Chapter 13 - University of Alberta

Chapter 13
Unemployment and Inflation
Economics 282
University of Alberta
Unemployment and Inflation
• The Phillips curve is a negative empirical
relationship between unemployment and
• In 1970-2003 there seemed to be no
reliable relationship between
unemployment and inflation.
The Expectations Augmented
Phillips Curve
• A negative relationship should exist
between unanticipated inflation and
cyclical unemployment.
The Phillips Curve (continued)
• If increase in M is anticipated, there is no
misperception, the economy remains at Y
, unemployment remains at u , cyclical
unemployment is zero.
The Phillips Curve (continued)
• If increase in M is unanticipated,
unanticipated inflation is created, Y is
above Y , u is below u .
π  π  h(u  u )
The Phillips Curve (continued)
• h measures the strength of the
relationship between unanticipated
inflation and cyclical unemployment.
The Phillips Curve (continued)
• The expectation-augmented Phillips curve
states that π exceeds πe if u is less than u .
π  π  h(u  u )
h is related to the slope of the SRAS curve.
Shifting of the Philips Curve
• The Phillips curve depends on the
expected rate of inflation and the natural
rate of unemployment. If either factor
changes the Phillips curve will shift.
π  π  hu  hu
Changes in the Expected Rate
of Inflation
• If households anticipate a change in the
price level they respond by their
expectations of the price level (the rate of
inflation) one-for-one.
• The Phillips curve shifts up by the amount
of the increase in the expected rate of
Changes in the Natural Rate of
• An increase in the natural unemployment
rate causes the Phillips curve to shift up
and to the right.
Supply Shocks and the Phillips
• An adverse supply shock causes a burst
of inflation and raises the natural rate of
– by increasing the degree of mismatch
between workers and jobs (classical
– by reducing MPN and labour demanded at full
employment (Keynesian economists).
Supply Shocks and the Phillips
• An adverse supply shock should shift the
Phillips curve up and to the right.
• The Phillips curve should be particular
unstable during periods of supply shocks.
The Shifting Phillips Curve in
• The Friedman-Phelps analysis shows that
a negative relationship between the levels
of inflation and unemployment holds as
long as expected inflation and the natural
unemployment rate are approximately
The Shifting Phillips Curve in
Practice (continued)
• During 1970-2003 there was a number of
productivity shocks as well as changes in
government and macroeconomic policies.
• A negative relationship between
unanticipated inflation and cyclical
unemployment does appear in the data.
Macroeconomic Policy and the
Phillips Curve
• Keynesians believe that in a recession
expansionary AD policy can increase
inflation back to anticipated levels used as
a basis for nominal wage contracts and
The Lucas Critique
• Because new policies change the
economic “rules” and, thus, affect
economic behaviour, no one can safely
assume that historical relationships
between variables will hold when policies
The Long-Run Phillips Curve
• Economists agree that in the long run
economy will adjust to the general
equilibrium in which π=πe and u= u .
• The long-run Phillips curve is vertical line
at u= u . It is related to the long-run
neutrality of money.
The Cost of Unemployment
• The output is lost because fewer people
are productively employed.
• Unemployed workers and their families
face psychological cost.
• The offsetting factors are acquiring new
skills and more leisure time.
The Long-Term Behaviour of the
Unemployment Rate
• The overall unemployment rate may have
risen due to:
– changes in the composition of the labour force
by age and sex;
– structural changes in the economy;
– changes in employment insurance.
Hysteresis in Unemployment
• Hysteresis in unemployment means that
the natural unemployment rate changes in
response to the actual unemployment rate.
• If workers are idle for long periods of time
their skills deteriorate and the mismatch
Hysteresis in Unemployment
• Due to regulations firms are more cautious
to hire workers because it is difficult to fire
• The insider-outsider theory suggests that
unionized labour increases wages for
insiders and leaves outsiders unemployed.
How to Reduce the Natural
Rate of Unemployment
• Increase government support for job
training and reallocation.
• Increase labour market flexibility.
• Reform Employment Insurance
• Use aggressive policy to keep actual
unemployment rate low.
Perfectly Anticipated Inflation
• Because nominal wages are rising
together with prices, the purchasing power
is not hurt by the perfectly anticipated
• Perfectly anticipated inflation would not
hurt the value of savings accounts.
The Cost of Perfectly
Anticipated Inflation
• Shoe leather costs of inflation is time and
effort incurred by people and firms who
are trying to minimize their holdings of
• Menu costs of inflation.
• Welfare costs of inflation-induced tax
The Cost of Unanticipated
• Creditors and those with incomes set in
nominal terms are hurt, whereas debtors
and those who make fixed nominal
payments are helped by unanticipated
The Cost of Unanticipated
Inflation (continued)
• People are made worse off by increasing
risk of gaining or losing wealth as a result
of unanticipated inflation.
• People must spend time and effort
learning about different prices.
The Cost of Hyperinflation
• Hyperinflation occurs when the inflation
rate is extremely high for a sustained
period of time.
– The shoe leather costs are enormous.
– The government’s ability to collect taxes is
– The market efficiency is disrupted.
Fighting Inflation: The Role of
Inflationary Expectations
• The only factor that can create sustained
rises in aggregate demand and ongoing
inflation is a high rate of money growth.
• Governments may print money to finance
their spending or use unbalanced
monetary policy to fight recession.
Fighting Inflation (continued)
• The process of disinflation – the reduction
of money growth – leads to a serious
• If inflation falls below the expected rate,
unemployment will rise above the natural
• A recession can be avoided if expected
inflation rate can fall.
Rapid versus Gradual
• A cold turkey strategy is a rapid and
decisive reduction in the growth rate of
the money supply.
• It may lead to a significant increase in
cyclical unemployment.
Rapid versus Gradual
Disinflation (continued)
• Inflation expectations may not lower if the
government is expected to abandon the
policy under political pressure.
Rapid versus Gradual
Disinflation (continued)
• A policy of gradualism is a policy of
reducing the rate of money growth
gradually over a period of time.
Rapid versus Gradual
Disinflation (continued)
• This policy will raise unemployment by
less than the cold-turkey strategy, but the
period of higher unemployment will be
Wage and Price Controls
• Wage and price controls (income policies)
are legal limits on the ability of firms to
raise wages or prices.
• Price controls are likely to make
• Wage-price controls have a major effect
on the public’s expectations.
Credibility and Reputation
• The expected inflation adjusts quickly if
government’s announced disinflationary
policy is credible.
• Policymakers increase their credibility by
developing reputation for carrying through
on their promises.
Credibility and Reputation
• A strong and independent central bank
creates credibility of monetary policy with
the public.
End of Chapter