Top Secret Alternative Sources of Energy Utah Needs You! Brian D. Beadle Webquest Designer © Alternative Sources of Energy Introduction You are a part of a committee of energy consultants commissioned by the Governor of Utah. Your group will report to the Governor who recognizes that most of the state’s coal supply, which is used to produce electricity, is dwindling. You know the governor is under immense pressure from several special interest groups who request you do something immediately. You know that the industrialists require energy to maintain a healthy and strong economy whose revenues support many governmental functions, while the environmentalists want to keep the environment clean with minimal impact on natural habitats and reduce the effects of global warming by keeping the air clean. It is up to you to help the governor decide how to best appease the two parties and appeal to the constituents of his state. Task Process Resources Evaluation Conclusion Task The governor needs to act fast and will act on your suggested energy plan. Your group of energy researchers has supplied you with several options of alternative energy sources. [found in the Resources section] Your mission, is to research all six sources of energy and formulate an energy plan that would work for the State and Geographical setting of Utah and present your findings in a town hall meeting at the state capital. Be prepared to meet the public, governmental officials, press, and special interest groups. Task Process Resources Evaluation Conclusion Process Research all six sources of energy Obtain 3 copies of the Energy Assessment hand outs. At the top of the page, make a brief summary of what the energy source is and how each energy option works. Fill in the next table with the pro’s and con’s of each energy source. In the conclusion section, write a paragraph description as to why you did or did not choose that source of energy as the option for Utah (Be specific when defending your position). Make a final evaluation of all your energy resources and create an energy plan that would best fit the Geography of Utah – defend it. As a group, creatively present your energy solutions to the class in a PowerPoint presentation and describe your energy plan. (Click the down arrow for the next page) Task Process Resources Evaluation Conclusion Discuss the following in your Plan: Energy Plan: Alternative Energy Source: Where would you build it? How are you going to transport the energy to the city where its needed? Where can you best find the resources in the state? Where would you put or handle the waste? Economics: How does it work? How reliable is it? What are you going to do if that one fails? Resources: What are the current energy consumption rates now? How much energy does coal produce? How are you going to replace that energy loss? Will it produce enough energy for Utah? How will this impact the economy? How expensive will it be? – is it cost effective? How will we pay for this and recoup the costs? Public v. Private Funding – who’s going pay for it? Environmental Impact: How will the surrounding habitats be affected? Can it be minimized? How are you going to address the environmental concerns and issues (cons) Task Process Resources Evaluation Conclusion Resources Sources of Suggested Alternative Energy. Biomass Nuclear Solar Hydro-electric Wind Geothermal Task Process Resources Evaluation Conclusion Biomass Resource What is it and how does it work Where are your sources located in Utah – and where would you build your power plant? Economic Impact What are the costs to build a facility (₤1 = $2) How are you going to fund it and recoup the costs? What is your financial business plan. How much power can it produce How many homes can benefit Environmental Impact How will your sources and waste effect the environment What do you propose to do to minimize its impact? How does your plan benefit the environment? Research Evaluation Criteria Excellent 10-9 Good 8 Average 7 Poor 6-0 Evaluation of Pros & Cons Conclusion Task Process Resources Evaluation Conclusion Energy Plan Evaluation Criteria Excellent 10-9 Good 8 Average 7 Poor 6-0 Environmental Impact Economical Impact Financial Plan Task Process Resources Evaluation Conclusion Presentation Evaluation Criteria Excellent 10-9 Good 8 Average 7 Poor 6-0 Questions & Answers Presentation Style Organization & Creativity Defense Task Process Resources Evaluation Conclusion Group Evaluation Assume your group was given $100 for your research and presentation, You get to decide how you would split up $100. Task Process Resources Evaluation Conclusion Conclusion Energy development is a controversial topic with ties to a healthy economy and environment. It is our hope that upon completion of this project you will have a greater understanding and appreciation of the ethical considerations that engineers, government officials and citizens of any state consider before making an informed decision. Task Process Resources Evaluation Conclusion Teacher Page This Webquest is designed to have small groups of students (2-3) work together for up to 4 class periods and present on the 5th. This could be used to help students learn about the different viable energy sources and how we can use it to develop usable energy for society. Materials: Access to the internet via a computer Paper/pencils Teacher Page 8th Grade Integrated Science Core Standard: Theme Relevance Provide relevant data to support their inferences and conclusions. Use precise scientific language in oral and written communication. Use correct English in oral and written reports. Use reference sources to obtain information and cite the sources. 5. Demonstrate Awareness of Social and Historical Aspects of Science Read and look at books and other science materials voluntarily. Raise questions about objects, events, and processes that can be answered through scientific investigation. Maintain an open and questioning mind toward ideas and alternative points of view. Check reports of observations for accuracy. Accept and use scientific evidence to help resolve ecological problems. 4. Communicate Effectively Using Science Language and Reasoning Science instruction should cultivate and build on students’ curiosity and sense of wonder. ILO’s 2. Manifest Scientific Attitudes and Interests Personal relevance of science in students’ lives is an important part of helping students to value science and should be emphasized at this grade level. Providing opportunities for students to gain insights into science related careers adds to the relevance of science learning. It is important for students to understand not only the skills of science but also simple concepts of engineering. The Most Important Goal The themes for Eighth Grade Integrated Science are change and energy. Cite examples of how science affects life. Standard 4: Movement involves one form of energy being transformed into another form. Objective 4 Analyze various forms of energy and how living organisms sense and respond to energy. Trace the conversion of energy from one form of energy to another (e.g., light to chemical to mechanical). Teacher Page How to Grade For the presentation: For the research and conclusions. I evaluated and gave a score I had 6 students evaluate and took the average of all the student evaluations and compared them to mine. I graded them based on the rubric. No student involvement. For the group evaluation: I took the average of what each student gave each other, then divided it by the top score in the group. Acknowledgements Matthew Cope Daniel Carpenter Allen Plumb Christian Burrell Stacey Beadle