Los Vendidos Study and Performance pdf

Los Vendidos- Group Study and Performance
1. Read through the play together- take time to pause and discuss it.
2. Answer each of the following using a laptop. Be reflective and demonstrate knowledge and
analysis of the text- please include textual evidence throughout your answers:
a. What is this play about? What are the subjects? List the topics, subjects, issues both
literally and beyond that this play is about.
b. What is the theme of the play? Write out the statement.
c. Characters:
i. List the characteristics- qualities, adjectives, personality- basically who is the
character and what purpose does he/she serve for the play (think about author
purpose here as it relates to theme for the play).?
ii. What are the character’s motivations? This is the read between the lines stuffwhat makes him or her tick)
iii. How should the character interact with the other characters? Why?
iv. What costume should the actor wear to fit the part and why?
d. What authorial techniques are used to deliver the theme, characterization, etc.? List
and discuss how they help the author achieve his purpose.
e. What do you think will be important in the delivery of the play that will help
communicate the characters and theme to the audience that may not be as apparent
in the script…be a “Director” here- explain what the actors will have to know/do to
communicate the theme through the acting.
3. Assign people to roles and figure out what people need to bring in for props.
4. Run through the performance- you will be allowed to use your books, but people should
have a general idea of what they are doing and where they need to be at each part.