
Vocabulary Workshop A: Unit 10
1. abominable
(adj.) arousing hatred; disgusting, detestable
Unfortunately there are many abominable ideas circulating on the Internet.
SYNONYMS: hateful, despicable, loathsome
ANTONYMS: praiseworthy, delightful, charming
2. bumbling(adj.) blundering and awkward;
(n.) clumsiness
The bumbling burglars were so inept that they actually left some of their own money
at the home they were planning to rob!
The old cartoon character Mr. Magoo was well known for his bumbling and clumsy
SYNONYMS: (adj.) clumsy, stumbling
ANTONYMS: (adj.) forceful, effective, skillful, adroit
3. consequence
(n.) a result, effect; importance
Does he truly comprehend the consequences of his actions?
SYNONYMS: outcome, significance
ANTONYMS: cause, source
4. delude
(v.) to fool, deceive; to mislead utterly
Don’t delude yourself into thinking that you will become a famous concert pianist just
because you played one song at the school’s talent show.
SYNONYMS: trick, hoodwink
5. dole
(v.) to give out in small amounts;
(n.) money, food, or other necessities given as charity; a small portion
Let’s dole out scraps of food to the hungry dogs.
The homeless people lined up to receive their weekly dole at the shelter.
SYNONYMS: (v.) ration, allot, distribute; (n.) handout
6. engulf
(v.) to swallow up, overwhelm
The truck was engulfed in flames after its fuel tank exploded.
SYNONYMS: envelop, encompass, immerse
7. foil
(v.) to defeat; to keep from gaining some end;
(n.) a thin sheet of metal; a light fencing sword; a person or thing serving
as a contrast to another
We hope that good police work will foil the criminal’s plot.
Glum characters make a good foil for the upbeat star of the new comedy.
SYNONYMS: (v.) frustrate, thwart, counter; (n.) rapier
ANTONYMS: (v.) aid, abet, assist, advance, promote
8. formulate
(v.) to express definitely or systematically; to devise, invent; to state as a
The town board is working to formulate a more economical energy
policy for its citizens.
SYNONYMS: define, articulate, frame, specify
9. initiative
(n.) the taking of the first step or move; the ability to act without being
directed or urged from the outside
Dad was proud that I took the initiative to rake the leaves without
being asked.
SYNONYMS: leadership, enterprise
ANTONYMS: laziness, sloth, shiftlessness
10. memento
(n.) something that serves as a reminder
This cap is a memento of our trip this past summer.
SYNONYMS: remembrance, keepsake, souvenir, token
11. nonconformist
(n.) a person who refuses to follow established ideas or ways of
doing thing;
(adj.) of or relating to the unconventional
Jake is a nonconformist who is never swayed by other people’s opinions or
Her nonconformist poetry appears in many small literary magazines.
SYNONYMS: (n.) maverick, individualist, bohemian
ANTONYMS: (n., adj.) traditionalist, conventionalist; (adj.) traditional,
conventional, conservative
12. null and void (adj.) without legal force or effect; no longer binding
This contract becomes null and void at noon tomorrow.
SYNONYMS: canceled, invalid, repealed, abolished
ANTONYMS: in effect, binding, valid
13. panorama
(n.) a wide, unobstructed view of an area; a complete survey of a subject;
a continuously passing or changing scene; range or spectrum
Displays of old picture postcards present an entertaining panorama of twentieth
century life.
SYNONYMS: vista, overview
14. posterity
(n.) all of a person’s offspring, descendants; all future generations
Let’s keep the family photo album for posterity.
ANTONYMS: ancestry, ancestors, forebears, the past
15. pry
(v.) to pull loose by force; to look at closely or inquisitively; to be nosy
about something
We can use this tool to pry the lid off of a can of paint.
SYNONYMS: snoop, meddle
16. refurbish
(v.) to brighten, freshen, or polish; to restore or improve
Every five years, the hotel refurbishes the décor of its elegant lobby.
SYNONYMS: remodel, renew, spruce up
ANTONYMS: dilapidate, run down
17. resourceful
(adj.) able to deal promptly and effectively with all sorts of problems;
clever in finding ways and means of getting along
A resourceful guide will know how to handle any questions or surprises that come up
on the tour.
SYNONYMS: inventive, ingenious, skillful
ANTONYMS: uninventive, incompetent, dull-witted
18. rigorous
(adj.) severe, harsh, strict; thoroughly logical
“Boot camp” is the nickname for the place where new soldiers receive rigorous basic
SYNONYMS: tough, trying, challenging, stringent
ANTONYMS: easy, lax, indulgent, undemanding
19. subsequent
(adj.) coming after; following in time, place or order
The country enjoyed peace and prosperity in the years subsequent to the war.
SYNONYMS: following, later, next, succeeding, ensuing
ANTONYMS: previous, prior, preceding
20. unerring
(adj.) making no mistakes, faultless, completely accurate
Even a pilot with unerring judgment can be surprised by sudden changes in the
SYNONYMS: sure, certain, unfailing
ANTONYMS: faulty, fallible, unreliable