Public Information Session Power Point Presentation

130 Liberty Street Deconstruction
Public Information Session on
Draft Phase I Deconstruction Plan
St. John’s University
January 24, 2005
• Introduction
• Consultants and Contractors
• Presentations
– Overview
– Supplemental Testing
– Deconstruction Plans
– Proposed Enhanced Air Monitoring Program
• Comments
Key Parties
Gilbane – Deconstruction Contractor
LVI – Asbestos/Cleaning Subcontractor
Weston – Environmental Monitoring
CDI – Deconstruction Subcontractor
• TRC – Environmental Consultant and Exterior Air Monitoring
• URS Corporation, Owner’s On-Site Representative
• Ecology and Environment, Inc. – Public Outreach
• Kroll Associates – Integrity Monitor
Key Parties, cont.
US Environmental Protection Agency
US Occupational Safety & Health Administration
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation
NYS Department of Labor
NYS Department of Health
NYC Department of Environmental Protection
NYC Department of Buildings
NYC Department of Sanitation
NYC Department of Health
Summary of Findings in Initial Characterization
• The results of the sampling and testing revealed levels of
contaminants that should be addressed in the
deconstruction of the building.
• Throughout the building, asbestos containing materials
(ACM) were positively identified.
• Detectable levels of asbestos, silica, PAHs, dioxins, PCBs,
and heavy metals (including mercury) were also identified in
dust above and below the suspended ceilings.
• The results are consistent with the highly variable nature of
WTC dust and the level of activity that has occurred within
the building since September 11th.
Preparation for Deconstruction
• Supplemental Testing
• Development of the Deconstruction Plan
• Permitting and Notification Plan
Supplemental Testing
Additional testing is being conducted in previously inaccessible
surfaces and interstitial spaces including:
• The curtain wall, interior walls, the exterior of the building, HVAC ductwork,
vertical shafts, cell systems/raceways within the concrete slabs, and
• Testing for COPC’s addressed in the initial characterization study which
includes asbestos and other COPC analytes
• Visual inspection for asbestos-containing building materials and mold;
• Preliminary waste characterization;
• These results continue to inform the Phase I Deconstruction Plan and will
form the basis of the Phase II Deconstruction Plan.
Supplemental Testing
Additional testing is being conducted in previously inaccessible
surfaces and interstitial spaces including:
• Results compared to the Initial Building Characterization Report; the
United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) World Trade
Center (WTC) Indoor Environment Assessment: Selecting Contaminants of
Potential Concern (COPC) and setting Health-Based Benchmarks; and
previous environmental studies in the building.
• While the USEPA residential benchmarks related to residential settings
and are not directly applicable to a commercial deconstruction project,
these studies can be used to put the results of this supplemental
investigation into relative context;
• The SI results and others as they are finalized will be available on the
LMDC website at
Supplemental Testing - Results
Building Exterior Surface Sampling Results:
• Asbestos Average Concentration - 105,245 str/cm2
- Range <1,580 to 731,000
• Lead Average Concentration – 92 ug/ft2
- Range < 19 to 390
• Dioxins Average Concentration – 1.46 ng/m2
- Range 0.848 to 1.93
• PAH Average Concentration – all < 57.78 ug/m2
• Silica Average Concentration – 18.30 mg/ft2
- Range 1.6 to 36
• MMVF Average Concentration – 38.18 str/cm2
- Range 6.21 to 198.7
Supplemental Testing - Results
Building Exterior Surface Sampling Results:
• Average concentrations on the exterior are generally lower
than the concentrations identified in the Initial Building
Characterization Report.
• Average Asbestos, Lead and Silica concentrations were
found to be above USEPA Tier I – Residential Health-Based
Supplemental Testing - Results
HVAC Distribution Ductwork Surface Sampling Results:
• Asbestos Average Concentration - 1,188,236 str/cm2
- Range <15,600 to 4,730,000
• Lead Average Concentration – 494 ug/ft2
- Range 140 to 1300
• Average asbestos and lead concentrations in the interior of
the HVAC ductwork are generally consistent with the
concentrations identified in the Initial Building
Characterization Report and above USEPA Benchmarks.
Supplemental Testing - Results
Vertical Shaft Surface Sampling Results:
• Asbestos Average Concentration – 37,374 str/cm2
- Range <6,820 to 134,000
• Lead Average Concentration – 109 ug/ft2
- Range < 10 to 340
• Average asbestos and lead concentrations in the interior of
the Vertical Shafts are above the USEPA WTC Benchmark
values and generally lower than the concentrations identified
in the Initial Building Characterization Report.
Supplemental Testing - Results
Building Cell System Surface Sampling Results:
• Asbestos Average Concentration – 62,986 str/cm2
- Range < 2,390 to 593,000
• Lead Average Concentration – 3,171 ug/ft2
- Range < 16 to 18,226
• Dioxins Average Concentration – 2.17 ng/m2
- Range 0.75 to 4.84
• PAH Average Concentration – all </= 40.44 ug/m2
• Silica - Not Sampled – concrete constituent
• MMVF Average Concentration – 1173 str/cm2
- Range 847 to 1476
Supplemental Testing - Results
Building Cell System Surface Sampling Results:
• Average concentrations in the cell system are generally
lower than the concentrations identified in the Initial Building
Characterization Report.
• Average concentrations of Asbestos and Lead were found to
be above USEPA Tier I – Residential Health-Based
Supplemental Testing - Results
Curtain Wall Cavity Surface Sampling Results:
• Asbestos Average Concentration – 14,038 str/cm2
- Range <6,250 to 55,900
• Lead Average Concentration – 60 ug/ft2
- Range 10 to 220
• Dioxins Average Concentration – 7.35 ng/m2
- Range 1.29 to 17.8
• PAH Average Concentration – 74 ug/m2
• Silica Average Concentration – 7,400 mg/ft2
- Range 5,100 to 11,600
• MMVF Average Concentration – Approx 10% due to
significant presence of fireproofing.
Supplemental Testing - Results
Curtain Wall Cavity Surface Sampling Results:
• Average concentrations in the Curtain Wall Cavity are
generally lower than the concentrations identified in the Initial
Building Characterization Report.
• Average concentrations of Lead and Silica were found to be
above USEPA Tier I – Residential Health-Based Benchmarks
Supplemental Testing - Results
Interior Wall Interstitial Space Surface Sampling Results:
• Asbestos Average Concentration – all < 6,250 str/cm2
• Lead Average Concentration – 8 ug/ft2
- Range <10 to 24
• Dioxins Average Concentration – 1.1 ng/m2
- Range 0.84 to 1.89
• PAH Average Concentration – all < 57.78 ug/m2
• Silica Average Concentration – 0.55 mg/ft2
- Range 0.055 to 2.42
• MMVF Average Concentration – 142.19 str/cm2
- Range 15.17 to 641.3
Supplemental Testing - Results
Interior Wall Interstitial Space Surface Sampling Results:
• Average concentrations in the Interior Wall Interstitial Space
are generally lower than the concentrations identified in the
Initial Building Characterization Report.
• Only the average concentration of Silica was found to be
above USEPA Tier I – Residential Health-Based Benchmarks
Supplemental Testing - Results
Fireproofing Surface Sampling Results:
• Asbestos Average Concentration - 75,073 str/cm2
- Range <2,990 to 2,750,000
• Lead Average Concentration – 24 ug/ft2
- Range < 4 to 100
• Dioxins Average Concentration – 64.58 ng/m2
- Range 13.5 to 436
• PAH Average Concentration – 90 ug/m2
- Range 80.26 to 122.48
• Silica Average Concentration – 19,670 mg/ft2
- Range 5,100 to 37,540
• MMVF Average Concentration – Approx 10%.
Supplemental Testing - Results
Fireproofing Surface Sampling Results:
• Average concentrations on the fireproofing are generally
lower than the concentrations identified in the Initial Building
Characterization Report.
• Average concentrations of Asbestos and Silica were found to
be above USEPA Tier I – Residential Health-Based
Supplemental Testing - Results
Waste Characterization Sampling:
• Sampling and analysis of dust/debris and limited anticipated
waste streams for waste characterization
• Full TCLP Analysis
• RCRA Characteristics of Ignitability, Reactivity and
• Only one dust sample found to exceed TCLP concentration –
Cadmium found at 6.2 mg/l versus 5 mg/l standard.
Supplemental Testing - Results
Asbestos-Containing Building Material Survey
Additional ACM Materials found include:
• 10,690 SF of Floor Tile in Cellar B
• 6,050 SF of Brown Caulking Sealant inside each perimeter
induction unit (floors 7-34)
• 200 LF of Pipe Insulation inside vertical shaft
Principles of Deconstruction Plan
• Protective of the health and safety of the workers and
the neighboring community;
• Compliant with all applicable rules and regulations;
• Consistent with the findings of the “Initial Building
Characterization Study Report" and supplemental
testing; and
• Consistent with current industry standard practices
Deconstruction Plan Phase I
• Phase I:
– Phase IA
• Abatement of identified interior ACBM;
• Cleaning and removal of World Trade Center
(WTC) dust within the building;
– Phase IB
• “Soft strip and interior gut” of most interior nonstructural materials; and
• Erection of the tower crane on the north side and
hoist on the south side of the building.
Deconstruction Plan Phase IA
• Phase IA
– Activities will be undertaken from the top of the
building down;
– Abatement of interior Asbestos Containing
Building Materials (ACBM);
– Dust cleaning and removal; and
– Removal of building components needed to
complete the dust cleaning and asbestos
Means and Methods for Phase IA
• Enclose all work areas and establish negative air pressure to ensure
potential contaminants remain in the building.
• Licensed abatement subcontractors will perform limited soft strip to
create an open work area, followed by the removal of asbestos
containing building materials (ACBM).
• Thorough cleaning to remove any fibers that may have been released
during the abatement of ACBM, and to remove the settled WTC dust.
• Prior to any work, all vertical connections between floors will be sealed
properly in order to prevent dust from reentering spaces/floors already
cleaned and cleared.
• Vertical connections (stairwells and shafts) will be cleaned last once all
floors of the building have been cleaned.
Deconstruction Plan Phase IB
• Phase IB
– “Soft strip and interior gut”
– Removal of interior gypsum wall board partitions,
sprayed-on fireproofing, bathroom fixtures,
integral shelving and components; and
– Removal of remaining small scale mechanical,
electrical and plumbing components.
Means and Methods for Phase IB
• Phase IB soft-strip/interior gut operations shall start at the top of the
building and proceed downward. A minimum buffer zone of one floor
shall be maintained between Phase IA and Phase IB work at all
• The interior soft strip/interior gut work will be done on two floors at a
time using diesel-powered equipment compliant with environmental
and safety regulations/standards including, but not limited to the
Coordinated Construction Act for Lower Manhattan.
• Water will be used to provide dust control on each floor during this
phase of the work.
• Deconstruction debris shall be chuted from upper floors past lower
floors on which Phase IA activities are occurring.
Tower Crane and Hoist
• Necessary for material and personnel
movement during Phase I.
• Tower Crane will be located at the
northwest corner.
• Hoist will be located at the mid-south side
on Albany Street.
• Pre-cleaning as necessary will be done at
attachment points.
Deconstruction Plan Phase II
• Phase II
– Abatement of identified ACBM associated with
the exterior of the structure;
– Disassembly and removal of some remaining
interior non-structural materials;
– Removal of rooftop mechanical equipment and
the remaining building envelope; and
– Deconstruction of the structural components of
the building.
Protective Measures
Waste Sampling –(Section 1)
• Classify the waste streams that will be generated as part of
the deconstruction project and identify proper handling,
packaging, labeling, transportation, and disposal methods.
– Utilize existing data to determine sampling program;
– Collect additional samples of materials in place;
– Sampling results to determine personnel, handling, movement, packaging,
transport and disposal requirements.
– Any determined hazardous waste will be properly segregated;
– Hazardous waste will not be chuted; and
– Containers will be secured at all times when not being loaded and be
clearly labeled.
Protective Measures Cont.
Air Monitoring-(Section 2)
Four levels of monitoring established:
Personnel air monitoring
Inside building/proximate work activities
Outside building within site boundaries
Outside site boundaries in immediate
surrounding community
Protective Measures Cont.
Air Monitoring-(Section 2)
Section 2 of the Deconstruction Plan outlines level four of the program:
• Utilizing meteorological instrumentation to record wind speed, wind
direction and other pertinent conditions;
• Conducting real-time monitoring for potential off-site migration of
emissions using continuous direct read ambient air monitors; and
• Conducting integrated air sampling for the following target
compounds: Particulates as Total Suspended Particulates (TSP),
metals as TSP, asbestos, silica, mercury, PAH's (polyaromatic
hydrocarbons) Dioxins & Furans (D/Fs), and PCBs.
Protective Measures Cont.
LMDC Proposed Enhanced Exterior Air Monitoring
(on-line at
• To be modified to ensure program is complementary and allows for
QA/QC of Section 2
• Proposal includes:
– Additional sampling locations at various elevations (i.e. ground
level, rooftops and setbacks)
– Co-located sampling locations for QA/QC purposes
– Daily real-time monitoring component
– Enhanced analyte list including COPC list
• Project and public notification protocol
• Continued submission of results to NYCDEP
• Continued public access to air results via LMDC website
Protective Measures Cont.
Exterior Air Monitoring Trigger Levels
Trigger levels will be developed with Regulators
• Incorporate safety factors that are protective of the public including
sensitive populations
• Exceedances will require evaluation of contractor procedures and
include work stoppage.
• Regulators will be notified of all trigger exceedances
• Public notification protocol
• Web-site posting of results at
Emergency Action Plan (EAP)
• Designates appropriate personnel responsible for
implementation and monitoring of emergency procedures.
• Applies to all contractors working on-site including employees
and visitors.
• Gilbane Emergency Coordinator – John Graves, licensed New
York City Site Safety Manager –Liaison to the First Responder
agencies throughout the duration of the project.
• All prime subcontractors will identify an OSHA certified
Emergency Coordinator, responsible for the performance of
emergency preparedness responsibilities.
• Plan will be revised as necessary during the course of the
Emergency Action Plan Cont.
EAP includes:
• Pre- Emergency Planning Activities
– Prior to commencement of work, Gilbane Emergency Coordinator
and the LMDC will meet with the FDNY, NYPD, OEM, and Battery
Park City Certified Emergency Response Team (CERT) to discuss:
• Emergency Response Activities,
• Agencies roles and responsibilities, and
• To confirm an understanding of the existing building conditions.
• Throughout deconstruction activities the Gilbane
Emergency Coordinator will conduct regular emergency
preparedness meetings with on-site personnel.
Emergency Action Plan Cont.
• The EAP also includes protocol for building
– Emergency Response Communication Chart
– Emergency Contact Numbers for Local
– Evacuation Assembly Area
– Community Notification
Community Emergency Action Planning
• Pre-Emergency Planning Activities
– LMDC has met with Emergency Response
Agencies to initiate a coordinated emergency
response plan.
– LMDC has notified surrounding building
landlords and superintendents of deconstruction
activities and EAP.
– LMDC will arrange for the Gilbane Emergency
Coordinator to meet with the Community as
Community Emergency Action Planning Cont.
• In the event of any emergency necessitating immediate
community action, LMDC will rely on the Emergency
Response Agencies protocol for informing the community of
necessary actions and impacts during the event.
• In the event of incidents impacting the community:
– LMDC will activate the phone tree that was established with area
neighbor volunteers.
– LMDC will send an email update regarding particular incidents.
– LMDC will post flyers in neighboring buildings identifying the actions
that were taken.
– LMDC will host briefings to discuss the incident and measures taken
in response to the incident.
Community Emergency Action Planning Cont.
• Along with the City Emergency Response Agencies, the
Battery Park City Certified Emergency Response Team
(BPC C.E.R.T.) will provide immediate assistance to the
community through:
– Assistance with community notification through radio
– Help with traffic and crowd control and community relations in
the event of an evacuation
– Providing medical and other emergency services as necessary
• BPC CERT will continue to work with the LMDC
throughout deconstruction on developing emergency
response protocol, community drills, and information
Health and Safety Plan
The HASP Outlines:
• Engineering Controls
• Personal Protective Equipment and
decontamination requirements
• Potential physical hazards
• Chemical hazards
Coordinated Construction Act
• LMDC will comply with all regulations
dictated by the Coordinated Construction
Act, including but not limited to:
– The use of Ultra Low-Sulfur diesel fuel;
– Hours of operation; and
– Pre-planned truck routes
Proposed Truck Routes-Phase I
• LMDC developing plan with NYC DOT,
NYS DOT, Port Authority of New York and
New Jersey.
• Proposing the use of Washington Street
for access to the loading dock and the
north plaza area.
• Proposing the use of Albany Street for
access to the Hoist.
Next Steps
• Receive Comments from Regulatory Agencies
•Removal of remaining Deutsche Bank property from
within the building
• Submission of plan amendments as required by
• Submission of permit applications
• Approval of plan
• Mobilization at site
Opportunities for Public Involvement
• E-Updates
• Public Information Sessions
• Comment through the LMDC Website
• Community Board One meetings
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