Technology Department Contact Information

Volume II, February, 2015
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Table of Contents
Technology Department Contact Information .......................................................................................... 4
Services/Requests ................................................................................................................................... 5
Password Policy ...................................................................................................................................... 7
Network Information
Attaching to the Wireless Network ......................................................................................................... 10
Logging Onto the Wired Network ........................................................................................................... 10
Logging Off the Wired Network .............................................................................................................. 10
Shutting Down Your Computer .............................................................................................................. 10
Printing .............................................................................................................................................. 11
General Troubleshooting ....................................................................................................................... 11
File Management
Saving Files .................................................................................................................................... 11
Removing/Deleting Files ................................................................................................................. 12
Moving Files .................................................................................................................................... 12
Creating Folders ............................................................................................................................. 12
Senior Systems ...................................................................................................................................... 12
Using Outlook ........................................................................................................................................ 13
Phone System
Voicemail Setup .......................................................................................................................... 14
Forward Callls .............................................................................................................................. 14
Find Me Follow Me Setup ........................................................................................................... 14
Fonality User Panel .................................................................................................................... 15
iPad Usage ........................................................................................................................................... 16
iPad Setup Setup ........................................................................................................................ 17
Apple TV Mirroring ...................................................................................................................... 18
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Hyde School Technology
User Manual and Service Guide
This manual was compiled for you by the Technology Departments of both the Woodstock and Bath campuses.
While this guide is not meant as a substitute for technical support, it is meant to be a guide for services we do
provide as well as providing tips and instructions for many user customizable options relating to the computer
network, phone system, voice mail and other services.
Periodically, the Technology Departments will issue updates and changes to this manual. Please take notice and
add these to the manual, as they are made available.
Technology Department Contact Information for requests for service and any technical questions
Shared Service
Donna Dubinsky, Exec. Dir. of Technology
Office Extension – 4755
Office Phone – (860) 963-4755
Cell Phone – (207) 837-9441
Bath Campus
Joel Randazza Dir. of Technology
Office Extension – 7190
Office Phone – (207) 443-7190
Cell Phone – (207) 319-6685
Woodstock Campus
Sue Nowak, Dir. of Technology
Office Extension – 4705
Office Phone – (860) 963-4705
Cell Phone – (860) 428-7390
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Services/Request Guide
When you contact the Technology Department with a request for service, you can expect that we will respond
with an appropriate solution in a reasonable amount of time. Listed below are the type of requests and their
designations. The lists are meant to be examples and are not exhaustive.
If you experience a problem or error with your computer please take note of the following things before you
contact us:
Specific error code/message
What you were doing when you encountered the problem
How long the problem has persisted
Where we can reach you
The following items are classified as urgent items and require an urgent response. You can expect a response to
your inquiry with 1 hour.
Urgent Request Examples
Voicemail/Phone System not functioning
Email not functioning
Senior Systems Database not operating
Computer/Monitor will not power on
Cannot access network
The following items are classified as non-urgent requests. While these items are not urgent in nature, you can
expect a response to your inquiry within 24 hours.
Non-urgent Request Examples:
Change in access to network folders
Exchange Mail List Changes
New Computers/Phones*
Phone (re) programming
Office Moves**
New Technology Equipment
Equipment Loan
New User Accounts:
(Exchange, Senior Systems, Network, Voicemail, Google, etc…)
*Please note that new workstations and phones may require the equipment to be ordered. Please make your
request NO LESS than 2 weeks prior to the date needed.
We make every attempt to be efficiently responsive to each request. In order to facilitate smooth resolution,
please follow these guidelines when placing requests. Likewise, we ask that you respect the contact procedures
detailed below.
Contact Procedures
For all non-urgent requests, please make your request via email to, campus mail or by
calling the office phone. (Listed on page 2)
For all urgent and Emergency requests, please attempt to reach us first in the office. If we are not available in
the office, or if it is after normal office hours, please contact us via cell phone.
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Hyde Schools Password Policy
1. Overview
Passwords are an important aspect of computer security. They are the front line of protection for user accounts.
A poorly chosen password may result in the compromise of Hyde School's entire network. As such, all
employees (including staff, faculty and students, with access to Hyde School’s systems) are responsible for
taking the appropriate steps, as outlined below, to select and secure their passwords.
2. Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to establish a standard for the creation of strong passwords, the protection of those
passwords, and the frequency of change.
3. Scope
The scope of this policy includes all personnel who have or are responsible for an account (or any form of
access that supports or requires a password) on any system that resides at any Hyde Schools’ facility, has access
to the Hyde Schools’ network, or stores any non-public Hyde Schools’ information.
4. Policy
4.1 General
A. All system-level passwords (e.g., root, enable, Server admin, application administration accounts, etc.)
must be changed on at least a quarterly basis.
B. All user-level passwords (e.g., e-mail, web, desktop computer, etc.) must be changed at least every six
months. The recommended change interval is every four months.
C. Each successive password must be unique. Re-use of the same password will not be allowed.
D. Passwords must be a minimum of eight (8) characters long, and contain and uppercase letter and at least
one number.
E. User accounts that have system-level privileges granted through group memberships or programs such
as Senior Systems must have a unique password from all other accounts held by that user.
F. Passwords must not be inserted into e-mail messages or other forms of electronic communication.
G. Where Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is used, the community strings must be defined
as something other than the standard defaults of "public," "private," and "system," and must be different
from the passwords used to log in interactively. A keyed hash must be used where available (e.g.,
H. All user-level and system-level passwords must conform to the guidelines described below.
I. Passwords should never be written down or stored online.
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4.2 Standards
A. General Password Construction Guidelines
Passwords are used for various purposes at the Hyde Schools. Some of the more common uses include: userlevel accounts, web accounts, e-mail accounts, screen saver protection, voice-mail password, and wifi logins.
Since very few systems have support for one-time tokens, (i.e., dynamic passwords which are only used once),
everyone should be aware of how to select strong passwords.
1. Poor, unacceptable passwords have the following characteristics:
The password contains fewer than eight characters
The password is a word found in a dictionary (English or foreign)
The password is a common usage word such as:
 Names of family, pets, friends, co-workers, fantasy characters, etc.
 Computer terms and names, commands, sites, companies, hardware, software
 Acronyms for the agency or city.
 Birthdays and other personal information such as addresses and phone numbers
 Word or number patterns like aaabbb, qwerty, zyxwvuts, 123321, etc.
 Any of the above spelled backwards
 Any of the above preceded or followed by a digit (e.g., secret1, 1secret)
2. Strong (acceptable) passwords have the following characteristics:
Contain both upper and lowercase characters (e.g., a-z, AZ)
Have digits and punctuation characters as well as letters (e.g., 0-9, !@#$%^&*()_+|~-=\`{}[]:”;í<>?,./)
Are at least eight alphanumeric characters long
Are not a word in any language, slang, dialect, jargon, etc.
Are not based on personal information, names of family, etc.
Try to create passwords that can be easily remembered. One way to do this is create a password based on
a song title, affirmation, or other phrase. For example, the phrase might be: ?This May Be One Way To
Remember? and the password could be: ?TmB1w2R!? or ?Tmb1W> r~? or some other variation.
NOTE: Do not use either of these examples as passwords!
B. Password Protection Standards
Do not use the same password for Hyde Schools accounts as for other non Hyde Schools access (e.g., personal
ISP account, option trading, benefits, etc.). Where possible, don't use the same password for the various Hyde
Schools access needs. For example, select one password for the wifi systems and a separate password for
network systems.
Here is a list of "don'ts":
Don’t reveal a password over the phone to ANYONE.
Don’t reveal a password in an e-mail message.
Don’t talk about a password in front of others.
Don’t hint at the format of a password (e.g., “my family name”).
Don’t reveal a password on questionnaires or security forms.
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Don’t share a password with family members.
Don’t reveal a password to co-workers while on vacation.
Don’t write a password in an obvious place that is accessible to others.
Do not share Hyde Schools’ passwords with anyone, including administrative assistants or secretaries. All
passwords are to be treated as sensitive, confidential Hyde Schools information.
If someone demands a password, refer them to this document or have them call someone in the Technology
Do not use the "Remember Password" feature of applications (e.g., Explorer, Outlook, Google Chrome,
Again, do not write passwords down and store them anywhere in your office. Do not store passwords in a file
on ANY computer system (including Smartphones or similar devices) without encryption.
Change passwords at least once every six months (except system-level passwords which must be changed
quarterly). The recommended change interval is every four months.
If an account or password is suspected to have been compromised, report the incident to the Technology
Department and change all passwords.
The Technology Department or its delegates may perform password cracking or guessing on a periodic or
random basis. If a password is guessed or cracked during one of these scans, the user will be required to change
C. Passphrases (Wifi Access)
Passphrases are generally used for public/private key authentication. A public/private key system defines a
mathematical relationship between the public key that is known by all and the private key that is known only to
the user. Without the passphrase to "unlock" the wifi access, the user cannot gain access.
Passphrases are not the same as passwords. A passphrase is a longer version of a password and is, therefore,
more secure. A passphrase is typically composed of multiple words. Because of this, a passphrase is more
secure against "dictionary attacks."
All of the rules above that apply to passwords apply to passphrases.
5. Enforcement
Any employee found to have violated this policy may be subject to disciplinary action and loss of network
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Network Information
Attaching to the Wireless Network:
Hyde Schools offers access to a campus wide wireless network. To attach to the wifi network you must have a
wifi account set up by the technology department.
Faculty and Staff attach to the Faculty SSID utilizing the credentials supplied to you by the tech
On campus guests can acquire login credentials from the tech department.
Logging Onto the Wired Network:
A local area network (LAN) or simply, network, is a collection of computers, file servers, printers, hubs and
other connected devices that deliver centrally located data to a group of users. Our computer network provides
controlled access to numerous resources including, printers, department documents, Senior Systems, Honors &
Warnings data, and the Internet. Access to these resources is dependent on you being logged onto the network.
Press CTL, ALT, DEL together
Enter your username – First initial and last name
Enter your password – Your password
Logging Off the Wired Network:
If you share a computer with other people, or if you use a computer in the Student Lab, you should log off the
network when you are finished with your session. Doing so allows for other users to quickly and easily log
onto the network and access their data. This also prevents others from accessing your information.
On a computer running Citrix:
 Go to the Start button, choose Log off or:
 Press Ctrl +Alt +Del and choose Log off
On a computer running Windows 7:
 Go to the Start button and choose “Log off…”
 Press Ctrl +Alt +Del and choose Log off
Shutting Down Your Computer:
It is only necessary to shutdown your computer at the end of the day.
On a computer running Citrix:
 Go to the Start button, choose Shut Down or:
 Press Ctrl +Alt +Del and choose Shut Down
On a computer running Windows 7:
 Go to the Start button and choose “Log off…”
 Press Ctrl +Alt +Del and click the red button on the bottom right of the screen
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There are two different types of printers on our network, local and networked. Local printers sit on your desk and are connected
directly to your computer through a USB cable. Generally a local printer is setup for one user (computer) only. Networked printers
have the built in ability to allow many users printing capability. In order for you to print to a networked printer, you must be logged
onto the network.
You may have access to any number of printers on your workstation. Your computer is setup to print to the printer nearest your work
If you can’t log in:
 Check that your username and password are spelled correctly and that your caps lock isn’t on. Upper and
lower case count for your password.
If you lose your connection:
 Log off the network and log back on. See above.
 If you log back onto the network and that does not resolve the problem, restart your computer.
If your computer “locks up”:
Press CTL, ALT, DEL together. Task Manager will appear and a program will say (Not Responding) next to
it. Make sure that line is highlighted and Choose End Task
If this doesn’t solve the problem shutdown your computer, wait 10 sec. and power it back on.
If you cannot print
 If you print to a networked printer, ensure that you are logged onto the network
 If you print to a local printer, make sure the printer is turned on
 For both types of printers, make sure there is adequate paper loaded
As with all problems, if any of these solutions does not resolve the issues, please contact the Tech Department or email
File Management
Saving Files
In most applications:
To save to an external device (flash drive, external hard drive) choose Save As:
When the dialogue comes up click the down arrow and choose Removable Disk. Note: the actual drive
letter may vary.
Saving to a network Drive (Drive W:)
 Choose “Save As”
 When the dialogue comes up click the down arrow: and choose the network drive you want to save to.
 In Woodstock, save your files to the Users folder in the (U:\) drive or your department folder in the (W:\)
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In Bath, save your files to the Users folder in the (U:\) drive or your department folder in the (X:\) drive
Removing Files
Right Mouse Click on the My Computer icon
Choose Explore
Click on the drive you wish to delete files from
Click once the file you would like to delete
Press the delete key
Confirm your delete
Right click the Recycle Bin and select Empty Recycle Bin
Moving Files
Right Mouse Click on the My Computer icon
Choose Explore
Click (left click) on the drive you wish to move files from
Click once the file you would like to move
Drag the file to the drive you wish to move the file to
Let go of the mouse button and your file will be copied to the new destination
You can then delete the files, from the old location, as described above.
Creating Folders
To create a new folder within another directory pull down the file menu and select New, folder.
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Senior Systems
1. Open your internet browser
2. Navigate to
3. Login utilizing the credentials assigned to you from the tech department
Access to Senior Systems is dependent upon you being properly connected to and logged onto the network. If
you are unable to connect to Senior Systems, please insure that you are logged on before calling the Technology
Department for assistance.
The Technology Department can resolve many problems associated with Senior Systems, but many will require
you to call Senior Systems directly for Technical Support. If you do encounter a problem with Senior Systems:
1. Take careful note of any error messages and/or codes
2. Consult the user Senior Systems manual provided to you
3. If the above does not resolve the issue, please Senior Systems directly at 1-888-480-0102 or email them
Accessing MyBackpack
1. Open your Ineternet browser
2. Navigate to
3. Login utilizing the credentials assigned to you by the tech department
As with any login issues, if you experience and problems, please contact the technology department at
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Outlook Help
For a comprehensive list of Outlook features please go to:
Accessing Email Away From Campus
Exchange is the program we use for electronic mail. You have the ability to send and receive email while not
on campus.
From any web browser, enter
Login with the credentials you use logging into the network while on campus.
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