Module 6: Economics of Forest Biomass and Bioenergy Objectives • Identify the supply of woody biomass in the South. • Describe the costs related to woody biomass production and utilization. • Understand the cost-competitiveness of forest biomass and bioenergy. Module 6: Economics of Forest Biomass and Bioenergy Objectives • Recognize the potential socioeconomic impacts of woody biomass production and utilization on rural communities. • Identify legislation that supports the utilization of forest biomass for energy and other biobased products. Module 6: Economics of Forest Biomass and Bioenergy Outline • Supply of forest biomass for energy – – – – – Factors affecting supply Sources Quantity Location Stability • Cost Competitiveness – Feedstock Production – Electricity and Ethanol Production – Carbon Displacement • Landowner Benefits • Community Impacts • Incentives Module 6: Economics of Forest Biomass and Bioenergy Supply of Forest Biomass • Factors Affecting Supply – Costs (influenced by technology, production scale and system, etc.) – Biomass market development – Energy markets/prices – Competing uses of forest resources (e.g., wood products markets, ecological services, etc.) – Policies – Others (e.g., environmental consideration, social acceptance, etc.) Module 6: Economics of Forest Biomass and Bioenergy Sources • Logging residues • Thinnings including silvcultural practices and fuel treatments • Short-rotation woody crops • Mill residues • Urban residues • Trees damaged by natural disasters • Others (small diameter trees, stand improvement, etc.) Source: Perlack and others 2005 Module 6: Economics of Forest Biomass and Bioenergy Logging Residues • Logging residues are probably among the least costly forest biomass for energy. • 20 million dry tons per year in the South (Gan & Smith 2006) – Approximately ½ of the US supply Capacity (MW) Source: Gan and Smith 2006 Operational power/electricity capacity from logging residues by state Module 6: Economics of Forest Biomass and Bioenergy 300or above(9) 200to 299 (7) 100 to 199 (12) 50 to 99 (4) 0 to 49 (18) Fuel Treatment Thinnings • Preliminary estimates of this supply (Perlack et al 2005) – 2.7 billion dry tons identified for treatment in the South – 20 million dry tons collectable • Primary source is private lands in the South • Using this biomass for energy production can compensate (at least partially) the cost of forest fuel treatment. Module 6: Economics of Forest Biomass and Bioenergy Silvicultural Thinnings • Availability varies with forest conditions and management objectives. • The higher value portion of the removal from commercial thinning has been used. • Residue procurement costs are relatively high, though it can partially be offset by the production of high quality timber in the future. Natural Disasters • The quantity of this biomass source varies over time and space. Its utilization can contribute to the restoration of damaged forests. • Hurricanes – Hugo (1989): 2.4 billion dry tons (Haymond et al. 1996) – Katrina and Rita (2005): 2.5 billion dry tons (USDA Forest Service 2005; Texas Forest Service 2005) • Southern pine beetles – 1.36 million tons killed annually, on average (Coulson et al. 2005) Module 6: Economics of Forest Biomass and Bioenergy Biomass from Stand Improvement • Low stocking, low value, and the abundance of undesirable or nonmerchantable species in heavily cutover stands discourage stand rehabilitation efforts. • Bioenergy development will create markets for biomass from these low value species, stimulating stand improvement. • Yet improvement depends on the conditions of the residual stand, landowner objectives, and financial parameters (Wagner et al. 2003) Module 6: Economics of Forest Biomass and Bioenergy Biomass from Controlling Invasive Species • • Limited data are available for this source of biomass. Surveys of invasive plant species in the US South are underway. Utilization of this biomass can help share the cost of controlling invasive plant species. Source: James H. Miller 2006 Small-Diameter Trees • Converting southern pulpwood to pulp or OSB still offers higher and less risky profit margins. At current costs and prices (without major cost reductions) producing only cellulosic ethanol from pulpwood appears to be unprofitable. • Possibility might exist for using this biomass source for bioenergy in the future if oil prices continue to rise. Source: Peter Ince 2007 Module 6: Economics of Forest Biomass and Bioenergy Short-Rotation Woody Crops • Supply estimates vary greatly with estimation methods and assumptions about land use and biomass yields. • 5 million dry tons annually (Perlack et al. 2005) Module 6: Economics of Forest Biomass and Bioenergy Mill Residues • Most readily available and good quality • 97% being currently utilized by the forest products industry • No significant amount for new energy production Module 6: Economics of Forest Biomass and Bioenergy Urban Residues • Limited data available • 28 million dry tons (Perlack et al. 2005) – Wood and yard waste – Construction debris – Demolition debris • Quality varies Module 6: Economics of Forest Biomass and Bioenergy Long-Term Supply: The Case of Logging Residues • Supply of logging residues nation-wide will increase - 5% by 2020 - 12% by 2050 • Competing or complementary uses • Regional differences Source: Gan and Smith 2006 Module 6: Economics of Forest Biomass and Bioenergy Cost Competitiveness • Utilization of logging residues for electricity production – Feedstock Production – Electricity Production – Carbon Displacement • Other cases – Co-firing biomass with coal in electricity production – Cellulosic ethanol – Wood pellets Module 6: Economics of Forest Biomass and Bioenergy Feedstock Production • Logging residues – $28/dry ton or $5.80/MWh (marginal cost) – $33/dry ton or $6.80/MWh (full cost) Source: Gan and Smith 2006 Module 6: Economics of Forest Biomass and Bioenergy Cost Composition of Delivered Logging Residue (Chipping at Roadside) 4% 8% Trucking 27% Chipping at Landing Forwarding 31% Cutting to Heaps 30% Organizational Costs Source: Oijala et al. 1999 Module 6: Economics of Forest Biomass and Bioenergy Feedstock Production • Fuel Treatment Thinnings – $30-40/dry ton or $6.20–8.30/MWh (cut & skid) – $34-48/dry ton or $7.00–9.90/MWh (cut/skid/chip) Source: USDA Forest Service 2005 Module 6: Economics of Forest Biomass and Bioenergy Feedstock Production • Short-Rotation Woody Crops – $52/dry ton or $10.80/MWh Source: Gan and Smith 2006 Module 6: Economics of Forest Biomass and Bioenergy Feedstock Production • Delivered Coal - $5.32/MWh (2005) • Logging residues are almost as competitive as coal • Fuel treatment thinnings and short-rotation woody crops are more expensive than logging residues. Source: Gan and Smith 2006; USDA Forest Service 2005 Module 6: Economics of Forest Biomass and Bioenergy Electricity Production (New plants using combined-cycle gasification) • Conventional coal system - $35/MWh • Biomass systems Source: Gan and Smith 2002; Gan and Smith 2006 Module 6: Economics of Forest Biomass and Bioenergy Electricity Production • Logging residues (average cost) – $47/MWh (marginal cost) – $50/MWh (full cost) Source: Gan and Smith 2006 Module 6: Economics of Forest Biomass and Bioenergy Why is biomass more expensive? • Initial capital cost – Almost 50% higher than a coal system • Fuel costs – Biomass fuel is more costly on a per unit energy basis Module 6: Economics of Forest Biomass and Bioenergy Can biomass be more competitive? • Reduce fuel costs by improving the efficiency in growing, procuring, transporting, and processing forest biomass • Reduce non-fuel costs through improving efficiency in energy conversion (from biomass to secondary energy) • Tax carbon dioxide emissions or provide incentives/credits for carbon displacement Module 6: Economics of Forest Biomass and Bioenergy Co-firing Biomass with Coal • A near term, low cost option of using biomass for electricity production • Up to 15% of fuel input (in heat) can be substituted with biomass. (DOE, 2000) Installation costs: – $50 per kW of biomass generation in cyclone boilers – $150 to $300 per kW in pulverized coal boilers (DOE, 2000) Module 6: Economics of Forest Biomass and Bioenergy Ethanol Production Costs • Current average ethanol production costs – Corn ethanol: $1.25/gl – Cellulosic ethanol: $2.50/gl Source: Stanley Bull 2006 Module 6: Economics of Forest Biomass and Bioenergy Pellet Production Costs Source: Sudhagar Mani 2006 Carbon Displacement • Carbon sequestration – Removal of CO2 from the atmosphere into long-lived pools of carbon including trees, soils, and wood products. Module 6: Economics of Forest Biomass and Bioenergy Carbon Displacement • Forest bioenergy is carbon neutral. – Forests store CO2 as a result of photosynthesis – Burning wood releases carbon • Thus, forest bioenergy can displace CO2 emissions from burning fossil fuels. Module 6: Economics of Forest Biomass and Bioenergy Carbon Displacement • The price was about $3.50 per ton of CO2 in January 2007 in Chicago Climate Exchange • Using recoverable logging residues to generate electricity – Displaces 19.4 million tons of carbon – Average displacement cost: $60/ton C (marginal cost) $70/ton C (full cost) – This is a relatively inexpensive way to displace CO2 emissions compared to other current available technologies. Source: Gan and Smith 2006 Module 6: Economics of Forest Biomass and Bioenergy Carbon Credits • Forest biomass/bioenergy production sequestrates and/or offset carbon in several ways: – Carbon sequestrated in growing trees – Carbon sequestrated in forest soils – Carbon emissions displaced by substituting forest bioenergy for fossil fuels • According to the Kyoto Protocol, only additional carbon sequestrated beyond the base line can be counted (additionality). Details about carbon accounting methods can be found in 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, Volume 4, Agriculture, Forestry, and Other Land Use ( • Carbon markets are still under development (Chicago Climate Exchange, Potential Benefits to Landowners for Forest Biomass/Bioenergy Production • Revenue from biomass sales • Savings on site preparation costs in forest regeneration • Reduction in fire and disease/pest (e.g., beetles) risks • Opportunity for stand improvement • Potential carbon credits Module 6: Economics of Forest Biomass and Bioenergy Community Impacts • • • • • • Employment Income Tax revenues Economic diversification Community resilience and stability Social coherence Job creation is probably the most significant impact. Module 6: Economics of Forest Biomass and Bioenergy Job Creation • Average number of direct jobs created: – Electricity production • 10 jobs per MW of power plant capacity – Ethanol production • 150 jobs per million gallons • The total employment impact varies with plant/mill size, technology used, local economic structure, etc. Module 6: Economics of Forest Biomass and Bioenergy East Texas • 43 counties • Forest products industry – $17.5 billion in industry output – 76,000 jobs • Energy industry – 22% of the region’s output Module 6: Economics of Forest Biomass and Bioenergy East Texas (Total Impacts of Residue Procurement and Electricity Production) • Bioenergy development would create: – 1340 jobs – $215 in value-added – $352 million in output Variable Direct Impact Indirect Impact Induced Impact Total Impact Value added (Million $) 152 29 34 215 Output (Million $) 246 52 54 352 Employment (# of jobs) 410 380 550 1340 Source: Gan and Smith 2007 Module 6: Economics of Forest Biomass and Bioenergy East Texas (Impacts of Residue Procurement) • Logging residue procurement alone would create: – 560 jobs – $46 in value-added – $105 million in output Variable Direct Impact Indirect Impact Induced Impact Total Impact 23 13 10 46 63 27 15 105 260 150 150 560 Value added ($ Million) Output ($ million) Employment (# of jobs) Source: Gan and Smith, 2007 Georgia • Biorefinery using 440 dry tons daily – $32.7 million in impacts – 95 total jobs – $991,000 annual state tax revenue Module 6: Economics of Forest Biomass and Bioenergy Georgia • Large-scale (533 WTPD) biomass gasification facility – $22.2 million in impacts – 95 total jobs – $776,000 annual state tax revenue Module 6: Economics of Forest Biomass and Bioenergy Policy • Current Incentives and Renewable Energy Programs • Needed Incentives • International Experience Module 6: Economics of Forest Biomass and Bioenergy Existing Bioenergy Incentive Programs (as related to forestland owners) • Federal Programs – Energy Policy Act of 2005 • Extended the Renewable Electricity Production Credit through December 31, 2007 • Provided grants for the utilization of biomass from forest fuel treatment – The Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 – The Healthy Forests Restoration Act • State Programs – These programs vary by state, including taxes/credits, financial incentives, loans, etc. – Detailed programs for each state are available at Module 6: Economics of Forest Biomass and Bioenergy Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS) • Several states in the country also have established RPS, requiring that a minimum percentage of a utility’s overall electricity sales must be derived from renewable sources. • Each state has separate standards. – Texas is the only Southern state with RPS currently • 5,880 MW by 2015 Module 6: Economics of Forest Biomass and Bioenergy Needed Incentives • Incentives needed (based on electricity production) – $12-15/MWh for logging residues – $18/MWh for fuel treatment thinnings • Few programs currently provide incentives to forest biomass producers, particularly landowners. Module 6: Economics of Forest Biomass and Bioenergy Impact of Global CO2 Emission Reduction on Cost Competitiveness • CO2 Emissions Reductions – 20-30% reduction Source: Gan and Smith, 2002 Module 6: Economics of Forest Biomass and Bioenergy Impact of Carbon Taxes on Cost Competitiveness • CO2 Emissions Taxation - $25/ton C Source: Gan and Smith, 2002 Module 6: Economics of Forest Biomass and Bioenergy International Experience • United Kingdom • Sweden Module 6: Economics of Forest Biomass and Bioenergy United Kingdom • Renewables Obligation – Renewable sources required to produce a fraction of electricity • Green Fuels Challenge – Fuel duty rebate on biodiesel • Introduction of energy crops – Incentives for start-up costs for energy crops Module 6: Economics of Forest Biomass and Bioenergy Sweden • Fossil fuels reduced from 80% (1970) to 40% (2006) • Fossil fuel taxes • Biomass was 65% of total district heating in 2002 Module 6: Economics of Forest Biomass and Bioenergy Conclusions • Biomass supply from southern forests is promising. • Production costs remain a major barrier to forest biomass and bioenergy development. • Logging residues are a relatively less costly forest biomass source. Module 6: Economics of Forest Biomass and Bioenergy Conclusions • Biomass and bioenergy development can provide various socioeconomic and environmental benefits. • Limited incentives/assistance are available, but more are needed and deserved, particularly to biomass producers (landowners). • We can learn by doing and from international experience. Module 6: Economics of Forest Biomass and Bioenergy Photo Credits Slide 8: C. Darwin Foster, Texas A&M University Slide 9: Slides 10: C. Darwin Foster, Texas A&M University Slide 11: C. Darwin Foster, Texas A&M University; Erich G. Vallery, USDA Forest Service, (0745070); Ronald F. Billings, Texas Forest Service, (0284013a) Slide 12: Pennsylvania State University ( Slide 15: Oak Ridge National Laboratory Slide 16: C. Darwin Foster, Texas A&M University Module 6: Economics of Forest Biomass and Bioenergy Photo Credits Slide 17: Chyrel A. Mayfield, Texas A&M University Slide 31: Oak Ridge National Laboratory Slide 32: Clear Power ( Slide 34: Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) Slide 36: Southern Rural Development Center Slide 38: Chyrel A. Mayfield, Texas A&M University Slide 52: Semida Silveira, Sustainable Vision Module 6: Economics of Forest Biomass and Bioenergy