Transfer Equivalency Lookup on the Web


Transfer Equivalency Lookup on the Web

Jill Jerome

Network Manager

Undergraduate Admission

University of Georgia

Why have Transfer Equivalency

Lookup on the Web?

Counseling transfer students - quick tool for counselors to use

Reduce phone calls - let them look it up themselves

Reference for receptionists - no need to refer calls to evaluators

What questions do students ask?

One-to-one lookup of courses

What course can I take to satisfy English

(or Math) requirement?

What colleges offer transferable courses?

Design Considerations

Database format - most important

How do we have the data organized now?

Can it be easily imported into searchable database format?

What questions will we ask - design for ease of query resolution

Make it easy to use!

Try to anticipate questions

Limit manual input by reducing choices

Check for invalid input

Can the staff use it?

Main Page

General explanation of transfer course requirements

Make sure they understand this is only a guide - not exactly how their credits will transfer

Search Criteria

1-to-1 lookup using UGA course number

1-to-1 lookup using transfer institution course number

 lookup of all institutions offering a certain

UGA course equivalent

 lookup of all transferable courses in a particular department

Program Logic

Was an institution selected?

Has a UGA course abbreviation been entered?

Has a UGA course number been entered?

If necessary, has an institution course abbreviation been entered?

If necessary, has an institution course number been entered?

Background program logic

UGA course number - is it valid?

If so, look for transferable course from institution indicated on input form

Display results

Provide table for UGA course lookup

Background program logic

Lookup institution indicated on form

Is there a UGA course equivalent for that course?

If so, display UGA course equivalent

Background Program Logic

Is this a valid UGA course?

If not, check table of UGA courses

If so, lookup all institutions that offer that course

Display results

Background Program Logic

Lookup up institution indicated on form

Create table of all transferable courses

Do any of them transfer to the specified

UGA department?

Display results

In-House Database Use

Created by evaluators

Formerly this information resided in numerous catalogs, on pieces of paper, in people’s heads

Organizes information in one place

Updated as information arrives

College Information

Indexed by FICE Code

College name, location

List of all transferable courses

Transfer articulation notes

High School Information

ETS Code

High School Name, Location

Under construction - requirements constantly changing

Contacts Database

Local contact names

Campus resources

Codes Database

Codes required for transfer articulation

Statistics Database

Keep track of number of applications processed

Number of transcripts evaluated daily

Keep statistics of unit productivity

Transfer Articulation Report

Queries databases for all schools offering a particular UGA course

Produces report of all equivalent courses

Course Equivalency Sheets

Queries databases for all courses from a particular school that are transferable to


Produces alphabetical list of transferable courses

Benefits of Online Databases

Information can be updated in a timely manner

Everyone is using the same information

Provides resource for prospective students

Make the phone ring less!
