Miscoe Hill School School Improvement Plan 2014 – 2015 Goal 1

Miscoe Hill School
School Improvement Plan
2014 – 2015
Goal 1: By June 2015, Miscoe Hill Teachers will receive training in assessment literacy,
develop and implement Common Formative Assessments for all curricular areas, including
all current elective courses, and identify two District Determined Measures (DDM) for each
Key Actions
1. By October 2014, Miscoe Hill will create an inventory of diagnostic assessments,
formative assessments, summative assessments, performance-based assessments, and
common assessments that are used at each grade level and department.
2. By November 2014 and March, 2015 provide quality performance assessment
professional development training to teachers of grades 5-12.
3. Teachers will assess current common assessments in each curricula area with similar
grade level curricular teachers during team times each cycle.
4. Common curricular teachers will vertically meet to discuss Common Assessments
used in order to ensure vertical alignment.
5. By each semester, Professional Development will be provided by the Director of
Curriculum in the area of assessment either before or after school.
6. By April 2015, the Director of Curriculum will provide training modules in Atlas
Rubicon stage 2
7. By April 2015, determine at least 2 DDMs for all educators
8. Staff will be trained in creation of summative and formative assessments during
Professional Development and/or Faculty Meetings with the administrative staff.
9. Staff will create at each curriculum level, a series of common assessments to be used
to during instruction and teaching practices.
10. By June 2015, curriculum leaders, school leaders, and teacher teams will ensure that
each curriculum map in Atlas Rubicon identifies the assessment strategies students
use to show evidence of learning
1. Professional Development training materials in Quality Performance Assessment and
assessment literacy
2. Inventory of assessments and sample classroom assessments used at Miscoe Hill
3. List of identified DDMS for each professional staff member
4. Atlas Rubicon curriculum maps with stage 2 assessments included
Goal 2: Expand the skillful use of technology integration and 1:1 learning in grades five through
eight in order to improve teaching and learning.
Key Actions:
1. By June 2015, provide professional development opportunities focused on the skillful
integration of technology through the support of the technology integration specialist, the
sharing of best practices, support of EdTechTeacher, and regular opportunities to
collaborate with colleagues.
2. Staff to be provided with additional Professional Development opportunities when
available through various organizations during the school year and summer months
driven by teacher interest.
3. By September 2014, ensure that all students in grades 6-12 have access to an iPad and by
November 2014 ensure that all students in grade 5 have access to an iPad to participate in
the 1:1 learning program.
4. Use the “power team” of faculty members trained by EdTechTeacher last year as
professional development resources
5. Discuss 1:1 Learning Initiative with new grade 5 parents to ensure understanding of
Miscoe Hill procedures and rules in using iPads as part of the curriculum during Open
6. Distribute iPads to grade 5 students by November 2014.
7. By October 2014, provide 80% of the teachers at Miscoe Hill and with HD projectors and
Apple TVs. The remainder will be provided with HD projectors and Apple TVs by the
start of 2015-16.
8. By October 2014, the technology integration specialist will establish a 1:1 help desk at
Miscoe Hill .
9. By January 2015, develop a 1:1 learning committee responsible for creating a short and
long term vision for technology integration in the Mendon-Upton Regional School
10. Throughout the 2014-15 school year, the community will be presented with information
to support their understanding of the technology integration and the role of technology in
their children’s lives. This information will be presented in a variety of formats,
including blog posts, emails sent home through Connect5, face-to-face sessions, and
other available modes of communication.
1. All students in grades 5-8 have iPads available to them.
2. The establishment of a catalogue of best practices acquired during professional
development offerings demonstrating teachers’ integration of technology into their
3. An archive of the activities of the student-run help desk at Miscoe Hill
4. The establishment of a catalogue of available digital resources for use in teaching and
5. Development of a working plan that outlines the vision of the 1:1 learning program and
the plan to address financial, technical, educational, and community needs
Goal 3: By June 2015, design and implement a STEM Program, an initiative aimed at enhancing
students’ learning in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics at Miscoe Hill School
through authentic learning experiences, professional training, and school wide science/math
Key Actions:
1. Organize a committee consisting of educators, administrators, community members,
parents, and students who can help expand the STEM learning opportunities at the middle
2. Create a formal schedule of meetings to occur beginning in September 2014 and
conclude in June 2015.
3. Define guidelines for the Miscoe Hill STEM program including prescribed course of
study, formal practical learning opportunities with professionals, and work with outside
organizations for the 2014 -15 school year.
4. Use the work completed at the WPI STEM Integration for District Leaders program in
the 2013-2014 school year to develop a comprehensive vision for STEM programming in
Miscoe Hill Middle School
5. Network with organizations such as DIGITS, MAS, MMSI, WPI, and local science
businesses such as Raytheon, EMC and Intel to expand student and teacher learning
6. Collaborate with teachers and administrators at the Elementary and High Schools in order
to support student’s readiness for the STEM program at the high school level.
7. Provide professional development opportunities for teachers of science, technology,
engineering, and mathematics in order to support the growth of the Miscoe Hill STEM
8. Establish a plan to communicate with students, parents, and community members about
the opportunities and achievements of the Miscoe Hill STEM Program.
9. Conduct grade level presentation in the spring of 2015 to showcase the Miscoe Hill
STEM Program to include student work, student-presenters, and highlights of the initial
year of the program.
1. STEM Committee meeting dates, agendas, and participants
2. Set of define guidelines for the Miscoe Hill STEM Program.
3. List of organizations, educational institutions, and parents that will contribute to the
STEM program at Miscoe
4. Professional Development activities in STEM during the school year of 2014-2015
5. By June 2015, formal grade level presentation showcasing the Miscoe Hill STEM
Program will be conducted.