Neutrino Mass and Grand Unification R. N. Mohapatra University of Maryland LAUNCH, 2007 Heidelberg Theme Group 2 March 2005 Hypothesis of Grand unification (i) Grand unification is an interesting hypothesis which says that all forces and all matter become one at high energies no matter how different they look at low energies. (ii) Two examples of theories where simple renormalization group analysis of the low energy couplings do indeed lead to coupling unification at high energies: (A). MSSM at TeV scale -> GUC (B) GSTD SU (2) L SU (2) R U (1) B L GUC Theme Group 2 March 2005 Unification of Couplings: Weak scale susy Non SUSY SO(10) with seesaw Theme Group 2 March 2005 Other advantages of GUTs • (i) Higher symmetry could give better understanding of fermion masses ; (ii) Explains charge quantization; (iii) High scale explains proton stability; (iv) High scale goes well with cosmological issues such as inflation and baryogenesis. Theme Group 2 March 2005 Simplest example: SUSY SU(5) Theme Group 2 March 2005 Lessons from SU(5): Learning from failure • Does not mean the idea of GUTs is dead. • Key to predictivity is to keep the model renormalizable; e.g. the coupling in SU(5) has to have a coupling < 10^-7 – also indicating that non-ren. Couplings have tiny couplings for whatever reason. • Neutrino mass has again put new life into the GUT idea- perhaps best to use theories with ren. Yukawas (as we do here). Theme Group 2 March 2005 m to GUTs via seesaw • Simplest way to understand small neutrino masses : why m mu ,d ,e? Add right handed neutrinos to the SM with large Majorana mass: 2 M mD mu ,d ,e MR M R mD vwk MR is the new physics scale. [Minkowski; Gell-Mann, Ramond, Slansky; Yanagida; RNM, Senjanovic;Glashow] Theme Group 2 March 2005 What is the seesaw scale, MR? • Using Atmospheric mass measured by Super-K and mD mt in the seesaw 2 m 2 atm One gets mt MR M R 10 GeV 14 (i) SEESAW SCALE CLOSE TO GUT SCALE(ii) If mD is suppressed (by symmetries), seesaw scale could be lower (even TeV). Case (i) seesaw another indication for SUSY GUT since 16 the GUT scale is 10 GeV ? Theme Group 2 March 2005 Minimal GUT group for neutrinos • Seesaw provides the answer: • The fact that M R M U is most easily understood if there is a new symmetry associated with RH neutrino mass generation. • The obvious symmetry is B-L, which is broken by 0 R 0 which gives RH neutrino mass. GUT group must have B-L as the subgroup. Theme Group 2 March 2005 SO(10) Grand unified theory • Natural GUT group is SO(10) since its spinor rep contains all 16 needed fermions (including RH neutrino) in a single rep. • Georgi; Fritzsch, Minkowski (74) • Contains B-L needed to understand why MR<< M_Planck . • B-L if properly broken also allows a naturally stable dark matter in MSSM. (RNM, 1986) Theme Group 2 March 2005 From SO(10) down to the Std Model • SO(10) • Left-right sym. theory • Nu mass ( B L) 0 Standard Model-> seesaw SU (3)c U (1) em Theme Group 2 0 0 0 M 0 m m M March 2005 How is B-L Broken ? {16} vs {126} • B-L can either be broken by {16}- Higgs by its R component. In which case M_R arises from nonrenormalizable terms; Leads to R-parity breaking and hence no stable dark matter without extra assumptions. Theme Group 2 March 2005 Alternatively Break B-L by 126-Higgs • SM singlet in 126 is RR which has B-L=2; • Leaves R parity unbroken in MSSM and gives stable dark matter. • Also 16 X 16 = 10 + 126 + 120 Matter Higgs Minimal model: one each of 10+126+ 120. 126 gives mass to charged fermions as well as RH neutrinos relating RH neutrino spectrum to charged fermion spectrum. Also uses only renormalizable couplings. (not true for 16- Higgs models.) Theme Group 2 March 2005 Large neutrino mixings in minimal SO(10) • How large mixings arise naturally in the minimal models: Simple Example: Model with only one {10} and {126} Higgs: • Has only 12 parameters (for CP conserving case)- all determined by quark masses and mixings and charged leptons; all neutrino mixings are predicted. • Babu, RNM (92); Bajc, Senjanovic, Vissani (2003); Goh, Ng, RNM (2003). Theme Group 2 March 2005 Details of minimal SO(10) • Yukawa: h16.16 10+f 16 .16.126-bar • Leads to fermion mass formulae Theme Group 2 March 2005 Neutrino mass and seesaw in SO(10) • SO(10) model (and all LRS) models modify seesaw as follows: M fvL M Type II T D 1 MD fvR 2 vwk Type I with vL M triplet [Magg, Wetterich; Lazaridis, Shafi, Wetterich; RNM, Senjanovic; 80] For first term to be significant, triplet mass must be around 10^14 GeV. Does it affect unification ? Theme Group 2 March 2005 A New sumrule for neutrino mass: • Dominant Type II Theme Group 2 March 2005 Including CP violation: • In the 10+126 model, CP violation can arise from complex Yukawas- (but works only for a narrow range of parameters) • In the full minimal 10+126+120 model, CP is more natural. Grimus, Kuhbock; Aulakh, G arg Grimus, Kuhbock • Grimus and Kuhbock, 2006 Theme Group 2 March 2005 Restrictions from P-decay for all tan Theme Group 2 March 2005 Some predictions of the 120 model: • Prediction for U_e3: Theme Group 2 March 2005 Predictions for the MNSP Phase Dirac phase can be predicted Sin MNSP = 0.5-0.7 U e3 0.08 Theme Group 2 March 2005 Predictions for lepton flavor violation Theme Group 2 March 2005 Beyond Flavor Issues • Realization of type II seesaw dominance in the models: 2 1 T vwk M fvL M D MD vL fvR M triplet (i) Higher B-L scale (ii) together with lower triplet mass • Coupling Unification and avoiding early non-perturbativity; • Proton decay Theme Group 2 March 2005 What happens in the truly minimal model: • {10}+{126}+{210}: Implies M T MU • Needs modification: Two possibilities: • (i) Add extra {54} to lower Triplet mass by a mini-seesaw; also overcomes large thershold effect objection. • (ii) Use mini-warping- Physics above GUT scale strongly coupled. Theme Group 2 March 2005 Coupling Unification with type II seesaw Usual allegation of large threshold effects FALSE !! Could have higher unif. scale with SO(10)-> SU(5) and Triplet, {15 } of SU(5) at 10^13 GeV; Goh, RNM, Nasri,04 Theme Group 2 March 2005 Another way to achieve Type II dominance • Use mini-warped 5-D model: • Idea: (Fukuyama, Kikuchi, Okada(2007); Okada, Yu, RNM-in prep.) • Consider warped 5-D model with warping from Planck to GUT: • Locate Higgs in the Bulk so that their effect on the 4D brane depends on location and U(1) charge. That way one can ensure lighter {15} and also unification. • No large Threshold effect since theory nonperturbative after M_U. Theme Group 2 March 2005 Type II seesaw and Higgs Profiles • Theme Group 2 March 2005 True test of GUT hypothesis m m • Coupling unification, often b cited as evidence for GUTs are not really so. True test of GUTs is proton decay; In particular no proton decay to the level of 10^36-37 years will be evidence against GUTs. Theme Group 2 March 2005 Nucleon Decay in SUSY GUTs • Gauge Boson exchange: Theme Group 2 March 2005 SUSY changes GUT scale dependence O p decay 1 ~~ QQQL MU Theme Group 2 March 2005 Predictions for proton decay in SO(10)-16 • B-L could be broken either by {16}-H or {126}-H. • SU(5) type problem avoided due to cancellation between diagrams. • Proton decay in {16} models: model dependent: in one class of models (Babu, Pati and Wilczek (2000)) Theme Group 2 March 2005 Proton decay in SO(10)-126 • Minimal SO(10) model with 10+126 which predict neutrino mixings: • 4 parameter model: predicts (n ) 13 10 32 yrs (n K ) 3 10 yrs 0 33 • For large tan the model is incompatible with proton decay (Goh, R.N. M, Nasri, Ng (2004)) Theme Group 2 March 2005 Are GUTs the only choice for seesaw ? • It could be that B-L scale is lower : How to test for that possibility ? • Searching for neutron-anti-neutron oscillation is one way. • Few questions: N-N-bar operator: 1 c c c c c c 5u d d u d d M 5 Leads to Osc. Time nn M 5 M 10 6 10 sec . 100TeV Since seesaw scale is >10^11 GeV, any chance to see it ? Theme Group 2 March 2005 YES SINCE NEW OPERATORS CAN APPEAR • New operators appear with SUSY as well as unexplored TeV scale spectrum!! • Examples: With SUSY: u cu c If there is SUSY + diquark fields: Weaker suppression SUSY+ u d c c ucd c u d d c d c /M c c Theme Group 2 Even weaker suppression March 2005 224 models do lead to such operators • New Feynman diagrams lead to observable N-N-bar transition time with high seesaw scale of 10^11 GeV: Theme Group 2 March 2005 Comparision P-decay vs N-N-bar Theme Group 2 March 2005 Scheme of neutron-antineutron search Proposal to search for N-N-bar at DUSEL experiment with vertical layout • Dedicated small-power TRIGA research reactor with cold neutron moderator vn ~ 1000 m/s • Vertical shaft ~1000 m deep with diameter ~ 6 m at DUSEL • • • Large vacuum tube, focusing reflector, Earth magnetic field compensation system • • Detector (similar to ILL N-Nbar detector) at the bottom of the shaft (no new technologies) Kamyshkov et al. (2005) • • • Annular Core TRIGA Reactor 3.4 MW with convective cooling. 3E+13 n/cm2/s central thermal flux LD2 CM Focusing Reflector L~150 m Vacuum tube L~1000 m dia ~ 4 m Transition point Neutron trajectory X • • Annihilation target dia ~ 2 m Annihilation detector 10 m 1m Beam dump Approximate scales Theme Group 2 March 2005 Proton decay vs N-N-bar oscillation Theme Group 2 March 2005 SUMMARY • Neutrino mass introduces B-L as a symmetry of Nature. What is its scale ? • Very interesting possibility is that B-L scale is GUT scale: Minimal SO(10) realizations with 10+120+126 Higgs are realistic and predictive. Can be tested by forthcoming neutrino experiments ! • Lower B-L scales can be tested by neutronanti-neutron oscillation using current reactor fluxes. Urge a renewed effort to search for this process. Theme Group 2 March 2005 Unification scenario with S_4 sym. Y 1 Parida Parida,RNM,07 1 B-L 2L 3c U (1)Y Theme Group 2 March 2005 Theme Group 2 March 2005 Predictions for long baseline experiments: Theme Group 2 March 2005