
Opening Fanfare ................................................................... Intrada Dignified
Led by Kevin Murphy
Welcome.............................................. Mrs Fiona McIntosh (Depute Rector)
Opening Remarks ................................ Mrs Fiona McIntosh (Depute Rector)
Music ............................................................ Carnival of Venice – Wind Band
Composer (J B Arban)
Soloist – Judith Richmond
Conductor – Kevin Murphy
Annual School Report ...................................... Mr Graham Hutton (Rector)
Music ............................................................... The Water is Wide (Traditional)
Vocal Solo - Elaine McRitchie
Accompanied by Valerie Maynes
Address and Presentation of Prizes ......................................... Colin McLeod
Vote of Thanks ................................... Iona Broadhurst & Ruairidh Morrison
(School Captains)
End of Ceremony ..............................Mrs Fiona McIntosh (Depute Rector)
Music ............................................ Theme from “The Muppets” – Jazz Band
Composer (J Henson)
Led by Richard Waghorn
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Welcome to Grove Academy’s 2012 Prize Giving Ceremony.
This booklet is showcasing some of our achievements throughout
the year, both academically and from other extra-curriculum areas.
We hope that you enjoy reading about the many different
achievements accomplished by Grove Academy pupils.
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The ultimate goal of our Kenya Partnership
was to have the exchange of pupils
between Grove Academy and Meru
School. The first leg of the visit happened
last September when Matthew Andrews,
Katie Bruce, Neal Millar and Danielle
Parsons accompanied by Mrs Fiona
McIntosh (DHT) and Mrs Marjorie Kerr
(Principal Teacher of Geography) spent
two weeks in Kenya. Matthew Andrews
takes up the story:
“Upon arrival in the vast capital city of
Nairobi we visited many cultural attractions
including the Animal Orphanage, where
we danced with the Maasai warriors, and
the Bomas, where we were given an insight
into tribal life. Following this we boarded a
matatu minibus to Meru where our partner
school is located.
cultures and really absorb the Kenyan way
of life.
Other memorable experiences included a
visit to an HIV/AIDS treatment centre and
orphanage which was moving, but uplifting
to see progress being made, Kaaga Girls’
School, Kenya Methodist University and St.
Stephen’s Church, which is partnered with
St. Stephen’s in Broughty Ferry. One of the
most incredible days was when we went to
Buffalo Springs and Samburu Wildlife
Reserves. We also had a tour of a tea
plantation and factory. Overall the trip was
a fantastic opportunity to further the link
with Meru School and other organisations
as well as learning about the vibrant
culture of Kenya.”
Our week in school allowed us to compare
and contrast our differing education and
Page 3
Mrs Kerr concludes; “The pupils were
absolutely fantastic ambassadors for Grove
Academy. They rose to the many
challenges of Kenya including the great
African heat and the sometimes fairly basic
sanitary conditions. All of them grew in
confidence as at every opportunity the
Kenyans wanted them to talk about
Scotland and what their lives were like in
Since returning they have developed their
leadership skills by preparing presentations
and speaking to numerous groups
including school staff, pupil assemblies,
primary schools, Abertay Rotary and St.
Stephen’s Church. We all have many
happy memories that will be with us the rest
of our lives.”
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The second leg of the exchange will take
place in August. Four boys and two staff
from Meru will arrive in Dundee on
Thursday, 9th August. A packed programme
is already planned as we want them to
experience as much of Scottish culture as
they can during their short stay. Visits have
been organised to Edinburgh including the
Tattoo, to St. Andrews, Glen Clova, Dundee
University, The Discovery and hopefully a
local football match. Pupils and staff will
attend classes for five days.
Evening activities include a ceilidh, a trip to
Dundee Schools Music Theatre and a get
together in St. Stephen’s Church Hall.
Hopefully the weather will be kind to them
and they get as warm a welcome from the
community as the Grove party did in Meru.
Holly Quinn – Olympic Torch Bearer, Brechin
Holly is truly an inspirational person. She was the sports champion at her primary school,
highly respected by all of her peers and teachers as being deserving of the accolade,
displaying good sportsmanship and an eagerness to make friends of everyone.
Her friendship with a disabled friend has encouraged that friend to overcome many of the
barriers which prevented progress in her life. She has been sensitive to those issues which
affect less able people and has helped her friend overcome these while not jumping in
and sorting the issues out for her but rather encouraging her friend to become confident
and outgoing and striving for her own success.
Her friend is now becoming an
inspirational person in her own right, in
spite of her health challenges and this
approach to helping her break
through the barriers which sapped her
confidence and made her introverted.
Holly continues to strive for excellence
and is never deflected from including
everyone in that pursuit. Holly is now in
her first year at Grove Academy and
has already made her mark there in
sport and in academic subjects. She is
shortly to receive a gold award in her
first year, reflecting the effort she
applies to education and sport and
her friends look upon her as a broker of
peace amongst them, a source of
wisdom, and an ally in times of trouble.
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Lessons from Auschwitz By Faith Bulle, S6
The Holocaust Trust is an organisation
which educates young people in the UK
about the Holocaust, attempting to do so
through a 4 step programme called
‘Lessons from ‘Auschwitz’ which includes
two selected pupils from each school
taking part in the programme and using
their experience to educate others.
In the very early hours of 7th September,
we travelled to Edinburgh Airport to meet
with the LFA educators and check in for
our flight to Krakow Airport in Poland. The
entire flight was booked out by the
programme participants as there were
two hundred of us all together. On arrival,
we once again assembled into our
groups and left in separate coaches,
each going to a different destination.
Our coach took us to the town of
Oświęcim – the town nearest to Auschwitz
In this town we visited the
synagogue – now a dedicated memorial
to the victims of the Holocaust, and met
Rabbi Marcus – the founder of the LFA.
This visit was effective as we were given
an insight into pre-war Jewish life in
Poland. Something we were all shocked
to learn was that before the war,
Oświęcim’s majority population was
Jewish. Today however, not a single Jew
lives there.
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After this visit we were then taken to
Auschwitz 1, the original camp which is
now a museum, containing in the
previous prisoner buildings, the possessions
and evidence of a small number of the
victims of Auschwitz. This was a very
disturbing part of the visit as the reality hit
us when we were standing across from
piles upon piles of shoes, pots, suitcases,
hairbrushes, human hair and even a small
number of the gas canisters used to kill
hundreds of people at a time. Although
unbelievable, it was horrible when we
realized that this was a small fraction of
the actual number of possessions. These
were only the ones that had been found.
We then travelled to Auschwitz 2
(Birkenau) which was the second camp
built (the more well-known camp
containing the infamous image of the
guard tower.
The first thing noticed by all was the huge
expanse of space. You don’t realize how
huge the camp was until you are
standing there, looking at the space
stretching out around you. We were
taken around the camp, shown the
disgusting living quarters of the prisoners,
taken to the top of the guard tower,
walked along the train track which led to
and stopped at the gas chambers. It was
a journey that a huge number of people
had taken, and as our guide pointed out,
it was literally the end of line for so many
We finished the tour by assembling in the
sauna (the building where registration of
prisoners had taken place – now filled
with pictures of victims before the war)
and took part in a memorial service, led
by Rabbi Marcus. We learned that if we
were to hold a minutes silence for each
victim, we would have sat there for three
years. On the journey home, the majority
of people remained quiet and thoughtful,
the sights of the day only sinking in then.
After taking part in the LFA Experience,
ambassador for the organization - this
meaning that we are now trusted to use
our experience to educate others in our
community, this is known as the ‘next
steps’. Iona and I are still in discussion
over how best to reach as many as
possible, but so far we are considering as
many departments within the school as
possible to be involved and are very
enthusiastic to arrange for a Holocaust
survivor to come to the school one
evening and speak to both students and
members of the community and share his
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Inter House Athletics Championships
Dawson ........................................ 287
Orchar .......................................... 100
Reres ............................................. 169
Dundee Sports Awards
At this prestigious event to celebrate success in Dundee Sports the school were well
Mr Burnett our Pool Attendant won the Lifetime Achievement Award for his services to
swimming in Dundee.
Shauna Urquhart S4 won the Young Volunteer Award for her work with disabled riders at
Braes Riding Club.
The PE Department won the first Heal Physiotherapy Sporting School of the Year Award.
Dundee Active School Volunteers Awards - Lifetime Achievement was awarded to Mr H
Barlow –Principal Teacher of PE at Grove Academy.
As usual our teams have been well represented in National competitions with the S2 girls
and S3 boys reaching the quarter finals, the S1 boys losing narrowly by seven points in the
semi-final and the S3 girls losing to Falkirk High School in the final of their competition.
The following pupils represented Scotland:
Megan Thomson U/13 team in Gothenberg
Christopher Thomson U/15 in Copenhagen
Cara Black and Julie O’Donnell U/16 in Malta
Cara Black U/15 in Spain
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Dundee Olympic Competition
This was an Olympic competition being held this year for all
Dundee Schools. It was for S1 – S6 age groups and in a
wide variety of sports.
We represented Turkey in the
competition due to our link with Polis Amca School in
Ankera. We attended 48 competitions in this event. This
was more than any other school in the city. We won over
200 gold, silver and bronze medals across 13 different sports. Not only did we win the
overall medal competition but were also the school with the most participation points.
Well done to all the pupils and staff who contributed to our success in this event!
STOPPRESS! Dundee Schools Championships Results
…At Caird Park on 21st June in the pouring rain! Well done to all the pupils who took part
in very challenging conditions. Main Grove medal winners are:
A Group Boys 100m: 3rd Sean Dempsey, 800m: 1st Sean Dempsey,
B Group Boys 100m: 2nd Ben Finnie, 100m: 2nd Ben Finnie, High Jump: 3rd Jordan Garden,
Hurdles: 3rd Ross Gourlay C Group Boys 100m: 2nd Chris Bartlett, 800m: 3rd Fyffe Galbraith,
D Group Boys 800m: 1st Andrew Merry, High Jump: 2nd Cameron Oldham, Hurdles: 2nd
Lewis Finnie, Hurdles: 3rd Daniel Russell, A Group Girls 800m: 2nd Liberty Brown, Shot Putt:
1st Desiree Doogan, Javelin: 2nd Desiree Doogan, B Group Girls 100m: 1st Kirsten Taylor,
200m: 1st Kirsten Taylor, 1500m: 3rd Louise Bryant, Javelin: 1st Lucia Pasfield, C Group Girls
200m: 2nd Lucy Pandrich, 800m: 2nd Lucy Pandrich, 1500m: 3rd Lauren Bell, Shot Putt: 3rd
Lauren Witte, High Jump: 3rd Lauren Witte, Hurdles: 3rd Lauren Witte.
D Group Girls 100m: 3rd Rhiannon Milne, 800m: 2nd Sarah Grieg, Long Jump: 1st Rhiannon
Milne, Shot Putt: 2nd Kerry Nicoll.
Scottish Team Relays
The S2 boys had good success in this competition coming 3rd in the Freestyle Relay and 4th
in the Medley Relay
The S2 boys team beat Blairgowrie High School in the semi-finals on the Emerging Schools
Finals day to reach the final and play Airdrie High School at Stirling County Cricket
grounds. Unfortunately the boys lost by 7 runs to come runners-up.
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Dundee Schools X-Country
This was one of the highlights in what has already been a
very successful year on the sporting front. Out of seven
team competitions we won six.
S1 boys, S1 girls, S2 boys, S2/3 girls, S3/4 boys and S4/6 boys
with our S5/6 girls coming 3rd.
There were four individual group winners:
Andrew Merry - S1 boys
Cara Black - S3 girls
Jamie Crowe -S5/6 boys
Christie Reid – Senior Girls
Connie Black S3 won the medal for the performance by a girl in the competition and
Andrew Merry won the medal for best performance by a boy at the completion.
The under 14 team lost 2-1 to St Paul’s in the Urquhart Trophy and
came 2nd in the Champions league and reached the ¼ final of the
Scottish Cup.
The under 13 team reached the Champions league stages of their
Calum McAra, Sean Gallacher, Paul Callaghan, Jordan Garden
and Ross Gourlay were in the Dundee under 15 teams.
Kieran Dack, Ryan Winter, Connor Watson and Darren Mackie were in the successful
Dundee under 18 who won the Scottish District Trophy. This was the first time since 1997.
The under 16 team won the Dundee United Cup beating Harris 4-2 in the final. They also
came 2nd in the Champions league.
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The school link with Grove/Menzieshill Hockey Club was strengthened
by several internationalists and coaches coming in to coach 30 S1/S2
pupils in a hockey afternoon.
David Healy S6 was also selected for the National u/18 squad.
National Sports Week
This was held at lunch-times from June 11-15. There were different sports which do not
feature in PE curriculum each day. These included Futsal, Short Tennis, Zumba, Parkour
and Handball.
On the last day pupils had the opportunity to have their photo taken with the Olympic
Torch which was brought in by Stephanie Beaton.
The Senior team reached the knockout stages of the Gold
Competition which was a very good achievement as they are
mainly in S3 and S4.
The newly formed S2 team reached the knockout stages of their
Silver Competition and the S1 team are in the final of the Bronze
S1 team lost in the final of the S1 Bronze Competition.
The S5/S6 boys Volleyball team played in the National Cup but were
knocked out by Mearns Academy and Belmont High School (Ayr).
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In the Tayside Schools Competition Stephen Gibb S2 came 3rd in the 200M front crawl and
the 100m front crawl, Scott Birtles S2 came 1st in the 100m backstroke and Paul Adamson
S5 came 1st in the 200m Breaststroke and 2nd in the 400m front crawl.
Inter House Swimming Championships 2012
Dawson ........................................ 294
Orchar .......................................... 243
Reres ............................................. 160
Individual Swimming Champions
Senior Boys
1st Paul Adamson 28pts
2nd Stephen Hunter 24pts
3rd Andrew Leslie 20pts
Senior Girls
1st Lesley Nicolson 27pts
2nd Jenna Culloch 25pts
3rd Julia Burns 20pts
S3 Boys
1st Peter Sharkey 27pts
2nd Ben Talbot 13pts
3rd Ross Gourlay 5 pts
S3 Girls
1st Rebecca Duff 28pts
2nd Suzanne Strachan 12pts
S2 Boys
1st Stephen Gibb 28pts
2nd Scott Birtles 24pts
3rd Christopher Burns 17pts
S2 Girls
1st Frances Eva 28pts
2nd Morven Anderson 16pts
3rd Kiera Mills 15pts
S1 Boys
1st Ben Harper 27pts
2nd Brendan Anderson 16pts
3rd Liam Murphy 11pts
Fraser Swan 11pts
Callum Fuller 11pts
S1 Girls
1st Julie Hunter 21pts
2nd Taylor McGrath 17pts
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3rd Abbie McLean 15pts
60 pupils from Grove and our associated primary schools took part
in a workshop and concert with an ensemble called ‘Pure Brass’
Pure Brass are a quintet from the Royal Conservatoire of Music. They
held a series of workshops with the pupils from P5 – S6 which
culminated in a fantastic concert at the end of the day.
S1 classes studying French had the fantastic opportunity of going to
see a visiting ensemble from France called ‘Heavy Fingers’ The
pupils thoroughly enjoyed this Saxophone Quartet’s version of ‘Peter
and the Wolf’ in French!
We were delighted to welcome back again this year’ Scottish
Opera’ 4 members of the cast joined us for the day to lead 20 S4-6
pupils through a series of workshops based on the opera ‘Orfeo ed
Euridice’ which Scottish Opera were later to perform in Dundee.
40 of our senior pupils studying Music attended a concert by the
RSNO at the Caird Hall. It was, as always a great opportunity for our
pupils to see a large live orchestra. The performance was further
enhanced by an excellent presentation which was invaluable to
those studying at Higher and Advanced Higher level.
In December a concert party of 25 senior pupils visited a number of residential homes and
churches performing a selection of music for our senior citizens. This was an incredible
experience and one I know the pupils will never forget. The senior citizens loved the
music and, equally so, the company of the young people.
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A huge number of Grove pupils took part in the Central Bands and orchestra concerts in
March. Over 120 Grove pupils took part in 2 nights of wonderful performances from string
groups to rock bands.
Our Silver Leng Medal winners this year were Evan Roberts and Samantha Harvey both of
S3. Congratulations to all who took part.
Our percussionists and string players have been particularly busy
recently. Percussionists, Christina Thurston, Kirsten Burns, George Hart
and Kathryn Brown performed at numerous events throughout the
city. These included performances at the EIS National Conference,
a CIPFA dinner and the Olympic torch celebrations in the city
centre. String players, Danielle Parsons, Alison McMahon, Caitlin
Morgan, Matthew Andrews and Michael Strachan also performed
at the above events as well as at an event to mark National
Holocaust Day.
A number of our percussion pupils, vocalists and dancers took part in an Afro-Cuban
project. The dancers had the opportunity to work with a professional dancer form Cuba
who led them through the intricacies of Afro-Cuban dance. These rehearsals, involving
percussion singing and dance, culminated in a wonderful performance at the Caird Hall
in March.
Once again our Easter and Christmas concerts performed to
packed audiences. We were delighted to welcome many new
players to the concert this year and also some new ensembles
including a String Quartet and Jazz Band. In 2012 – 2013 session, as
well as our Easter and Christmas concerts, we hope to hold a World
Music Day in June.
A great deal of Grove pupils continue to contribute greatly to Dundee Schools Music
Theatre and the National Youth Choir of Scotland. Many Grove pupils played lead roles in
recent DSMT shows.
Evan Roberts S3 won the Underwood Competition with his singing of classical song.
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Young Musician of the Year Awards
Congratulations to Judith Richmond (seen below right) who won the Rotary Young
Musician of the Year competition. Judith competed against 11 Dundee School pupils,
including Dundee High, to lift this prestigious award.
A special mention must also be given to Emily Jamieson (below left) who made it through
to the final.
This year the Female Vocalist and Male Vocalist awards were both won by Grove pupils.
Elaine McRitchie and Daniel Hird competed against 11 other competitors to win Female
Vocalist and Male Vocalist respectively. 10 pupils from schools across Dundee competed
in the Instrumentalist of the Year. There were some exceptional performances, 3 Grove
pupils took part; Matthew Andrews on violin, Kathryn Brown and the winner, our very own
Judith Richmond. Congratulations to all who participated.
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Manicures for Meru
Five girls in S3 have been running a Nail Bar at lunchtimes over the last
few months.
The idea was started by Miss Glover and they decided it would be a
good way to raise money for the Kindergarten in St Stephen’s
Methodist Church in Meru, Kenya where our partner school is.
After buying the equipment and making a price list the girls
advertised it in the daily bulletin and put up posters around the
school. So far it has been very successful with both boys and girls
getting their nails painted (although the boys usually do it for a
dare). They have also had several members of staff coming along
and the total so far is nearly £60.
Grace Berry, Liberty Hunter, Fatima Gani, Taylor Allan and
Ammarah Valimohamed will continue to run the manicures on
Wednesday lunchtimes and hope to raise quite a bit more money
by extending their treatments to nail art and false nails.
Broughty Ferry Beach Clean
On Saturday 28th April members of Broughty In Bloom,
Grove Academy pupils and local residents took part in
a beach clean from the Esplanade to the Dighty. Mary
Saunders from Broughty in Bloom said “It was the best
ever turnout.”
Over twelve people from Grove
Academy assisted with the event and participants were
treated to a feast of toasted marshmallows on the
beach for their efforts.
The biggest finds were a car tyre and a block of polystyrene that had been washed down
the Dighty. The most common waste on the beach was wipes and sanitary towels. It is
hoped that the council will investigate why there is so much of this type of waste.
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Scottish Biodiversity Week
Grove Eco School Group marked Scottish
Biodiversity Week 19 - 27 May 2012 in a couple of
ways. Firstly we planted our Jubilee Wood given
to Grove by the Woodland Trust. We went for the
shrub collection but we also planted our Jubilee
Oak in the wild wood area at the side of the
Pupils also carried out a survey of plants and insect life at the Queen St Car Park in
Broughty Ferry. The garden, originally developed by seniors at the school is now an
attractive area filled with a variety of wild flowers and the insect life it attracts. We saw a
small tortoiseshell, a 7-spot ladybird and a number of yet to be identified flying insects!
Dodgeball Raises £2,700
Pupils at Grove Academy practiced hard for a British Heart Foundation (BHF) Ultimate
Dodgeball Tournament, which took place at the end of November. Each year group
participated on a different lunchtime during that week culminating with a staff v S6 teams
tournament on the Friday lunchtime. The sponsored knock-out tournaments showcased
the skills the pupils had been working on over the previous three weeks. The Ultimate
Dodgeball Tournament saw over 200 pupils aged between 11 and 18 years take part. The
initiative was organized by the British Heart Foundation to promote the importance of
maintaining a healthy heart through regular exercise, while also raising funds for the BHF’s
life saving work and for the school.
The Tournament raised £2,700 for the British Heart Foundation and The School Fund.
Susie Golden, PE teacher at Grove, said:
“Preparing for the Ultimate Dodgeball Tournament
had given us all a reason to get moving, not to
mention to have lots of fun. The scheme helped us
encourage healthy habits while creating a more
active ethos. “It has been a fantastic event for
the school, pupils and adults.”
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Handmade Ribbons to recognise World AIDS Day
World AIDS Day is an international event which takes place
every year on the first day of December. It helps raise
awareness of the disease caused by HIV. As a result of the
Kenyan pupils visit this Autumn (see our special feature in this
issue), ribbons handmade by pupils of Meru School were sold
during the week.
The statistics show that although
incidences of AIDS are decreasing, it is still a problem in
Kenya. 1.5 million people live with the disease and 80,000
die every year in Kenya alone. The money raised will be donated to the Meru based
charity Ripples International which cares for orphans and those affected by HIV/AIDS.
Scottish Schools Award for Global Citizenship
It was good to get recognition of the many ways that Grove
Academy brings Global Citizenship into the classroom and the
wider community. Grove currently has links with Meru School in
Kenya, Fukiai High School in Japan and a ‘Games Legacy for
Scotland’ link with a school in Turkey. Grove also has a strong
tradition of running field trips to Switzerland and engaging senior
pupils in the Lessons from Auschwitz programme.
Through these links, staff and pupils have exchanged aspects of their lives and learning
that have permeated the ethos of all the schools involved. We have used letter writing,
poetry, videos of ‘a day in the life of..’, weather and climate reports, pupil presentations at
assemblies, pupil led learning activities and peer supporters to encourage a wider
understanding of our place and responsibilities in the wider world.
Grove Academy were runners-up in the Scottish Schools Award for Global Citizenship at a
ceremony at the Hilton Hotel, Glasgow on Tuesday 12th June 2012. There were over 650
applicants for the 17 different categories. The nominees were visited by judges at each of
the schools. Our visit took place in mid-April. The successful nominees all met the specific
category criteria and demonstrated exceptional, innovative and creative approaches to
learning and teaching. The judges said of Grove “The energy and enthusiasm that the
staff put into their global citizenship work was clearly apparent, and the engagement of
the pupils was very striking as was their confidence in their teacher’s commitment to
them.” Grove was presented with a certificate of achievement and a cheque for £250.
Page 18
Social Enterprise Award
Last year Grove won an Ethco Award for the Meru Bead Project. This is a pupil led link
between Meru students who manufacture paper beads from recycled paper to make
jewellery, and Grove pupils who promote and sell the finished articles. This year the
venture has had a real boost from a group of S2 pupils who have taken on the company
as a Social Enterprise Project. The time they have taken to sell the jewellery and create
new marketing ideas has resulted in Grove securing a Social Enterprise in Schools Award.
On Tuesday 19th June 2012 three pupils and two staff journeyed to Edinburgh to collect the
award from the Social Enterprise Academy. It took place at ‘The Hub’ at the top of the
Royal Mile. In Edinburgh, Hannah Wright, Lucy McArthur, Stewart Duncan (see photo), Mrs
Holligan and Mrs Berry were joined by 26 other schools from across Scotland who were also
there to celebrate their achievement.
The afternoon consisted of a talk from previous award winners St Nicholas Primary School
from Broxburn, and then the Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Mr John Swinney gave a
speech before handing over the certificates.
After the award presentation were enjoyed a quick
buffet lunch before returning to school. The award day
showed that Grove Academy is going from strength to
strength in our partnership with Meru School.
At curricular level, Citizenship has become part of the
on-going learning of pupils in most departments in
school in some way, from fabulous art inspired by
Africa to discussions on air miles and sustainable food
production in Home Economics. The RMPE Department
use our links as a way of exploring moral and ethical
values, our peer supporters deliver health promoting
lessons to our feeder primaries. The school has created
a wildflower garden in the centre of Broughty Ferry and
grows wildflowers for a local environmental group.
Page 19
Junior Debating Success
Special congratulations go out to Alexandra Clark 2O3 & Leoni
Jorna 2O1 on an excellent performance at the ESU semi-finals of
the Junior Debating Championship, held at Grove Academy. It was
a hard fought battle displaying the skill, aptitude and prowess of all
the speakers taking part. The event included teams from Grove
Academy, St. Margaret’s in Aberdeen, Auchterarder and
Balwearie High School in Fife.
As victors, Grove’s team of Leoni and Alexandra, will be part of the
final, to be held in Edinburgh, with the best junior debaters attending from across Scotland.
Special thanks go out to the judges, timekeepers, organisers and Grove Academy for
hosting the event.
Both girls who are now in S3 will be opposing the motion that This House would impose
minimum quotas for women in the Cabinet on the 4th September at the Scottish Parliament
in Edinburgh. We wish the girls good luck in the final against teams from Mearns Castle
High, George Heriot’s School and St Columba’s.
Debating in Grove
Debating encourages young people to think about different points of view. Often they
have to argue for something they do not agree with. There is a lot to be gained from
considering the other side of an argument. Researching debate topics can be done
individually or as part of a group. Not everyone will be able to make a speech but
participating in the organisation of a debate or being part of an audience is also very
important. Debating has something to offer everyone.
Page 20
According to Education Scotland, Debate captures the spirit of Curriculum for Excellence
and can play a significant part in a school’s citizenship and Determined to Succeed
activities. Debating is a unique way of promoting critical thinking, communication,
research and enquiry skills.
Debating develops the four capacities. The innate structure of debating means that
young people build effective communication skills (Effective Contributors), which
enhances their confidence (Confident Individuals), their ability to communicate and
persuade a group of people, and allows them to discover their voice (Successful
Learners). They are also able to consider wider issues (Responsible Citizens).
This year has been an exciting one for debating in Scotland. Dundee hosted the World
Schools Debating Competition with teams from 48 countries taking part in a thoroughly
enjoyable week long competition which saw Singapore emerge as worthy winners. (Team
Scotland reached the semi-finals.) Along with all the other Dundee Secondary Schools,
Grove Academy had the honour of hosting four debates each day for three days and an
Octo-Final. The national teams, coaches and Worlds judges all commented on the
friendliness and competence of the Grove team of helpers. A representative group of
Grove debaters attended a Civic reception in January where the Lord Provost thanked
them for being an integral part of such a successful competition. Later that month Team
Scotland travelled to South Africa in and won 2012 Worlds Trophy. The next Worlds
competition will be in Anatalya, Turkey in January 2013.
The success of WSDC and the enthusiasm of our debaters resulted in Grove Academy
taking part in a several debating competitions: ESU Mace, Law Society, Glasgow University
Schools, and Aberdeen University Schools. Our Debaters were also invited to participate in
competitions at St. Leonards in St Andrews and Robert Gordon’s College, Aberdeen.
Page 21
Swimming Gala
Seven pupils from Grove Academy attended a
swimming gala at Olympia organised by Dundee
Disability Sports and won a total of 11 medals
The photo shows from left to right top row – Fraser
Watson, Mitchaell Elder, Casandra Duthie, Simeon
Chien, front row – Fraser Smith, Andrew Matheson
and Michael Knight.
Young Enterprise 2012
This year’s Young Enterprise company Dimensional is well underway with the help of
Business Adviser Robbie Francis from Thornton’s Solicitors. Fourteen S6 pupils applied to be
part of the company, and elected Francesca Allan as Managing Director and David
Healy as Assistant Managing Director. The team attended a number of Tayside events
such as the “Entrepreneur Masterclass”, “Drogan’s Den Event” and the Christmas Trade
Fair in the Wellgate Shopping Centre.
The group have considered many options for their business venture and after some market
research decided to produce cotton eco-friendly bags with various designs. The team
organised a competition for S1 pupils to enter a design – the winning entry will feature as
part of the range of designs customers could choose to have on their bag.
Page 22
Scottish Association of Geography Teachers Worldwise Quiz
The Geography Department entered two teams for the local heats of the Geography
Worldwise Quiz. Entries were down this year so we had to travel to Aberdeen to compete
in the first round. We won the area shield and our team went through to compete in
Callander in March. Stewart Duncan 2D1, Kieran Mulholland 3D1 and Stuart Miller 3R1
were unfortunately defeated in the Scottish heats by stiff competition but had an
enjoyable experience. Our thanks go to Miss Kydd for all her hard work again in coaching
the boys for the Worldwise competition.
Business Dynamics
A two-day Business Dynamics Programme was held in Rockwell Buildings for Business
Studies pupils in S6 on Thursday 29 and Friday 30 September.
The Programme is a registered educational
charity that aims to bring business to life for
students. Over the two days, business
people led seminars in the areas of town
planning, marketing, design & development
and crisis management. Speakers who
gave time out of their busy work schedules
were Mel Shepherd, Education and Careers
Adviser for Construction Skills, Mike Jackson
from Aviva, Sergeant Mark Gillespie from
the RAF and Bill Hutchison from Adam Smith
College. Working in groups the pupils were
required to solve real-life problems and to
report their findings.
The pupils involved are currently studying Higher or Int 2 Business Management, Higher
Administration and Higher Accounting. The event not only allows pupils an insight into the
world of business but also develops the Core Skills of working with others, problem solving
and communication – skills essential in whatever career a pupil might follow.
Page 23
Grove Pupils get tips for success
Senior pupils studying Higher and
Intermediate 2 Business Management
were treated to an “Audience with Jim
Eastwood”. Jim was the runner up from
the 2011 series of the television show The
Apprentice. Thirty pupils from Grove
Academy, as well as many other pupils
from across Dundee schools participated
in the event in November in the Apex
Jim gave Dundee pupils a very inspirational presentation and outlined his four tips for
success. They were - Have self-belief; be positive and persistent; stay focused; be yourself.
Pupils call in on Call Centres
S3 Administration pupils visited BT Directory
Enquiries Call Centre in February to find out about
flexible working practices and how to effectively
communicate with customers via the telephone.
Pupils were given a short presentation about BT
followed by a chance to listen in on conversations
between staff and customers. The event was part
of a programme called “Talking Tayside World of
Work School Visits”. Pupils involved thoroughly
enjoyed this hands-on experience and it brought
to life many of the administrative practices they
learn about in the classroom. A video clip of this
Page 24
Geography Trips to East Scryne & Wester Coul
S3 Geography pupils have recently been out and about doing fieldwork. On Friday, 18
May a group visited East Scryne Farm by Carnoustie. Pupils were met by Carol Littlewood,
RHET Co-ordinator and James Porter, Farmer. First they visited the arable and pastoral
fields then took cover from the weather under the polytunnels. James gave them a
fascinating insight into the growing of strawberries and raspberries. They heard about the
various crop trials and even saw beasties under the microscope! The pupils were delighted
to get to sample a few berries too!
On Wednesday, 30 May another group spent the afternoon at Wester Coul near
Lintrathen. Being an upland farm, the landscape and land use were different from the
farm on the coast. On arrival pupils immediately felt the difference in temperature and
witnessed the hill fog. Here the highlight of the visit was the young lambs and we
managed to avoid bringing any home on the bus!
Back in the classroom, pupils
will now exchange data
about each of the farm and
produce tables, graphs and
maps. This will help them
complete some of the
enquiry skills needed for their
Standard Grade Geography
Page 25
The Merry Boys – Junior Cycling Club
On the afternoon of 15 May, S1 pupil Andrew Merry
and S3 pupil Alistair Merry participated in a cycle
race around the streets of Kirkcaldy. The race was
organised by British Cycling for Scottish youth cyclists.
The race took place over laps of a circuit, riding on main streets in the centre of Kirkcaldy
and lasted 45 minutes. There were races for both boys and girls with over 40 competitors
from across Scotland. The boys were riding for the local Discovery Junior Cycling Club who
are based at Dundee's Caird Park Velodrome.
In the evening a professional race was held on the same circuit as part of a UK wide series.
The Halfords Tour Series takes place in town centres throughout Britain in May and June.
These have attracted large crowds wherever they have been held. The Kirkcaldy race was
the first time a stage had been held in Scotland. The boys watched the race in the
evening and really enjoyed the whole experience.
Baker of the Year “The Great Scone Challenge”
Grove Academy S2 pupil Lauren Walker gained second place in
Dundee’s Junior Baker of the Year 2012 Competition which took place
on Friday 1st June in Dundee College kitchens. The final competition
“the Great Scone Challenge” involved pupils baking an award
winning batch of sweet or savoury scones. The judges were particularly
impressed by the flavour, shape and originality of Lauren’s smoked
salmon and cream cheese flavoured scones.
Miss McInroy who attended the competition with Lauren said “Lauren
did amazingly well to produce such high quality scones under the pressure of competition
& in unfamiliar surroundings, I am really proud of her achievement as are all the staff in the
Home Economics Department.
Cup Cake Challenge
The presentation of Dundee College Cup Cake Challenge prizes
by Martin Goodfellow and Iain Murray of the Baker Trade of
Dundee revealed the winner as Cameron Lamb of Grove
Page 26
Page 27
Athletics Champions
Roma Lyall Robertson Shield………………Kirsten Taylor
Dundee Schools Decathlon
Winners .................................................................................................................. Lucy Pandrich 2D1
Paul Callachan 2D1
S1 Athletics
Girls ......................................................................................................................... Rheana Milne 1D4
Boys .................................................................................................................. Michael Crichton 1R1
S2 Athletics
Girls ........................................................................................................................ Lucy Pandrich 2D1
Boys .......................................................................................................................... Chris Bartlett 2O3
Page 28
Swimming Champions
Senior Boys’ Champion ..................................................................................... Paul Adamson 5O3
Senior Girls’ Champion ................................................................................... Lesley Nicholson 4O1
S1 Swimming
Girls ........................................................................................................................... Julie Hunter 1O1
Boys .............................................................................................................................Ben Harper 1D3
S2 Swimming
Girls ............................................................................................................................ Frances Eva 2D3
Boys ........................................................................................................................ Stephen Gibb 2R4
S3 Swimming
Girls ........................................................................................................................ Rebecca Duff 3O2
Boys ........................................................................................................................ Peter Sharkey 3O1
Cross Country Champions – Dundee School’s Cross Country Winners
S1 Boys ................................................................................................................... Andrew Merry 1R1
S1 Girls ............................................................................................................... Megan Thomson 1D4
S2 Boys .................................................................................................................. Fyfe Galbraith 2O3
S2/3 Girls.................................................................................. Louise Bryant 3R2 & Amy Bryant 3R2
S3/4 Boys ............................................................................................................... Chris Thomson 3O3
Senior Boys........................................................................................................ Shaun Dempsey 6O1
Page 29
Basketball ......................................................................................................... Megan Thomson 1D4
Chris Thomson 3O3
Julie O-Donnell 4R3
Hockey ..................................................................................................................... David Healy 6R3
Golf ...................................................................................................................... Heather Munro 4O4
Cross Country ........................................................................................................ Jamie Crowe 5O3
Football ................................................................................................................. Gavin Cathro 3D3
Ross Gourlay 3R3
Ice Hockey ...................................................................................................Andrew Henderson 3R1
Top Sportswoman .............................................................................................. Julie O’Donnell 4R3
Top Sportsman ....................................................................................................... Rory Faulkner 1D4
Winner of Dundee Schools Olympic Competition ........................................... Rory Faulkner 1D4
Rachael Tierney 2D2
U16 Dundee United Cup Winners 2012 .................... Craig Chalmers 4D4, Finlay MacLean 4R1
Kieran Dack 4R3, Ranald Bowie 4O4
Matthew Allan 5R1, Grant Breen 4O1
Ross Muir 4D3, Christopher Culloch 4R3
Matthew Muir 4O3, Darren Mackie 4D3,
Ben Finnie 3O3, Calum McHardy 3O3,
Jordan Garden 3R1. Andrew Knox 4D1
Craig Madden 4O3, Duncan Robertson 5R1
Senior National Trophy Scottish Cup Winners 2012 ............................................ Ryan Winter 5O3
Kieran Dack 4R3
Heal Physiotherapy Dundee Secondary Sporting School of the Year…………Ben Finnie and
Lucia Pasfield
Scottish Cup Finalists Basketball………………………. Lucia Pasfield 3R1 and Lauren Witte 2R4
Page 30
1O1 Brendan Anderson, Lauren Cain, Eryn Campbell, Millie Farrell, Andrew Graham,
Chelsea Guild, Julie Hunter, Angus Lindsay, Alexandra Macpherson, Alex Malcolm,
Alistair McLean, Euan Martin, Eloise Osborne, Nabila Sakur, Fiona Thomson, Susan
1O3 Andrew Arthur, Adam Brown, Sasha Clegg, Marlene Foerster, Beth Henderson,
Mhairi Irving, Reigan Miller, Georgia Milne, Liam Mulholland, Katie Mulreany,
Teigan Pickersgill, Ciaran Roberts-Osterberg, Hope Russell, Neve Sommerville,
Katherine Stewart, Lori Swankie, Macaulay Whitton, Jessica Yorke, Bethany Younger
1R1 Rory Allanson, Heather Bews-Ivins, Kristian Bolik, Michael Crichton, Rachel Feeney,
Callum Forrester, Stacie Johnston, Clare Lowden, Abbie MacLean, Eve McGowan,
Taylor McGrath, Andrew Merry, Nichole Milne, Megan Monteith, Alisha Murphy, Eilidh
Nicoll, Elisha Peralta, Kayleigh Smith, Anissa Tewari, Jack Townsend, Rebecca
1R2 Lewis Allan, Adam Brown, Katie Crichton, Roslyn Daly, Lara Eaton,
Alastair Ferguson, Lewis Finnie, Nairn Glennie, Arran Hill, Euan MacDonald,
Cameron Milne, Liam Murphy, Beth Rear, Kaitlyn Ritchie, Elliot Smith
1R3 Fatima Bakir, Abigail Bannister, Katie Bennett, Jordan Boyd, Kyle Buik,
Erin Christie, Eve Crowther, Simone Cruickshank, Cara Duncan, Callie Farquharson,
Courtney Farquharson, Catarina Hutchison, Megan McDonald,
Abi McManus, Imogen Reay, Calum Smart, Cara Smith, Victoria Smith
1D1 Stephanie Brunton, Stephanie Chalmers, Jordan Crowe, Michael Davies,
Harry Dow, Brandyn Duthie, Mitchaell Elder , Callum Fuller, Sarah Greig,
Michael Knight, Louise Maloney, Iona Mason, Chantel McCafferty, Adie McLeod ,
Molly Menzies, Lucy Pedersen, Katie Reid, Scott Robertson, Annie Roy,
Fraser Smith, Ronan Sweeney, Fraser Watson, Matthew Watt, James Wood
1D3 Holly Birse, Gemma Brady, Rhiannon Clancy, Bruce Doig, Zac Ferrie,
Eilidh Guthrie, Ben Harper, Katie Lewis, Kirsty Macaulay, Clare MacDougall,
Anna McCourt, Carolyn Mill, Amy Mooney, Shahzaib Muhammad, Kerry Nicol,
Lori Ogilvie, Ewan Pandelus, John Waiton, Lindsey Walker, Innes White, Amy Whittet
1D4 Rory Faulkner, Paul Harley, Emily Horne, Bonnie MacRae , Aishah Majid,
Rebecca McCulloch, Rheana Milne, Cameron Oldham, Ashleigh Rowan,
Page 31
Matthew Simmons, Jessica Smart, Megan Thomson, Zoe Whiting, Mia Wood
Page 32
2O1 Buthaina Al-Abry, Scott Birtles, Grant Bowman, Kristie Burnett, Samantha Christie,
Jessica Craig, Ethan Dalziel, Sarah Fraser, Myles Jenkins, Kirsty Jessop,
Adam McDevitt, Caitlin McDonald, James Norris, Jordan Roeleveld, Anish Tewari,
Christopher Thomson, Finn Toohey, Lani Whitton
2O3 Alexandra Clark, Louise Clark, Ashley Coull, Lewis Coull, Jenna Edwards,
Rebecca Fraser, Fyfe Galbraith, Matthew Hurrell, Dani Jankowski, Heather McMurdo,
Sam O'Connor, Aidan Raffle
2R1 Daisy Bews-Ivins, Kirstin Brown, Max Brunton, Ashleigh Clark, Katie Curran-McDonald,
Hannah Law, Hollie Lees, Eilidh Maclean, Caitlin Morgan, Robyn Park, Thomas Rhind,
James Shepherd,Michael Shepherd, Beth Smith, Joseph Sweeney, Lauren Walker,
Martin Walker
2R3 Rikki Bain, Declan Brown, Amy Carmichael, Jemma Crichton,
Laura Davidson, Adam Dickson, Zoe Kerr, Jade Kiersten, Clare Laurence,
Adam Maclean, Sarah Mill, Kiera Mills, James Moncur, Charlie Mullay,
Molly Murphy, Hamish Neil, Fraser Nicholson, Liam Ritchie, Jack Rome,
Sulagna Sinha, Fraser Steedman, Kerr Tait
2R4 Daniel Alexander, Daniel Blair, Paige Farrell, Adam Flynn, Sarah Flynn, Struan Gartley,
Kamal Kaskasoli, Owen Robertson, Elise Stone, Ruth Turpie, Kaitlyn Wilson,
Lauren Witte
2D1 Nicola Barclay, Lauren Bell, Paul Callaghan, Callum Degabriele,
Matthew Dempster, Callum Duffy, Stewart Duncan, Lewis Fyfe, Jacob Guild,
James Leslie, Sophie MacGregor, Nairn Markie, Callum McAra, Lucy McArthur,
Caelan Mullay, Lucy Pandrich, Jeanna Simpson, Erin
Sturrock, Kristin Wade,
Sam Webster, Hannah Wright
2D2 Jordan Anderson, Natasha Bruce, Christopher Burns, Sasha Carroll,
Charlie Caswell, Rebecca Cohan, Kyle Gilchrist, Antonia Holligan, Dana Hutton,
Amber Macleerie, Calum O'Rourke, Holly Quinn, Isabelle Rice, Fraser Ross,
Niamh Shiel, Sarah Thomson, Rachael Tierney
2D3 Morven Anderson, Rebecca Arthur, Neve Baird, Carly Edward, Frances Eva,
William Ferguson, Jack Gray, Harriet Hart, Connor Learmonth, Megan Mackenzie,
Katie McLennan, Chelsey McQuillan, Calum McTavish, Megan Pert, Katie Roger,
Emma Steele, Sofie Tait, Conar Tweed
Page 33
3O1 Samuel Andrews, Matthew Dorward, Monica Hutchison, Euan Kelly, Joseph Lynch,
Louise-Anne Macpherson, Peter Sharkey, Isobel Toms, Zahraa Yaqub
3O2 Matthew Arthur, Rebecca Duff, Jennifer McDicken, Judith Murray, Samuel O'Hare
3O3 Samantha Butter, Siobhan Christie, Sarah Cruickshanks, Ben Finnie,
Jenna Flemington, Kirstin Forrester, Samantha Harvey, Craig Helm,
Callum Johnston, Scott Kerr, Cameron Lyall, Caitlin MacLeod, Lisa McGregor,
Calum McHardy, Sonali Sahi, Bradley Smith, Christopher Thomson, Amy Whitecross
3R1 Adam Agnew, Grace Berry, Shauna Bigg, Abbie Craig, Andrew Kilhooley,
Anna Linskell, Lewis Quinn, Kirstin Taylor
3R2 Cara Black, Amy Bryant, Louise Bryant, Ryan Farquharson, Daniel Forbes,
Shonagh Howe, Sarah Lindsay, Marc Matthew, Alastair McLuckie, Kieran McManus,
Hannah Smith, Sarah Smith, Michael Strachan, Lewis Whyte
3R3 Lewis Anderson, Hannah Burns, Zainab Fazlanie, Rachel Findlay, Nathan Graham,
Eve Ireland, Andrew Lawrence, Frances Llanwarne, Beth MacLeod, Rachael
McGregor-Evans, Caroline Parker-Smith, Lucy Pollington, Blaine Rogers, Kathryn
Thurston, Rhianne Watt
3D1 Darren Anderson, Heather Baigrie, Kerry Blackwood, Sophie Campbell,
Rachael Lindsay, Megan Little, Euan Murray, Victoria Sanches, Suzanne Strachan
3D3 Shaun Craig, Isla Greig, John Jarvis, Rachel Lonie, Cameron McGregor,
Hannah Sarajlic, Joe Scott, Lauren Smith, Hannah Taylor
Page 34
4O1 Irvine Gartley, Jamie Linskell, Ross McGowan, Lesley Nicholson,
Jade Ogilvie, Vanessa Oldham, Lysandra Otten, Adam Rennie, Jack Stewart,
Angela Van Geete
4O3 Zahraa Al Saffar, Rebecca Arcari, Euan Derrick, Nicola Dye, Caitlin Edwards,
Jessica Henderson, Stephen Lowrie, Louise Mudie, Hannah Russell, Kirsten Smith,
Carrie Strachan
4O4 Rachel Bailey, Simeon Chien, Tamara Crichton, Cassandra Duthie, Gemma Fraser,
Marwa Hamza, Megan Hutchison, Peter Kirkwood, Louise Macpherson, William Mills,
Heather Munro, Gabija Narauskaite, Joanna O'Rourke , Kirsty Stewart,
Duncan Toohey, Stephen Young
4R1 Sarah Buick, Niamh Coutts, Hollie Crowther, Ailsa Edward, Stefanie Gibb, Andrew
Amy Lorimer, Lucy MacGregor, Finlay Maclean, Samantha Tawse, Lewis Whyte
4R3 Shaan Afzal, Lianne Haralambous, Robbie Ling, Sarah Mowat,
Julie O'Donnell, Charlotte Parker-Smith, Rebecca Quinn, Scott Sanderson,
Isla Wade, Serena Webb, Ellen White, Amy Whiting
4D1 Julia Burns, Sally Fox, Elayn Fraser, Joel Gilbert, Sarah Irvine, Rory Raeper,
Beth Reilly, Palina Sigera, Jack Stewart, Blair Tavendale
4D3 Joanna Iannetta, Cameron Lamb, Justine McCluskey, Taylor Petrie, Heather Sang,
Shauna Urquhart
4D4 Michael Cochrane, Hanna Desta, Chris Duncan, Craig Fenton, Martha Gardiner,
Aimee Henzie, David Hutton, Harry Ireland, Jodie McIntyre, Billie Murphy, Lisa Sinclair,
Christina Thurston, Sophie Yeaman
Page 35
5O1 Fiona Adams, Callum Brown, Sarah Duffy, Connor Finlayson,
Michael Kiersten, Caragh Maclean, Gillian Murray, Rebecca Robertson,
Steven Smith, Sarah Strachan, Lyndsey Wright, Rachel Wright
5O3 Paul Adamson, Douglas Clark, Chantelle Couttie, Chloe Cox, Rachael Irvine,
Ross McAllister, Natalie Mordente, Beth Sommerville, Erin Tierney, Callum Wallace
5R1 Katie Bruce, Laura Carmichael , Christopher Clark, Nicola Craig, Jamie Faulkner,
Katie Glass, Dylan Huggins, Calum Kinnear, Ryan Kinnear, Zoe Lees,
Louise MacGregor, David Martin, Conor McGavin, Alison McMahon, Lewis Mullay,
Connie Reid, Shona Smith
5R3 Matthew Andrews, Paige Balfour, Ryan Dair, Aisha Fazlanie,
Laura Jackson, Scott Llewellyn , Daniel Lynch, Matthew Malone, Ross Mills,
Josh Penny, Dominic Peralta, Laurie Watson, Sarah Whittet
5D1 Susan Armstrong-Payne, Devon Campbell, Jenna Culloch, Mhairi Johnstone,
George Mayson, Christopher Pegg, Alexandra Robertson, Rosie Scott, Ryan Simpson,
Kara Swankie, Rebecca White, Toni Wiseman
5D3 Kirsty Adams, Liberty Brown, Rebecca Cavanagh, Daniel Dickson, Christopher Duffy,
Joanna Harper, George Hart, Christy Hunter, Shauntelle Islam, Alice Llewellyn,
Katherine McDicken, Jordan McKeown, Neal Millar, Connor Murray, Angus Nicoll,
Danielle Parsons, Molly Seivwright, Suzanne Thomson
Page 36
6O1 Katie Bennett, Lewis Bennett, Amy Costello, Sophie Henderson, Nadia Lyon,
Sarah Macarthur, Luke Robertson, Liam Walker, Kayleigh Winton
6O3 Emily Brough, Faith Bulle, Sam Clenaghan, Amber Cochrane, Jennifer Joyce,
Aaron Lindsay, Andrea Maguire, Alex Manderson, Alexandria McNeill, Alex Mitchell,
Ruairidh Morrison, Tanya Stewart, Julia Walker, Lewis Wilson, Christopher Wood
6R1 Francesca Allanson, Iona Broadhurst, Georgia Gray, Daniel Hird, Rachel Hutton,
Alistair Munns, Gavin Ritchie, Roisin Tait, Anees Yaqub
6R3 Stephen Adamson, Hannah Berry, Claire Bowman, Matthew Burns, Sarah Callaghan,
Nickolas Forbes, Scott Fraser, Arran Gardiner, Emily Jamieson, Rhianne Kettles,
Daniel Little, Euan Lowe, Nicola Lyall, Alice McConnell, Flora Rayner, Niamh Toohey,
Claire Williamson
6D1 Nuala Boal, Mark Pandrich, Judith Richmond, Darren Sherratt
6D3 Steven Anderson, Rachel Kerr, Thomas McCracken, Elaine McRitchie,
Gary McRitchie
Page 37
Young Enterprise Scotland
Achievement Certificates ............................................ Francesca Allanson 6R1
Elliot Hunter 6D1
Matthew Burns 6R3
Alex Manderson 6O3
Alex McNeill 6O3
Tanya Stewart 6O3
Iona Broadhurst 6R1
The Broughty Opera Underwood Prize for Performing .......... Evan Roberts 3R2
Debating Rotary Prize
Junior Award .......................................................................... Alexandra Clark 2O3
Leoni Jorna 2O1
Brian Murphy Prize
(For Endeavour and Application) ........................................... Dylan Huggins 5R1
SAGT Worldwide Quiz Winners .......................................... Stewart Duncan 2D1
Kieran Mulholland 2D1
Stuart Miller 3R1
Inspire/Aspire National Finalists ................................................Cara Duncan 1R3
Jamie Gibson 1R3
Bonnie MacRae 1D4
Zoe Whiting 1D4
Holly Whyte 1O3
Page 38
The Winifred White Trophy for Citizenship
(For nominees for Ex Lord Provost McManus Award) ......... Mark Pandrich 6D1
University Credit for Holocaust Presentation ...............................Faith Bulle 6O3
Iona Broadhurst 6R1
Gold Citizenship Certificate Services to Fairtrade........... Claire Williamson 6R3
Flora Rayner 6R3
Rhianne Kettles 6R3
Niamh Toohey 6R3
Darren Scrimgeour 6R1
The Judith Leach Award....................................................... Alexandra Clark 2O3
Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award .......................................... Kayleigh Winton 6O1
Scottish Education Award – Global Citizenship ................ Danielle Parsons 5D3
Katie Bruce 5R1
Global Citizenship Award – Grove/Meru Partnership ................. Neal Millar5D3
Danielle Parsons 5D3
Matthew Andrews 5R3
Katie Bruce 5R1
Social Enterprise Schools Award ............................................ Stuart Duncan 2D1
Georgia Smith 2D1
Stephanie Barrett 2D2
Page 39
Art & Design ....................................................................................................... Palina Sigera 4D1
German ............................................................................................................... Ailsa Edward 4R1
Modern Studies ..................................................................................................Kirsty Stewart 4O4
Music .......................................................................................................................... Paul Yuile 4R3
Computing Studies ........................................................................... Charlotte Parker-Smith 4R3
English ........................................................................................................Justine McCluskey 4D3
French ................................................................................................................. Jack Stewart 4D1
Religious Studies ............................................................... Jack Stewart 4D1& Lewis Whyte 4R1
Biology ................................................................................................................. Lewis Whyte 4R1
Maths ..................................................................................................................Kirsty Stewart 4O4
Physics .................................................................................................................Kirsty Stewart 4O4
Chemistry ............................................................................................................ Jack Stewart 4D1
Geography .......................................................................................................... Lewis Whyte 4R1
Technological Studies .............................................. Peter Kirkwood 4D4 & Andrew Leslie 4R1
Graphic Communication .....................................................Lewis Whyte 4R1 & Paul Yuile 4R1
History ..................................................................................................................Kirsty Stewart 4O4
Craft & Design ......................................................................................................... Kyle Reid 4D1
Administration ........................................................................................... Vanessa Oldham 4O1
Drama .............................................................................................................. Jack Pedersen 4D1
Physical Education .................................................................................. Jessica Henderson 4O3
Page 40
Broughty Ferry Art Society Prize ..................................................................... Sam Andrews 3O1
German Consulate Prize for S4 German ........................................................ Ailsa Edward 4R1
Certificates of Excellence for the Learning of German
awarded by the Consulate General of the
Federal Republic of Germany .......................................................... Rebecca McCulloch 1D4
Sulagna Sinha 2R3
Caitlin Morgan 2R1
Kirstin Brown 2R1
Hannah Sarajlic 3D3
Isla Greig 3D3
Rachel Lonie 3D3
UK Maths Challenge - Senior (best in school)
(Gold Award) .................................................................................................. Liam Walker (6O1)
UK Maths Challenge - Intermediate (best in school)
(Gold Award) .................................................................................................. Alistair Merry (3D3)
UK Maths Challenge- Junior (best in school)
(Gold Awards) .............................................................................................. Andrew Merry (1R1)
Aidan Raffle (2O3)
Scottish Maths Challenge
Silver Certificate (Junior Section) ........................................................... Alexandra Clark (2O3)
Stewart Duncan (2D1)
Jack Rome (2R3)
Bronze Certificate (Middle Section) ................................................................... Paul Yuile (4R3)
Page 41
Leng Medal (Girls) – Silver ......................................................................Samantha Harvey 3O3
Leng Medal (Boys) – Silver ................................................................................Evan Roberts 3R2
Trust Prize for Musical Activities .......................................................................... Daniel Little 6R3
Rotary Young Musician of the Year ......................................................... Judith Richmond 6D1
Female Vocalist of the Year ...................................................................... Elaine McRitchie 6D3
Male Vocalist of the Year .................................................................................... Daniel Hird 6R1
Young Instrumentalist of the Year ............................................................ Judith Richmond 6D1
National Tie NYCOS ....................................................................................... Caitlin Morgan 2R1
Sir John Leng Trust Prize ................................................................................. Mark Pandrich 6D1
Religious and Moral Education
Broughty Ferry Churches Group Award ...............................................Taylor Mawhinney 4O1
Home Economics
The Incorporation of the Baker Trade of Dundee Prize .......................... Cameron Lamb 4D3
Page 42
Intermediate 1
Biology .................................................................................................................... Sophie Lee 4R3
Fashion & Textiles ......................................................................................... Zahraa Al Saffar 4O3
Hospitality ............................................................................................... Louise Macpherson 4O4
Chemistry .............................................................................................................. William Mills 4O4
Intermediate 2
Administration ................................................................................................... Toni Wiseman 5D1
History ................................................................................................................... Ryan Winter 5O3
English ....................................................................................................................... Euan Cox 5D3
Biology ............................................................................................. Susan Armstrong Payne 5D1
Hospitality - Practical Cookery ................................................................. Andrea Maguire 6O3
Product Design David Hutton 4D4 & ................................................................ Lisa Sinclair 4D4
Physical Education ..........................................................................................Adeel Ahmed 5O3
Maths .............................................................................................................. Ross McAllister 5O3
Digital Media ................................................................................................ Michael Colville 5R3
Philosophy ..................................................................................... Angelika Sobczyk-Milano 5R3
Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies ............................................... Holly Hutchison 5O1
Drama .............................................................................................................. Matthew Peter 5D3
French .............................................................................................................................. Peter 5D3
Chemistry ....................................................................................................... Dominic Peralta 5R3
Business Management ............................................................................ Natalie Mordente 5O3
Geography ...................................................................................................... Ryan Simpson 5O1
Travel & Tourism ........................................................................................ Suzanne Thomson 5D3
Digital Creator ................................................................................................... Ryan Kinnear 5R1
Page 43
Higher Grade
Adam Sturrock Prize for Computing ...................................................... Connor Finlayson 5O1
Adam Sturrock Prize for Mathematics .................. Douglas Clark 5O3 & Alice Llewellyn 5D3
Lord Armitstead Prize for Biology ................................................................. Daniel Dickson 5D3
Lord Armitstead Prize for Chemistry................................................................. Daniel Lynch 5R3
Lord Armitstead Prize for Physics ...................................................................... Liam Walker 6O1
Edinburgh Angus Club Prize for English ........................................................ Douglas Clark 5O3
Edinburgh Angus Club Prize for German .............................................. Matthew Andrews 5R3
Edinburgh Angus Club Prize for French ....................................................... Douglas Clark 5O3
Ryle Smith Memorial Prize for Art & Design .... Susan Armstrong-Payne 5D1 & Rosie Scott 5D1
McIntosh Trust Prize for Geography .........................Neal Millar 5D3 & Caragh Maclean 5D1
Modern Studies ................................................................................................ Douglas Clark 5O3
Technological Studies ...................................................... Fraser Trusty & George Mayson 5D1
Grove Bridge Prize for Music ..................................................................... Mhairi Johnstone 5D1
George R Donald Prize for Administration ......................................................... Lisa Howie 6D1
George R Donald Prize for Business Management ............................... Alex Manderson 6O3
George R Donald Prize for Accounting ............................................................. Katie Glass 5R1
Dundee University Prize for Product Design .................................................... Connie Reid 5R1
Bett’s Balgillo Park Prize for Graphic Communication ................................. George Hart 5D3
History .................................................................................................................. Lewis Wilson 6O3
Physical Education ................................................................................... Ruairidh Morrison 6O3
Drama ..................................................................................................................... Daniel Hird 6R1
Philosophy .......................................................................................................... Emily Brough 6O3
Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies ........................................................ Faith Bulle 6O3
Politics .................................................................................................................. Liam Walker 6O1
Fashion & Textiles .............................................................................................. Kara Swankie 5D1
Managing Environmental Resources ........................................................... Caitlin McKay 6D1
Hamish Souter Prize for Photography ................ Jaya MacPhail 6R3 & Kayleigh Winton 6O1
Human Biology ............................................................................................... Emily Jamieson 6R3
French ............................................................................................................... Douglas Clark 5O3
German ..................................................................................................... Matthew Andrews 5R3
Media Studies ......................................................................................................... Faith Bulle 6O3
Geography ................................................................Neal Millar 5D3 & Caragh Maclean 5D1
Photography ......................................................... Kayleigh Winton 6O1 & Jaya MacPhail 6R3
Page 44
Advanced Higher
Edinburgh and Angus Prize for French .............................................................. Nicola Lyall 6R3
Edinburgh Angus Club Prize for English ............................................... Alexandria McNeill 6O3
Technological Studies ................................................................................... Matthew Burns 6R3
Graphic Communication .................................................................................. Nadia Lyon 6O1
Product Design ............................................................................................Claire Williamson 6R3
Mathematics ....................................................................................................... Liam Walker 6O1
Modern Studies ................................................................................................... Liam Walker 6O1
Music ............................................................................................................ Judith Richmond 6D1
Bett’s Balgillo Park Prize for Art & Design ................................................. Alice McConnell 6R3
Physics ................................................................................................................. Lewis Wilson 6O3
Biology ............................................................................................................. Mark Pandrich 6D1
Chemistry ......................................................................................................... Mark Pandrich 6D1
Science Baccalaureate (Inter Discipline Project) ..................................... Emily Jamieson 6R3
French .................................................................................................................... Nicola Lyall 6R3
History ....................................................................................................... Francesca Allanson 6R1
Art and Design .................................................................................................... Alice McConnell
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House Trophies
Basketball....................................................................................................... Dawson
Football ............................................................................................................ Orchar
Netball ............................................................................................................ Dawson
Volleyball ......................................................................................................... Orchar
Hockey ................................................................................................................ Reres
Swimming ....................................................................................................... Dawson
Athletics.......................................................................................................... Dawson
Best House Over All ...................................................................................... Dawson
Graham Smith Award for Service to the School
Iona Broadhurst & Ruairidh Morrison (School Captains)
Vice Captains
Hannah Berry
Jack McAfee
Paula Brand
Amber Cochrane
Sophie Henderson
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