Building a Web Self-Service Portal: Keys to Success

“Building a Web Self-Service
Keys to Success”*
Paul M. Dooley
Optimal Connections LLC
HDI World Conference
March 9-12, 2008
Also an HDI
“Focus Book”
The Trend today: Customer Empowerment
What’s in It for You and the Customer?
Popular Portal Applications
Key Steps in Implementing Your Webbased Portal
• Keeping it Going for Continued Success
• Q&A
Optimal Connections, LLC
The Trend Today: Customer
• The trend today is toward globalization, 7 x
24 coverage, and multi-channel support.
Customers are asking for…
Choices – to get support how and when they want it
Convenience - the right reporting channel for the issue
Availability - to avoid problems in the first place!
Empowerment - to be informed
Return on Investment - to get the most from their system
People – rather than big media - are taking a big part
themselves in creating and driving media (witness
YouTube and similar web destinations)
Traditional news media are now migrating to an
online format
In fact, any business without a respectable web
site is like a business without business cards –
its just plain expected these days!
Optimal Connections, LLC
The Web is “power to the people”
• More than ever, its power to the people - with new web trends
such as …
– Wikis – where the people publish the content themselves under the guidance of
a hosting organization
– Blogs – web logs where individuals share their thoughts, opinions and advice via
online journals
– Personal websites – via tools like MySpace, that are forming a new
communications platform for people
In the IT industry, the trend is for the support centers to function more like a
business, where end-users are treated like “customers” and the emphasis
is on keeping costs to a minimum, while maximizing productivity,
customer and employee satisfaction
One important way to accomplish this three-fold purpose is to deploy an
effective web self-service portal for customers
Optimal Connections, LLC
What’s in It
for Customers
Access support anytime – a web support portal is
available whenever customers need help – 7 x 24.
Better understanding of the support center – with
easy access to SLAs, policies, and info, expectations are
more accurately set.
Increased availability of solutions – customers enjoy
increased and faster access to common solutions
Higher system availability – fast access to solutions
leads to higher uptime and customer satisfaction
The ability to collaborate with other customers – a
web portal provides the ability to chat with customers
Ability to influence support services – by submitting
feedback, requests for enhancements
Optimal Connections, LLC
What’s in It
for the Support Center
Makes it easy for customers to do business with you
– Access: customer satisfaction driver
– Position as being available 7 x 24
Publish services and set accurate expectations
– Key to satisfaction: accurate expectations
– Service catalogs and SLAs are key
– Communicate your service offerings
Enable customers as “support partners” – let customers access solutions
Make it convenient to submit service requests
– Service requests are planned don’t necessarily demand phone support
– Can be handled more cost-effectively via a portal
Be proactive and avoid problems
– Tell customers about problems before they encounter them!
– Reduces costs, increases customer satisfaction, productivity
Keep Customers Informed
– By handling “How To” questions, status requests, or misc. questions.
Optimal Connections, LLC
What’s in It
for the Support Center
Collaborate with and enable customers
– Let them take on more of the support challenge – posting enhancements,
sharing tips, submitting solutions, updates
Market your value
– Use the web as a platform to market your value
– Display your mission, publish successes, and promote your value
Create a competitive differentiation
– Set your support center apart. Today its all about ‘standing out’.
Reduce costs
– Through self-service, proactive problem management
– Do more work with the same level of staff and infrastructure.
Improve performance
– By reducing incidents, staff will have increased time for the back log
Improve effectiveness and efficiency
– Reporting status, answering “how to” questions, and processing service
requests can be handled much more effectively
Optimal Connections, LLC
Popular Web Portal Applications
and Sample Portal
• Automated Status Reporting
• Web incident entry/update for customers
• Answer “How to” questions and provide solutions
to simple repetitive problems
• Process routine service requests
• Provide proactive advisories
• Download center for updates
• Fast access to online documentation
• Enable customer collaboration with
• Publish service levels and a service
• Keep customers informed about
Optimal Connections, LLC
Popular Web Portal Applications
Automated Status Reporting
• More timely status reporting is an opportunity for improvement in
most support centers
– By maintaining a ‘user profile’ and integrating it with your SMS, your
portal can keep customers informed about their incident status
– Report by number, location, date, and other criteria.
– Summary information and drill down reporting should be available
– Set expectations more accurately, and keeps customers informed
– Maintains customer satisfaction levels
– Averts incoming calls for status, lowering costs and ensuring higher
– Analyst writing skills
– Quality incident logs to capture timely & accurate incident status
– Web integration with your SMS to automate the process
Optimal Connections, LLC
Automated Status Reporting
Easy Access to Status
Optimal Connections, LLC
Popular Web Portal Applications
Log or Update Incidents
Customers enter/ update incidents by themselves for lower priority issues
– Higher priority phoned in (guidelines)
Tip: enforce a search of the KB first before allowing entry!
– Otherwise you risk unnecessary incidents (a solution may be available)
– Key: if no solution, then allow electronic incident entry
Route incidents and requests to your normal queues
– Avoiding the need for special monitoring
– Establish metrics for service requests as well as incidents!
– More cost-effective way of handling low priority incidents and requests
– Convenient access and empowerment for customers
– Forms-based entry provides superior formatting, control, over email
– Web integration to SMS
– Metrics, monitoring and reporting for quality assurance
Optimal Connections, LLC
Log or Update Incidents
Sample Entry Screens
Optimal Connections, LLC
Popular Web Portal Applications
Provide Answers and Solutions
Provide fast answers to the top Frequently Asked Questions
Access to simple, re-usable solutions and answer common questions
– Through easy, fast access to an integrated, effective knowledge base
– Quick answers to common questions, resolve simple repetitive problems
– Empowers customers, lowers costs, raises productivity
– Integration of your KB to your Service Management System and the web
– A well maintained and solution rich Knowledge Centered Support (KCS)
– Providing access to only “customer ready” solutions
– Knowledge Monitoring and measuring for quality and effectiveness
– A “top ten” list of FAQs should also be auto-generated from the KB and
posted to the portal.
Optimal Connections, LLC
Providing Answers and Solutions
Sample Screen
Optimal Connections, LLC
Popular Web Portal Applications
Reset Passwords
• One of the biggest sources of repeat calls
– 30-50% of calls, in fact, indicates a recent study *.
• A significant potential cost saving for many help desks
– Since many end-users could easily reset their own passwords if
– Deploy one of the many software solutions through your web portal to
enable customers, freeing your staff for more pressing incidents
• Benefits:
– Empowers customers to resolve these simple service requests faster,
while freeing up your staff for other work.
– Lowers costs and improves staff productivity
• Challenges:
– Integrating password reset tool to your web portal
– Providing for security policy compliance
– Encouraging, educating and training users to use
Optimal Connections, LLC
* IDC Report
Reset Passwords
Sample 3rd Party Tool Screens
Sample apps:
Optimal Connections, LLC
Popular Web Portal Applications
Enter Service Requests
• 7 x 24 support for lower priority service requests
• Reserve valuable phone support time for processing higher
priority unplanned incidents
– Position the web as your “preferred channel” for handing
planned routine service requests.
– Examples: Change requests, requests for upgrades or upgrades, other
non-defect related requests, enhancement requests
• Benefits:
– Conserves valuable analyst phone time for handling incidents
– More cost-effective, automated handling of service requests
– Convenient 7 x 24 hour access for customers
• Challenges:
– Monitoring responsiveness to the channel for efficient service request
processing, so as to meet customer expectations
– Service catalog integration, automated fulfillment on back end
Optimal Connections, LLC
Popular Web Portal Applications
Deliver Proactive Advisories
• Keep customers informed about known errors and ways
to avoid potential problems through timely “service
advisory” bulletins
– Timely bulletins describe reported known problems, and include
advice on how to avoid the issue
– A component of proactive “Problem Management”
• Benefits:
– Consistent with ITIL Problem Management, this practice helps
customers avoid problems in the first place – ensuring higher
productivity, uptime, and customer satisfaction
– Also lowers support costs by avoiding incidents in the first place
• Challenges:
– Implementation of a supporting Problem Management process
– Standard forms and supporting procedures, automation
Optimal Connections, LLC
Popular Web Portal Applications
Deliver Proactive Advisories
Optimal Connections, LLC
Popular Web Portal Applications
Provide Routine Updates
• Leverage your web portal to cost-effectively provide
access to popular minor updates and upgrades
– Avoid sending out CDs or DVDs, and reduce costs
– Provide updates or upgrades to software cost-effectively via a
“downloads” center.
• Benefits:
– Reduces cost for the support center, while providing convenient
7 x 24 access to popular updates and upgrades. Relieves the
administrative burden of providing these updates.
• Challenges:
– Only use for low risk updates and upgrades. More complex or
critical software updates may require service and support
assistance to ensure trouble-free installation and configuration.
Optimal Connections, LLC
Provide Routine Updates
Sample Screen
Optimal Connections, LLC
Popular Web Portal Applications
Deliver Online Documentation
• Customers want access, and we want them to be informed about
how to use their systems
• Examples:
– Publish your life-cycle support policy. Set customer expectations.
– Your analysts need the customer to refer to a user guide, manual, or
other set of instructions from time to time – why make things difficult?
– Equip customers with HTML and PDF access
– HTML enables search, and PDF provides easy download
• Benefits:
– Speeds incident resolution and lowers cost – no searching for the
right manual! An easy way to ensure the customer always has the
proper manual for the job at hand!
• Challenges:
– Integration with a document management system
– Timely updates to ensure accuracy
Optimal Connections, LLC
Popular Web Portal Applications
Deliver Online Documentation
Optimal Connections, LLC
Popular Web Portal Applications
Enable Customer Collaboration
• Enable interactive, real-time two-way chat with customers
– Extends self-service web portal to assisted service
– Some audiences prefer this method (ie, gaming)
– Can be integrated with Click-to-Talk, making it easy to transition to
• Analysts can handle multiple sessions simultaneously
• Benefits:
– Positions you as more flexible, ‘customer-centric’
– Decreases phone costs, as some incidents transition to chat
– Can boost analyst productivity through multi-tasking,
canned replies
– Helps ensure self-service experience is successful
• Challenges:
– Lacks provision for ‘tone of voice’, handling emotions
– Integrating with a SMS to log, track sessions
– Requires that analysts have typing, multi-tasking skills
Optimal Connections, LLC
LivePerson, Inc 2002
Enable Customer Collaboration
Sample Chat Screen
Sample apps:
Optimal Connections, LLC
Popular Web Portal Applications
Publish Service Levels
• Negotiating and documenting Service Level Agreements (SLAs)
doesn’t do anyone any good if the contents of those agreements
aren’t communicated to customers and the help desk!
– Customers need to know what to expect, and staff need to know at what
level to deliver depending on the customer
– Provide a link to “Your Service Levels”, informing the customers about
the contents, terms and conditions of their SLA.
• Benefits:
– More effective communications of SLA contents
– Expectations more accurately set and higher customer satisfaction
• Challenges:
– Be sure that any changes to SLAs are reflected in a timely fashion
– Empower Service Level Management to make changes and updates as
needed to reflect agreements and service levels in force
– Integration with a Service Catalog
Optimal Connections, LLC
Popular Web Portal Applications
Provide a Service Catalog
• Beside SLAs, let customers know about your services!
• Start with basics: listing the various services you provide and
informing customers in business terms.
– Describe services as products
– Include name, description, typical user, features/benefits, availability
• Include other helpful information with your service catalog to help
customers in deciding which services they need.
– Providing pricing information (value)
– Eventually provide links so that once a customer has selected a given
service, they go directly to automated service request entry!
• Benefits: more customer and business centric – making it “easy to
do business” with the support center and IT
• Challenges: planning your catalog; defining and documenting your
“services”; building, deploying, promoting and maintaining the
Optimal Connections, LLC
Provide a Service Catalog
Sample apps:
Optimal Connections, LLC
5 Key Steps
to Implementing Your
Web Portal
Optimal Connections, LLC
Step 1: Develop and Present a
Business Case
• Develop and Present a Sound Business Case - Before you do
• Why?
– Sets expectations for management on what to expect (and not expect)
– Defines a mission, clear goals and objectives, a time table, and
milestones in the development and deployment of your portal
– Lays out projected costs with a Cost/Benefits Analysis, proposed
investment (people, hardware, software, etc.), a projected Return on
Investment (ROI), an Action Plan and a projected timeframe for roll-out.
– Defines Key Success Factors, so you’ll know when you’ve arrived at
– Simply good business practice – reinforcing the notion that you “run
your support center like a business”
Optimal Connections, LLC
How to Develop and Present a
Business Case
 1. Complete a situation analysis
 Document the current situation with respect to customer self-service
 Establishes a “baseline” for later evaluation
 2. Define your Goals and Expected Benefits
– Identify and prioritize the key goals for your portal
– Identify the biggest quick “wins” – prioritize these, and implement those
features first to gain early successes in the rollout
• 3. Summarize your proposed solution:
Provide an overview of the design, features, and functions.
Summarize costs
Project timeline
List assumptions and risks, with contingencies
Spell out goals and benefits
Provide cost justification, with ROI projection
Optimal Connections, LLC
How to Develop and Present a
Business Case
• 4. Quantify cost savings expected to be realized
– Provide projected estimates of cost savings, based on achieving the
expected goals and realizing the benefits
– Convert each projected benefit – performance improvement or cost
reduction - into a dollar figure. Include a simple table to illustrate your
assumptions and estimates
Reduce incoming incidents for simple repetitive issues that
customers can resolve themselves. “How to” FAQs, re-usable
customer ready solutions.
50 calls per week, x 52 weeks = 2600 incidents,
2600 incidents x average cost of $12/incident = $31,200
Optimal Connections, LLC
How to Develop and Present a
Business Case
• 5. Estimate Portal Development and Deployment Costs.
– Itemize project costs; compare total projected costs to estimate savings
Examples of costs to factor in: Projected support team costs
software costs, hardware costs, annual hosting costs, professional
services, on-going admin and support costs
• 6. Assemble Your Business Case
– Assemble the output and document a logical business case, with
supporting logic and information.
– Include costs, benefits, and savings over time to illustrate ROI
• 7. Moment of Truth: Present Your Case to Management
– Present the compelling business case to management to secure
management commitment, support and funding
– Then launch the project and get going!
Optimal Connections, LLC
Step 2: Lay the Ground Work!
Assemble Your Team & Plan
• Like any other strategic initiative, this one deserves..
– A focused cross-functional team of Subject Matter Experts
– Budget commitment of people, time and resources
– A project lead & well defined project plan
• Incorporate team best-practices
• Engage your Marketing Department
– Don’t ignore your marketing dept!
– Usually responsible for the “image” to the customer and marketplace
– Especially important if you are planning an externally facing portal
• Involve Your Web Team
– A valuable resource for technical support, resources, and on-going
– Make them part of your team so you can work together to make the
portal a reality!
Optimal Connections, LLC
Lay the Ground Work
Ensure Quality Processes
• Provide for Quality in Your Support Center
– For a web self-service portal to be successful, you must have solid
supporting processes in place within your support center
– These must be positioned to effectively support the customer portal
– Otherwise you seriously compromise your success
• Key elements for support within the center include:
– Business style writing skills
– Quality logging of incident and service request (standards, QA
– Support systems that lend themselves to web integration
– The ability to budget supporting resources – tools, people,
Optimal Connections, LLC
Step 3: Develop Based on
Best Practices
• Align it with Your Organization’s Web Site
– Should have the same “look and feel”
– Your portal is your image – align it with your organization’s web
• Make it FAST!
Why users are going to your site? Searching for a solution.
Response and resolution time are key customer satisfaction drivers
Beware of fancy features which slow down performance!
Emphasize fast display, fast loading, and fast response
• Integrate it into your systems to minimize manual updates
• To manage, use a web metrics tool to measure and report on:
– Number of page visits, unique visitors, repeat visitors
– Most popular pages, least visited pages
– Knowledge base (if used) visitors; % growth in solutions; % of visits
successful; solution re-use; most popular authors
– Effectiveness of KB and other tools
Optimal Connections, LLC
Develop Based on
Best Practices
• Keep it Simple and Easy to Use
– Be compatible with the parent site
– Pay attention to easy navigation and usage
– If you can “personalize” it, so much the better 
• Make it Engaging!
– Keep all critical resources 1-3 clicks away
– Like your analysts, your portal should greet the customer!
• Make it Easy to Find via the Search Engines!
– “If you build it, they will come”. Not true.
– Most people arrive at a web sites through a search engine – about
80%; only a small percentage by knowing the URL.
– Make your web support site easy to locate!
– Optimize your site so that search engines rank your site
at the top of the list when someone types a relevant
search phrase
Optimal Connections, LLC
Step 4: Treat Rollout
Like a Product Launch
• Once you’ve designed, developed and tested your new
web self-service portal, you’re ready for roll-out.
• This is “the moment of truth”, so we suggest managing
your rollout just like any important new product or
– Realize this is “your face” to the customer!
– Done right is can be very effective and successful. Reduced
costs, increased productivity and customer satisfaction.
– Done wrong, and you end up with disappointed customers, and
a difficult recovery (first impressions matter!).
Optimal Connections, LLC
Treat Rollout
Like a Product Launch
• Establish a “Product Manager” and supporting team
• Have a Release Plan
• Rollout it out in Phases
Internal rollout first
Beta phase (key customers and users)
Early adopters
Full rollout
• Consider “branding” your portal
• Position it properly as an “expansion of services”
• Assess feedback and you go, and communicate
successes early and often!
Optimal Connections, LLC
Step 5: Keeping it Going
Ensuring Continuing Success!
• This is now one of your key support channels - don’t neglect it!
• Market it on an on-going basis
Play a recording while customers on are ‘hold’
Promote its use via your analysts (during silent time)
Offer a free online “demo”
Post the URL everywhere!
• Keep it current through automated updates and effective
• Report success to your staff, management, and customers
• Assess your ROI against your initial “baseline” and move ahead into
the future!
Optimal Connections, LLC
Go For It: Take it to the Next Level
with Your Web Portal!
You’ll be more Customer and Business Centric –
making it easier for customers “to do business” with
You’ll Lower Costs – by enabling customers to
solve simple issues themselves
You’ll Raise Productivity – helping customers avoid
problems in the first place, resolving simple issues
quicker. Higher uptime results, along with higher productivity.
You’ll Be More Proactive – staff will have more opportunity to engage in
proactive problem management, eliminating the source of problems
You’ll Differentiate Yourself from the Competition – by virtue of the fact
that you offer an effective, proactive means to assist customers.
Optimal Connections, LLC
• Check out HDI’s Focus book “Building a Web SelfService Portal: Keys to Success”
• Visit ASP’s web site and download
the standards for “the best web support sites”
• Use HDI’s Knowledge Management ROI calculator as a
guide in developing hard numbers for you business
case. Available at, manager’s toolkit.
Optimal Connections, LLC
What are You Waiting for? –
Get Started!
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Optimal Connections, LLC