Johnson – Hagerman – Christensen” model. (3) Strategic
(account) models of organization and a dynamic (financial) model of organization. (4) «The
Conference Board» model.
LECTURE theme № 3. Organization of services on management consulting. (1) Selection of
clients by consulting companies. (2) Selection of consulting companies by economic subjects.
(3) Commitment letter of a consulting company about consent to management consulting. (4)
Consulting agreement. (5) Cost estimation of consulting services. (6) Professional risk. Risk
LECTURE theme № 4. Planning of services on management consulting. (1) Planning of
services on management consulting. Requirements to planning of repeated services on
management consulting. Requirements to planning of primary services on management
consulting. General plan and Program on services of management consulting (2) Materiality in
management consulting. (3) Study and assessment of systems on management account and
internal control in management consulting. (4) Service stages of management consulting.
LECTURE theme № 5. General methodological approaches to management consulting. (1)
50 basic concepts and technologies of management in edition of Michael Ward, or
REFERENTIALLY for 50 items in program of internal control methods. Subjects of
management by M. Ward: a) management strategy, b) marketing management, c) pricing
management, d) finance management, e) operational management, f) solutions management, g)
account management, h) personnel management, i) study management, j) self-management, k)
changes management. Modern methodological approached to management consulting.
(2) Documentation of management consulting. Structure of working documents: continuous and
current working files (folders).
LECTURE theme№ 6. Interrelations of various subjects in management consulting. (1)
Communication of information received by results of fulfilled procedures to management and
representatives of the owner by the Customer. (2) Statements and explanations of the
management by the Customer. (3) Use of an expert work. Its working order. Use of results. (4)
Operations with connected parties. (5) Study and use of results provided by services of internal
organizational control. (6) Use of work performed by other consulting (auditor, expert)
organization. Myths of a manager’s work.
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LECTURE theme № 7. Business modeling in the epoch of instability. Special aspects of
consulting (Part I). (1) Modern phenomena. Growth of instability and uncertainty … an
appreciable strengthening of destabilizing factors in environment. Recognized influence on nonmaterial assets on the cost increase of company. Internet – medium as a special business
environment and dominating for some businesses (possible is the material change in consumer
behavior, for instance, mass distribution of 5-generation stores). Impact of social media. Swift
growth of megapolis – cities, “global transition, 2006”. Rapid growth of global data volume.
Cloud technologies and smarter computing. Deficient energy resources. Overpopulation.
Possible new period of “peoples’ migration”. (2) Identification of root competencies and multivector model of T.Duran. (3) Planning and projection of organizations based on configurations
(types of organizations) under H. Minzberg.
LECTURE theme № 8. Marketing strategy of consulting company. Special aspects of
consulting (Part II) . (1) Basic model of an efficient strategy. (2) Types of strategic process. (3)
Technology to determine strategic guidelines of a consulting company. (4) Determination of an
optimal operation depth by example of the consulting company. (5) Determination of an optimal
operational depth. (6) Formalization of a marketing strategy by example of the consulting
company. (7) Strategy vulnerability. Taleb N. The Black swan: the impact of the highly
improbable. (8) Inference. (9) Afterword.
9. List of competencies formed as the result of mastering the discipline. After learning the
discipline the bachelor should:
 know:
- basic ethic principles of management consulting and a conceptual approach to their
- formed (regulated) procedures on organization of management consulting;
- formation stages of management consulting;
- basic categories, notions, concepts, ways, technologies, methods and techniques of
management consulting,
 be able:
- to make a Plan and Program of management consulting following the set requirements to
their development;
- to identify threats of breaching basic ethic principles, evaluate them and make response
actions in relation to such threats;
- to collect evidence by results of fulfilled procedures;
- to cooperate with colleagues and work in team, organize activity of a small group, formed to
realized a specific project in the professional sphere (M-IC-21);
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to organize interdisciplinary groups of manages on development and management of
projects (M-SPC-6),
basic concepts of the discipline;
procedure skills in section of stages to organize preparation, planning, fulfillment and final
stage of management consulting in the Plan and Program of management consulting;
skills of documentation during procedures of management consulting;
skills to formalize results of fulfilled procedures on management consulting in the final
reporting document according to forms in All-Russian Classifier of management
methods (technologies) to research management practice (M-IC-2);
an ability for business communication: public speaking, discussion, presentations in the
English language (M-IC-3);
an ability to form a set of personal management competencies: leadership, sociability , selfdiscipline, responsibility, zeal, purposefulness, etc. (M-IC-4);
an ability for professional activity according to legal and ethic norms (M-SC-4);
an ability to manage projects (M-PC-1);
an ability to realize the program of organizational development (M-PC-4);
an ability to prepare analytical materials to manage business processes and skills to assess
their efficiency (M-PC-8);
an ability for independent researchers according to the developed program (M-PC-11);
an ability to provide independent consultations on management problems, including
definition and assessment of problems and (or) facilities (M-PC-16);
an ability to make and provide recommendations on fulfillment of measures to improve
management activity of the organization and to assist in their realization (M-PC-17).
10. Used educational, scientific – research and scientific - production technologies:
a. Educational technologies: lectures, interactive seminars, discussions,
intermediate and final control works, target speaking to solve a collective /
individual practical problem.
b. Scientific – research technologies: realization of analytical procedures, leading
questions of the lecturer.
c. Scientific – production technologies: preparation of materials for presentation
and documentation.
11. Learning and teaching courseware for independent work of students, methods to assess
progress in study and intermediate attestation:
a. Learning and teaching recommendations to provide independent work of
students: Course presentation.
b. An exemplary list of questions for current and intermediate attestation: under
tasks to covered material.
c. An exemplary list of questions for current and intermediate attestation: under
tasks to covered material.
12. Learning – teaching and informational courseware of the discipline:
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Lecture theme № 1. Nature of management consulting, its content, goals and objectives
1. http://www.webserverone.net/projects/feaco/FCKeditor_project/05Statutesfinal.pdf (text of
FEACO document);
2. Management Consulting in Practice: case studies in international best practice / F.
Czerniawska and P. May, © Management Consultancies Association, 2004.
3. http://www.sourceforconsulting.com/ (information about the market of consulting services);
4. http://www.consultingmag.com/ (electronic magazine);
5. http://www.esomar.org/;
6. http://www.conference-board.org/;
7. Michael C. Jensen & William H. Meckling, 1976, Theory of the Firm: Managerial Behavior,
Agency Costs and Ownership Structure:
Lecture theme № 2
Conceptual models to comprehend an economic subject activity, environment where it is
realized and assessment of its economic risks
1. Federal rule (standard) of audit activity № 8 «Comprehension of the audited person activity,
environment where it is realized and assessment of risks to distort materially the audited
financial (accounting) reporting», approved by Government Decree RF d/d 19.11.2008 N 863,
d/d 27.01.2011 N 30).
2. Internal Control – Integrated Framework. Executive Summary. COSO. May 2013.
3. Internal Control – Integrated Framework. Framework and Appendices. COSO. May 2013.
4. Internal Control – Integrated Framework. Illustrative Tools for Assessing Effectiveness of a
System of Internal Control. COSO. May 2013.
5. Kudina M.V. Company management: theory and practice. – М: Publishing House of Moscow
University, 2013;
6. Zub А.Т. Making management decisions: theory and practiceа. - М: INFRA-М, 2010;
7. Lukasevich I.Y. Investments: textbook. – М: textbook for higher schools: INFRA-M, 2011;
8. Marc Johnson, Clayton Christensen, Henning Hagerman. Renewal of business model // HBR –
Russia, March 2009. Source: http://www.hbr-russia.ru/issue/46/736/,
6. Rudyk N.B. Behavior finances or between fear and greed. – М: Case, 2004.
7. Harry Hamel. Management 2.0: new version for a new century // HBR – Russia, October,
2009. Source: http://www.hbr-russia.ru/issue/52/1019/;
8. Michael C. Jensen «Value Maximization and the Corporate Objective Function» in Unfolding
Stakeholder Thinking, edited by Joerg Andriof, Sandra Waddock, Sandra Rahman and Bryan
p. 9 from 13
9. Levinson H. Management by Whose Objectives? – Harvard Business Online. Motivating
People. January 2003, HBSP Product № 2802;
10. Brandenburger A, Heilbaff B, Co-opetition. Competitive cooperation in business – М: Case,
Omega-L, 2012;
11. http://www.ssrn.com/ (Research network in the sphere of humanitarian sciences);
12. http://marketingminds.com.au/features/gurus.html (Marketing problems);
13. http://books.pchelov.com/ (Books on business and psychology);
14. http://consultingmagazine.org/.
Lecture theme № 3.
Organization of services on management consulting
1. David A. Marca and Clement L. Mc Gown. Methodology of structural analysis and projection
/ Structured Analysis and Design Technique – SADT with preface 2. Douglas T.Ross:
Translation from English. – М: 1993;
2. GOST P ISO 9000-2008, approved and introduced by Order of the Federal Agency on
technical regulation and metrology d/d 18.12.2008 № 470-st (identical to the international
standard ISO 9000-2005 «Quality management systems. General provisions and glossary»):
ch=9000-2008&id=174284 (05.10.2012);
3. GOST P ISO 9001-2008, approved and introduced by Order of the Federal agency on
technical regulation and metrology d/d 18.12.2008 № 471-st (identical to the international
standard ISO 9001-2005 «Quality management systems. REQUIREMENTS»);
4. GOST P ISO 9004-2008, approved and introduced by Order of the Federal agency on
technical regulation and metrology d/d 18.12.2008 № 472-st (identical to the international
standard ISO 9004-2005 «Quality management systems. «RECOMMENDATIONS TO
5. Interview of APQC President (American production and quality center), Carl O’Dell:
LECTURE theme № 4
Planning of services on management consulting
1. Minzberg H. Managing! Best practice in management. –SPb: Peter, 2011;
2. Julien F. Efficiency treatise. М. – SPb, 1999.
3. Mann R, Mayer E, Controlling for starters. System of profit management / Translation from
German, 2nd edition, revised and supplemented, 2004;
4. Folmut H. Controlling instruments from A to Z / Translation from German, edited and with
preface of M.L. Lukashevich, E.N. Tikhonenkova. М: Finances and statistics, 2003;
5. Drury C. Management and production account: textbook / Translated from English by V. N.
Egorova. М: Unity, 2007;
6. Horngran C, Foster J, Datar S. Account in management / Translated from English by Pinus
O.A, etc. SPb, etc: Peter, 2005;
7. Scown T. Management account: how to use it for business control / Translated from English
by E.A.Anankina, edited by N.D. Eriashvili. М: Audit: Unity, 1997;
p. 10 from 13
8. Huang Y. Capitalism with Chinese characteristics: Government and business / Translated
from English – М: Alpina Publishers, 2010;
9. Nobel lectures on economics...
Lecture theme № 5.
General methodological approaches to management consulting
1. Ward M. 50 management methods: Translated from English. –М: Finances and statistics,
2004. © Michael Ward, 1995. © Finances and statistics, 2003;
2. Gurkov I.B. Strategic management of organization: textbook, 2nd edition, revised and
supplemented – М: TEIS, 2004;
3. Tompson А.А., Strickland A.J. Strategic management: conceptions and analysis situations,
12th edition: Translated from English. – М: Publishing House “Williams”, 2002;
4. Johnson J, Showls C., Wittington R. Corporate strategy: theory and practice, 7th edition:
Translated from English – М: Publishing House Williams, 2007;
5. FPSAD 2 «Documentation», See:
6. 77-FL «About obligatory copy of documents» d/d 29.12.1994 in edition d/d 11.07.2011;
7. List of standard management documents formed in activity of organizations, with indication of
storage period (approved by the Federal Archive service RF d/d 06.10.2000);
8. Exemplary list of documents formed in activity of credit organizations, with indication of
storage period (approved by the Federal Archive Service RF d/d 10.03.2000);
9. GOST 7.50-90 Conservation of documents. General requirements (1990 instead of GOST
Lecture theme№ 6. Interrelations of various subjects in management consulting
1.FPSAD 22 «Communication of information received by results of the audit to management of
the audited person and representatives of its owner» See:
2. FPSAD 23 «Statements and explanations of the audited person management » See:
3. FPSAD 32 «Use of the expert working results by the auditor» See:
4. FPSAD 9 «Interrelated parties» See:
5. FPSAD 29 «Consideration of the internal audit work» See:
6. Association of independent directors, See: http://www.nand.ru/;
7. Federal service on financial markets. See: http://www.fcsm.ru/;
8. FPSAD 28 «Use of working results of other audit» See:
p. 11 from 13
9. Minzberg H, Quinn J. B, Hoshal S. Strategic process / Translation from English, edited by
Y.N. Kapturevsky. -SPb: Peter, 2001.
10. Audit Guide. Government Auditing Standards and Circular A-133 Audits, Audit and
Accounting Guide. AICPA. February 1, 2013.
Lecture theme № 7.
Business modeling in the epoch of instability. Special aspects of consulting (Part I)
1. Prahalad K. Koimbatore, Krishnan M.S. Space of business innovations: formation of value
jointly with a consumer / Alpina Publisher, 2012.
2. Minzberg H. Structure in the fist: formation of an efficient organization. – SPb: Peter, 2011;
3. Antropov M.S. Management of business innovative development: modern strategies /
Economics of innovations (ed. by Ivaschenko N.P) - М: MSU, 2011,
4. Duran Т. Alchemy of competence // Hamel H, Prahalad K, Tomas G, O’Nil D. Strategic
flexibility / Translation from English, - /SPb: Peter, 2005;
5. Gurkov I.B. Strategic management of organization: Textbook. 2nd edition revised and
supplemented. – М: TEIS, 2004;
6. Tompson A.A, Strickland A.J. Strategic management: conceptions and analysis situations, 12th
edition: Translation from English. – М: Publishing house “Williams”, 2002;
7. Johnson J, Showls K, Wittington R. Corporate strategy: theory and practice, 7th edition:
Translated from English – М: Publishing house “Williams”, 2007;
8. See information of 10-k form at: http://www.sec.gov/answers/form10k.htm;
9. http://public.dhe.ibm.com/common/ssi/ecm/en/rlw03004usen/RLW03004USEN.PDF;
10. ftp://public.dhe.ibm.com/annualreport/2010/2010_ibm_annual.pdf;
11. http://www.ibm.com/ibm100/us/en/icons/mappinghumanity/;
12. Tesco Homeplus Virtual Subway Store in South Korea
13. Minzberg H. Management: nature and structure of organization by eye of guru / Henry
Minzberg; Translated from English by I.O. Medved. – М: Eksmo, 2009;
14. Gurkov I.B. Strategy and structure of corporation: textbook. – 2nd edition, revised – М:
Publishing House “Case” ANH, 2008.
15. Allison G. T. Essence of Decision: Explaining the Cuban Missile Crisis. – Boston: Little,
Brown, 1971… 2ed – 1999.
Lecture theme № 8. Marketing strategy of consulting company. Special aspects of
consulting (Part II)
1. Minzberg H. Managers, not MBAs. A hard look at the soft practice of managing and
management development/ Translation from English – М: CJSC “Olympus - Business”, 2010;
2. Lindgren M, Bandhold H. Scenario planning. Connection between future and strategy, 2009;
3. Miniter R. Myth of the market share. Why “market share” is “fool’s gold” in business /
Translation from English. М.: 2003;
4. Dixit Avinash K, Neilbaff Barry J. Strategic thinking in business, politics and private life /
Translation from English. М: «Publishing House Williams», 2007;
p. 12 from 13
5. Taleb N. The Black Swan. The impact of the highly improbable. – М: CoLibri, Azbuka Attikus, 2012;
6. Makogonova N.V. Informational courseware of management solutions in commercial
7. Webpage of A.Repiev: http://www.repiev.ru;
8. Methods of creative problem solutions and creative work organization. Webpage of S.Markov:
13. Material – technical courseware of the discipline:
a. Premises: lecture auditorium;
b. Equipment: projection equipment, Internet access.
c. Other materials: course presentation.
The present program is made according to requirements of OS MSU in specialization
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