Multiple Intelligences Diversity Who are our learners? Differentiated Learning ECS100: Julie Machnaik Different Learners…Different Needs… Who are you as ‘learner’? Clipboard Microscope Puppy Beachball Far West Teacher Centers Variety of Resources Organization Investigative Learning Comfortable Environment Choice of activities Structure Critical Thinking Encouraging Atmosphere Spontaneity Visual Directions Deep Explorations Supportive Grouping Personal Freedom Sequential Learning Analyzing Concepts Extensions to activities Clear Procedures Discussions & Expectations Various Manipulatives Consistent Routines Respectful Colleagues Empathic Listeners Focus on Details Sensitive Peers Who Are Our Learners? What are different forms of diversity & difference? • • • • • • • • • • • • • Religion Language Skin Colour Intellect Ability Race Culture Family Life experience Gender & sexual Ethnicity Sex Economics How do we view diversity? “To teach most effectively, educators must take into account who they are teaching as well as what they are teaching” ~Carol Ann Tomlinson~ Meet the learners in our classrooms today…all unique individuals with different abilities, interests, gifts and strengths. Multiple Intelligences: What intelligences are your strengths? How do schools respect multiple ‘ways of knowing’? What intelligences do schools most often focus on? Howard Gardner 2:18 min We Are Not The Same There are NO two students that are the same yet we sometimes teach them as if they are…Is this fair? "Kids make their mark in life by doing what they can do, not what they can't... School is important, but life is more important. Being happy is using your skills productively, no matter what they are.“ ~Howard Gardner~ Reflect, Observe, Explore What are your strengths and gifts? How were your strengths and gifts honoured (or not honoured) in your school experiences? Do some KID WATCHING in your field experience…who are YOUR learners? What do you see, feel, hear in your field experience? Community of Learners What does the classroom look like, sound like, feel like? Dimensions of Classroom Climate • • • • • • • • Task-oriented, organized, responsive Students interacting with each other, flexible groups Open & warm relationships, caring climate Cooperative, respectful, honouring all Low levels of tension, anxiety, and conflict High expectations of all students Student input, voice Humour, laughter, joy! Check out Pinterest! Differentiated Learning: What is it? “It is a classroom that provides different avenues to acquiring content, to processing or making sense of ideas, and to developing products so that each student can learn effectively.” ~ Carol Ann Tomlinson ~ 4 Elements of Differentiated Learning: Content Process Product Environment “Differentiated instruction means shaking up what goes on in the classroom so that students have multiple options for taking in information, making sense of ideas, and expressing what they learn.” ~ Carol Ann Tomlinson ~ It’s a Philosophy! “Differentiated instruction is not a strategy to be used from time to time, not a bag of tricks approach. It’s a way of thinking about teaching and learning.” ~ Carol Ann Tomlinson~