B A 140 – Salesmanship Assignment # 8 Student Name: Neeraj Lal Instructor Name: Lisa Miller. Question: Choose 5 closing techniques defined in the chapter 12; describe each technique and provide an example of when to use each technique. 1. Alternative Choice Close: Gives the prospect a choice between two alternatives. Suggest customer to choose between two of your products, without asking them if they want it. Can be an add-on sale. The alternative – choice close is an effective closing technique. It provides a choice between items, never between something and nothing. By presenting a choice, you either receive a yes decision or uncover objections, which, if successfully met, allow you to come closer to making the sale. Example: The salesperson who says: “Would you prefer the Xerox 6200 or 6400?”This question (1) assumes the customer has a desire to buy one of the copiers ;(2) assumes the customer will buy; and (3) allows the customer to preference. If the customer prefers the Xerox 6400, you know the prospect is ready to buy, so you begin the close. A customer who says, “I’m not sure.” Is still in the desire stage, so you continue to discuss each product’s benefits. 2. Compliment close: A close wherein the salesperson ends with a compliment to the prospect. Everyone likes to receive compliments. The compliment close is especially effective when you talk with a prospect who is a self-styled expert, who has a big ego, or who is in a bad mood. Would- be experts and egotistical prospects value their own opinions. By complimenting them, they listen and respond favorably to your presentation. The prospect with low self-esteem or one who finds it difficult to decide also responds favorably to a compliment. Example: With your extensive experience Mr. Locks, you know the importance of having the right products, training and the equipment for the job. You want to get it done right, the first time. That’s what we deliver. The compliment is always praising the customer, about him and the product. 3. T- Account Close or (Balance-Sheet Close): A close that is based on the process that people use when they make a decision by weighing the pros against the cons. The T-account close is based on the process that people use when they make a decision; salesperson reviews the pros (assets) and the cons (liabilities) of buying the product. If there were more cons than pros, the salesperson would not do something. If the pros outweighed the cons, then the salesperson felt it was a good thing to do; it was the correct decision. FABs are noted on the left side (pro), which heavily outweighs the right side (cons). This shows that the product’s benefits outweigh its liabilities, and it leads the prospect to conclude that now is the time to buy. Example: Mr. Brown Simpson wants to buy a Magic Jack for his home land line phone. To Act, he was provided with the FABs and the qualities over weigh the Not to Act, so his salesperson was able to do a T-account close in selling the product. 4. The Negotiation Close: A close in which buyer and seller find ways for everyone to have a fair deal. Both the buyer and seller should win. Every sale is a negotiation. Most sales negotiations focus on two major themes: value and price. Customers often demand more value and lower prices. In their quest for more value at a lower cost, prospects often resort to unfair tactics and put heavy pressure on the salesperson. Example: Why don’t we compromise? You know I can’t give you a discount, but I could defer billing until the end of the month. That’s the best I can do. How does it sound? In a negotiation, the attitude that you project determines the attitude you receive. Be positive! Be helpful! Be concerned! Show your interest in helping the prospect. 5. The Technology Close: A close in which the seller uses technology to present information. After the salesperson had completed the discussion of his product, marketing plan and business proposition, he summarizes the product’s main benefits to his customer. Example: The salesperson brings out his laptop computer, placing it on the buyer’s desk so he can see the screen, or the salesperson prepares to project the computer screen onto the wall. Using Graphs and bar charts, the salesperson shows the buyer past purchases and sales trends. If appropriate, the salesperson shows the payment schedules considering different quantity discounts. The Exact use of technology in closing a sale depends on the type of product and customer you’re selling. In this case laptop computer was the technology used in sale closing.