How Can I help with my child's learning at home?


How Can I help with my child’s learning at home?

There are lots of things that you can do as a parent to assist your child with their learning. Here are some things you might like to do at home:

Please keep going through the phonics folder with your child, and support them with blending the sounds together.

This half term your child will bring home a login for RMeasimaths program which will support the maths they are learning in school.

Useful websites for fun learning activities

- both literacy and numeracy

- covers KS1 too so some activities will be more challenging

St Teresa’s Catholic Primary School

St George’s Avenue

Thornton – Cleveleys




Please ensure that absences are kept to a minimum this term. Our aim is to achieve at least 97% attendance this year. With your support we can achieve this.

Please inform the office of any absences on the first day.

Requests for leave during term time will continue to be unauthorised in line with our policy and Government guidelines.

If you wish to discuss any issues around attendance do not hesitate in contacting Mrs Gradwell our School

Attendance Officer, Mrs Ankers, Mrs Brice or Mrs



01253 852457

St Teresa’s


Primary School

Curriculum Newsletter

Spring Term II 2016

Sycam ore

Mrs. Southworth

From smallest to greatest …

in the excitement of Christmas and our

Nativity Production.

As the weather is now changing please


writing for different purposes, these will include:-

Labels, instructions, descriptions and writing simple stories.

The children will be putting their reading skills to practise following reading trails and guided reading sessions.

They will also focus on new sounds and HFW during phonic sessions.


This half term Reception will be developing scientific skills of observing, measuring and recording.

Religious Education


During this half term, we begin Lent and start to look forward to Easter. This is a time when we reflect on our lives and on how the things we do affect the lives of others. We will be looking at the

Stations of the Cross as a whole school and

Reception children will be reflecting on the

Seventh station – “Jesus falls for the second time” and the Fourteenth station – “Jesus is laid in the tomb”. The children will help produce a display to reflect on these two stations. During the last week of term you will be invited over to the church to take part in the Stations of the Cross; an opportunity to see the work covered across the school.


Children will continue to celebrate worship sessions within the classroom, some linked to the Sunday scriptures others linked to various themes in the RE lessons taught by

Mrs. Tickle, in particular LENT and the

Easter Story.

Physical Development

Mrs Tickle will continue teaching Physical

Development this half term on Mondays and


Please ensure your child’s PE kit is labelled and that hair is tied back.

Our Topic

Which was the biggest dinosaur?


Did you know –

The word dinosaur means “terrible lizard”?

Which was the largest dinosaur?

How long was a T-Rex’s tooth?

Reception will be finding out the answers to these questions and developing their knowledge all about dinosaurs. They will go on reading trails to discover hidden

“dinosaur objects” and will help set up an outside role play area – “Dinosaur Dig“ with trails to follow and fossils to make etc.

There will also be an area to dig for lost treasures! They will set up a ticket office and make tickets and leaflets to support their role play.

A note from Mrs. Southworth……

Welcome back to the second half of the spring term. This is only a short term but there are lots of exciting things happening and dates for the diary. As always if you have any concerns or worries throughout the term then please do not hesitate to call in.
