
Comp. Genomics
Recitation 3 (week 4)
Multiple Hypothesis
Testing+Suffix Trees
Based in part on slides by William Stafford Noble
What p-value is
• The most common thresholds are 0.01 and 0.05.
• A threshold of 0.05 means you are 95% sure
that the result is significant.
• Is 95% enough? It depends upon the cost
associated with making a mistake.
• Examples of costs:
• Doing expensive wet lab validation.
• Making clinical treatment decisions.
• Misleading the scientific community.
• Most sequence analysis uses more stringent
thresholds because the p-values are not very
Multiple testing
• Say that you perform a statistical test with
a 0.05 threshold, but you repeat the test
on twenty different observations.
• Assume that all of the observations are
explainable by the null hypothesis.
• What is the chance that at least one of
the observations will receive a p-value
less than 0.05?
Multiple testing
Say that you perform a statistical test with a 0.05 threshold, but you repeat
the test on twenty different observations. Assuming that all of the
observations are explainable by the null hypothesis, what is the chance
that at least one of the observations will receive a p-value less than 0.05?
Pr(making a mistake) = 0.05
Pr(not making a mistake) = 0.95
Pr(not making any mistake) = 0.9520 = 0.358
Pr(making at least one mistake) = 1 - 0.358 = 0.642
• There is a 64.2% chance of making at
least one mistake.
Bonferroni correction
• Assume that individual tests are independent.
(Is this a reasonable assumption?)
• Divide the desired p-value threshold by the
number of tests performed.
• For the previous example, 0.05 / 20 = 0.0025.
Pr(making a mistake) = 0.0025
Pr(not making a mistake) = 0.9975
Pr(not making any mistake) = 0.997520 = 0.9512
Pr(making at least one mistake) = 1 - 0.9512 = 0.0488
Database searching
• Say that you search the non-redundant
protein database at NCBI, containing
roughly one million sequences. What pvalue threshold should you use?
Database searching
• Say that you search the non-redundant protein
database at NCBI, containing roughly one
million sequences. What p-value threshold
should you use?
• Say that you want to use a conservative p-value
of 0.001.
• Recall that you would observe such a p-value by
chance approximately every 1000 times in a
random database.
• A Bonferroni correction would suggest using a
p-value threshold of 0.001 / 1,000,000 =
0.000000001 = 10-9.
• A p-value is the probability of making a mistake.
• The E-value is a version of the p-value that is
corrected for multiple tests; it is essentially the
converse of the Bonferroni correction.
• The E-value is computed by multiplying the pvalue times the size of the database.
• The E-value is the expected number of times
that the given score would appear in a random
database of the given size.
• Thus, for a p-value of 0.001 and a database of
1,000,000 sequences, the corresponding E-value
is 0.001 × 1,000,000 = 1,000.
E-value vs. Bonferroni
• You observe among n repetitions of a test
a particular p-value p. You want a
significance threshold α.
• Bonferroni: Divide the significance
threshold by α
• p < α/n.
• E-value: Multiply the p-value by n.
• pn < α.
* BLAST actually calculates E-values in a slightly more complex way.
False discovery rate
• The false discovery rate (FDR)
is the percentage of examples
above a given position in the
ranked list that are expected
to be false positives.
5 FP
13 TP
33 TN
5 FN
FDR = FP / (FP + TP) = 5/18 = 27.8%
Bonferroni vs. FDR
• Bonferroni controls the family-wise error
rate; i.e., the probability of at least one
false positive.
• FDR is the proportion of false positives
among the examples that are flagged as
Controlling the FDR
• Order the unadjusted p-values p1  p2  …  pm.
• To control FDR at level α,
j 
j*  max  j : p j   
m 
• Reject the null hypothesis for j = 1, …, j*.
• This approach is conservative if many examples
are true.
(Benjamini & Hochberg, 1995)
Q-value software
Significance Summary
• Selecting a significance threshold requires
evaluating the cost of making a mistake.
• Bonferroni correction: Divide the desired
p-value threshold by the number of
statistical tests performed.
• The E-value is the expected number of
times that the given score would appear
in a random database of the given size.
Longest common substring
• Input: two strings S1 and S2
• Output: find the longest substring S
common to S1 and S2
• Example:
• S1=common-substring
• S2=common-subsequence
• Then, S=common-subs
Longest common substring
• Build a generalized suffix tree for S1 and S2
• Mark each internal node v with a 1 (2) if
there is a leaf in the subtree of v
representing a suffix from S1 (S2)
• The path-label of any internal node marked
both 1 and 2 is a substring common to
both S1 and S2, and the longest such string
is the LCS.
Longest common substring
• S1$ = xabxac$, S2$ = abx$, S = abx
Lowest common ancestor
A lot more can be gained from the suffix tree
if we preprocess it so that we can answer
LCA queries on it
Lowest common ancestor
The LCA of two leaves represents the longest
common prefix (LCP) of these 2 suffixes
a a $
b b 4
# $
$ #
Finding maximal palindromes
• A palindrome: cbaabc, “A Santa dog lived as a
devil god at NASA”, “Tel Aviv erases a revival:
• Want to find all maximal palindromes in a string
Let S = cbaaba
• Observation: The maximal palindrome with
center between i-1 and i is the LCA of the
suffix at position i of S and the suffix at
position m-i+1 of Sr
Finding maximal palindromes
• Prepare a generalized suffix tree for
S = cbaaba$ and Sr = abaabc#
• For every i find the LCA of suffix i of S and
suffix m-i+1 of Sr
Let S = cbaaba$  Sr = abaabc#
Maximum k-cover substring
• Input: k sequences S1,S2,S3,…,Sm
• Problem: Find t, the longest substring of
at least k strings
Maximum k-cover substring
• Solution
Guild a GST for the m strings
Update “string depths”
Traverse the tree (what order?)
Update a 0/1 vector of appearance in the m
strings for every node
• Find the deepest node with at least k “1”s in
its vector
Shortest lexicographic
• Input: Circular string S
• Problem: Find an index i, such that
S[i..n]+S[1..i-1] is “smallest”
Lexicographically smallest
• Solution:
Concatenate two strings: SS
Split SS at a random site
Build a suffix tree
Traverse the suffix tree (How?)
• Select the “smallest” branching option
• What about the “stop sign” $?
• Make $ the largest lexicographically
• Depth n is always found (why?)
Finding overrepresented
• Input: String S
• Problem: Find all the substrings of S
which are “overrepresented”
• Overrepresented: f(length,number)
Finding overrepresented
• Solution
• Build a suffix tree for S
• Compute number of leaves for every node
• Compute the string depth of every node
• Check f(length,number) at every node
• Why is checking nodes enough?
Implementation Issues
• Theoretical time/space – O(n)
• Why is practical space important?
• Problem: when the size of the alphabet grows
• Large sequences are difficult to store entirely in the
• A lot of paging significantly harms practical runtime
• Implementing ST to reduce practical space use can
be a serious concern.
• Main design issue: how to represent and search
the outgoing branches out of the nodes
• Practical design: must balance between space
and speed
Implementation Issues
• Basic choices to represent branches:
• An array of size (||) at each non-leaf node v
• A linked list at node v of characters that appear at the beginning
of the edge-labels out of v.
• If kept in sorted order it reduces the average time to search
for a given character
• In the worst case, adds time || to every node operation. If
the number of children of v is large, then little space is saved
over the array while noticeably degrading performance
• A balanced tree implements the list at node v
• Additions and searches take O(logk) time and O(k) space,
where k is the number of children of v. This alternative makes
sense only when k is fairly large.
• A hashing scheme. The challenge is to find a scheme balancing
space with speed. For large trees and alphabets hashing is very
attractive at least for some of the nodes
Implementation Issues
• When m and  are large enough, the best design
is probably a mixture of the above choices.
• Nodes near the root of the tree tend to have the most
children, so arrays are sensible choice at those nodes.
• For nodes in the middle of a suffix tree, hashing or
balanced trees may be the best choice.