Study of Transport Properties in strained MOSFETs: Multi-scale Approach Maxime FERAILLE June, the 17th 2009 CIFRE Thesis prepared with collaboration of Institut des nanotechnologies de Lyon and STMicroelectronics Supervisor Co-supervisor Pr. Alain PONCET (INSA) Dr. Denis RIDEAU (STM) Study of Transport Properties in Strained MOSFETs: Multi-scale Approach Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOSFETs Transport in Strained and Confined Systems Experimental Validation for holes Conclusions June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 2 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions Outline Introduction – Context – Relation between strain and transport Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOSFETs Transport in Confined Systems Experimental validation Conclusions June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 3 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions From wafer to transistor 45° <010> <-110> Wafer S G D Transistor MOSFET <110> <110> <100> Several ten nm <1-10> 65nm technology node Wafer tilted → <100>-channel Influence of stress vs. transport orientation <001> 300mm ezz eyy <110> exx <100> Transport direction Si crystal June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 4 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions Technology Motivation Doping vs. Scaling Increasing doping leads to higher effective field Increase doping to limit short channel effects Mobility degradation Lower mobility Lower performance! Needs of technology boosters for mobility improvement June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 5 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions Performance Enhancement Process STI C. Le Cam VLSI’06 Parasitic stress… CESL SMT S. Ito IEDM’00 K. Ota IEDM’02 … stress engineering W Large Uniaxial stress <110> / <100> impact ? Uniaxial Stress June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 6 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions Industrial Transport simulation under stress Drift-diffusion m, vsat → constant stress Empirical model Piezoresistance model Advanced First investigation Monte Carlo Kubo-Greenwood m → v(k), t(k) Microscopic model stress Bandstructure calculation Including strain effects June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 7 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions Mobility variation: piezoresitance model Empirical Model: Mobility variation stress Piezoresistance tensor with only 3 coefficients p11, p12 and p44 June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 8 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions Mobility variation: piezoresitance model Coefficients measured using wafer Bending setup Uniaxial Stress Setup A Channel <110> Thomson et al., 2006 Gallon, et al., 2003 σ<110> G +p p11+p 12 44 S 2 D σ<110> Setup B Channel <100> σ<110> p11+pG12-p44 S 2 D σ<110> σ<100> Thomson et al., 2006 σ<010> p11 p12 σ<100> June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree σ<010> 9 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions Hole piezoresistance coefficients a C. M. Smith, PR 94, 42 (1954) b K. Matsuda et al., JAP 73, 1838 (1993) c S. E. Thompson et al., TED 53, 1010 (2006) d C. Channel Gallon et al., SSE 48 , 561 (2004) Stress pL [10-11.Pa-1] Bulk Si Inversion Layer in Si <110> 71.8a, 53.5b 71.7c 60d 2.8a, -2.5b 18.9c, 10.6d -66.3a, -58.5b -33.8c, -38.8d 138.1a, 112b 105.5c <100> 6.6a, -6b 9.1c <100> -1.1a, -6.2c (p11+p12+p44)/2 <100> Setup A <110> (p11+p12)/2 <-110> (p11+p12-p44)/2 p44 <100> Setup B <010> p11 p12 ≠ Deduced + & /2 1b 1.45 needs understanding June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 10 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions Industrial transport simulation under stress Drift-diffusion m, vsat → constant stress Empirical model Piezoresistance model Advanced New measurements Monte Carlo Kubo-Greenwood m → m*, v, t Microscopic model stress Bandstructure calculation Including strain effects Transport investigation June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 11 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions Conduction Bands (electrons) Relaxed Si buffer: bandstructure basics 40 meV hh and lh degenerancy Dx, Dy, Dz at G equienergy Gap Valence Bands (holes) Si ∆-valleys → {100} Kz(108.m-1) Ky(108.m-1) 50 meV Kx(108.m-1) kz [2p /a units] Kz(108.m-1) 1 Relation dispersion 0.5 Ky(108.m-1) 0 -0.5 -1 -1 Kx(108.m-1) Kz(108.m-1) -1 -0.5 0 0.5 ky [2p/a units] 0 kx [2p/a units] 11 Γ-valleys at [000] First Brillouin Zone June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree Ky(108.m-1) Kx(108.m-1) 12 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions Physical relation between strain and mobility Lattice ezz e┴ eyy (2) e║ e║xx(1) Phonons interactions Reciprocal Mobility space Silicon Stress Dispersion relation June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 13 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions Outline Introduction Bandstructure Calculations – – – – Methods Relaxed buffer Strain introduction Impact of uniaxial strain Transport in Strained nMOSFETs Transport in Confined Systems Experimental validation Conclusions June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 14 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions Bandstructure calculation methods Schrödinger Bloch function Development Methods Solving Time Plane waves Ab initio (DFT+LDA) - Kohn-Sham equation - GW correction Self-consistent Very slow Centered-Bloch function Semi-empirical EPM Pseudo-potential 30-bands k.p Coupling terms (P,Q,..) UTOX (In-house ST code) Matrix diagonalization fast very fast June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 15 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions Relaxed buffers bandstructures GW EPM k.p Si Energy [eV] Energy [eV] Ab initio calculations as relevant bandstructures Ge k.p 30 bands method parameters fitted according to a least square optimization on energies and curvature masses at several k-points D. RIDEAU, M. FERAILLE, et al., Phys. Rev. B 74, p. 195208 (2006) June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 16 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions Strain introduction Si on [111]-Ge e (2) ║ e║(1) e┴ Lattice node (continuum mecanics) Shear strain → Internal displacement EPM Pseudo-potentiall [Ry] Atoms position Ab initio Si Ge New interpolation Non local pseudo-potential (Symbol) Relaxed G2 30-bands k.p Symmetry broken Face-centered cubic Oh Perturbative theory approach Supplementary coupling parameters Methods (l ,m ,n , ..) Parameters impacted June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 17 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions Bandstructure of Bulk Si under stress Energy [eV] k.p 30 bands method parameters fitted according to a least square optimization at several k-points Conduction and valence valleys shifts GW EPM k.p Same calculations with L 10 Gpa uniaxial Relaxed stress along <110> [0.0277 0.0277 -0.0214 0 0 0] [0.0277 0.0277 -0.0214 0 0 0.0314] ε xx εyy εzz εyz εxz εxy Shear Shear component strain involves large bandstructure modification Energy [eV] uniaxial D. RIDEAU, M. FERAILLE, et al., Phys. Rev. B 74, p. 195208 (2006) June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 18 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions Uniaxial stress <110>: Conduction bands Bands displacement 1BZ ε=[0.55 0.55 -0.47 0 0 0.63] Dz –valleys coupling Proportional to εxy stress stress 2BZ Relative mass [r. u.] Masses Variations Z-point GW EPM k.p Str. <110> Stress [MPa] June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 19 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions hh lh Energy [eV] Bands displacement Uniaxial stress <110>: Valence bands so GW EPM k.p Masses Variations Stress <110> [GPa] HH valence Isoenergy surface (25meV) Stress -500 → 0 MPa June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 20 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions Key ideas on bandstructure calculations Semi-classical methods fits well Ab initio results but the computational cost is much lower Dz-valley transverse mass variation due to <110>uniaxial stress June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 21 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions Transport in strained nMOS Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOSFETs – Monte-Carlo methods – Bandstructure inclusion in Monte-Carlo Simulations – Strained nMOSFETs simulations Transport in Confined Systems Experimental validation Conclusions June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 22 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions Principle Monte-Carlo Methods Statistical solving of the Master Boltzmann Transport Equation Poisson equation Surface roughness Monte Carlo Transport phonons Ionized impurity Drain current estimation F methods Quantum-based Interactions SPARTA (ISE): Simple Particule 1 particle Qpart=Qtot June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 23 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions Structure SINANO nMOSFET High performance transistor of 65nm technology node Ngrid Tox Nldd 50 nm Lgate Tox:16Ǻ Nch 50 nm Nldd Nch:3,0 .1018 cm-3 Ngrid:1,0 .1020 cm-3 Nldd:1,0 .1020 cm-3 Lgate: 32 nm June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 24 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions Bandstructure Bandstructure inclusion in Monte-Carlo methods Scattering rates Full-band Monte-Carlo simulators Dispersion relation 30-bands k.p methods Sparta Unstrained (1/48) General strain (1/2) Meshing in k-space June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 25 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions Strained nMOSFET: current variation Tensile Ilin Compressive Current variation (%) Str <100> Str <110> 200 MPa Ilon Ilin Variation reduction high-field transport regim Ilon <100>-channel Vg-Vth=1V Ilin → Vd=0.1V Ion → Vd= 1V Vs=0V Vd Vb=0V Drain current 32 nm gate length June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree SPARTA 26 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions Strained nMOSFET: Variation summarize Variation trends with high-field transport regim Drain current Variation trends with shorter nMOSFETs Non-equilibrium effects S G D <110> <100> <110>-Oriented channel: variation between Stress <-110> <110> <100> <100>-oriented channel: Larger variation for Stress <100> <-110> → Transport re-oriented along <100> June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 27 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions Electron: Monte Carlo 3Dk vs. p-model nMOSFET 32 nm channel length Monte Carlo simulation Ilin Vd=0.1V Ilin Vd=0.1V Ch. <110> Ch. <100> Electron p44 coefficients is associated to the Dz curvature mass modification along <110> June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 28 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions Electrons inversion layer π-coefficients New electron p-coefficients determination June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 29 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions Extracted electron coefficients vs. literature Channel Stress pL [10-11.Pa-1] Bulk Si Inversion Layer in Si <110> -31.2a, -26b -35.5c,d, -48.5e, -37.7f -24.4a, -19.0b -25c,d,g, -34.9e,g, -22.4f -17.6a, -12b -14.5c,d, -21.2e, -7.1f -13.6a, -14b -21c,d,g, -27.2e,g, -30.6g (p11+p12+p44)/2 <100> (p11+p12)/2 <110> <-110> (p11+p12-p44)/2 p44 a C. M. Smith, PR 94, 42 (1954) b K. Matsuda et al., JAP 73, 1838 (1993) c S. E. Thompson et al., TED 53, 1010 (2006) d S. E. Thompson et al., IEDM , 415 (2006) e C. Gallon et al., SSE 48 , 561 (2004) f Measured Measured Deduced from Wafer Bending g Deduced from <110> and <-110> stress measurements Our measurements are consistent vs. Literature June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 30 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions Key ideas on transport in strained nMOS Experimental mobility variation is well reproduced with Monte carlo simulation p44 coefficient is related to the curvature modification of Dz valley June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 31 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions Outline Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOSFETs Transport in Confined Systems – – – – Confinement introduction Bandstructure in a relaxed Quantum Well Bandstructure in a strained Quantum Well Holes transport in confined systems Experimental validation Conclusions June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 32 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions Confinement introduction Confinement appear for Lsystem < Lbroglie Translation symmetry broken in the confinement direction 3D crystal Z L U Y → First Brillouin zone reduction to 2D X W 2D system K Z’ X’ Y’ K’ E3’ E3 E2’ E2 E1’ E1 E0’ → Sub-bands structure D4 Unstrained D2 Strained bulk E0 Strained MOSFET Inversion layer June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 33 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions Methods for confined states oxide Confined System Conduction band Channel LQW Si-ox Substrat V(z) Vc z (e.g SOI MOSFET) Vb: 0.4 Vc: 0.3 Vb Valence band LA Hamiltonian Methods k.p 30-bands k.p 6-bands Envelop function Effective Mass Approximation Plane waves : quantization mass curvature mass along the confinement direction June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 34 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions Conduction sub-bands in relaxed QW 5 nm LQW EMA 30-bands k.p First sub-bands energy map Energy shifts Good adequation between k.p 30 bands and EMA methods: isolated D-valleys <001> confinement orientation June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 35 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions Valence sub-bands in relaxed Quantum-Well <001> confinement orientation 5 nm E0 [eV] E1 E2 <100> <110> E0’ 30-bands k.p 6-bands k.p E1’ E2’ First sub-bands energy map Dispersion relation Discrepancies Increase between 6 and 30 bands k.p methods results with layer width reduction Coupling between hh and conduction Bands doesn’t exist k.p 6 bands June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 36 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions Conduction Subbands Stress impact on subbands Dz Isocontours 10 meV-spaced k.p methods Valence Subbands Stress <110> Relaxed mass modification First sub-band Isocontour 40 meV-spaced 5 nm Str <110> <001> confinement orientation June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 37 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions Dz sub-band masses vs. stress <110> LQW Str <110> Dz is the lowest sub-bands Bulk-like Strain Strain+ Confinement Enhanced variation 30-bands k.p Curvature mass <110> 2Dk vs. 3Dk Simulation expected to be in good agreements for weakly confined system D. RIDEAU, M. FERAILLE, et al., Solid- State Electronics 53, p.452 (2008). <001> confinement orientation June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 38 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions Valence subbands vs. strain <110> Str <110> 5 nm F=1MV/cm Relaxed Str <110>: 500 Mpa <001> confinement orientation June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 39 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions Static properties Holes Transport in inversion layer Self-consistent bandstructure calculations k.p-Poisson (1D)-Schrödinger solving Transport properties Bandstructure Density Inversion layer linear transport Kubo-Greenwood Transport formula June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 40 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions k.p-Poisson-Schrödinger self-consistent calculations Poisson 6-bands k.p-Schrödinger Eigenvalues , Eigenvectors -k-points mesh V(z) Confinement potential -predictor-corrector iteration scheme -Matrix eigenvalues: Lanczos + spectral transformation Bandstructure calculation June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 41 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions Kubo-Greenwood solvers transport formula coming from Boltzmann equation linearization Density Phonon relaxation time Bandstructure 3Dk 2Dk − Elastic acoustic − Inelastic nonpolar Optical Wang et al., TED 53, 1840 (2006) hh bands Stress <110> isoenergy -500 Mpa → 0 MPa Three topmost sub-bands energies June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 42 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions 3Dk vs. 2Dk Kubo-Greenwood solvers Crystal 3Dk bandstructure Self-consistent k.p-poisson Inversion layer 2Dk bandstructure Low-field Monte Carlo simulations equivalent Kubo-Greenwood mobility June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 43 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions Key ideas on transport in confined system Electrons <110>-curvature mass modification similar in 2Dk and 3Dk systems Confinement involves strong impact on hole bandstructure variation vs. Stress k.p-poison-schrödinger used in transport properties studied in hole inversion layer June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 44 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions Outline Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOSFETs Transport in Confined Systems Experimental validation for holes – – – – Wafer Bending experiments Holes mobility extraction Hole piezoresistance coefficients determination Advanced transport simulations validation Conclusions June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 45 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Strain: setup 1 Conclusions σ<110> 130nm technology node σ<100> σ<110> σ<110> G S G G D S S D D σ<100> <110> σ<110> <110> <001> Unusual <110>-oriented channel Dμ μ = p11+p12+p44 2 . σ Dμ μ = p11+p12 . σ 2 Dμ μ = p11+p12-p44 June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 2 . σ 46 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions Strain: setup 2 130nm technology node σ<100> σ<100> <110> <110> <001> σ<100> σ<100> <100> and <010>-oriented channel Dμ μ = p11 . σ Dμ μ = p12 . σ Our wafer bending experiments allows a complete determination of p-coefficients June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 47 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions mobility variation extraction Linear transport properties Vd=0.1V <110> Vd=0.1V <100> Device B Vd=0.1V Channel <110> <-110> Mobility variation extracted from drain current ratio between relaxed and strained devices K. HUET, M. FERAILLE et al., Proc. IEEE. ESSDERC, p. 234 (2008) June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 48 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions Holes inversion layer π-coefficients Device B Bulk values are not satifactory to adjust mobility variation p-coefficients must be fitted Experimental determination done. K. HUET, M. FERAILLE et al., Proc. IEEE. ESSDERC, p. 234 (2008) June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 49 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions Extracted hole coefficients vs. Literature Channel Stress pL [10-11.Pa-1] Bulk Si Inversion Layer in Si <110> 71.8a, 53.5b 71.7c,d, 60e, 78.5f (p11+p12)/2 2.8a, -2.5b 18.9c,d,g, 10.6e,g, 14.5f <-110> -66.3a, (p11+p12-p44)/2 -58.5b p44 138.1a, 112b 105.5c,d,h, 128g <100> 6.6a, -6b 9.1c,d, 6f f <100> -1.1a, 1b -6.2c,d, 23f g (p11+p12+p44)/2 <100> Setup 1 <110> <100> Setup 2 <010> p11 p12 -33.8c,d, -38.8e, -49.5f Coherent a C. M. Smith, PR 94, 42 (1954) b K. Matsuda et al., JAP 73, 1838 (1993) c S. E. Thompson et al., TED 53, 1010 (2006) d S. E. Thompson et al., IEDM , 415 (2006) e C. Gallon et al., SSE 48 , 561 (2004) New measurements Cefficients deduced from <110> and <-110> stress measurements Difference June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 50 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions Hole: Kubo-Greenwood 3Dk vs. Exp. Device B Kubo-Greenwood 3Dk fail to reproduce experiments K. HUET, M. FERAILLE,et al., Proc. IEEE. ESSDERC, p. 234 (2008) June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 51 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions Hole: Kubo-Greenwood 2Dk vs. Exp. Quantization effect must be taken into account To study transport properties in hole inversion layer under stress K. HUET, M. FERAILLE,et al., Proc. IEEE. ESSDERC, p. 234 (2008) June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 52 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions Theorical hole p-coefficient extraction Channel Bulk Si Exp. Exp. Theo. h <110> 71.8a, 53.5b 71.7c,d, 60e, 78.5f 69.5 2.8a, -2.5b 18.9c,d,h, 10.9e,h, 14.5f (p11+p12+p44)/2 <100> (p11+p12)/2 <110> <-110> (p11+p12-p44)/2 p44 <100> <010> Inversion Layer in Si Strain pL [10-11.Pa-1] -66.3a, -58.5b 138.1a, 112b <100> 6.6a, <100> -1.1a, 1b p11 p12 -6b 19.5 a C. M. Smith, PR 94, 42 (1954) b K. Matsuda et al., JAP 73, 1838 (1993) c S. E. Thompson et al., TED 53, 1010 (2006) d S. E. Thompson et al., IEDM , 415 (2006) e C. Gallon et al., SSE 48 , 561 (2004) -33.8c,d, -38.3e, -49.5f 105.5c,d,h, 128g 9.1c,d, 6f -6.2c,d, 23f -30.5 f New measurements g Cefficients 100 10.5 28.5 deduced from <110> and <-110> stress measurements h 2Dk Kubo-Greenwood simulations New complete and Consistent p-coefficients June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 53 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions Key ideas on experiments vs. simulations Presentation of new experimental data of mobility variation in strained pMOSFETs Determination of New piezoresistance coefficients values Quantization effects must accounted for in the hole inversion layer transport properties June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 54 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions Conclusions Development and benchmark of bandstructure calculations tools of bulk material under stress 3Dk transport properties analysis on nMOSFETs − Monte Carlo reproduce experimental hole mobility variation − p44 coefficient related to the Dz curvature modification under stress Transport properties studies in hole inversion layer − Development of self-consistent k.p Poisson-schrödinger calculations − Divergence between 2Dk and 3Dk Kubo-Greenwood transport solutions New Wafer Bending experiments − Consistent and complete piezoresistant coefficients determined − Quantization effects modelling are mandatory in the strained p-MOSFETs transport study June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 55 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions Perspectives 65nm CESL Stress cartography 3Dk transport properties analysis considering non uniformly stress. Stress Max Min Channel Transport in inversion layer should be examined using k.p-Poisson-Schrödinger calculations on the conduction bands Uniax. Stress Confinement impact in the high-field transport properties of short channel MOSFET structure must be studied Confrontation of measurements and advanced transport solvers solutions must be performed at high stress level June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 56 Publications Journal [1] “On the Validity of the Effective Mass Approximation and the Luttinger k.p Model in Fully Depleted SOI MOSFETs” D. RIDEAU, M. FERAILLE, M. MICHAILLAT, Y. M. NIQUET, C. TAVERNIER, and H. JAOUEN, Solid- State Electronics 53, p.452 (2008). [2] “Strained Si, Ge, and Si1-xGex alloys modeled with a first-principles-optimized full-zone k.p method” D. RIDEAU, M. FERAILLE, L.CIAMPOLINI, M. MINONDO, C. TAVERNIER, and H. JAOUEN, Phys. Rev. B 74, p. 195208 (2006). Conference Talk [1] “Experimental and Theoretical Analysis of Hole Transport in Uniaxially Strained pMOSFETS” K. HUET, M. FERAILLE, D. RIDEAU, R. DELAMARE, V. AUBRY-FORTUNA, and M.KASBARI, S. BLAYAC, C. RIVERO, A. BOURNEL, C. TAVERNIER, P. DOLLFUS, and H. JAOUEN, Proc. IEEE. ESSDERC, p. 234 (2008). [2] “Transport Masses in Strained Silicon MOSFETs with Different Channel Orientations” D. RIDEAU, M. FERAILLE, M. MICHAILLAT, C. TAVERNIER, and H. JAOUEN, Proc. IEEE. SISPAD, p. 106 (2008). [3] “On the validity of the Effective Mass Approximation and the Luttinger k.p Model in Confined and Strained 2D-Holes-Systems” D. RIDEAU, M. FERAILLE, M. SZCZAP, C. TAVERNIER, and H. JAOUEN, Proc. IEEE ULIS, p. 63 (2008). [4] “Electronic bandstructure of two dimensional strained semiconductors” M. FERAILLE and D. RIDEAU, GDR Nano, Journées - Simulation et Caractérisation -, les 19 et 20 octobre 2006, Grenoble (2006). Poster [1] “Low-Field Mobility in Strained Silicon with Full Band Monte Carlo Simulation using k.p and EPM Bandstructure” M. FERAILLE, D. RIDEAU, A. GHETTI, A. PONCET, C. TAVERNIER, and H. JAOUEN, Proc. IEEE SISPAD, p. 264 (2006). June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 57 QUESTIONS ? June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 58 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions Transport Bandstructure Multi-scale Approach (crystal) Semi-empirical − EPM (Empirical pseudo-potentiel method) Ab initio − k.p Reference calculation Parameters fitting − Monte Carlo 3Dk − Gap & m* − Kubo-Greenwood 3Dk − Piezoresistance coefficients Advanced simulations Drift-Diffusion June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 59 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions Transport Bandstructure Multi-scale Approach (inversion layer) − k.p envelop function Confinement effect Si − EMA (effective mass approximation) Parameters fitting 2Dk Piezoresistance coefficients Advanced simulations Drift-Diffusion Kubo-Greenwood June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 60 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions Methodology Strain e Bandstructures calculations Experiments Thesis work Relation -Energies E (k) -Scattering Rates t(k) Piezoresistance coefficients Transport calculations June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 61 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions k.p-Poisson-Schrödinger self-consistent calculations Poisson 6-bands k.p-Schrödinger Eigenvalues , Eigenvectors Confinement potential V(z) Isocontour 1rst subbands & Fermi distribution Profiles Bandstructure calculation June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 62 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions Biaxial stress impact on 3Dk hole mobility pMOSFET Bulk planar Degenerancy lift hh t variation lh so biaxial Stress 648MPa Scattering time variation hh lh so Relaxed K. HUET, M. FERAILLE, et al., Proc. IEEE. ESSDERC, p. 234 (2008) June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 63 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions Biaxial stress impact on 2Dk hole mobility pMOSFET Bulk planar Strain-confinement effects compensation hh lh so m* modification t variation Relaxed biaxial Stress 648MPa hh hh lh lh so compensation so 5 nm F=1MV/cm Curvature modification Scattering time variation K. HUET, M. FERAILLE,et al., Proc. IEEE. ESSDERC, p. 234 (2008) June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 64 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions Impact of uniaxial stress on 2Dk hole mobility Str <110> Str < 100> Str <-110> Tensile Compressive Mobility Variation (%) 200 MPa pMOSFET Bulk planar Str <110>: Decrease of the mobility vs. stress Str <-110>: Increase of the mobility vs. stress June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 65 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions 3Dk vs 2Dk Kubo-Greenwood simulations Str < 100> Tensile Compressive Mobility Variation (%) 200 MPa pMOSFET Bulk planar Str <100> tens.: Behaviour divergence from 2Dk and 3Dk simulations June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 66 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions Unstrained nMOSFETs: profiles 25 nm gate lenth, Vg=1V, Vd=1V 1Å cut from from Si/SiO2 interface SiO2 1 Å cut Si Channel 25 nm Using 30-bands k.p Velocity Overshoot Carrier density spreading Bulk Vsat Using 30-bands k.p Concentration Velocity Presence of non-equilibrium thermodynamic effects in short channel MOSFETs June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 67 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions Unstrained nMOSFETs: characteristics Vg Vs=0V Vd Vb=0V Using 30-bands k.p methods IdVd Drain current Using 30-bands k.p methods IdVg June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 68 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions Unstrained nMOSFETs: Ion vs. Gate length Difference increase Vg=1V Vg=1V Resistance access contribution increase with gate length reduction Differents Monte Carlo treatments of the ionized impurity scattering time and access resistance (see Fiegna et al, SISPAD 2007) June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 69 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions Valence sub-bands and masses vs. QW length LQW Discrepancies Between k.p methods Curvature mass <100> Energy shifts Coupling between hh and conduction Bands doesn’t exist k.p 6 bands Mass variation vs. confinement strength not reproduced by EMA methods D. RIDEAU, M. FERAILLE, et al., Solid- State Electronics 53, p.452 (2008) June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 70 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions Conduction sub-bands and masses vs. QW length <001> confinement orientation LQW 30-bands k.p EMA 30-bands k.p Curvature mass <110> Energy shifts Good adequation between k.p 30 bands and EMA methods: isolated D-valleys Mass variation vs. confinement strength not reproduced by EMA methods D. RIDEAU, M. FERAILLE, et al., Solid- State Electronics 53, p.452 (2008) June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 71 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations σ<110> G S <110> σ<100> <110> <001> G σ<110> G D Conclusions Device B Type Device A Device B nMOS pMOS pMOS <110> <001> 130 nm Technology <110> σ<100> D σ<100> S Experimental Validation σ<100> D S Transport in confined Systems Devices measured Device A σ<110> Transport in Strained nMOS Oxide type GO2 GO1 Tox (Ǻ) 85 21 Channel orientation <110> <100>, <010> and <110> Strain Orientation <110>, <100> and <110> <100>, <110> and <110> σ<100> σ<100> σ<110> June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 72 Introduction Bandstructure Calculations Transport in Strained nMOS Transport in confined Systems Experimental Validation Conclusions Wafer Bending experiments R curvature e thickness Stress estimation: : Young’s modulus ST Rousset-Crolles collaboration Well-defined stress June 17th 2009 – Defense of M. FERAILLE’s thesis to obtain the Ph.D degree 73