APA Writing Workshop PPT - Indiana State University


Bayh College of Education – Department of Educational Leadership Indiana State University – Terre Haute, Indiana


(APA Writing Style __ )












APA format standardizes scientific writing

APA is precise, concise, and efficient

APA writing is designed for the READER, not the writer

APA formatting is not grounded in concepts aimed at making reading “fun” or “entertaining,” but when well written, is pleasant to read!


Format - margins, Headers, Citations,

Sections, page breaks, etc.


Phrasing, sentence and paragraph structure, transitions, etc.

Double spacing

8.5 x 11 inch

1-inch Margins: Ragged Right Edge

12 Times New Roman font

Use ISU Thesis/Dissertation Template

For Indiana State University: No Running

Head is Used

Four Sections: Title Page, Abstract, Main Body, and References

For in-text and reference section citation formatting, refer to the APA Style Guide and mirror like entries

All APA manuscript writing is double-spaced

The Reference Section is part of an APA style manuscript

Therefore, the reference section is double-spaced

Paragraphs are part of an APA manuscript

Therefore, paragraphs are double-spaced

Passive Voice

Exotic Punctuation and Commas



The “Four-Letter” Words

Unnecessary Emphatics

Negligent Plagiarism

Where the object rather than the subject of the sentence receives the action of the verb.

Through the examination of the data and the asking of questions yet to be answered, future research opportunities have become evident.

- The “Flipping” Strategy -

Future research opportunities have become evident after examining the results.

How can the following sentences be transformed to active voice?

The cheese was eaten by the mouse.

After the cheese was eaten by the mouse, it was eaten by the cat.

Employee’s perceptions that their supervisors are confident they are able to reach higher levels of productivity increases confidence in themselves.

(All of the sentences above were adapted from submitted dissertations)

Use commas to separate three or more words, phrases, or clauses written in a series

Use commas to separate independent clauses when they are joined by any of these seven coordinating conjunctions: and, but, for, or, nor, so, yet.

Use commas after introductory a) clauses, b) phrases, or c) words that come before the main clause

The probability that you’ll use far too many commas in your

APA writing is exceedingly high

More or less, the faculty member, who is an expert, can be relied upon, in certain cases, to provide additional information, not presented in the text, that is critical to learning, especially in the subject area.

In addition to the textbook, faculty members should provide additional subject area information.

Colons, Semi-colons, Punctuations within italics,


One simple rule to follow: Don’t use them unless an example is expressly provided for in the APA

Style Guide

Outside of the factors found to be statistically significant, one may find further suggestions for application in the college classroom. The following most noted questions in the survey all came from outside the statistically significant factors, including

While not statistically significant, the responses to some survey questions should be considered applicable to teaching, including

Assigning human qualities to non-human things

The school decided to adopt a new policy.

The research said that it was important.

The study tells us that we should change.






You’re probably using them when you shouldn’t be using them

This study will identify factors that impact student academic performance in school settings.

This means that those things they find challenging can hinder their ultimate success.




Because of this,


In the midst of all of it, however, they continued their journey

The APA Publications Manual provides examples of just about anything. Writers’ refusal to consult the Manual is apparent within two minutes to an editor.

On-campus editors are not re-writers

Don’t rely on an on-campus editor to identify each and every error in the manuscript

The failure to cite an original author*

(* Citing a secondary source is close to plagiarism)

Turnitin WILL typically identify the original author

Use of Numbers


Use of et al.

Capitalization in Titles and Headings

Imprecise Language

Tables and Figures

Use of Commas

Abbreviations and Acronyms

Line Spacing

Use of & as opposed to the word and

All of what you’ve just been presented!

Step 1: Just write it

Step 2: Assume you’ve written it with errors

Step 3: Fix the errors

Can you use fewer words?

Can you use fewer punctuation marks?

Use the “flipping” strategy to transform passive voice to active

Step 4: Use the “Find” feature to locate problems

(commas, exotic punctuation, “four-letter” words

When in doubt, be conservative

When tempted to be imaginative, don’t be

When driven to novelty, don’t be

When seeking distinction, let your writing, not your writing style distinguish your work
