Chapter 7 sec 3

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Nationalism: Glorification of one’s country.
Monroe Doctrine: A policy warning European
nations to stay out of the affairs of countries in
the Western Hemisphere.
American System: A policy promoting
protective tariffs and internal improvements.
EQ: What is the Era of Nationalism?
The students will be able to analyze
American Nationalism.
Ch7 Sec 3: An Era of Nationalism
• After the War of 1812, nationalism swept the
country. This was a feeling of glorification and
promotion of the nation.
• When Congress passed tariffs, it was expressing
nationalism. It used federal power to help
industrialists and their workers. Henry Clay was
one of the leading advocates of this new
economic nationalism. He supported a federal
program called the American System. This
program included building new roads and canals
to connect regions and help business. Henry Clay
also favored reestablishment of a national bank.
Supporters insisted that a national bank would
reduce uncertainty about the value of money.
• The Supreme Court also took measures to
strengthen the federal government. In
several rulings, it interpreted the Constitution
in a way that gave wide powers to the
• Art and literature was also affected by
nationalism. Artists celebrated the nation’s
beautiful landscape. Novelists expressed pride
in the nation’s immense potential.
• Nationalism also affected the government’s
foreign policy. John Quincy Adams, the
Secretary of State under James Monroe, used
the First Seminole War to expand the nation.
In this war, American soldiers fought the
Seminoles in Florida, which was part of Spain.
During the war, General Andrew Jackson led
troops into Florida and captured some Spanish
forts. It was clear that Spanish control over
Florida was very weak. Adams pressured
Spain to sell Florida to the US as part of the
Adams-Onís Treaty. The treaty also ended
Spanish claims to the territory of Oregon.
• Adams also formulated the Monroe Doctrine.
The Monroe Doctrine, named for President
Monroe, declared that European powers
should stay out of the Western Hemisphere.
• Despite strong feelings of nationalism, there
were still differences between regions in the
United States. In 1820, the Missouri
Compromise addressed the heated debate
over slavery. The act maintained the balance
of slave and free states. The Missouri
Compromise admitted Maine as a free state,
Missouri as a slave state, and prohibited
slavery north of 36°30’N latitude. The
compromise was only a temporary solution,
• How did the American System express