Summary: Three Coordinates (Tool) Velocity Reference Frame Acceleration vy vn r (n,t) coord velocity meter q (r,q) coord vx x at ar an vx x y r Observer Path ay aq O (x,y) coord r Reference Frame vr vq x Observer’s measuring tool vt Path Observer y ax vy y ax x ay y vn 0 vt v v2 at v vr r vq rq an ar r rq 2 aq 2rq 1 rq Choice of Coordinates Velocity Reference Frame Acceleration vy vn r (n,t) coord velocity meter q (r,q) coord vx x at ar an vx x y r Observer Path ay aq O (x,y) coord r Reference Frame vr vq x Observer’s measuring tool vt Path Observer y ax vy y ax x ay y vn 0 vt v v2 at v vr r vq rq an ar r rq 2 aq 2rq 2 rq Translating Observer “Translating-only Frame” will be studied today No! Observer’s Measuring tool (x,y) coord Path Observer B (moving) (n,t) coord velocity meter r q (r,q) coord Rotating Two observers (moving and not moving) see the particle moving the same way? Observer O (non-moving) Which observer sees the “true” velocity? A both! It’s matter of viewpoint. This particle path, depends on specific observer’s viewpoint “relative” “absolute” Two observers (rotating and non rotating) see the particle moving the same way? Point: if O understand B’s motion, he can describe the velocity which B sees. No! Observer (non-rotating) “Rotating axis” will be studied later. “translating” “rotating” 4 2/8 Relative Motion (Translating axises) Sometimes it is convenient to describe motions of a particle “relative” to a moving “reference frame” (reference observer B) If motions of the reference axis is known, then “absolute motion” of the particle can also be found. A = a particle to be studied Reference frame O Reference frame B A rA rB rA / B B O frame work O is considered as fixed (non-moving) B = a “(moving) observer” Motions of A measured by the observer at B is called the “relative motions of A with respect to B” Motions of A measured using framework O is called the “absolute motions” For most engineering problems, O attached to the earth surface may be assumed “fixed”; 5 i.e. non-moving. Relative position Ĵ If the observer at B use the x-y ** coordinate system to describe the position vector of A we have ĵ Y y A rA rA / B rB O x iˆ rA / B xiˆ yˆj B X where Here we will consider only the case where the x-y axis is not rotating (translate only) Iˆ rA / B = position vector of A relative to B (or with respect to B), iˆ and ĵ are the unit vectors along x and y axes (x, y) is the coordinate of A measured in x-y frame ** other coordinates systems can be used; e.g. n-t. 6 Relative Motion (Translating Only) x-y frame is not rotating (translate only) ĵ y A Y rA rA / B rB x O B X iˆ 0 ˆj 0 iˆ rA rB rA / B 0 rA rB ( xiˆ yjˆ) ( xiˆ yjˆ) vA/ B xiˆ yjˆ Note: Any 3 coords can be applied to Both 2 frames. Direction of frame’s unit vectors do not change a A aB a A / B Notation using when B is a translating frame. v A vB v A / B rA rB xiˆ yjˆ ( xiˆ yjˆ)70 aA/ B Path Understanding the equation Translation-only Frame! Observer B A O & B has a “relative” translation-only motion v A vB v A / B This particle path, depends on specific observer’s viewpoint Observer O reference reference framework O vA/O frame work B vB / O A rA rB O rA / B B Observer O Observer O Observer B (translation-only Relative velocity with O) This is an equation of adding vectors8 of different viewpoint (world) !!! The passenger aircraft B is flying with a linear motion to theeast with velocity vB = 800 km/h. A jet is traveling south with velocity vA = 1200 km/h. What velocity does A appear to a passenger in B ? v A B v A vB Solution vB 800 vA B v A 1200 q vA 1200 ˆj y vA B 800 1200 tan q 2 800 1200 vB 800 iˆ v A B 800 î 1200 ĵ x 9 2 Translational-only relative velocity vA 18 ˆ i 5iˆ m / s 3.6 a A 3iˆ m / s 2 vA B aA B v A B v A vB a A B a A aB q 2 3 1 rad/s 60 10 q 0 You can find v and a of B 10 v2 an rq r at rq 0 2 v vA 5iˆ m / s q 10 a A 3iˆ m / s 2 q 0 rad/s vA 2 B v 9 a B vB rq R 10 9 vB ( ) cos 45o i sin 45o j 2iˆ 2 ˆj 10 vA / B v A vB 3iˆ 2 ˆj m / s 2 B v aB cos 45o iˆ sin 45o ˆj 0.628iˆ 0.628 ˆj R aA / B aA aB 3.628iˆ 0.628 ˆj m / s y vB vA/B x Velocity Diagram y aB aA aA/B x Acceleration Diagram 11 Is observer B a translating-only observer B relative with O v A vB v A / B ? vB ? v A vB / A Yes Yes O v A vB v A / B ? vB v A vB / A ? Yes No vB vA vrel:B / A ? r To increase his speed, the water skier A cuts across the wake of the tow boat B, which has velocity of 60 km/h. At the instant when q = 30°, the actual path of the skier makes an angle = 50° with the tow rope. For this position determine the velocity vA of the skier and the value of q v rq 10 q Relative Motion: AB (Cicular Motion) 20 v A B : atobserber Consider point A and B, B as r-q coordinate system 50 v A vB v A B M ? ? Point: Most 2 unknowns can be solved with 1 vector (2D) equation. A q 30 16.67 sin 40 60 O.K. 10 mtranslating? vB / A : obserber A, B 20 60 30 30 D translating? vA B 40 60 vA vA vA sin 120 22.5 m s v A B 16.67 120 20 vB 60 16.67 m s 3.6 sin 20 10 q sin 40 q 0.88713rad s 2/206 A skydriver B has reached a terminal vB 50 m / s speed vB 50 m/s . The airplane has the constant speed v A 50 m/s and is just beginning to follow the circular path v 50 ˆj B shown of curvature radius = 2000 m aB 0 Determine (a) the vel. and acc. of the airplane relative to skydriver. (b) the time rate of change of the speed vr of the v A 50iˆ airplane and the radius of curvature r of its path, both aA 0 observed by the nonrotating skydriver. a A x 0 ( a A )t a A y (a A )n v A2 A a A (a y ) ˆj 1.250 ˆj m / s 2 v A / B = v A - vB , a A / B a A - a B rB / A ,q B / A v A / B 50iˆ 50 ˆj a A / B 1.250 ˆj 14 (b) the time rate of change of the speed vr of the airplane and the radius of curvature r of its path, both observed by the nonrotating skydriver. vB 50 ˆj aB 0 v A 50iˆ a A 1.250 ˆj m / s 2 vA/ B , aA/ B t aA/ B n vr r n t coord 45o vA/ B 45o v A / B 50iˆ 50 ˆj a A / B 1.250 ˆj vr (a A/ B )t a A/ B sin 45o vA2 / B r (a A/ B )n a A/ B cos 45o 15 vA 1000 ˆ i m/s 3.6 a A 1.2iˆ m / s 2 1500 ˆ vB i m/s 3.6 aB 0 m / s 2 r ,q : relative world rB / A ,q B / A r q coord vB / A , a B / A 16 vA 1000 ˆ i m/s 3.6 a A 1.2iˆ m / s 2 30o vB q r v a vB / A 500 ˆ i 3.6 q r q coord r ( vB / A ) r r v cosq (vB / A )q rq v sin q (aB / A )r r rq 2 (aB / A )q rq 2rq aB / A 1.2iˆ a cosq a sin q 1500 ˆ i m/s 3.6 aB 0 m / s 2 1800 1200 1200 sin 30o r v cosq 120.3 q 0.00579 r 0.637 q 0.166 103 17