(PPTX, Unknown)

Presented by Lonnie Woods, Esq
www. WoodsLawFirmPC.com
LLC vs corporation
Definition of incorporation
•A legal business entity separate from the
individuals who founded it.
Advantages and Disadvantages of each
• Think about your short and long-term goals
for your company
LLC benefits
• Protects business owners from being held personally
liable for the actions of the LLC.
• Flexibility in management-as opposed to a corporation
who has a set management structure where Directors
oversee the major business decisions and Officers are
responsible for the day-to-day business operations.
LLC benefits
• Pass through taxation-taxes not paid at the
business level. Income/loss reported on
personal tax return.
• Any taxes due pain on individual level.
Corporation characteristics
• S corp as a “pass-through” tax entity, like the LLC.
• C corp is taxed as separate entity; subject to “double taxation” if
corporate profits are distributed to shareholders in the form of
• C corp pay tax on profits first at the entity level and then pay
taxes at the individual level on profits received as
dividends=double tax.
Similarities of LLC and S Corp
• Limited Liability Protection-Owners typically not personally responsible for
business debts and liabilities.
• Separate entities-both are separate legal entities created by state filing.
• Pass through taxation-both typically are although S corps must file business
tax return. LLC’s only file business tax returns if the LLC has more than
one owner. With pass-through no income taxes paid at business level.
Similarities of LLC and S Corp
• Business profit or loss is passed-through to owners’ personal tax
Any necessary tax is reported and paid at the individual level.
State requirements –Both subject to state-mandated formalities:
Filing annual reports
Paying necessary fees
Differences in Management
• Owners of LLC can choose to have members or managers manage the
LLC. When members manage, the LLC is like a partnership. If run by
managers, LLC resembles a corporation: members not involved in dayto-day business decisions
• S corp have directors and officers. Board of Directors oversee
corporate affairs and handle major decisions but not daily operations.
• Directors elect officers who manage daily affairs.
Differences in ownership
and formalities
• Ownership-IRS restricts S corp ownership, but not LLC’s.
• Restrictions:
• LLC’s can have unlimited number of members; S corps can
have no more than 100 shareholders.
• Non-US citizens/residents can be members of LLC’s; S corps
may not have non-US citizens/residents as shareholders.
Differences in ownership
and formalities
• S corps cannot be owned by C corps, other S corps, LLC’s
or many trusts.
• LLC’s allowed to have subsidiaries without restriction.
• Required formalities for S corp: Adopting bylaws, issuing
stock, holding initial and annual director and shareholder
meetings, keeping meeting minutes with corporate records.
Other differences
• Transferability of ownership-S corp stock is freely transferable so
long as IRS ownership restrictions are met. LLC membership
interest typically is not freely transferable-approval from other
members are often required.
• Self-employment- S corps may have preferable self-employment
taxes compared to the LLC because the owner can be treated as
an employee and paid a reasonable salary. FICA taxes withheld
paid on that amount.
Other differences
• Corporate earnings after payment of the salary may
be able to be treated as unearned income that is not
subject to self-employment taxes.
• Business losses- “S corp advantage” allows business
owners to use business losses, i.e. start up phase, on
their personal tax returns as deductions.
Other differences
• Self-employment taxes-S corp can provide savings
on self-employment or Social Security/Medicare
taxes and it allows owners to offset non-business
income with losses for the business-unlike C
corps which are complete separate tax entity.
Other differences
• Dividends and venture capitalists-C corps are often
the preferred incorporation choice of developing
businesses. Owners can hold different types of stock
interests which allow for different levels of dividends.
• Earnings-C corps can retain and accumulate earnings
from year to year.