Wiener Filtering ECE 7251: Spring 2004 Lecture 19 2/18/04 Prof. Aaron D. Lanterman School of Electrical & Computer Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology AL: 404-385-2548 <> Copyright 2004 Aaron Lanterman The Setup • Context: Bayesian linear MMSE estimation for random sequences • Parameter sequence { k , k Z} • Data sequence {Yk , k I Z} • Goal: Estimate { k } as a linear function of the observations: ˆk ( y) h(k , j ) y j jI • Find h to minimize mean square error Copyright 2004 Aaron Lanterman O.P. to the Rescue • By the orthogonality principle, * k k i * j k i jI * E[(ˆ (Y ) )Y ] 0 for i I E[( h(k , j )Y )Y ] 0 h(k , j ) E[Y Y ] E[ Y ] h( k , j ) r ( j , i ) r ( k , i ) j i jI Y jI • * k i Y If processes are stationary, we can write h( k , j ) r ( j i ) r jI Y Y slight abuse of notation Copyright 2004 Aaron Lanterman (k i ) WienerHopf Equation Spectral Representation • If I Z it turns out the filter is LTI: h( k j ) r ( j i ) r (k i ) WLOG, consider i=0: h(k j )r ( j ) r jI Y Y jI Y Y (k ) • Can solve W-H in the Z-transform domain: H ( z )SY ( z ) SY ( z ) SY ( z ) H ( z) SY ( z ) Copyright 2004 Aaron Lanterman Mean Square Error (1) 2 ˆ • MSE = E[| (k (Y )) | ] ˆ ˆ E[(k (Y ))(k (Y ))] (by O.P.) ˆ E[(k (Y ))k ] E[(k ˆ(Y ))ˆ (Y )] ˆ E[k ] E[ k (Y )k ]] k Copyright 2004 Aaron Lanterman Mean Square Error (2) ˆ MSE E[k ] E[ k (Y )k ]] E[k ] E[ h(k j )Y j k ]] k k jI E[ k ] h(k j ) E[Y j ] k jI r (0) h(k j ) rY ( j k ) jI • Since everything is stationary, can just take k=0 MSE r (0) (h rY )(0) Copyright 2004 Aaron Lanterman k Mean Square Error (3) MSE r (0) (h rY )(0) S ( ) H ( ) SY ( )d SY ( ) S ( ) SY ( )d SY ( ) | SY ( ) | S ( ) d SY ( ) 2 Copyright 2004 Aaron Lanterman Deblurring • Suppose object is observed through a blurring point spread function f and additive noise W Yk ( f )k Wk • Suppose and W are uncorrelated zero-mean • Recall from ECE6601: 2 Y W Y Y S F S S and S • F S So the Wiener filter is SY ( z ) F ( z ) S ( z ) H ( z) 2 SY ( z ) F ( z ) S ( z ) SW ( z ) Copyright 2004 Aaron Lanterman Interpretation of the Deblurring Filter • If noise is negligible, i.e. SW ( ) 0 F S F S 1 H ( ) 2 F S SW FF S F • Even if there is no noise, in implementation, straight division by F() is often ill-posed and not a good idea (round off errors, etc.) Copyright 2004 Aaron Lanterman Deblurring Error | SY ( ) | MSE S ( ) d SY ( ) 2 2 F ( ) | S ( ) | S ( ) d 2 F ( ) S ( ) SW ( ) 2 S [ F S SW ] F | S | 2 2 F S SW 2 S SW F S SW 2 d Copyright 2004 Aaron Lanterman 2 d Competing Approaches • Competing approaches include iterative methods such as the “Richardson-Lucy” algorithm (an EM-style procedure) – Computationally intensive – Can naturally incorporate nonnegativity – Sometimes better match to real statistics Copyright 2004 Aaron Lanterman Discussion • Advantage of Wiener approach: – LTI filtering implementation • Disadvantages of Wiener approach: – No natural way to incorporate nonnegativity constraints (in image processing, for instance) – Only truly optimal for Gaussian statistics Copyright 2004 Aaron Lanterman Real-Time Wiener Filtering • What if we don’t have “future” measurements? • Must restrict h to be causal • Solution: 1 SY ( z ) H ( z) SY ( z ) SY ( z ) where the meaning of the plus and minus superscripts and subscripts will be defined on later slides Copyright 2004 Aaron Lanterman Spectral Factorization • If Y has a spectrum satisfying the PaleyWiener criterion: log S Y ( )d then the spectrum can be factored as SY ( ) S ( ) S ( ) Y where 1 Y 1 Y Y FF {S } is causal FF {S } is anticausal Copyright 2004 Aaron Lanterman Factoring Rational Spectra • If the spectrum is a ratio of polynomials, we can factor as Y Y Y Y 1 SY ( z ) S ( z ) S ( z ) S ( z ) S ( z ) Poles and zeros inside unit circle Poles and zeros outside unit circle • Aside: spectral factorization into causal and anticausal factors is analogous to Cholesky decomposition of a covariance matrix into lower and upper triangular factors Copyright 2004 Aaron Lanterman Causal Part Extraction • We can split f into its causal and anticausal parts: f (k ) { f (k )} { f (k )} causal anticausal f (k ) f (k )u(k ), { f (k )} f (k )u(k 1) • Use similar notation for Z-transform domain F ( z ) {F ( z )} {F ( z )} 1 {F } ZZ {Z Z {F }u (k )} 1 {F } Z Z {ZZ {F}u (k 1)} Copyright 2004 Aaron Lanterman How to Extract Causal Parts • If F is a ratio of polynomials can usually do a partial fraction expansion: F ( z ) {F ( z )} {F ( z )} Poles and zeros inside unit circle Poles and zeros outside unit circle • Can also do polynomial long division (see Ed Kamen’s book) • Almost always a total pain and really annoying Copyright 2004 Aaron Lanterman