Democracy: ATHENS Daily Response 1. What is democracy? 2. What is good about it? 3. What could be bad about it? 4. Do you think it’s the best form of govt? Why or why not? Democracy: ATHENS The Foundation is laid … Democracy: ATHENS I. A. B. C. II. A. 1. 2. 3. Beginning: NO Democracy 700 BCE: KING ruled 600 BCE: OLIGARCHY ruled 594 BCE: Solon ruled (reformed, but arist=power) Democracy (“Rule of the Ppl”) 461-429: Pericles Assembly: All male citizens over 18 Passed laws, elected officials, war & For. Pol. Opened offices to lower-class citizens Govt: ran by 10 officials (“generals”, elected) Democracy: ATHENS B. 1. Direct Democracy (“rule of the many”) State ruled by citizens - Who rules in a monarchy? In an aristocracy? In an oligarchy? 2. Rule is based on citizenship - What is rule based on in a monarchy? In an aristocracy? In an oligarchy? 3. Majority rule decides vote - How do rulers often claim their rule in a monarchy? In an aristocracy? THINK & DISCUSS: Ostracism • Def: A method of temporary banishment (10 yrs) by popular vote of a person considered harmful to the city. - Had to receive 6,000 votes (~ /43,000) ppl) • Purpose: Protect against overly ambitious politicians Q: Do you agree with this? Why or why not? Do you think this is fair in govt or in high school? Does this practice occur informally? Ex’s? Respond: Is There an Ideal? • Do you believe there are ideal forms of anything? - For instance, can we all decide on what is the ideal form/definition of beauty? Of a good government? Of intelligence? Of success? -Or, are ideals of these things subjective? Greek Philosophy: What is Real? Socrates: “The unexamined life is not worth living” Q: Agree? What does he mean? Examples? Socrates Evaluate This Statement: “Real understanding must come from within and cannot come by being imparted by someone else. Only understanding that comes from within can lead to true insight.” Examples: Relationships, doing what you love to do, college Socratic Method • Question and answer format to lead people to see things for themselves by using their own reason • Underlying Belief: ALL individuals possess the ability to reason Taught ppl to think for themselves … ran into trouble … sentenced ppl to death Plato • Pupil of Socrates • Major Work: The Republic - Distrusted democracy - Ppl need a just, rational state Q: Why do you think he mistrusted democracy? Q: How could/can democracy be unjust? Plato’s Ideal State: How does it differ from ours?? Main Idea: Sought IDEAL form of govt • TALENT determines each person’s proper role in society. • EDUCATION → good citizen 1. TOP = Philosopher-Kings (Driven by: WISDOM) 2. MIDDLE = Warriors who protect society (Driven by: COURAGE) 3. BOTTOM = Masses (Driven by: DESIRE) Philosopher- Kings Warriors Masses Why NO Democracy for Plato? • Feared mob rule Q: What’s mob rule? Q: How could democracy lead to mob rule? Plato, The Republic I. 3 Classes That Make Up An Ideal Society II. Education of Leaders A. Two Areas 1. Music (all the arts) 2. Gymnastics (athletics) B. Delicate balance betw. 2 Plato, The Republic III. A. 1. B. 1. IV. A. Appearance vs. Reality: Theory of Forms What is NOT reality Appearances What IS reality = Forms The ideals that lie behind are the truth Knowledge Through Reason Reason Truth B. Only “through reason & w/o any help from the senses [can an individual arrive] at the very end of the world of thought.” What is reason? C. Plato, The Republic V. 1. The Problem with Art Caution: guard ideal city against the arts of “the imitators” - Those who write poetry - “[Poets] do not lay hold of the truth” - They “nourish [the passions] by watering what ought to dry up, and makes them rulers in us.” Q: Why beware of poets?? Aristotle No Ideal State: Look At Existing Govts • 3 forms of good government 1. Monarchy 2. Aristocracy 3. Constitutional government **FAVORED: Constitutional Government How Do Humans Reach Their Highest Potential? • Organized society and govt Q: Ok … so what does that look like? Ex’s? Think: Which Whom Do You Concur? • Plato: Govt should be ruled by a philosopher-king, chosen to rule for his intelligence. (IDEAL) • Aristotle: NEED organized society & govt; society where ALL citizens are educated & king rules fairly through the guidance of philosophers. (NO 1 IDEAL) **Do you believe in a perfect ideal? Or are things we see, for example beautiful people, examples of beauty, and there is no one true “beautiful” ideal?? Is there one type of ideal govt? Why or why not? Primary Source Analysis Ancient Greece Application of The Republic: Utopia High School • Now it’s your chance to adopt, modify, or reject Plato’s views by describing another, smaller society … a Republic Sequel What does “utopia” mean? Utopia High School: The Ideal • 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. • • Brainstorm ONE of the following w/ your group: Categories of ppl @ UHS (teachers, students, etc.) School schedule Curriculum (what will you learn about?) Extracurricular activities (club, sports, etc.) Facilities (libraries, labs, etc.) Admission requirements Causes for expulsion Dress Code Rules/Policies List 3-5 points (details) along w/ a defense (rationale) Choose one member of your group to orally present the details & rationale to our class (others take notes) • • Utopia High School: The Ideal Are any of the proposals in conflict with one another How do we resolve conflicts? Democracy: Rome I. A. B. Beginning: King ruled state Elected by tribal chieftans Served as high priest & chief magistrate (**theocracy) Chose group of nobles (Senate) to advise 509 BCE: Senate (nobles) deposed Tarquin Tarquin: tyrant, fasces Republic is formed Power: in hands of patricians C. II. A. B. C. – Q: Who are patricians? Who are plebeians? Democracy: Rome More on … Facses • Fasces – An axe w/ a bundle of rods, bound by a red strap – Carried ahead of magistrates – Symbolizes civic authority & magistrates’ higher authority – Q: What is “civic” authority? – **Power of punishment • Used by Tarquin & Nazis Democracy: Rome Fasces • Tarquin – Began tradition of lowering fasces when consuls came into assemblies as a sign that they derived their power from the ppl • Nazis – Fasces = root of term “fascism” (Q: What is “fascism”?) – Symbol on the Nazi stamp – Symbolic of the power of life & death – Symbolic of military & civic authority Democracy: Rome III. Republic Organization A. Governed: 2 chief magistrates (consuls) & Senate B. Consuls: served 1 yr C. In war: Dictator (absolute ruler) could rule in place of consuls (only 6 mo.) D. Senate=300 appt’d for life by consuls 1. Only patricians could be consuls or senators 2. Proposed laws & nominated consuls E. Plebeians: had own Assembly that passed laws for their class only (not very imp. @ 1st) Democracy: Rome “CSPD” in Review 1. Consuls 2. Senate 3. People (Assembly) 4. Dictator (occasionally … when??) In all … a Balanced Government But … who’s still left out?? The Constitution & The Ku Klux Klan Foundations 1. • Civil Liberties = Fundamental indiv. rights (1st amendement) Ex’s: Freedom to … think, assemble, speak, organize, worship, petition, life, liberty, pursuit of happiness • Don’t Change (conceptual rights) 2. Civil Rights = Broader; guarantee: civil liberties, due process, equal protection of the laws, freedom from discrimination • Ex’s: Affirmative Action, Americans w/ Disabilities Act, Vermont’s Civil Union statute, education, rights to use facilities • Can Change!! Analysis • How do civil liberties differ from civil rights? The Constitution & The Ku Klux Klan Respond to the Following: You are the mayor of a small Midwestern town. The Ku Klux Klan wants to hold a parade in the town next week. Based on the ideas of civil rights and civil liberties, explain your decision on whether or not to allow the parade to be held. What other ideas might you use to support your decision?