BUS 3500 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS (Monday 5/17/2010) Abdou Illia, Ph.D. aillia@eiu.edu 1 OBJECTIVES Course overview (syllabus) Explain How class will be organized 2 Why an IS course? IS no longer exclusive domain of tech savvy Information Systems used by all organizations Need for employees trained to use and manage computer applications 3 Course Objectives Knowledge Explain the concept of a computer based information systems including detailed knowledge of the system components and how they evolved and interact. Demonstrate an understanding of hardware and software. Describe fundamental data communications and telecommunications concepts. Explain types of data communication networks typically found in businesses. Distinguish between types of information systems 4 Course Objectives Knowledge Understand and explain database management system concept; functions, uses, and types. Demonstrate an understanding of computer security in today’s business 5 Course Objectives Skills Be able to participate in purchasing information systems’ components Use a DBMS to create and manage databases: tables, queries, forms, reports, etc. 6 Required Text Essentials of Management Information Systems, Kenneth Laudon & Jane Laudon, Pearson Custom Publishing, 2009. Book site: http://wps.prenhall.com/bp_laudon_essmis_8/ 7 Teaching Methods Lectures Discussions Hands-on Exercises Summary questions 8 Grading 2 Exams: 100 points each Written Cover subjects learned during previous weeks 1 Final Exam: 150 points 1 Exercise/Case Study 1 MS Access Project 110 points 3+ Access Labs 45 points Quizzes: To be determined 50 points 9 Grade calculation Grades calculated by dividing amassed points by MAX 90-100% A 80-89% B 70-79% C 60-69% D 10 Makeup No makeup Exams If absence excused, grade is calculated without missed exam Excused Absence REQUIRES written verification Student responsible to provide documentation 11 Due dates Due dates on course calendar Responsible to make sure assignments turned on time Assignments due: at class beginning for written assignments By due day/time for online submissions 12 Website / E-mail address http://www.eiu.edu/~a_illia/bus3500 Syllabus Class Notes Assignments Your E-mail address Required to receive class-related notices Send me an e-mail (aillia@eiu.edu) Subject: BUS 3500 email list Content: Your-First-Name Your-Last-Name 13 Instructor Assistance E-mail: aillia@eiu.edu Phone: 581-6391 Office Hours: 8:30-9:30 MTW and by appointment 14