1. Bellringer 9/24/2013 Have your notebook out with the timeline from yesterday face up. Have your book visible on your desk. HAVE YOUR HOMEWORK OUT FACE UP!!!! What criteria would you use to assess a government? (i.e. Give three standards by which you would judge a government) To NOT lose your points, within 10 seconds after the bell you should: •Be SITTING in your assigned seat •Silent •Have your pink bellringer sheet OUT •Be COMPLETING your bellringer Blast off to class party! 9/16-9/20 • A / B rate – Period 3 = 6/25; 28.6% – Period 4 = 9/21; 52.3% – Period 5 = 5/31; 16.1% • Bellringers last week: – Period 3= 19 Violations; 0.76 violations/Student – Period 4 = 4 Violations; 0.19 violations/student – Period 5 = 13 Violations; 0.41 violations/student TODAY’S MENU 9/24/2013 Bellringer: SWBAT come up with 3 criteria to assess a government. SWBAT review the early history of the Greek people. SWBAT locate Greece on a world map. SWBAT will take poster notes on Aristocracy, Oligarchy, Monarchy, and Democracy. Where in the world is……..? Greece Ancient Greece 2000 – 700 B.C.E. Ancient Greece 725 – 429 B.C.E. Government Poster Notes Pg. 126-29 Requirements – – – – Accurate details (10 pts) Written in marker (3 pts) Must contain 4 colors (2 pts) Symbol or picture must represent the idea behind your government (5 pts) Know Your Role Monarchy Tallest Shortest Aristocracy Democracy X Oligarchy X X X Government Poster Notes page 126-129 Requirements –Accurate details (3 pts) –Written in marker (1 pts) –Must contain 4 colors (1 pts) –Symbol or picture must represent the idea behind your government (5 pts)