
Sermons From Science -- June 2013
科学布道-- 2013年6月
Sermons from Science is now published in both
YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in
PowerPoint slides in the website
The contents of this presentation were taken from Dave
Coppedge’s website May God have all
the glory.
Let us pray for Dave Coppedge’s fast recovery from
cancer surgery.
Pastor Chui
How Intricate Patterns Grow in Flowers, Feathers
How does a growing flower bud or feather follicle know
where to put the intricate colors and patterns on a mature
flower or feather? Scientists are beginning to get partial
Flower art: Imagine you’re a flower bud. You are blind,
deaf, and dumb, but somehow you know how to create
beautiful artwork. Through your efforts, a lovely rose,
petunia or orchid will result. How would you do it? An
article on Live Science suggests an amazing, though
partial, answer: the bud has a map of the finished
product. “The shape of a flower’s petals and leaves
are dictated by a biological map hidden inside the
flower’s growing bud,” according to a new study from the
John Innes Centre and the University of East Anglia, both
in the UK.
How Intricate Patterns Grow in Flowers, Feathers
“They discovered that concealed maps within
the flower buds are made up of patterns of
arrows that act as instructions for how each
cell in the bud should grow. As such, the
maps essentially influence a flower bud’s
cell polarity, or the functions of the cells.
The study’s findings not only shed light on why
geranium petals are unlike rose petals, they
also explain why an individual flower’s petals
and leaves are different shapes.”
How Intricate Patterns Grow in Flowers, Feathers
The “arrows” are made up of proteins
called PIN proteins that migrate to the tips of
cells. When they concentrate, a pointed leaf
results. When they fan out, a rounded shape,
like a flower petal results. Other proteins follow
the “arrows” to cause growth in those
areas. PLoS Biology discussed the paper in a
little more detail. The original paper in PLoS
Biology described how the growth proteins
follow the “polarity field” set up by
the PIN proteins.
How Intricate Patterns Grow in Flowers, Feathers
Feather art: Bird feathers are vastly different
from flower petals, but another amazing
“mapping” mechanism controls their
development. Feathers can contain stripes,
spots, and nano-patterns that play tricks with
light; see examples in PhysOrg’s coverage of a
paper in Science Magazine. What turns on the
dark and light patterns? The new research
paper by Lin et al., “Topology of Feather
Melanocyte Progenitor Niche Allows Complex
Pigment Patterns to Emerge,” offers the
beginnings of an answer:
How Intricate Patterns Grow in Flowers, Feathers
“Melanocyte progenitors are distributed as
a horizontal ring in the proximal follicle, sending
melanocytes vertically up into the epithelial
cylinder which gradually emerges as feathers
grow. Different pigment patterns form by modulating
the presence, arrangement, or differentiation of
melanocytes. A layer of peripheral pulp
further regulates pigmentation via patterned agouti
expression. Lifetime feather cyclic regeneration resets
pigment patterns for physiological needs. Thus,
the evolution of stem cell niche topology allows
complex pigment patterning via combinatorial cooption of simple regulatory mechanisms.”
How Intricate Patterns Grow in Flowers, Feathers
By “evolution,” the authors cannot assume that
blind, undirected processes create the patterns
any more than they create intricate feathers
themselves. They merely mean that stem cells
are regulated to generate the patterns. But
what tells the stem cells to differentiate
according to a predetermined pattern? What
created the pattern in the first place that these
mechanisms execute? The explanation begs
even deeper questions.
How Intricate Patterns Grow in Flowers, Feathers
Speaking of feathers, how would you like to dive into a
feather on the wing of a red-tailed hawk and see its
microscopic structure? You can live this adventure, along
with many others, in a new film just released in May
from Illustra Media entitled, Flight: The Genius of
Birds. (Click the link for trailer and ordering
information.) With cutting-edge science, stunning
photography, an original music score and a thoughtful
narration aided by the insight of biologists, the film makes
a convincing case for intelligent design. Along with the
previous release Metamorphosis: The Beauty and Design
of Butterflies, this new entry forms the foundation to
Illustra’s new series of high-quality nature
documentaries, The Design of Life. Both were produced 8
in High-Definition Blu-ray with 5.1 surround sound.
How Intricate Patterns Grow in Flowers, Feathers
We are very happy to co-sponsor Flight: The
Genius of Birds and will be drawing attention
to it all month. CEH Editor David Coppedge
worked closely with the producer on
scientific research and proofing, but it was
the genius of the production team led by Lad
Allen, with his editor Jerry Harned, working
with the biologists, the animators, the
composer Mark Lewis and the sound
technicians, and others, who made this film a
How Intricate Patterns Grow in Flowers, Feathers
The DVD is great, but if you have a good home
theater, this is a film to enjoy in an immersive
environment, with a Blu-ray player, a large screen
and a surround sound system. Flight is the equal
of secular nature documentaries—but without the
Darwinism that is merely assumed by the
others. It includes several incredible true stories
about particular bird species. After being amazed
by what you learn, and how beautifully it is
presented, we are sure you will want to order extra
copies of Flight to pass around. Order
today! DVD ships May 14, Blu-ray on June 11. 10
How Intricate Patterns Grow in Flowers, Feathers
And by all means, if you haven’t yet
watched Metamorphosis, order them
both! Readers delighted with the exceptional
work of Illustra Media should support them
financially. They have plans to augment The
Design of Life series with more superb
documentaries on the wonders of the living
world. Nobody does it better than
Illustra! Their films are reaching around the
world. Be part of a team that is dismantling
Darwinist materialism with clear, powerful,
convincing evidence for design.
Gloria Deo
Sermons From Science -- June 2013
科学布道-- 2013年6月
Sermons from Science is now published in both
YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in
PowerPoint slides in the website
The contents of this presentation were taken from Dave
Coppedge’s website May God have all
the glory.
Let us pray for Dave Coppedge’s fast recovery from
cancer surgery.
Pastor Chui
Intact Dinosaur Skin Found
Some material that flaked off a fossil in Alberta was
not stone; it was dinosaur skin. Discoverers were
excited and puzzled: how could it last so long?
Here’s how Mauricio Barbi of the University of
Regina described their discovery, according to
“As we excavated the fossil, I thought that we were
looking at a skin impression. Then I noticed a
piece came off and I realized this is not ordinary –
this is real skin. Everyone involved with the
excavation was incredibly excited and we started
discussing research projects right away.”
Intact Dinosaur Skin Found
The reports on PhysOrg and on Nature World
News focused on figuring what color the skin
was. Readers who go all the way to the end of the
article, though, find out the really big question:
“But perhaps the greatest question Barbi is trying
to answer at the CLS is how the fossil remained
intact for around 70-million years.
“What’s not clear is what happened to this
dinosaur and how it died,” he said. “There
is something special about this fossil and the
area where it was found, and I am going to find
out what it is.”
Intact Dinosaur Skin Found
The fossil was found in an area described as a
“robust bone bed.” Barbi claimed it’s the only 3dimensional dinosaur skin fossil in the
world. According to the articles, the skin was
preserved “almost intact,” with tissues that can be
“For the experiment, the sample is placed in the path
of the infrared beam and light reflects off of it. During
the experiment, chemical bonds of certain
compounds will create different vibrations. For
example, proteins, sugars and fats still found in
the skin will create unique vibrational frequencies
that scientists can measure.
Intact Dinosaur Skin Found
“It is astonishing that we can get information
like this from such an old sample,” said Tim
May, CLS Mid-IR staff scientist. “Skin has fat
and lots of dead cells along with many
inorganic compounds. We can reflect the
infrared beam off the sample and we can
analyze the samples to give us very clear
They will be studying melanosomes (pigment
cells) in the skin to try to determine what color
the hadrosaur was.
Intact Dinosaur Skin Found
Barbi promised he is going to find out what is so
special about his fossil and the area in which it was
found. His only hope is to abandon the millions-ofyears Darwinian story. The reason the skin is
intact, and its tissues can still be studied, is that it
is recent—not 70 million years old. If he were to
propose that explanation, though, his career would
be over. So strong is the bias against Darwin
skeptics (even stronger against old-earth skeptics),
truth no longer matters. The primary goal of
evolutionary geologists and paleontologists is to
defend Charlie’s quaint Victorian myth against all18
the evidence the world throws at it.
Gloria Deo
Sermons From Science -- June 2013
科学布道-- 2013年6月
Sermons from Science is now published in both
YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in
PowerPoint slides in the website
The contents of this presentation were taken from Dave
Coppedge’s website May God have all
the glory.
Let us pray for Dave Coppedge’s fast recovery from
cancer surgery.
Pastor Chui
Bug-Eye Camera, Fly Robot and other Bio-Inspired Tech
Incredible advancements in technology are coming from
the imitation of nature, but engineers cannot yet attain
animal performance.
Look like a bug: “New Camera Inspired by Insect Eyes,”
announced Science Now. If you thought insects with their
compound eyes had inferior vision to ours, think that no
“An insect’s compound eye is an engineering
marvel: high resolution, wide field of view, and
incredible sensitivity to motion, all in a compact
package. Now, a new digital camera provides the bestever imitation of a bug’s vision, using new optical
materials and techniques. This technology could
someday give patrolling surveillance drones the same
exquisite vision as a dragonfly on the hunt.”
Bug-Eye Camera, Fly Robot and other Bio-Inspired Tech
In the Illustra film Metamorphosis, Dr. Thomas Emmel
notes that butterflies have better color vision than
humans. They can see from infrared to
ultraviolet. And in the Illustra film Darwin’s Dilemma,
we see that compound eyes existed in the Cambrian
multicellular animals, including trilobites and
According to PhysOrg, the new camera has an
“unmatched field of view.” Part of the challenge for
engineers at the University of Illinois was to develop
flexible electronics and optics that could accommodate
curved surfaces. Even so, their “low-end insect eye”
mimic does not reach the performance of
the design that inspired it:
Bug-Eye Camera, Fly Robot and other Bio-Inspired Tech
“Eyes in arthropods use compound
designs, in which arrays of smaller eyes
act together to provide image
perception. Each small eye, known as
an ommatidium, consists of a corneal
lens, a crystalline cone and a lightsensitive organ at the base. The entire
system is configured to provide
exceptional properties in imaging,
many of which lie beyond the reach of
existing man-made cameras.”
Bug-Eye Camera, Fly Robot and other Bio-Inspired Tech
It would appear difficult to rephrase that paragraph
in Darwinian terms, since it depends on the use of
concepts like design, configuration, and
exceptional properties. The project caught the
attention of Nature, and Science Daily twice. The
engineer’s paper was published in Nature, which
noted that arthropods differ in the number of facets
or ommatidia. Some ants have about 100 facets;
praying mantises have about 15,000, while some
dragonflies have up to 28,000. They ended by
saying, “Biologically inspired
schemes for adapting to different light levels
are also of interest.”
Bug-Eye Camera, Fly Robot and other Bio-Inspired Tech
Fly like a fly: A biomimetic robot that flies like a fly was
reported in Science this week. It caught the attention
of Nature and Science Daily. “RoboBee” doesn’t look
anywhere near as sophisticated as an actual fly (and lacks
digestive, neural, and reproductive systems), but Nature
called it a “manufacturing marvel.” One of its designers
said, “This is a major engineering breakthrough, 15
years in the making.” The little robot, weighing only 80
milligrams, has thin membranes for wings that it can flap
120 times a second, similar to a fly’s flapping rate (the
engineers admitted it is only “modeled loosely on the
morphology of flies”). Building a lightweight battery was
one of the biggest challenges, so they had to tether it to a
power source and computer with thin wire. Still, it’s “pretty
fantastically cool,” an observer said for Science Now. 25
Bug-Eye Camera, Fly Robot and other Bio-Inspired Tech
The engineering team faced many
challenges. For instance, if the wings weren’t
exactly symmetrical, it failed to fly. It “took
many rounds of tweaking the design before
it finally worked,” but when the team had their
“Kitty Hawk moment,” they were really
proud. RoboBee can only fly for 20 seconds,
and wears out after 15 minutes of use. But it’s
“the smallest flapping wing aircraft that has
ever been built and made fully functional,” they
said. The goal is to get the power supply, flight
control computer and everything else on board.
Bug-Eye Camera, Fly Robot and other Bio-Inspired Tech
They envision making swarms of these robots for
search and rescue. “When you scale things
down, smaller is better,” they said. That speaks
volumes about the actual living fly, which not only
has everything on board, but also contains
digestive, neural, and reproductive systems. A fly
or bee is comparatively large for insects, too
(consider gnats and mosquitoes, for
instance). Recently, a microscopic fairyfly
dubbed Tinkerbella nana was discovered with a
body length of 155 micrometers (see Science
Daily for picture). That’s packing a lot of systems
into a very tiny space.
Bug-Eye Camera, Fly Robot and other Bio-Inspired Tech
Sea horse armor: In other biomimetics
news, scientists at UC San Diego have their
eyes on seahorses for ideas. According
to Science Daily, “Sea horses get
their exceptional flexibility from
the structure of their bony plates, which
form its armor.” The plates slide past each
other. The plates can be compressed to half
their size without damage. The principle
behind the UCSD project is broader than one
particular animal:
Bug-Eye Camera, Fly Robot and other Bio-Inspired Tech
“The study of natural materials can lead to the
creation of new and unique materials and
structures inspired by nature that are stronger,
tougher, lighter and more flexible,” said [Joanna]
McKittrick, a professor of materials science at the
Jacobs School of Engineering at UC San Diego.
McKittrick and Meyers had sought
bioinsipiration [sic] by examining the armor
of many other animals, including armadillo,
alligators and the scales of various fish. This
time, they were specifically looking for an animal that
was flexible enough to develop a design for a
robotic arm.
Bug-Eye Camera, Fly Robot and other Bio-Inspired Tech
Mr. Clean cicada: The 17-year locusts are
emerging from hibernation in some parts of the
south this year. Live Science reported on work
to understand how the bugs can stay so
clean. They don’t need to stand in the rain; the
structure of their exoskeleton allows the bugs to
be self-cleaning, researchers at Duke University
have found. “Apparently, grime can simply
leap right off them, given dew.” When
dewdrops merge together, they literally leap off
the bugs, carrying grime with them. This also
happens on lotus leaves and other “super3/14/2016
hydrophobic” surfaces.
Bug-Eye Camera, Fly Robot and other Bio-Inspired Tech
 “These findings not only can
help explain the mystery of how
cicada wings keep clean, but could
also lead to improved artificial selfcleaning materials. Jumping
droplets could also help remove
heat from power plants, Chen said.”
Bug-Eye Camera, Fly Robot and other Bio-Inspired Tech
Protein origami: Science Magazine published a
paper about the use of proteins for self-assembling
materials. A “Perspective” piece in the same issue
about the project said that synthetic biology “aims to
push natural biological systems in novel
directions or to generate biomimetic systems
with new properties.” The team from University of
Bristol learned how to control the self-assembly of
proteins to generate simple “cages” and patterns out
of coiled-coil elements of proteins. “The assembly
properties of the peptides are governed by how
their folding results in the projection of chemical
functional groups into space.”
Bug-Eye Camera, Fly Robot and other Bio-Inspired Tech
Short bows: Nature mentioned the “worminspired adhesive” that came from following
how a spiny-headed worm embeds itself in
the tissues of its host. A bandage built on
the principle is “more than three times as
adhesive as surgical staples for affixing skin
grafts.” Live Science posted “Seven Clever
Technologies Inspired by
Animals.” Entrants include butterflies,
sharks, worms, cockleburs, beetles, geckos,
and spiders.
Bug-Eye Camera, Fly Robot and other Bio-Inspired Tech
As usual, evolution was useless in all these stories. It
was only mentioned occasionally as an ideologicallydriven afterthought, such as “Nature has developed
and refined these concepts over the course of
billions of years of evolution” (PhysOrg). Nature is
not a developer! Nature is not a refiner. Nature
knows nothing of concepts. Those are terms from
intelligent design. The Nature paper on the compound
eye begins, “In arthropods, evolution has created a
remarkably sophisticated class of imaging
systems, with a wide-angle field of view, low
aberrations, high acuity to motion and an infinite depth
of field,” but then says nothing further about evolution.
Bug-Eye Camera, Fly Robot and other Bio-Inspired Tech
Evolution is not a creator! Evolution does
not design sophisticated imaging systems
with desirable properties! Tanya Lewis
at Live Science dreamed, “Over time,
evolution has led to some incredible
developments, from the photosynthetic
machinery in plants to the human
eye.” She needs to awake from her
dogmatic Darwinian slumbers.
Bug-Eye Camera, Fly Robot and other Bio-Inspired Tech
The lingo that predominates in
biomimetics is design,
inspiration, exceptional
performance. Darwinians, pack
up your snake oil wagons and
get out of the way of this new,
popular I.D. parade.
Gloria Deo
Sermons From Science -- June 2013
科学布道-- 2013年6月
Sermons from Science is now published in both
YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in
PowerPoint slides in the website
The contents of this presentation were taken from Dave
Coppedge’s website May God have all
the glory.
Let us pray for Dave Coppedge’s fast recovery from
cancer surgery.
Pastor Chui
Detecting Panic in Evolution Articles
Some claims by evolutionists sound cool, calm and
collected until you see them in context.
An example appeared in Science
Daily and Astrobiology Magazine – a claim that life
may have originated in salty, icy stalactites under
the sea ice. Need “clues to the origin of
life”? The article says, “Life on Earth may have
originated not in warm tropical seas, but with
weird tubes of ice — sometimes called ‘sea
stalactites’ — that grow downward into cold
seawater near Earth’s poles, scientists are
Detecting Panic in Evolution Articles
That’s a major shift toward further
implausibility. From Darwin’s own
speculations about a “warm little pond,”
origin-of-life researchers have long claimed
that heat is necessary to drive the reactions
for life. That’s why some have imagined
life’s origin at a hydrothermal vent, or lakes
near a volcano, or at least in the open ocean
exposed to sunlight. But “sea stalactites” of
ice in the coldest oceans on earth?
Detecting Panic in Evolution Articles
Even more desperate is the analogy the
researchers of the American Chemical Society
posed: these “brinicles,” as they have been
dubbed, look like “chemical gardens” kids play
with. They look like “children’s chemistry
sets, in which tubes grow upward from metal
salts dropped into silicate solution.” Being
made of the wrong stuff, those structures have
absolutely nothing to do with the origin of life.
From there, the article descended into rank
Detecting Panic in Evolution Articles
“The analysis concluded that brinicles provide an
environment that could well
have fostered the emergence of life on
Earth billions of years ago, and could have done
so on other planets. “Beyond Earth, the brinicle
formation mechanism may be important in the
context of planets and moons with ice-covered
oceans,” the report states, citing in particular two
moons of Jupiter named Ganymede and Callisto.”
It’s safe to assume that if origin-of-life researchers
had something better than this to propose, they
would have proposed it long ago.
Detecting Panic in Evolution Articles
NASA’s Astrobiology Institute is a worthless
boondoggle that accomplishes nothing. Where
is their evidence? They study planets, rocks,
and possibly oceans, but there is still no
evidence for life beyond Earth’s biosphere. It’s
an enterprise built entirely on faith in a
Darwinian ideology. Astrobiology Magazine
publishes almost nothing original. Day after
day they re-post press releases from other
sources that say, “maybe this” and “maybe
that.” Did you see the government seal of
approval on the webpage?
Detecting Panic in Evolution Articles
When “astrobiology” was born as a “new science”
back around 1990 because of a rush to celebrate
possible fossils in a Martian meteorite (since
debunked), then-NASA-chief Dan Goldin
convinced Congress to fund research into life on
other worlds. Since then, nothing has been
accomplished to find life elsewhere, and now they
are so desperate they propose cold icicles “could”
be environments for the “emergence” of life on
other planets. Good grief. One of our readers
should research how many millions of tax dollars
the government has spent on this Darwinian
fantasy trip.
Detecting Panic in Evolution Articles
This is not to imply that many astrobiologists are not
intelligent, highly-educated scientists. It’s just that their
astronomy has nothing to do with biology. Detecting
extrasolar planets, studying planetary atmospheres, and
characterizing the nature of living creatures at deep-sea
vents is all fine and good, but to imply that life “emerged”
from non-living environments is supported by no
evidence whatsoever. The legitimate studies of planets
could have been funded without inventing a new
word. Astro-biology is a fabrication, spliced out of two
legitimate sciences, astronomy and biology. It is no
more legit than geo-psychology or planetary
sociology. Without evidence to justify its existence, it
should be called astro-bio-mythology.
Gloria Deo
Sermons From Science -- June 2013
科学布道-- 2013年6月
Sermons from Science is now published in both
YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in
PowerPoint slides in the website
The contents of this presentation were taken from Dave
Coppedge’s website May God have all
the glory.
Let us pray for Dave Coppedge’s fast recovery from
cancer surgery.
Pastor Chui
Cosmologists Use Natural Selection to
Explain Fine-Tuning of the Universe
In a mathematical tour de farce, two Oxford
evolutionists have applied Darwinian natural
selection to the multiverse to try to explain why
it looks designed.
A press release from the University of
Oxford tells how evolutionary theorist Andy
Gardner and theoretical physicist Joseph
Conlon figured that universes give birth to other
universes through black holes. The ones with
the “fittest” parameters of physics get better at it
and survive:
Cosmologists Use Natural Selection to
Explain Fine-Tuning of the Universe
“Cosmological natural selection proposes that, if
new universes are born inside black holes, a
‘multiverse’ of many possible universes could be
shaped by a process similar to natural selection so
that successive generations of universes evolve to
become better at making black holes.…
‘This idea of cosmological natural selection is
controversial, and physicists have pointed out all
sorts of problems with it. But we were interested in
seeing if its basic evolutionary logic actually
works,’ said Dr Andy Gardner of Oxford University’s
Department of Zoology, lead author of the paper. 49
Cosmologists Use Natural Selection to
Explain Fine-Tuning of the Universe
‘We found that a general equation from
evolutionary genetics, Price’s theorem, can
help us to model how selection can work not only
at the scale of genes and organisms but also at
that of something as unimaginably vast as
multiple universes,’ said Dr Gardner. ‘Our model
uses maths similar to the mathematical theory
underlying Darwinian adaptation in biology,
which explains how the dynamics of natural
selection leads to organisms appearing
designed to maximize their fitness.’
Cosmologists Use Natural Selection to
Explain Fine-Tuning of the Universe
The Price equation, however, is not universally accepted
as a valid description of evolution, dependent as it is on
controversial ideas of kin selection and group
selection. Van Veelen and others criticized its use in
the Journal of Theoretical Biology last year. Tutorials
at Evolution and Games illustrate how Price’s theorem can
produce misleading results.
The Oxford team of two admitted that “the evolution of
universes is very different from the evolution of
animals,” but decided that “models of evolving
universes are quite similar to models of bacterial
evolution,” so they felt the similar logic made the exercise
worthwhile. Their original paper, published in Complexity,
is available online in PDF format.
Cosmologists Use Natural Selection to
Explain Fine-Tuning of the Universe
So if models of evolving universes resemble
models of biological evolution, what does that say
about the latter?
Let’s use this paper with all its whiz-bang
equations to show how to respond to pseudoerudite atheists, without being intimidated by their
jargon and flawed mathematics. The idea to
master is that if your thesis is illogical, no amount
of jargon or math will make it logical. You don’t
have to be able to follow the math of these Oxford
scholars to conclude that their ideas are laughably
Cosmologists Use Natural Selection to
Explain Fine-Tuning of the Universe
Suppose, for instance that you want to prove that
gnomes are capable of painting birds’ eggs in the
middle of the night. In your paper, you let G stand for
the available gnome population, E stand for the egg
density per acre, r the effective egg coloration rate
and F the gnomic fitness increase derived from the
Price equation, assuming the egg-painting activity
allows gnomes to produce more offspring. It doesn’t
matter if you can derive F = cov(G1 — G2) + cov(E1 —
E2) r -ewT or anything else, even more impressivelooking. If the assumptions are wrong, the
conclusions must also be wrong.
Cosmologists Use Natural Selection to
Explain Fine-Tuning of the Universe
Gardner and Conlon’s reasoning (and math) is
a house of cards on sand in a whirlwind. They
assumed Darwinism accounts for finely-tuned
adaptations in biology, like avian flight, blinding
their eyes, as did Francis Crick, who said that
“Biologists must constantly keep in
mind that what they see was not designed,
but rather evolved.” They leapt from that error
to assume that evolution can account for finetuning in the fundamental constants of physics.
Cosmologists Use Natural Selection to
Explain Fine-Tuning of the Universe
They borrowed Lee Smolin’s controversial notion of
“cosmic natural selection,” which they admitted
“is only weakly analogous to Darwinian natural
selection.” They further assumed that finely-tuned,
life-giving universes can emerge from black holes
rather than dissipate in a sea of random particles by
Hawking radiation. They trusted the shaky math of
Price’s theorem, which embeds evolutionary
assumptions into the terms of its equation just like our
example embedded gnomes into its terms.
They know exactly what they are doing. Look at the
intellectual hurdles they simply walked around instead
of facing:
Cosmologists Use Natural Selection to
Explain Fine-Tuning of the Universe
“This idea relies on several important
assumptions, all of which are controversial.
First, it is key to the ideas of Smolin that the
endpoint of black-hole formation is actually a
new universe, rather than simply a quantum
mechanical state that will decay over time
and ultimately disappear through Hawking
Cosmologists Use Natural Selection to
Explain Fine-Tuning of the Universe
“Second, Smolin suggests that the fundamental constants
can change during the formation of new universes, but no
physical mechanism is known to account for this. Third,
Smolin assumes that the new universe inherits the
constants of the previous universe, up to small variations.
However, in the context of the multiverse, one should
expect not just the constants of the Standard Model to be
ambient, but also the gauge group (set of forces) and
particle content of the Standard Model to be ambient
properties as well. In this case, one would expect far more
dramatic changes to the physical laws (e.g., the absence of
electromagnetism as a long-range force) than simply a change
in numerical constants. These are all substantial
caveats (see [16] for an in-depth review). Here, we proceed57
on the assumption that they are surmountable.
Cosmologists Use Natural Selection to
Explain Fine-Tuning of the Universe
 With a leap of faith like that, you can
simply discount everything they say
as foolishness. Isn’t that exactly what
Paul said the wise of this world do
when facing clear evidence for
design? Professing themselves to be
wise, they became fools. These two
fallible men know fully well how
designed the universe is:
Cosmologists Use Natural Selection to
Explain Fine-Tuning of the Universe
“The precise numerical values of these
constants determine much of the physics of
our universe and pose a double conundrum
for physicists and philosophers. First, the
values have a high degree of arbitrariness:
they are dimensionless parameters that range
over eight orders of magnitude, for no known
reason. Second, it is generally acknowledged
that even rather small modifications to some
of these values would lead to universes that
are vastly less complex than our own.…” 59
Cosmologists Use Natural Selection to
Explain Fine-Tuning of the Universe
No known reason? Here you witnessed a willful
escape from reason. Because they stubbornly
refuse to consider actual design by a designing
intelligence, they would rather leap into
absurdity, using their God-given talents for
abstract reasoning to manipulate numbers that
exclude the obvious out of existence in a
fantasy multiverse of their own imagination. It’s
just what Paul said: “For what can be known
about God is plain to them, because God has
shown it to them.
Cosmologists Use Natural Selection to
Explain Fine-Tuning of the Universe
For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and
divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since
the creation of the world, in the things that have been
made. So they are without excuse. For although they
knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks
to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their
foolish hearts were darkened.” (Romans 1:19–21). Futile
thinking implies the self-refuting fallacy. By thinking their
own reason emerged from a mindless cosmos, Gardner
and Conlon just undermined its validity. Such thinking
deserves pity, not funding from the Royal Society, whose
founders believed design came from the Designer about
whom Paul wrote. Today’s members honor fools by
publishing their folly.
Gloria Deo
Sermons From Science -- June 2013
科学布道-- 2013年6月
Sermons from Science is now published in both
YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in
PowerPoint slides in the website
The contents of this presentation were taken from Dave
Coppedge’s website May God have all
the glory.
Let us pray for Dave Coppedge’s fast recovery from
cancer surgery.
Pastor Chui
Trouble for Mars Lifers
Evidence disputes Mars water, let alone life. It’s
looking like a toxic place. Besides, where would the
water come from?
The big mound in Gale Crater, site of the Mars
Curiosity Rover, looked like a tantalizing place to look
for habitability. Mt. Sharp, as it is called, appeared to
be a mountain laid down by water. Now, however, it
looks more likely it was built by wind. Astrobiology
Magazine shared the bad news from Princeton: “If
correct, the research could dilute expectations that
the mound holds evidence of a large body of water,
which would have important implications for
understanding Mars’ past habitability.”
Trouble for Mars Lifers
Where would the water have come from, anyway? Live
Science proclaimed that Mars and the core of Jupiter
formed from “large space crashes.” The energy of
impacts would seem to obliterate volatile compounds
(including water). That’s why cosmogonists try to find
other sources for Earth’s oceans, assuming it crashed into
existence similarly. The highly speculative theory
proposed by U of Chicago scientists, given credence in the
article, relies on numerous improbabilities, among them:
(1) dust particles sticking together to make planetestimals,
(2) sufficient numbers of planetesimals colliding and
accreting together instead of breaking up into fine
particles, and (3) sufficient time before all the planetforming ingredients are expelled from the system.
Trouble for Mars Lifers
Michigan State scientists are divining the
meaning of Martian meteorites again, but they
admit the conclusions are unclear: “most
meteorites that originated on Mars arrived on
Earth so long ago that now they have
characteristics that tell of their life on Earth,
obscuring any clues it might offer about their
time on Mars,” a researcher confessed. Given
the confusion, they are only “laying
the groundwork for future researchers to
answer this age-old question.” In other words,
they have nothing to say.
Trouble for Mars Lifers
Mars must certainly not be a lively place now, given
what landers have found. There are “pesky
perchlorates all over Mars, ” Science
Magazine said. The chlorine compounds not only erase
carbon compounds by converting them to gas, they
make living on Mars dangerous. The perchlorates and
other chemicals like gympsum get into fine dust that
blows all over the planet, making it a dangerous place to
send humans. New Scientist described how “Toxic
Mars could hamper planned human missions.” The
fine dust could harm the lungs and thyroid glands of
future astronauts. Even in the safety of spacesuits, the
electrified dust would stick to everything, making its way
unavoidably into astronaut living quarters.
Trouble for Mars Lifers
 The bad news is not stopping children
of the Star Trek generation,
though. Some 78,000 have applied to
go on a proposed one-way trip to
Mars, New Scientist reported
elsewhere. Hopefully they won’t find
out too late that it’s a suicide mission.
Trouble for Mars Lifers
Mercury is a sterile hell, Venus is a sterile hell, Mars is
a toxic wasteland, and so on out. In between Venus
and Mars lies this blue jewel we call Earth, blessed
with abundant water, greenery, and life in almost
every nook and cranny. It has the right magnetic
shield, the right solar energy, the right continental
minerals, the right atmosphere, the right
carbon/oxygen/water/nitrogen cycles — the right
everything. Doesn’t that send a message we should
heed? Maybe the Creator gave us all these other
worlds to examine, so that we would appreciate all the
more how well designed our Earth is. For those not
drunk on Darwine, that has been the primary benefit of
the planetary exploration program.
Gloria Deo
Sermons From Science -- June 2013
科学布道-- 2013年6月
Sermons from Science is now published in both
YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in
PowerPoint slides in the website
The contents of this presentation were taken from Dave
Coppedge’s website May God have all
the glory.
Let us pray for Dave Coppedge’s fast recovery from
cancer surgery.
Pastor Chui
Buried Treasure Found Under the Ocean: DNA
The most information-rich medium known
to man has been found in abundance
under the sea, but man didn’t put it there.
In “Ancient DNA Found Hidden Below Sea
Floor,” Traci Watson described
for Science Now what deep-sea explorers
have found in the abyssal plains of the
Atlantic, 3 miles below the ocean surface:
Buried Treasure Found Under the Ocean: DNA
“In the middle of the South Atlantic,
there’s a patch of sea almost devoid of
life. There are no birds, few fish, not even
much plankton. But researchers report
that they’ve found buried treasure under
the empty waters: ancient DNA hidden in
the muck of the sea floor, which lies
5000 meters below the waves.”
Buried Treasure Found Under the Ocean: DNA
The DNA is contained in fossils of foraminifera,
radiolarians and other planktonic creatures that have
settled to the sea floor. Pedro Martinez Arbizu, a
deep-sea biologist of the German Centre for Marine
Biodiversity Research, said, “We have been able to
show that the deep sea is the largest long-time
archive of DNA, and a major window to study past
biodiversity.” It’s like finding a new fossil record.
Some of the 169 forams and 21 radiolarian species
were unknown. Even species without hard shelly
parts yielded DNA. A British scientist said, “These
records are telling you new information that wasn’t
found in the fossil record.”
Buried Treasure Found Under the Ocean: DNA
Another team found traces of DNA from 2700
species in the shallower bottom of the Black
Sea, including DNA from algae, fungi, and
dinoflagellates. Scientists expected
that DNA could not survive exposure to oxygen,
but apparently newer material cut off the
oxygen from deeper sediments, preserving the
genetic material. Watson said, “more recent
Black Sea sediments weren’t exposed to
oxygen at all.”
Buried Treasure Found Under the Ocean: DNA
 The Black Sea team claims the
sediments are 9,600 years old; the
Atlantic team claims the DNA they
collected is 32,500 years old. The
article did not explain the dates, but
suggested that they were estimated
from “first appearance” of certain
species according to evolutionary
Buried Treasure Found Under the Ocean: DNA
Two observations should jump out at this
announcement. One is that even with evolutionary
assumptions, they are only claiming a 32,500-year
maximum date for what they found. That’s a tiny
fraction of the millions and billions of years they
assume plankton should have been settling onto the
sea floor. If the DNA is protected from oxygen by
what lies above it, why didn’t they find DNA hundreds
of thousands or millions of years old? After all,
evolutionists explain away dinosaur soft tissue by
claiming it can last over 70 million years. More likely,
the DNA is even younger than they think. It could not
survive degradation, under ideal conditions, for more
than a few thousand years.
Buried Treasure Found Under the Ocean: DNA
The other observation is the remarkable difference
between minerals and information. Non-living rocks
and mud are composed of relatively simple mineral
compounds that carry no message. DNA, by contrast,
bears information — the wherewithal to build a
complex organism like a radiolarian or foramina, with
all its molecular motors, digestive, respiratory, and
excretion systems. Some of the shells of these
creatures look like cathedrals or spaceships. What a
thought that information is still present in this dark,
cold, otherwise sterile realm. It’s like finding books
inside a cave, or hard drives on the moon. The best
explanation (from our common experience) for
information-rich systems is intelligent design.
Gloria Deo
Sermons From Science -- June 2013
科学布道-- 2013年6月
Sermons from Science is now published in both
YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in
PowerPoint slides in the website
The contents of this presentation were taken from Dave
Coppedge’s website May God have all
the glory.
Let us pray for Dave Coppedge’s fast recovery from
cancer surgery.
Pastor Chui
Moon Water and Magnetism Mystifies Astronomers
Two mysteries from the moon are forcing revisions to
textbooks. One concerns water in moon minerals. The other
concerns the moon’s magnetic field.
Mare Basalts Surprisingly Magnetic
“New research sets back date of moon’s dynamo 160
million years,” reported PhysOrg based on a paper
in PNAS. A team of geophysicists was surprised to find
evidence from magnetic signals in moon rocks that the moon
must have had a magnetosphere-generating dynamo that
lasted much longer than they thought possible. Current theory
must be inadequate, because “The lifetime of the ancient lunar
core dynamo has implications for its power source and the
mechanism of field generation,” the scientists wrote. They
were driven to postulate unlikely mechanisms to keep the
hypothetical dynamo going:
Moon Water and Magnetism Mystifies Astronomers
“These data extend the known lifetime of the
lunar dynamo by ∼160 My and indicate that
the field was likely continuously active
until well after the final large basinforming impact. This likely excludes
impact-driven changes in rotation rate as
the source of the dynamo at this time in
lunar history. Rather, our results require a
persistent power source like precession
of the lunar mantle or a compositional
convection dynamo.”
Moon Water and Magnetism Mystifies Astronomers
’s headline reads, “Mystery of Moon’s Magnetic Field
Improbabilities that Are All Wet
When a Mars-sized object hit the Earth to form the moon
(according to a popular theory), it should have obliterated all
volatile compounds, like water, requiring Earth’s oceans to form
later from impacts from wet comets or asteroids. That theory has
been impacted itself by studies of water-bearing minerals in moon
rocks, prompting Science Daily to report, “Moon and Earth Have
Common Water Source.” Another Science Daily article suggests
the new theory, “Water on Moon, Earth Came from Same
Primitive Meteorites.” A new analysis of Apollo moon rocks
dispels ideas that comets brought the water. It must have come
from carbonaceous chondrites, the study concludes.
Lisa Grossman at New Scientist believes “Moon water came
from young wet Earth.”
Moon Water and Magnetism Mystifies Astronomers
“The notion that all Earth’s water was delivered by
comets or asteroids has just taken a hit. Chemical
analysis of lunar rocks suggests that Earth was born
wet, and it held on to its water long enough to
donate some to the moon.”
This is a flagrant reversal of the idea that a moonforming impact left the moon bone
dry. Measurements of water-bearing minerals on the
moon show it’s not just a little water they’re talking
about. “The minerals hold as much as those in
Earth’s upper mantle,” Grossman says. Nature
News portrays the head-scratching this finding causes
for modelers:
Moon Water and Magnetism Mystifies Astronomers
“That still leaves a potential gap in the Moonforming model. Some planetary scientists
had reasoned that the heat generated by the
collision would have boiled away any water
that Earth might have transferred to the
coalescing Moon. The findings “are
screaming that there’s something about the
Moon’s formation that we’re not quite
grasping”, says study co-author Erik Hauri of
the Carnegie Institution for Science in
Washington DC.”
Moon Water and Magnetism Mystifies Astronomers
The findings beg for a new explanation. Meteorites
could not have brought the water unless the moon
were still molten, but the moon would have solidified
too rapidly. All one of the researchers could figure out
was that the water came from the only place they
know had water: the Earth. So how did the Earth
“donate” some water to the moon? This calls for a
delicate scenario: the hypothetical impactor that hit
Earth had to loft just enough material off our primordial
planet to form a large moon without destroying all
Earth’s primordial water. Then, some of that water
lofted into orbit had to migrate to the moon:
Moon Water and Magnetism Mystifies Astronomers
“It no longer looks likely that all the water
in the material that formed the
moon evaporated instantly in the giant
initial impact. Instead, it now seems more
probable that water migrated over a
period of centuries out of the cloud of
debris that coalesced into the moon.”
 Apparently, “likeliness” has evolved in the
modeler’s minds. The new findings forced a
reassessment of what scientists thought was
Moon Water and Magnetism Mystifies Astronomers
But the explanation begs a new question: where did the Earth
get its water to donate? Current theory does not allow a body
at Earth’s location to garner water from a spinning debris
disk. Adding a little more ad hoc can get the job done:
“[Alberto] Saal [of Brown University] thinks that Earth may
have formed near where the asteroid belt is now, which
is far enough from the sun for water to condense. The
planet would then have migrated inward. It’ll be a tough
theory to prove, because Earth’s geologic activity has been
recycling rocks, and thus erasing the evidence, for billions of
The new model would claim that the early Earth was not
habitable, but through a series of lucky breaks, migrated into
the habitable zone, where everything worked out just right for
microbes to emerge and become planetary scientists who
figured it all out.
Moon Water and Magnetism Mystifies Astronomers
These reports should anger anyone who watches
science shows and reads textbooks that make the
formation of the Earth and its large Moon look so
easy. No theory can account for the
observations. Instead, secular moyboys (believers in
“millions of years, billions of years”) concoct fantastical
models to preserve their fantasies from the
evidence. Did you catch the howler in the quote
above? Earth has been “erasing the evidence, for
billions of years.” Quick! What does that imply? This
is a fact-free story – even the part about erasing the
evidence for billions of years.
Moon Water and Magnetism Mystifies Astronomers
Before, the priests of the planetary evolution cult needed
just a delicate impact from a Mars-size object (itself a
highly improbable event) to form the moon, followed by
some hand-waving and chants, to bring in a series of
unknown wet impactors to form Earth’s oceans. That
was unlikely enough. Now, they need Earth to form out
in the asteroid belt, where water
can conceivably condense, followed by a lucky pitch
from Jupiter or Saturn to careen our dead planet right
into the batter’s box of the habitable zone. That all had
to happen before the Mars-size impactor came in, this
time even more delicately, to loft water into Earth orbit
without losing it, so that it could transfer the water to a
new moon (which happens to be just right to support life
on Earth).
Moon Water and Magnetism Mystifies Astronomers
Nobody would believe this series of ad hoc events
unless it were absolutely necessary to preserve
secular materialism and long ages for Darwin. We
won’t even go into the much more highly fantastical
tales needed to get life, multicellularity, consciousness
and intelligence to “emerge” from hot wet muck.
Scientists speak of new data as “constraints” for their
models. That’s why raw data from planetary missions
is so valuable. The more constraints on storytellers,
the better. As of now, they appear to have just one
hand free to wave from the straitjacket the data have
put them in. Maybe the next data will constrain the
remaining hand-waving arm, and gag the mouth, too.91
Gloria Deo
Sermons From Science -- June 2013
科学布道-- 2013年6月
Sermons from Science is now published in both
YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in
PowerPoint slides in the website
The contents of this presentation were taken from Dave
Coppedge’s website May God have all
the glory.
Let us pray for Dave Coppedge’s fast recovery from
cancer surgery.
Pastor Chui
Talking Plants and Secret Networks
There was a time when talking plants was
mythology. Now, it’s science.
Hidden Messages in Plain Sight
Plants don’t speak English, obviously. Somehow,
though, they communicate through channels scientists
are only beginning to understand. No less
than Science Magazine, the most respected journal in
America, said this: “Shhh, the Plants are Talking.” In
the “Science Shot” article, reporter Andrew Porterfield
described controlled experiments in Australia that
showed chilis grow better when basil is
nearby. Somehow, the basil coaxes the chili plants
through a hidden mechanism:
Talking Plants and Secret Networks
Because light, touch, and chemical
“smell” were ruled out, the team
proposes that the finding points to a new
type of communication between
plants, possibly involving nanoscale
sound waves, traveling through the dirt to
bring encouraging “words” to the
growing seeds. Understanding this novel
communication could help growers boost
crop yields and increase global food
supplies. How neighborly.
Talking Plants and Secret Networks
Live Science put it this way: “Even in the plant world,
babies fail to thrive without a friendly community
chattering nearby, according to a new study.” We weren’t
kidding about talking plants. Reporter Becky Olson
headlined her article, “Plants Talk: Seedlings Thrive with
Encouraging ‘Words’.”
The Underground Fungal Railroad
More evidence is arising that plants communicate throughout
ecological communities through a network of fungal threads
in the soil. The fungi reward the plants for sharing nutrients
by passing messages along, in a symbiotic
relationship. The BBC News featured more discoveries
about the underground network, as
did PhysOrg. The BBC article claims that work in the UK is
the first to show plant communication via the fungal railroad.
Talking Plants and Secret Networks
The research appears to show that a bean plant under
attack by aphids can send out a warning through the
underground communication channels. Plants getting
the message set up defenses, but plants without the
fungal network do not. One of the researchers was
delighted at this “abject surprise that it was just so
powerful — just such a fantastic signalling
The BBC called this an “evolutionary role” for the
fungus without explaining how a blind, purposeless
process could discover any role in complex
communications systems.
Talking Plants and Secret Networks
Some day soon we may decipher the
language of plants. Here are some
predictions. Favorite joke: that some
humans think the underground railroad
evolved. Favorite saint: Basil. Weather
report: Chili today and hot
tamale. Favorite pastime: sending
intelligently designed signals. Favorite
cowboy line: Where never is heard a
discouraging word. Favorite hymn: Praise
God from Whom all blessings flow.
Gloria Deo
Sermons From Science -- June 2013
科学布道-- 2013年6月
Sermons from Science is now published in both
YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in
PowerPoint slides in the website
The contents of this presentation were taken from Dave
Coppedge’s website May God have all
the glory.
Let us pray for Dave Coppedge’s fast recovery from
cancer surgery.
Pastor Chui
Surprising Animals Go to Extremes
Today’s entry features a mammal, a bird and an insect that have
good reasons to show off.
The insect: A little moth has hearing unsurpassed in the animal
kingdom (but we already know, from the film Metamorphosis, that
any lepidopteran undergoing transformation from caterpillar to
flying insect has much to boast about already). Humans with
optimum hearing can hear about 20 kHz. That’s nothing for the
greater wax moth. Science Daily reported research at the
University of Strathclyde that measured sensibility up to 300 kHz
in this little, inconspicuous, gray insect. The lead researcher
remarked, “We are extremely surprised to find that the moth
is capable of hearing sound frequencies at this level and
we hope to use the findings to better understand air-coupled
ultrasound.” The moth’s hearing system appears overdesigned
for detecting bat echolocation calls, so why would this extreme
hearing evolve? Ultrasound tends to drop in intensity through air
faster than lower frequencies do.
Surprising Animals Go to Extremes
The mammal: Speaking of bats, one flower-feeding bat
species has a dynamic tongue that works like a nectar
trap. Live Science and National Geographic have electron
micrographs of the tongue tip from Pallas’s long-tongued
bat. Researchers at Brown University showed that blood in
the tongue instantly fills dozens of papillae, or protrosions, in
the tongue, allowing the bat to lap up much more nectar than
a flat tongue could. This all happens in less than the blink of
an eye – 0.04 second. A slow-motion video on National
Geographic reveals action too fast for the eye: the papillae
straighten and the tongue tip grows by 50% when the tongue
hits the nectar. The bat benefits from this mechanism
because it has to expend a lot of energy hovering near the
flower, so the more nectar retrieved from each sip, the
better. The full paper can be found on PNAS.
Surprising Animals Go to Extremes
The bird: Those emperor penguins that starred in
the documentary March of the Penguins looked
mighty cold out there in the Antarctic
wind. Surprisingly, their outside feathers are even
colder! New Scientist told how their freezing
exteriors prevent heat from leaking out of their
bodies. Now for a bird bonus about the flying
variety: PhysOrg told about how scientists are
using tiny geolocators on migrating birds like the
Manx shearwater to understand how they adapt
their behaviors to changing environmental
Surprising Animals Go to Extremes
The movie: Illustra Media’s new
documentary Flight: The Genius of Birds is
being released on DVD today. It has another
fascinating tongue story to tell, and a great
migration story, too — just two glimpses into a
film packed wonderful scientific discoveries
about avian flight, told beautifully in this new
documentary with great cinematography and
outstanding animation. You can order a copy
right now by clicking the link. Watch the trailer
full-screen here. Join the Illustra Facebook
page for news and updates.
Surprising Animals Go to Extremes
Learning details of wonders in the animal world
provides immunity against Darwinian
indoctrination. That’s why we love sharing the latest
discoveries here.
We highly recommend the new Illustra film Flight: The
Genius of Birds. You can order the DVD today, but if
you have a good home theater, you might want to wait
till June 11 to get the Blu-ray version with its
outstanding detail and sound. Or, you can get
the DVD now to watch and give away, ordering the
Blu-ray version for your library to go with your
HD copy of Metamorphosis: the Beauty and Design of
Butterflies —a terrific pair you’ll want to watch again
and again.
Gloria Deo
Sermons From Science -- June 2013
科学布道-- 2013年6月
Sermons from Science is now published in both
YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in
PowerPoint slides in the website
The contents of this presentation were taken from Dave
Coppedge’s website May God have all
the glory.
Let us pray for Dave Coppedge’s fast recovery from
cancer surgery.
Pastor Chui
Out-of-Order Fossils Make Darwinists Wave Hands
When a fossil violates Darwinist expectations, it
never falsifies the theory. It just creates a new
round of imaginative gesticulations.
Bad, monster, bad: National Geographic wrote
a headline, “New Sea Monster Found,
Rewrites Evolution?” The question mark
implies, “Of course not,” even though the partial
ichthyosaur fossil found in Kurdistan is “Out of
time,” according to Live Science. Actually, it
wasn’t lacking time. It had plenty of time to
create problems for Darwinists:
Out-of-Order Fossils Make Darwinists Wave Hands
“Researchers had previously believed that
ichthyosaurs declined throughout the
Jurassic Period, which lasted from 199 million to 145
million years ago, with the only survivors rapidly
evolving to keep ahead of repeated extinction events.
The new fossil, however, dates from the
Cretaceous Period, which lasted from 145 million to
66 million years ago. It looks remarkably like its
Jurassic brethren, revealing a surprising
evolutionary statis [sic, stasis].
The fossil “represents an animal that seems ‘out of
time’ for its age,” study researcher Valentin Fischer
of the University of Liège in Belgium said in a
Out-of-Order Fossils Make Darwinists Wave Hands
Now, the gesticulation: one evolutionist called it
a “ghost lineage” (i.e., “changing very little
over millions of years”). Another called it a
“living fossil of its time.” One “never even
imagined” it could survive so long. One said “it
shouldn’t be there, but it is.” The new story
will apparently read: “The resulting ichthyosaur
family tree suggests these marine reptiles
stayed diverse into the Cretaceous, only to go
mysteriously extinct 95 million years
ago.” National Geographic is holding out hope
that a single specimen won’t “rewrite evolution”.
Out-of-Order Fossils Make Darwinists Wave Hands
Go, ginkgo: Speaking of stasis, the unusual tree Ginkgo
biloba is a classic “living fossil.” Because it is the now the
“most abundant cityscape tree in the world,” one might be
growing in a park near you. Evolutionists, though,
consider it an exception to their rule, “evolve or
perish.” J. C. McElwain wrote in Science Magazine about
a new book about the ginkgo tree by Peter Crane:
“Ginkgo is among Earth’s oldest-living organisms,
reaching ages of around 1500 years. It is a “living
fossil,” belonging to a family line extending back over
200 million years. It is a symbol of morphological
stasis yet incredible persistence, having survived two
of the five great mass extinction events in Earth
Out-of-Order Fossils Make Darwinists Wave Hands
Now, the gesticulation: maybe it’s because it
invented lignotubers, “among ginkgo’s
adaptations that have ensured its persistence
and resilience through hundreds of millions of
years of global change.” Funny no other plant
borrowed that idea. McElwain relishes in some
tidbits of “subtle” evolutionary change, even though
the tree is a “poster child for morphological
stasis”. He puts a positive spin on how ginkgo
fossils can “inform us about the tempo and
nature of plant macroevolution.” Then he
relishes how Crane makes the most
of reverse evolution:
Out-of-Order Fossils Make Darwinists Wave Hands
“He holds that Darwinian microevolutionary
processes and contingency can account for
most of the patterns observed in the plant
fossil record, and he downplays (but does
not entirely discount) the roles of
evolutionary innovations and
environmentally driven macroevolutionary
processes. Crane also draws a nice parallel
between the trajectories of horse and ginkgo
evolution—both belonged to once highly
diverse families and both were “winnowed”
to a single extant species.”
Out-of-Order Fossils Make Darwinists Wave Hands
The human network: Categories of early
humans are falling like dominoes, now that
Svante Pääbo’s team has found more
evidence of interbreeding between
Denisovans, Neanderthals and modern
humans (see 9/01/12). Elizabeth Pennisi’s
report in Science Magazine about a wellattended talk he gave in Germany last week
seems devastating to evolutionary attempts
to parse out human ancestors to various
species and make a tree out of them:
Out-of-Order Fossils Make Darwinists Wave Hands
“With all the interbreeding, “it’s more a network than a tree,”
points out Carles Lalueza-Fox, a paleogeneticist from the Institute of
Evolutionary Biology in Barcelona, Spain. Pääbo hesitates to call
Denisovans a distinct species, and the picture is getting more
complicated with each new genome.
Pääbo’s team also deciphered additional Denisovan DNA, both
nuclear and mitochondrial, from two teeth found in different layers in
Denisova Cave. The nuclear DNA confirmed that both teeth are
Denisovan. But, surprisingly, one tooth showed more than 80
mitochondrial DNA differences from both the other tooth and the
pinkie bone. These Denisovans, who lived in the same cave at
different times, were as genetically diverse as two living humans
from different continents and more diverse than Neandertals
from throughout their range, says Susanna Sawyer from Pääbo’s
lab. Such diversity implies that the Denisovans were a relatively
large population “that at some point may have outnumbered
Neandertals,” Pääbo said.”
Out-of-Order Fossils Make Darwinists Wave Hands
Now, the gesticulating: Pennisi reported
that the evolutionists feel the new data will
help clarify “genetic changes that
underlie our own evolution.” They might
be able to line up genes from these
“archaic people” and find out which are
unique to our species, compared to genes
of apes and monkeys. See also
the 9/05/11 and 8/12/11 entries.
Out-of-Order Fossils Make Darwinists Wave Hands
The observations show solid horizontal lines
between interbreeding kinds, but dashed
vertical lines where the evolution is
supposed to have happened. Where is the
tree? It’s all a tangled bramble bush. When
the fossils don’t tell the Darwin tale, they
have to invent terms like “morphological
stasis” and wave their hands to keep you
from seeing what the evidence
implies. Ignore the waving hands. If they
can’t get the tree right, what makes you think
they got the dates right?
Out-of-Order Fossils Make Darwinists Wave Hands
Pääbo has basically undermined the Neanderthal
myth. Evolutionists give arbitrary names to populations
of Homo sapiens, giving them new species designations
like Homo neanderthalensis. Since it fits Darwin’s
expectations, it quickly becomes textbook
orthodoxy. Artists go to work to make the new species
look as different as possible from us. But what have we
just heard? “These Denisovans, who lived in the same
cave at different times, were as genetically diverse as
two living humans from different continents and more
diverse than Neandertals from throughout their
range.” It’s all phony baloney categorizing among true
humans, whose ability to interbreed proves they are one
Out-of-Order Fossils Make Darwinists Wave Hands
At first, Pääbo and other evolutionists tried that
with the bones from Denisova cave, but now is
reluctant to call those cave dwellers a distinct
species. How could he? The DNA is all
scrambled, showing they were all members of a
single species: human beings. The people in
that cave were smart. They were networking
way back when they lived, just like we do
today. None of them were stupid enough to try
mating with apes, or to think that’s where they
came from. If you respect evidence, help toss
the Darwin Party out of power.
Gloria Deo
Sermons From Science -- June 2013
科学布道-- 2013年6月
Sermons from Science is now published in both
YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in
PowerPoint slides in the website
The contents of this presentation were taken from Dave
Coppedge’s website May God have all
the glory.
Let us pray for Dave Coppedge’s fast recovery from
cancer surgery.
Pastor Chui
Evolutionists Confess to Lying
If lying evolved as a fitness strategy, can we
believe anything an evolutionist says?
In his blog entry “The Evolution of Lying” on The
Conversation, Rob Brooks, a professor of
Evolutionary Ecology and Director of the Evolution
& Ecology Research Centre at University of New
South Wales, gave half-hearted credit to a new
theory on deception as a by-product of the
evolution of cooperation. The open-access paper
by two Irish evolutionists, Luke McNally and
Andrew L. Jackson, was published by the Royal
Society this week. It posits lying as an
evolutionary strategy:
Evolutionists Confess to Lying
“Our results suggest that the evolution
of conditional strategies may, in
addition to promoting cooperation, select
for astute cheating and associated
psychological abilities. Ultimately, our
ability to convincingly lie to each other
may have evolved as a direct result of
our cooperative nature.”
Evolutionists Confess to Lying
Brooks agrees that lying evolved, but feels the model of
McNally and Jackson is too simplistic. “I would like to see if
it can help us understand the fine-scale tensions between
cooperation and dishonesty in human affairs,” he
said. “There is a lot more to lying than simply
misrepresenting the world.” The liar can deceive himself
as well, for instance, in order to make the lie more believable.
From there, Brooks considered Sam Harris’s short ebook Lying, in which Harris advocates we all try to do better
at overcoming our evolutionary tendencies, “arguing we can
both simplify our own lives and build better societies by
telling the truth in situations when we might be tempted to
lie.” Here’s how Brooks concludes all this discussion about
lies and truth (bold added, italics in original):
Evolutionists Confess to Lying
“Harris gets bottom-up processes and the conflict between
individual benefits and group functioning. His book is worth a
read for his impassioned argument that each of us, as
individuals, would benefit from resisting the urge to lie.
“I’m not convinced. What would help right now is some
theoretic and empirical evidence that showed the conditions
under which Harris’ prescriptions might work. And that’s the
beauty of papers like today’s one from McNally and Jackson.
“Irrespective, a better understanding of how lying evolves,
no matter how simple, might do enormous social good.
“For one thing it might help constrain the worst dishonesties
in politics, public relations and propaganda.”
The question none of them are considering is, if lying evolved,
and if self-deception is possible, and if deception can be very
convincing, how are the readers to know who is telling the 125
Evolutionists Confess to Lying
Imagine a liar so skilled, he convinces his
listeners that he is 100% against the worst
dishonesties in politics, public relations
and propaganda. He tells you he wants to
achieve enormous social good to provide
a better understanding of how lying
evolves. Now, add to it that he is selfdeceived. Doesn’t his credibility
implode? How could one possibly believe
a word he says?
Evolutionists Confess to Lying
Brooks has the Yoda complex. So do
McNally and Jackson. They believe they
can look down on the rest of humanity from
some exalted plane free of the evolutionary
forces that afflict the rest of humanity. No;
they need to climb down and join the world
their imaginations have created. In the
evolutionary world, there is no essential
difference between cooperation and
deception. It’s only a matter of which side
is in the majority at the moment.
Evolutionists Confess to Lying
To see this, consider a majority of humans
in a population that are self-deceived and
believe that by giving magic Kool-Aid to
the defectors, laced with cyanide, they will
help them become cooperators. The few
defectors in that situation who try to stop
them would be perceived by the majority
as the real liars and non-cooperators. By
what standard would anyone in this
Darwinian world know the difference
between truth and lies?
Evolutionists Confess to Lying
Having no eternal standard of truth, the evolutionary
world collapses into power struggles. The appeals by
Brooks and Sam Harris to try to “resist our temptations
to lie” are meaningless. How can anyone overcome
what evolution has built into them? How can either of
them know what is true?
Since all these evolutionists believe that lying evolved
as a fitness strategy, and since they are unable to
distinguish between truth and lies, they essentially
confess to lying themselves. Their readers are
therefore justified in considering them deceivers, and
dismissing everything they say, including the notion
that lying evolved.
Evolutionists Confess to Lying
An even stupider notion came out of the Association for
Psychological Science. This is the evolutionary story that
“political motivations may have evolutionary links to
physical strength” (see also Science Daily with its photo of a
guy flexing his bicep). A group of Darwine-drunk psychologists
are trying to convince the world that “Men’s upper-body
strength predicts their political opinions on economic
redistribution.” According to them, “an evolutionary
perspective may help to illuminate political motivations, at
least those of men.” Strong men oppose redistribution of
wealth, namby-pamby men and women support it, they
claim. It’s not clear if they intended to impugn Obama’s
masculinity this way, and those of all his staff, but it doesn’t
really matter how many biceps they measured in their survey of
political opinions. (Exercise: list exceptions to their “rule” from
world history.)
Evolutionists Confess to Lying
You know their whole premise is false from their comment,
“This is among the first studies to show that political views
may be rational in another sense, in that they’re
designed by natural selection to function in the conditions
recurrent over human evolutionary history.” OK, their point
is? If physical strength is a measure of fitness “designed” by
natural selection, then anti-redistributionism is a measure of
fitness, too. Get the wimps out of the way! They’re impeding
evolutionary progress. Isn’t “self-interest” the highest good in
Darwinism? We won’t belabor the misconception of
conservatism they presented, because they already defeated
their credibility by calling natural selection
“rational.” Readers are justified in dismissing everything
these quacks say, too, if they had any inclination left to trust
the word of “evolutionary psychologists” about anything. 131
Gloria Deo
Sermons From Science -- June 2013
科学布道-- 2013年6月
Sermons from Science is now published in both
YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in
PowerPoint slides in the website
The contents of this presentation were taken from Dave
Coppedge’s website May God have all
the glory.
Let us pray for Dave Coppedge’s fast recovery from
cancer surgery.
Pastor Chui
Amazing Body Facts
There are more wonders in your body than you
can possibly imagine. Here are half a dozen new
findings for conversation starters.
Your inner bat: You have another sense you may
not be aware of: you can learn the art of
echolocation. It’s been known that blind people
develop an ability to detect objects by their echoes,
but Science Daily reported that even sighted
people can train themselves to do it. Some people
are better at it than others, for unknown
reasons. Echolocation depends on very precise
detection of timing differences between the two
Amazing Body Facts
Self-healing holes: Our blood vessels are made of a
wonderful tissue, called epithelium. It’s stretchy, stable,
and watertight. Science Daily says, “Measuring just a few
hundred nanometers in thickness, this super-tenuous
structure routinely withstands blood flow, hydrostatic
pressure, stretch and tissue compression to create
a unique and highly dynamic barrier that maintains the
organization necessary to partition tissues from the
body’s circulatory system.”
But there are immune cells, called leukocytes, that need to
enter these passageways. How do they do it? The article
presented findings by the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical
Center, where scientists studied how epithelial cells
cooperate with leukocytes, creating holes for them to
enter, then healing the holes behind them.
Amazing Body Facts
“By and large, these ensuing “micro –wounds” are short-lived;
as soon as the cells have crossed the endothelium, these pores
and gaps quickly heal, restoring the system’s efficient barrier
function. In cases when these gaps fail to close — and leakage
occurs — the results can be devastating, leading to dramatic
pathologies including sepsis and acute lung injury.…
“Described in The Journal of Cell Biology, the new findings
suggest that rather than structural robustness per se,
the barrier function of the endothelium relies on an enormous
self-restorative capacity.…
“The cell’s restorative capacity was just so striking,” says
[Christopher V.] Carman. “But these early investigations were still
inadequate to tell us how the breaches were being closed. We
had to dig down to the sub-cellular level to understand the
underlying activities and the molecular signaling mechanisms
that were orchestrating these activities.””
Amazing Body Facts
Viruses, your friends: You have another immune system
scientists did not realize till recently, and it involves
partnership with viruses. Nature News reported that
“Viruses in the gut protect from
infection.” Bacteriophages, tiny viruses that can invade
and kill bacteria, find a home among the linings in your
airways, by forming bonds with sugars in the
mucus. When bacteria invade, these killing machines, like
a robotic army, take them out. Medical Xpress called this
a “new immune system” that has been discovered. In
more general terms, Science Magazine reviewed “our viral
inheritance,” giving examples of good and bad ways that
viruses interact with our bodies. Even some endogenous
retroviruses (ERVs) that seemed at first to be parasitic on
our genomes now appear to be useful or beneficial.
Amazing Body Facts
Nose knowledge: The sense of smell continues
to be one of the most difficult to understand in
humans and in fruit flies. The molecules that
land on olfactory receptors encode messages
that are in some ways similar to those in the
retina, but there appear to be timing
dependences, too, Medical
Xpress reported. Science Magazine reviewed
the growing science of “flavor,” trying to
understand how we learn to associate smells and
tastes with pleasure or displeasure. “It’s a vastly
more complex topic than they once thought,”
the article said.
Amazing Body Facts
Your inner clock: We share a sense with
the little flies we swat on our arms: a
biological clock. Because the human
circadian clock is much more complex,
scientists try to understand the clock in
fruit flies. Medical Xpress reported that a
new component of the fruit fly circadian
clock has been identified.
Amazing Body Facts
Six degrees of separation: Because the brain is so heavily
interconnected, any synapse is only about six steps away from
any other. This allows for an enormous amount of plasticity for
“rewiring” circuits when one part is damaged. Science
Daily discussed work at UCLA that shows the brain “rewires
itself after damage or injury.” Understanding these
processes could lead to therapies for stroke victims and
Alzheimer’s patients. Last week, Science Magazine discussed
“Why adults need new brain cells.” Contrary to beliefs
decades ago, neuroscientists now know that brain cell
regeneration takes place. Not only that, “a key function of
adult neurogenesis is to shape neuronal connectivity in the
brain according to individual needs,” the article said. Because
of the brain’s plasticity and massively parallel architecture,
Sandia Labs is looking to the human brain as “a model for
supercomputers,” PhysOrg reported.
Amazing Body Facts
To make a point without attempting to be
morbid, these findings underscore why the
death of a human being, whether in a
tornado or an abortion lab, is such a
traumatic thing. It’s like smashing a
supercomputer, destroying a working
factory, obliterating a work of art. A dead
body returns to undifferentiated dust that
fulfills none of these fantastically complex
Amazing Body Facts
The Bible describes death as an enemy, the
result of sin that infected the planet with a
curse and judgment. The only hope of a
new body that can live forever is faith in
Jesus Christ, who paved the way for
salvation through His death and resurrection
(I Corinthians 15). If you marvel at the body
you have now, “Eye has not seen, nor ear
heard, nor have entered into the heart of
man the things which God has prepared for
those who love Him” (I Corinthians 2:9). 142
Gloria Deo
Sermons From Science -- June 2013
科学布道-- 2013年6月
Sermons from Science is now published in both
YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in
PowerPoint slides in the website
The contents of this presentation were taken from Dave
Coppedge’s website May God have all
the glory.
Let us pray for Dave Coppedge’s fast recovery from
cancer surgery.
Pastor Chui
Roach Bait Story Highlights Abuse of Word “Evolution”
Evolution is one of the most carelessly-used words in
science, as several recent articles show. Not all change is
evolution the way Darwin meant it.
Roaches check in, and they also check out: Those
omnivorous pests have outsmarted engineers again. Even
though they like sugar in the wild, they have learned to avoid
sugary-tasting poison in roach traps. Sure enough, you can
watch the smarter bugs in a video clip on Live
Science. Stephanie Pappas headlined the story,
“Yikes! Cockroaches Evolved to Avoid Sugary
Baits.” The authors of the paper in Science claimed that
the German cockroaches “rapidly evolved
an adaptive behavioral aversion to glucose.” They spoke
of glucose aversion as a “gain of function adaptation” that
“emerged” in their study population.
Roach Bait Story Highlights Abuse of Word “Evolution”
The scientists did not state, though, if the glucoseaverse roaches represent a new species. Darwinian
evolution is not just about changes of adaptive
behavior within a species, but the arrival
of new species. If the glucose-averse roaches are
interfertile with the wild type, no evolution has
occurred. In the Live Science article, furthermore, one
of the paper’s authors admitted that glucose
avoidance could have been an ancient trait that
surfaced under the new environmental condition of
encountering man-made bait traps. “Some plants
produce toxic bittersweet compounds that
roaches would have needed to avoid before
humans came around.”
Roach Bait Story Highlights Abuse of Word “Evolution”
Even worse, the glucose-avoiding roaches may
be less healthy. In Science Daily, that same
co-author admitted they grow more slowly in the
lab without the environmental
stress. “Cockroaches have to adapt to a varied
and unreliable food supply, and glucoseaversion places an additional restriction on
obtaining adequate nutrition.” In any case,
this is certainly not a case supporting Darwinian
evolution—universal common ancestry via
natural selection.
Roach Bait Story Highlights Abuse of Word “Evolution”
Name it and claim it: Just claiming something evolved
does not make it so. Asking why some
flowers close at night, Elizabeth Palermo on Live
Science credited evolution. Those plants are “highly
evolved,” she said. That’s no better than ridiculing
another human as being less evolved than you
are. Then she admitted, “scientists are not quite
sure why some plants, particularly flowers,
evolved this way.” You can’t just say that the trait
might be a “highly evolved defense
mechanism against a plant’s nocturnal
predators.” Without an explanation based on mutation
and natural selection, this is mere speculation. For all
Palermo knows, plants were designed that way.
Roach Bait Story Highlights Abuse of Word “Evolution”
Negative selection: Some developmental processes
involve killing of cells that are not needed in the finished
adult form. It happens in the developing thymus, for
instance; in PLoS Biology, Caitlin Sedgwick wrote, “To
prevent autoimmunity, developing T cells undergo a
process called negative selection, wherein strongly
‘self-reactive’ T cells are provoked to undergo apoptosis
(cellular suicide) before they leave the thymus.” This is
not evolution, either, even though she boasted of
“Bringing You Negative Selection, Alive and In
Color.” The word “selection” might cause one to think
this is about Darwinian evolution. It’s not; the only
evolution here is the “evolution [i.e., unfolding] of
apoptotic events.”
Roach Bait Story Highlights Abuse of Word “Evolution”
Not everything Darwin said is evolution: Charles Darwin
wrote about a lot of things, not all of which support his idea of
universal common ancestry via unguided natural
processes. A story on PhysOrg is a case in point; “research
proves Darwin prediction,” the headline reads, but the
principle at issue is whether “productivity increases with
species diversity.” Creationists would accept a substantial
amount of variation within created kinds. Although the
researcher mentioned “evolutionary distance,” the distance
doesn’t have to be evolutionary. Creationists acknowledge a
lot of morphological distance between a zebra and a
zebrafish. Even critics of Darwin recognized he was right
about some things. Nothing in the data of this story
necessarily supports Darwin’s most famous notion, that
zebras are descendants of microbes.
Roach Bait Story Highlights Abuse of Word “Evolution”
Guided variation is not evolution: It’s like a pesky
urban legend that won’t die: artificial selection is not
evolution. It’s intelligent design, even if the engineers
use random variation in the process. Another
example appeared on Live Science, where Wynn
Parry wrote, “Evolution May Help Build Better
Robots.” Then he transferred the design from the
engineers to the robots themselves, claiming, “In the
real world, animals have evolved the ability to get
from point A to B by galloping, crawling and jumping.
Now, robots in the virtual world have
accomplished something similar.”
Roach Bait Story Highlights Abuse of Word “Evolution”
Turtle embryonic development is not
evolution: On Science Daily, the word “evolution” was
used in connection with observations of turtle
development from the embryo. First, the article said that
turtles are “not primitive reptiles as previously
thought, but are related to the group comprising birds
and crocodilians, which also includes extinct
dinosaurs.” Whether that relationship illustrates
common ancestry or not, the statement argues against a
simple-to-complex process. Then the article confused
embryonic development with evolution. Here again,
though, was a conundrum: “The study also reveals
that despite their unique anatomy, turtles follow the
basic embryonic pattern during development.”
Roach Bait Story Highlights Abuse of Word “Evolution”
Even if the shell arrives late in the process, when limb
development normally occurs, the highly complex
process of development can hardly be used to support
the notion that “turtle shell evolved by recruiting
part of the genetic program used for the
limbs.” Evolution is not a recruiter. That’s the
personification fallacy. Yet based on this, one of the
researchers stated, “The work not only provides
insight into how turtles evolved, but also gives
hints as to how the vertebrate
developmental programs can be changed to
produce major evolutionary novelties”—all that
after admitting that these “evolutionary monsters”
are unique in the animal kingdom.
Roach Bait Story Highlights Abuse of Word “Evolution”
Data points within natural variation of a species are not
evolution: The Chinese found another “new hominin” in a
cave based on its teeth. But then, the article
on PhysOrg admits, “the size of these teeth all
falls [sic] into the tooth size variation of Chinese modern
humans.” How, then, are these teeth assumed to be from a
different ancestral species? As usual, when the data are
unconvincing, more research is needed: “Our excavation
shows the cave has great potential perspectives,” the
researcher said. “Further excavation and laboratory
study of cave development, filling sequence, hominin teeth
morphology, dating, and environmental change from the
Fuyan Cave as well as some adjacent caves will help better
understand the human evolution and adaptive behavior in
Southwest Hunan, east Guangxi, and north Guangdong.” 154
Roach Bait Story Highlights Abuse of Word “Evolution”
This is how scientists get away with claims that
evolution is essential to biology, and is supported
by mountains of evidence. Why, look at all the
scientific papers and articles about it! How can
Darwin skeptics claim it is unscientific? Well, we
can, and we just showed you why. Ask them for
evidence supporting universal common ancestry of
all life by unguided natural processes, and this is
the kind of fluff you get. They accuse their critics
of being people of faith, but Darwinians are people
of fluff. Point that out to them, and they become
people of froth. There’s nothing as pitiable as
people of froth supporting their fluff by faith.
Gloria Deo
Sermons From Science -- June 2013
科学布道-- 2013年6月
Sermons from Science is now published in both
YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in
PowerPoint slides in the website
The contents of this presentation were taken from Dave
Coppedge’s website May God have all
the glory.
Let us pray for Dave Coppedge’s fast recovery from
cancer surgery.
Pastor Chui
Depending on Source, Stem Cells Can Kill or Heal
Stem cells continue to show promise for dramatic
healings, but reporters don’t always clarify what lived
or died to produce the cells. Adult stem cells inhabit
all living humans; embryonic or fetal stem cells require
a human death.
Adult Stem Cell News
Cord blood awakens boy: Parents of a boy with
pediatric cerebral palsy are glad they froze samples of
his cord blood when he was born. At age 2–1/2, he
had a cardiac arrest with severe brain damage that left
him in a persistent vegetative state. Now, Science
Daily reported, after the first successful treatment with
stem cells from his autologous cord blood, the boy has
awakened. He can move and speak simple sentences.
Depending on Source, Stem Cells Can Kill or Heal
Mesenchymal stem cells and ALS: It’s an odd
reversal of ethics to put human stem cells in rats,
but Medical Xpress reported progress against
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) by injecting
engineered human mesenchymal stem cells into
the furry rodents, causing them to produce growth
factors that delay onset of the disease. The article
pointed to a benefit of adult stem cells: “By
using adult mesenchymal stem cells, the
technique avoided the danger of tumor that can
arise with the transplant of embryonic stem cells
and related ‘do-anything’ cells.”
Depending on Source, Stem Cells Can Kill or Heal
Blood stem cells and cancer: Science
Daily reported on significant improvements in
survival for cancer patients with
lymphomas, leukemias and other blood
cancers, thanks to adult blood stem cells from
donors and the patients themselves. “The
significant improvements we saw across all
patient and disease populations should offer
patients hope and, among physicians, reinforce
the role of blood stem cell transplants as a
curative option for life-threatening blood
cancers and other diseases.”
Depending on Source, Stem Cells Can Kill or Heal
Embryonic and Fetal Stem Cell News
hESC and blindness: New Scientist reported a rare
success with human embryonic stem cells. Implanted into
the retina, a man with a form of macular
degeneration went from 20/400 (legally blind) to 20/40
(sighted) over time. Results have not yet been published.
Fetal stem cells and stroke: New Scientist reported
modest improvement in stroke victims injected with stem
cells in a new clinical trial. The article only mentioned
where the cells came from in passing. The researcher
“thinks that the fetal neural stem cells injected into the
volunteers’ brains may stifle inflammation and catalyse the
formation of new blood supplies to stroke-damaged
Depending on Source, Stem Cells Can Kill or Heal
Cloner trouble: The embryonic stem cell
success at University of Oregon
(see 5/17/13) has come under fire for two
things: a rush to publication, and sloppy
errors. New Scientist and Nature reported
the controversy. So far, it appears none
of the errors affected the experimental
results. Mitalipov admitted the mistakes
but defends his work.
How This Translates to Policy
Depending on Source, Stem Cells Can Kill or Heal
Protecting the right to kill: In the wake of the Mitalipov
success, Nature’s editors urged the journal’s scientific members
to take ownership of the stem cell debate, lest public fears stifle
progress. The editors acknowledged, “It is true that the
research faces ethical controversy on three fronts: egg
donation, embryo destruction and cloning.” They also
acknowledged that induced pluripotent stem cells appear so far
to work just as well as hESC without the ethical problems:
“crucially they do not require egg recruitment, embryo
destruction or cloning.” Yet the editors seemed more
concerned about preventing a public outcry against the
destruction of human embryos. Without proof, they said,
“Whatever the outcome of those investigations, there are some
clinical applications for which cloned stem cells could be the
best option.” The prior week, though, Nature editors urged
scientists to accept more social responsibility for risky new 163
Depending on Source, Stem Cells Can Kill or Heal
Why stop at embryos? In an article entitled “Alzheimer’s
disease, the soft target of the euthanasia
debate,” Medical Xpress aired the views of Megan-Jane
Johnstone (Deakin University) about euthanasia. Johnstone
sees a softening of public attitudes about euthanasia with so
many elderly declining into dementia. “The proposal to
allow euthanasia as a morally warranted option in the
treatment of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias is
neither simple nor straightforward,” she said. “Anything less
than an honest, transparent and accountable debate,
which has been lacking to date, would be an assault on the
integrity of all—both those for and against the euthanasia
proposal—who are trying in their own ways to care for those
who are confronting the hard-nosed reality of their inevitable
Depending on Source, Stem Cells Can Kill or Heal
Why stop at euthanasia? New
Scientist provoked controversy with this eyecatching headline: “Is extinction really such a
bad thing?” Consultant Shaoni Bhattacharya
was not proposing it for humans or anything like
that; she was just commenting on a new exhibit
on extinction at London’s Natural History
Museum. “A thoughtful exhibition at
London’s Natural History Museum explores
the benefits of extinction, and the possibility
of humanity eradicating itself.” The world
view is both Darwinian and Malthusian:
Depending on Source, Stem Cells Can Kill or Heal
“Survival is tough, and in a masterful stroke, the exhibition
drives this home with a retro video game. In the species
extinction game, the player must manoeuvre a Pac-Man-like
creature around a world beset with creeping ice ages,
fiery volcanoes and relentless winds, all the while
competing with other animated species to snaffle sparse
food supplies. A genius touch is the availability of
“adaptation” tokens, which allow your creature to evolve
traits to help it survive longer in its hostile world.”
The museum portrays extinction as a part of life. “Extinction
isn’t necessarily the end of the world, it could be just the
beginning…,” one sign reads. “In a thoughtprovoking section, the museum presents the concept
of Homo extinctus — humans wiped out forever.” Sweet
Depending on Source, Stem Cells Can Kill or Heal
The choice is clear. Evolution is pro-death, creation is
pro-life. Evolution sees death as a good thing;
creation sees it as a curse. Evolution says “what’s the
big deal?”; creation says humans, made in the image
of God, are more precious than animals. Evolution
sees millions of years of senseless struggle against
elements just for the reward of passing on one’s
genes in an endless cycle of meaninglessness that
ends in a charred, dead world. Creation sees death
as an intruder, an enemy, that will be conquered in the
new heavens and new earth, and has been conquered
for those who accept Christ’s death and resurrection
on their behalf. Choose you this day.
Depending on Source, Stem Cells Can Kill or Heal
The sanctity of human life is the dividing
issue for stem cell research, abortion and
euthanasia. It’s easy to see why
evolutionists are so dismissive of the
ethical qualms “religious people” worry
about. They only see cells and fetuses as
clumps of matter, when in fact, a human
embryo, even from the single-celled
zygote, contains the entire genetic
program for an adult human being.
Depending on Source, Stem Cells Can Kill or Heal
Evolutionists tend to be pragmatists. If people are
having abortions anyway, why not grab some of the
stem cells? (They fail to see how this legitimizes
abortion and creates a market for it.) If women are
producing eggs anyway, why not harvest
them? (They fail to take seriously the potential abuses
to women.) If human blastocysts can’t produce adult
clones (yet), why not harvest their stem cells? If old
people can’t communicate any more, why not help
them die? If everything competes for resources, why
not let humans go extinct? If humans are wrecking
the planet, why not drastically cut their numbers? OK,
evolutionist, set the example – you first.
Depending on Source, Stem Cells Can Kill or Heal
The New Scientist article on extinction
shows that some evolutionists still think
Malthus had the right idea: competition for
scarce resources guarantees lots of
death. That notion that spurred Darwin to
use the “struggle for existence” as a driver
for natural selection has been debunked
(7/02/09, 12/09/09 #3, 9/18/10) but it keeps
returning. In actuality, freedom lets human
society blossom, but tyranny destroys
it. Need proof? The 20th century.
Depending on Source, Stem Cells Can Kill or Heal
Evolutionists would not want to live in the world
their world view is leading toward. Those who
love Christ need to keep the leaven of his
teachings spreading through a lost world. Keep
the salt in the decaying meat. Keep the light
shining in the darkness. All that is required for a
brave new world to embrace death is for godly
people to do nothing. “I call heaven and earth as
witnesses today against you, that I have set
before you life and death, blessing and cursing;
therefore choose life, that both you and your
descendants may live” (Deuteronomy 30:19). 171
Gloria Deo
Sermons From Science -- June 2013
科学布道-- 2013年6月
Sermons from Science is now published in both
YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in
PowerPoint slides in the website
The contents of this presentation were taken from Dave
Coppedge’s website May God have all
the glory.
Let us pray for Dave Coppedge’s fast recovery from
cancer surgery.
Pastor Chui
Felicitous Fossils Facilitate Phylogenetic Fabling
Here are some recent fossil finds that, whether they fit or not,
are claimed to shed light on evolution.
Goby a fish: Otoliths are rocks in the head of many vertebrates
that aid with orientation and gravity sensing. An article
on PhysOrg claims that fish otoliths provide “unprecedented
insight” into the evolution of gobioid fishes, one of the most
numerous groups of bony fish. But what can really be told from
little rocks? What is the “eloquence of the otoliths,” as the
headline teases? Does the body of the article live up to the
hype? Actually, even though a team claims to have produced a
detailed phylogeny, and claims it can read otoliths like a genetic
code, the major finding from “perfectly preserved” otoliths in
Italy just moves one fish family to another clade. Moreover, the
lack of fossils that can be dated “has hampered
understanding of the evolutionary history of this highly
successful group of fishes.”
Felicitous Fossils Facilitate Phylogenetic Fabling
Turtle on the half shell: A fossil of a turtle-like animal with back
ribs that are not fused together, as in modern turtles, is
attracting interest. Both Science Now and Science Daily put
their headlines just-so story form, like “How the Turtle Got Its
Shell” (see 10/09/08). The comparison of the fossil to a turtle
looks convincing that the fossil is an evolutionary ancestor, but
that inference requires believing that the “beginnings of the
turtle shell started 40 million years earlier than previously
thought” according to another Science Daily article. It also
requires believing that the turtle’s novel respiratory system
evolved in concert with changes in the ribs. “If
you incorporate your ribs into a protective shell, then you
have to find a new way to breathe!” one researcher
exclaimed. That being the case, they are only claiming that the
South African fossil named Eunotosaurus may provide “clues”
to turtle evolution.
Felicitous Fossils Facilitate Phylogenetic Fabling
Scrambled dino eggs: Fossil dinosaur eggs are rare,
especially ones that contain fossil embryos. National
Geographic used the “missing link” meme in its
announcement of theropod eggs found in
Portugal. Lucky for evolutionists, they fit in a gap that
“has frustrated scientists because many of the birdlike aspects of reproduction seem to have
appeared during the gap.” Scientists inferred a few
things about the eggs, such as that they must have
been buried, but nothing definitive of increase in
complexity or information except a single layer as
opposed to two or three layers of assumed later
dinosaurs and birds.
Felicitous Fossils Facilitate Phylogenetic Fabling
Triceratops cousin: Live Science announced a new
ceratopsian dinosaur claimed to have lived “12 million
years before the rise of its more famous younger
relative.” It’s being called “a new kind of three-horned
dinosaur” that “may be the oldest cousin
of Triceratops yet.” Judging from the artist
reconstruction, though, it’s hard to see much
difference. Judiceratops (from the Judith River
formation, Montana) has the frill and three horns and
most other features Triceratops, yet the article asks
readers to believe that these dinosaurs evolved rapidly,
with “a lot of turnover” as older species were replaced
by newer ones. Whatever differences might be apparent
to paleontologists on the outside seem trivial compared
to the complexity of the inside of both creatures.
Felicitous Fossils Facilitate Phylogenetic Fabling
Wood you believe: PhysOrg posted a
story of a buried forest in Switzerland that
is being studied for
dendrochronology. Claimed to be 13,000
years old in Zurich clay, the pine wood
was discovered by accident. The data
have not been formally published, but the
article includes a picture of some cross
sections being analyzed.
Felicitous Fossils Facilitate Phylogenetic Fabling
The early bird: No sooner had our entry on “Feathers before
flight” gone to press (5/28/13) that a new “feathered
dinosaur” announcement hit the wires (paper in Nature). All
the secular sites went nuts, as expected: “New candidate
for world’s first bird” (National Geographic); “New
feathered dino may be world’s first bird” (Live Science);
“New contender for first bird” (Nature News). The
reconstruction makes this creature look something like a
bantam chicken with teeth, but fully fledged with modernlooking feathers and wings. A consequence of calling
Aurornis xui the first bird is that it puts Archaeopteryx back
on the bird line (BBC News, New Scientist), after the
controversial shake-up by Xing Xu in 2011
(see 7/28/2011). Science Now, though, is not sure this fossil,
found by a Chinese farmer and sold to a museum, is
Felicitous Fossils Facilitate Phylogenetic Fabling
“But Luis Chiappe, a paleontologist at the Natural History
Museum of Los Angeles County in California, says
that Aurornis must fly through at least one important hoop
before it can claim to be the first bird: Its authenticity must
be proved. That’s because the specimen was not found
during excavations by Godefroit’s team, but—like most early
birds and feathered dinosaurs from Liaoning province,
including many studied by Xu—it was supposedly found by
farmers and acquired from a Chinese fossil dealer,
who sold it to the province’s Yizhou Fossil and Geology Park.
China’s museums and research institutions have been plagued
in recent years by the circulation of fake or altered fossils,
including the infamous “Archaeoraptor” fake of the late 1990s, a
claimed “missing link” between dinosaurs and birds
published by National Geographic.”
Felicitous Fossils Facilitate Phylogenetic Fabling
Many of the science news sites though,
including National Geographic, let their
imaginations take wings, asserting that it is truly
a feathered dinosaur ancestral to birds. The
original paper was more concerned about
phylogenetic placement of this fossil than about
explaining how powered flight could have
evolved. The supplementary information
file claims there was no evidence of forgery but
concurred that most of the spectacular
feathered dinosaur fossils have come from
Felicitous Fossils Facilitate Phylogenetic Fabling
Mammoth blood: A potentially gigantic, though
controversial, finding came from Siberia this week:
mammoth blood preserved in ice (see Siberian
Times, “Exclusive: The first pictures of blood
from a 10,000 year old Siberian
mammoth”; Live Science, “Perfectly preserved
mammoth blood unearthed in ice”). The photos
show clear pictures of blood vessels, red meat and
liquid blood collected in a vial. Nature urged
caution in its announcement, “Can a mammoth
carcass really preserve flowing blood and
possibly live cells?” but could not rule out the
authenticity of the claim:
Felicitous Fossils Facilitate Phylogenetic Fabling
“The Siberian Times obtained striking photos of the
specimen showing the reddish tissues and a vial of
the dark brown liquid said to be blood that was
found in ice cavities under the animal’s belly, as
well as additional details of the discovery. The story
quotes mammoth researcher Semyon Grigoriev of the
North-Eastern Federal University in Yakutsk, who led
the recovery of the mammoth, as speculating that the
blood contains “a kind of natural anti-freeze” and
declaring the specimen — a female that was between
50 and 60 years old when she died — to be “the best
preserved mammoth in the history of
Felicitous Fossils Facilitate Phylogenetic Fabling
Moreover, the report says this specimen gives
researchers “a really good chance of finding live
cells” — no wonder the Nature reporter said,
“Wow!” before mentioning a few caveats: “The
upshot: it really does appear to be an incredible
find, but some of the claims about it are
incorrect as reported or have yet to be
established as fact.” A few experts weighed in on
the possibility that the claims are true. None of
them claimed they were definitely false. One
asked, “Another question is, how were these
samples preserved in this state for so long?
Felicitous Fossils Facilitate Phylogenetic Fabling
The discoverers postulated that some kind of natural
antifreeze protected the blood and soft
tissues. They said they are working with South
Korean researchers who want to clone a mammoth,
using an elephant for gestation. Speaking of
mammoths, Science Daily presented a new theory
for their extinction: a meteor impact changed the
climate. Considering that mammoths and
mastodons lived throughout much of the world, and
some are buried in mass graves like those in Hot
Springs, South Dakota, impact theories require
auxiliary hypotheses to explain why a meteor would
be selective in its effects.
Felicitous Fossils Facilitate Phylogenetic Fabling
The last two stories are the most
interesting (early bird and
mammoth blood). The prior ones
show evolutionists doing what they
usually do, forcing obscure pieces
of evidence into their worldview
picture (see 5/01/08 commentary,
“How not to work a puzzle”).
Felicitous Fossils Facilitate Phylogenetic Fabling
Regarding Aurornis, skeptical readers should watch
these “feathered dinosaur” fossils like a
hawk. Science made a very damaging admission by
stating that most of the fossils come from
dealers. Just think—very few, if any, were found intact
in the strata, including those found by master dinobird
storyteller Xing Xu (5/01/10). Forgers fooled the
experts once with “Archaeoraptor” back in 1999. Is it
possible that many of the most controversial
“feathered dinosaurs” are fakes? Those that are not
fakes (like Archaeopteryx, found across the world in
Germany) are genuine, but it was a bird, capable of
powered flight. Consider: the motivation for forgery is
Felicitous Fossils Facilitate Phylogenetic Fabling
Poor Chinese farmers can gain riches and fame for
finding what evolutionists want. Maybe the forgers
learned lessons from “Archaeoraptor” and have gotten
better at their craft. Why can’t the paleontologists pull
authentic fossils out of the strata themselves? Is it
because the fossils are not there? Why are the same
species never found anywhere else in the world in
comparable strata? If forgery is proved for some or
any of them, creationists will be all over it like white on
paint. It would seem in the best interests of the
evolutionists, therefore, to err on the side of caution,
stop the hype, and go dig up some in situ specimens,
documenting their provenance. Their reputations
depend on it.
Felicitous Fossils Facilitate Phylogenetic Fabling
Regarding the mammoth blood, this is an amazing
story worth watching. More analysis is needed that
can satisfy scientists, but the fact that many frozen
mammoths are already known would seem to discount
motivation to commit a forgery. In July or August the
discoverers are bringing other researchers to the cold
site where the specimen is preserved. Imagine if live
cells and intact blood are actually proved. That would
be a “Wow!” indeed—a finding that would cast serious
doubt on the dating methods used to claim this beast
died 10,000 years ago. Until we have more reliable
information, though, creationists should include
disclaimers in their coverage.
Gloria Deo
Gloria Deo
Gloria Deo