In Class SQL Queries – Part II CSE 4701 Homework 3 from Spring 2015 Problem 6.18 from the 6th edition done in SQL and NOT relational expressions Problem 4.10 in 6th edition Chapter 5-1 Homework 3 from Spr 2015 CSE 4701 Problem 6.18 from the 6th edition done in SQL and NOT relational expressions Chapter 5-2 c. Retrieve the names of all borrowers who do not have any books checked out CSE 4701 SELECT Name FROM BORROWER B WHERE NOT EXIST ( SELECT * FROM BOOK_LOANS L WHERE B.CardNo = L.CardNo ) Chapter 5-3 e. For each library branch, retrieve the branch name and the total number of books loaned out from that branch. CSE 4701 SELECT L.BranchName, COUNT(*) FROM BOOK_COPIES B, LIBRARY_BRANCH L WHERE B.BranchId = L.BranchId GROUP BY L.BranchName Chapter 5-4 f. Retrieve the names, addr, and num of books checked out for all borrowers who have more than five books checked out. CSE 4701 SELECT B.CardNo, B.Name, B.Address, COUNT(*) FROM BORROWER B, BOOK_LOANS L WHERE B.CardNo = L.CardNo GROUP BY B.CardNo HAVING COUNT(*) > 5 Chapter 5-5 Homework 3 from Spr 2015 Problem 4.10 in 6th edition CSE 4701 Chapter 5-6 Problem 4.10 in 6th edition CSE 4701 Chapter 5-7 (a) Retrieve the names of employees in department 5 who work more than 10 hours per week on the 'ProductX' project CSE 4701 SELECT LNAME, FNAME FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE DNO=5 AND SSN IN ( SELECT ESSN FROM WORKS_ON WHERE HOURS>10 AND PNO IN ( SELECT PNUMBER FROM PROJECT WHERE PNAME='ProductX' ) ) LNAME FNAME Smith John English Joyce Chapter 5-8 (e) Retrieve the names of employees who work on every project. CSE 4701 SELECT LNAME, FNAME FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT PNUMBER FROM PROJECT WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM WORKS_ON WHERE PNUMBER=PNO AND ESSN=SSN ) ) Result (empty): Chapter 5-9 (f) Retrieve the names of employees who do not work on any project. CSE 4701 SELECT LNAME, FNAME FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM WORKS_ON WHERE ESSN=SSN ) Result (empty): Chapter 5-10 (i) Find the names/addrs of employees who work on at least one project in Houston but whose dept has no location in Houston. CSE 4701 SELECT LNAME, FNAME, ADDRESS FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM WORKS_ON, PROJECT WHERE SSN=ESSN AND PNO=PNUMBER AND PLOCATION='Houston' ) AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM DEPT_LOCATIONS WHERE DNO=DNUMBER AND DLOCATION='Houston' ) Result: LNAME FNAME ADDRESS Wallace Jennifer 291 Berry, Bellaire, TX Chapter 5-11 (j) List the last names of dept managers who have no dependents. CSE 4701 SELECT LNAME, FNAME FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM DEPARTMENT WHERE SSN=MGRSSN ) AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM DEPENDENT WHERE SSN=ESSN ) Result: LNAME FNAME Borg James Chapter 5-12 In Class SQL Queries – Part I Explaining Northwind Schema CSE 4701 Suppliers: A Suppliers Contact Info and web link. Products: Names, suppliers, and Prices Categories: Categories of Northwind products such as Beverages, Condiments, Confections, Dairy Products, Grains/Cereals, Meat/Poultry, Produce, Seafood Orders: For each Customer with dates &Shipping Order Details: Products, quantities, and price. Employees: Typical Info. Customers: Typical Info. Shippers: Typical Info. ANN.13 Northwind Schema CSE 4701 ANN.14 Northwind Schema – Key Types CSE 4701 ANN.15 Prob 1: All Products Less that 10 return all columns. CSE 4701 SELECT * FROM NORTHWIND.PRODUCTS WHERE UNITPRICE < 10; ANN.16 Prob 2: List products that is between 10 to 20 dollars by Price in Descending order CSE 4701 SELECT * FROM NORTHWIND.PRODUCTS WHERE UNITPRICE >= 10 AND UNITPRICE <= 20 ORDER BY UNITPRICE DESC; ANN.17 Prob 3: List all the products in Beverages category, with its ProductID, Product Name, and Price, and CATGORYNAME by Price. SELECT PRODUCTID, PRODUCTNAME, UNITPRICE, CATEGORYNAME NORTHWIND.PRODUCTS, NORTHWIND.CATEGORIESWHERE PRODUCTS.CategoryID = CATEGORIES.CategoryID AND Categories.CategoryName="Beverages“ ORDER BY UNITPRICE; CSE FROM 4701 ANN.18 Prob 4: Find and print the company names and company addresses of all Suppliers that supply the category name Seafood. SELECT DISTINCT suppliers.CompanyName, suppliers.Address FROM northwind.suppliers, northwind.categories, CSE northwind.products 4701 WHERE suppliers.SupplierID = products.SupplierID AND categories.CategoryID = products.CategoryID AND categories.CategoryName = 'Seafood'; ANN.19 Prob 5: Count and print the number of suppliers for each of the eight different categories of food SELECT categories.CategoryName, COUNT(suppliers.SupplierID) CSE FROM northwind.categories, northwind.products, 4701 northwind.suppliers WHERE suppliers.SupplierID = products.SupplierID AND products.categoryID = categories.CategoryID GROUP BY categories.CategoryName; ANN.20 In Class SQL Queries Explaining Chinook Schema CSE 4701 Employees and Customers are Two Main DB Users Repository Track Artists and Their Albums Each Album has Multiple Tracks Tracks are of a Particular Media and Genre Customers can Also Create Playlists of Tracks Customers have Invoices Each Invoice has Multiple Lines Each Line References one Track ANN.21 CSE 4701 Chinook EER ANN.22 nook_Schema&referringTitle=Documentation CSE 4701 ANN.23 What Does Data Look Like? CSE 4701 StevesSongs PL12, PL12, PL12, PL13, T3 T5 T7 T3 T3, Hello, A1 T4, Bye, A1 T5, MySong, A1 etc. ANN.24 Prob 6: Customers and Employees that have the same last name and print out the Last Name (only once), Address, City, and State for each. SELECT employee.LastName, employee.Address, employee.City, employee.State, customer.Address, CSE, customer.state 4701 FROM chinook.employee, chinook.customer WHERE employee.LastName = customer.LastName; ANN.25 Prob 7: Customer Names and Company Name of all Customers that have purchased a Rock Album. (where Name is ‘Rock’ in Genre table). SELECT DISTINCT customer.FirstName, customer.LastName, customer.Company FROM chinook.customer, chinook.invoice, chinook.invoiceline, CSE chinook.track, chinook.genre 4701 WHERE customer.CustomerId = invoice.CustomerId AND invoice.InvoiceId = invoiceline.InvoiceId AND invoiceline.TrackId = track.TrackId AND track.GenreId = genre.GenreId AND = 'rock'; ANN.26 Prob 8: Album name and tracks of all of the albums by the composer James Hetfield, grouped by Album. CSE 4701 Find all of print album name and tracks of all of the albums by the composer James Hetfield, grouped by Album What Does Data for Track Look Like? SELECT NAME, COMPOSER FROM CHINOOK.TRACK; ANN.27 Prob 8: Album name and tracks of all of the albums by the composer James Hetfield, grouped by Album. CSE 4701 There are other Spellings to Consider: J. Hetfield There are some Hetfields without First Name or Initial What SQL Command is Needed for Searching Composer? LIKE is Used to Compare Partial Strings '%' (or '*') Replaces an Arbitrary # of characters '_' replaces a single arbitrary character SELECT FNAME, LNAME FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE ADDRESS LIKE '%Houston,TX% ' ANN.28 Prob 8: Album name and tracks of all of the albums by the composer James Hetfield, grouped by Album. SELECT album.title, FROM chinook.album, chinook.track CSE WHERE album.AlbumId = track.AlbumId AND track.Composer 4701 LIKE '%Hetfield%'; ANN.29 Prob 9: customer in Canada find all invoices and for each, print Customer Name, number of invoices for customer, and the total amount paid for all invoices. SELECT customer.LastName, COUNT(invoice.InvoiceId), SUM( CSE FROM chinook.customer, chinook.invoice 4701 WHERE customer.Country = 'Canada' AND customer.CustomerId = invoice.CustomerId GROUP BY customer.LastName; ANN.30