Authored by: Brennen Byers
Approved by Council: January 30, 2013
Approved by ASI Attorney General:
Devon Graves
Greek Council Bylaws 1
Article I
Article II
Article III
Article IV
Article V
Article VI
Article VII
Article VIII
Article IX
Article X
Article XI
Article XII
Article XIII
Article XIV
Article XV
Article XVI
Uniform Governing Council Bylaws................ Pg. 3
General Provisions ............................................ Pg. 3
Membership ....................................................... Pg. 4
Executive Officers.............................................. Pg. 9
Presidential Cabinet.......................................... Pg. 12
Advisors.............................................................. Pg. 13
Sub-Councils...................................................... Pg. 14
Committees......................................................... Pg. 16
California Meeting Law.................................... Pg. 18
Quorum and Voting.......................................... Pg. 20
Funding Procedures.......................................... Pg. 21
Elections............................................................. Pg. 22
Leadership Training.......................................... Pg. 23
Due Process........................................................ Pg. 23
Policies.................................................................Pg. 24
Judicial Code...................................................... Pg. 24
Amendments to Bylaws..................................... Pg. 32
Greek Council Bylaws 2
The underlying purpose of the California State University, Pomona, (Cal Poly Pomona)
Associated Students, Inc. (ASI) Uniform Governing Council By-Laws is to form a unified student government; to simplify, clarify and modernize the by-laws governing the ASI Councils; and to make uniform the law among the various college jurisdictions. The Councils shall ratify all sections, except those that are not applicable.
Section I. Purpose
The primary mission of Greek Council is: a) To provide for the betterment of the student body of California State Polytechnic
University, Pomona as a whole. b) To function within the framework of the Associated Student Incorporated, members of the Greek Council organizations, and the campus community. c) To act as liaison between the students of the campus community and members of the
Greek Council organizations, and the ASI Senate. d) To ascertain the needs, desires, and attitudes of the University, for the purpose of representation and shall regularly report to the ASI Senate. e) To promote the welfare of its member organizations, campus community, and the
Associated Student, Incorporated. f) To ensure the advancement of all students in the Greek community. g) To strive to maintain a level of accomplishment throughout the Greek community. h) To uphold the integrity and degree of achievement by each of its member organizations. i) To undertake the challenge and responsibility necessary to heighten each student's pride and sense of unity within the Greek community.
Section II. Name a) The official name of the organization shall be the Greek Council, California State
Polytechnic University, Pomona.
Section III. Responsibility a) The Greek Council and its officers shall serve as official representatives for the Greek community at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona and its member organizations to Associated Student, Incorporated, the University, and the campus community.
Such representation shall relate to issues of the Greek Council's member organizations and be at the direction of the membership.
The council shall not take stands on issues outside of its role in the campus community. b) The Greek Council must re-charter annually with the Office of Student Life and Cultural
Greek Council Bylaws 3
c) The Greek Council shall be responsible for the coordination of member organizations' activities so as to benefit the Greek community, the University, members of the Council, and the campus community. d) The Greek Council shall be responsible for the development, implementation, and enforcement of the bylaws, which are designed to coordinate activities, promote solidarity, minimize conflict between and among its member organizations, and to develop a positive image for the Greeks both on and off campus. e) The Greek Council shall be responsible for the allocation of ASI funds for activities involving all member organizations. f) The Greek Council must submit signature cards annually to the ASI Business Office.
Section IV. Authority a) The Greek Council shall serve as the Legislative and Executive body within the Greek community at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. The structure and rules of the procedures are as outlined in these By-laws.
Section V. Non-Discrimination a) The Greek Council shall not discriminate in terms of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, or financial, veteran or social status.
Section VI. Disclaimer a) The Greek Council and / or its members, when taking stands on issues, recognizes and will fulfill the obligation to make clear that it/they, in no way, represent the official position of the Associated Students, Inc. Senate or the California State Polytechnic University,
Section I. Introduction a) The total governing structure shall consist of the Greek Council and appropriate Subcouncils. b) The Governing Code shall consist of these by-laws, the Greek Review Board By-laws, and all sub-council bylaws, standing rules, and judicial.
Section II. The Greek Council a) The Greek Council shall be the official recognized council responsible for social fraternity and social sorority affairs. b) The General Assembly shall consist of a representative from each of its member organizations, the Executive Board, the Greek Council President's Cabinet, and the exofficio cabinet members.
Section III. Categories of Membership a) Members
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All recognized organizations classified by the University as social fraternities and sororities are considered members of the Greek Council. Subject to any restrictions stated elsewhere in this code, such organizations may vote on Council business and request funds through the Greek Council. Individual members of such organizations may also hold an office within the Greek Council. b) Associated Members
Social fraternities and sororities in the process of obtaining campus recognition
(chartering) may become Associate Members. Such organizations may not vote or request funds, nor may their members hold an office of the Greek Council. c) Affiliated Members
Those other recognized student organizations with structure and goals similar to and/or compatible with member organizations of the Greek Council are eligible to become affiliate members. Eligibility to vote on council business, receive funding and hold an office of the Greek Council, with the exception of President and Executive
Vice President is subject to those rights delegated by the General Assembly of the
Greek Council.
Eligibility shall be determined on an individual basis by the General Assembly, at the time of the Affiliate Member Organization's incorporation into the council.
Representation must be at least three-fourths (3/4) of all meetings of the General
Assembly, regular and special, during the academic school year for eligibility to be valid.
Section IV. Recognition Requirements for Membership a) An organization shall pursue the goals of the Greek Council. b) An organization must re-charter annually with the Office of Student Life and Cultural
Centers. c) An organization must have its current By-Laws filed with the ASI Attorney General and
OSLCC. d) An organization must have its current member list filed with the Greek Council Vice
President of Internal Affairs. Any person not on the current member list of a member organization is not recognized by the Greek Council as a member of that organization.
An updated member list must be filed during the third week of every quarter, excluding summer, or a notice of no changes.
An updated member list must be filed during the tenth week of every quarter, excluding summer, or a notice of no changes. e) A representative acts as a delegate from an organization at all Greek Council meetings.
The representative shall be elected by the organization.
Section V. Eligibility Requirements for Membership
Before an organization can attain affiliation with the Greek Council, it shall have met these conditions: a) Is approved and appointed to the Council by the ASI Attorney General; b) Submitted ASI Attorney General's written letter of notice of appointment to Council; c) Attained a membership of at least five active members; d) Organization officers are elected by democratic procedures; e) Submitted a copy of its By-Laws and rules that govern the organization to the OSL/CC;
Greek Council Bylaws 5
f) Submitted/updated your chapter Greek registration packet each quarter to the Greek
Advisor, by the appointed date. The registration packet shall include:
completed chapter information form,
completed officer contact information,
completed public information form,
completed advisor information form,
membership intake form,
chapter roster and list serve registration form,
completed web page chartering form,
detailed quarterly calendar,
a list of community service/philanthropic events of the previous quarter,
and optional chapter kudos (any awards or chapter highlights). All applicable information shall be accompanied with all corresponding statistical information. (i.e., total man hours, money donated, members awarded, etc…) Sanction for breach of the above mentioned requirements are as stated in Article II, Section IX, Suspension of
Membership. g) Membership in the Greek Council is subject to the provisions contained in Section IX -
Expansion, of the Greek Council Standing Rules.
Section VI. Dues a) Each active member organization will pay an annual membership fee of seventy-five dollars ($75..00), each fall quarter. Each member organization will then be assessed dues on a quarterly basis at the rate of fifty dollars ($50.00) per chapter consisting of 25 or more members. A chapter of 24 or fewer members will be assessed two dollars ($2.00) per member. Dues will be assessed for fall, winter, and spring quarters only. b) Dues must be accompanied with the following information. Failure to submit this information will result in the organization's dues being deemed late, and the organization will be subject to penalties, as outlined in this section.
A quarterly roster, including the names of the organization's members and officers, the council representatives and alternate, and chapter advisors.
Contact numbers must be included for the President, the Greek Council
Representative, alternate, and advisors.
The organization's current ASI account number in the ASI/ UU business Office. c) Dues are not required of Associated Member Organizations. d) Penalties will be assessed for late payment of dues. Organizations shall have until the third Friday of each quarter to pay dues. The first week the dues are delinquent, the organization will be assessed a five dollars ($5.00) late fee, and five dollars ($5.00) for each week thereafter. After the fourth week of delinquency, the organization will be considered inactive until dues and fines are paid. e) Failure to submit any of the required paperwork will result in a fine of five dollars
($5.00). f) Dues are required from every organization of subcouncils.
Section VII. Council Representatives a) Number
Greek Council Bylaws 6
Each member Organization shall select one (1) Greek Council Representative and one
(1) alternate to attend the meetings of the Greek Council General Assembly.
Only the designated Chapter Representative may cast their organization's vote.
The alternate may vote at no more than two meetings of the Greek Council General
Assembly per quarter. b) Eligibility
These representatives will be active members of their own organization in good academic standing with the University, with at least a 2.2 G.P.A.
The representatives shall be appointed by each chapter under these guidelines: i.
Shall currently hold an elected position in that respective chapter. ii.
Shall have at least one academic year experience in their respective Greek organization. iii.
Shall attend all Greek Council General Assembly meetings of the year they are appointed. One alternate shall also be appointed. In the event that the appointed representative can not attend a meeting, the alternate may attend in his/her place.
The primary representative shall not miss more than two meetings per quarter.
Disciplinary action may be taken upon violation of meeting attendance. iv.
Shall attend Greek Council's Representative/Meeting Workshop held prior to each academic year.
Any change of a chapter's representative or alternate must be filed with the Greek
Council Executive Board one meeting prior to voting on an action item.
Only under extraordinary circumstances can the above guidelines be subject to review for a chapter. A decision will be made by the Executive Board and cabinet of the
Greek Council.
The primary representative shall not be a member of the Greek Council Executive
Board or Cabinet.
Only active members can be representatives for their organization. c) Duties
These representatives will attend all meetings of the Greek Council General
Assembly, submit issues for discussion to the council, vote on all motions, report on all business and proceedings to their organizations, and carry out other required duties as prescribed by the Greek Council. d) Absences
If any representative misses a meeting of the Greek Council General Assembly, the
Vice President of Internal Affairs will notify the Organization he/she represents, and a fine of $10 will be assessed by the Vice President of Finance for failure to have a representative or alternate present.
If any representative misses two (2) consecutive meetings of the Greek Council
General Assembly, the Vice President of Internal Affairs will notify the organization he/she represents that the organization will be sanctioned for failure to uphold their duties as a member. If a representative continues to miss meetings, sanctions can progress. The range of sanctions available to the Greek Council Executive board includes, but is not limited to: i.
Fines of no more than $50 each sanction. ii.
Removal of privileges to vote. The organization in questions shall be required to continue to uphold all responsibilities as a member.
Greek Council Bylaws 7
Suspension of membership, as outlined in Article II, Section X.
If any representative misses two (2) or more non-consecutive meetings of the Greek
Council General Assembly the Vice President of Internal Affairs will notify the
Organization he/she represents, and a fine of $10 plus $10 per day missed up to a maximum of $100 will be assessed by the Vice President of Finance for failure to have a representative or alternate present. e) Sub-Councils
Each sub-council must be represented at all Greek Council General Assembly meetings, but shall determine the number of representatives it will require from each of its member organizations within its own meetings.
All fraternities and sororities must be officially recognized by the Greek Council in order to participate in a sub-council.
Section VIII. Active Membership Status a) After the Greek Council has approved active membership status, the Greek Council
President will notify OSLCC and the ASI Attorney General written notice. b) The Greek Council will verify that the student organization has re-chartered at the beginning of each academic year, and each quarter excluding summer.
Section IX. Expansion a) Organizations interested in obtaining status as a Member Organization shall:
Be a chartered organization of the University through the Office of Student Life and
Cultural Centers.
If they intend to be a chapter of a national organization, have obtained status as a chartered member of that organization.
Have completed the period of Associate membership. b) Organizations interest in obtaining status as a social fraternity or sorority by the Greek
Council shall:
Be chartered organizations of the University through the Office of Student Life and
Cultural Centers.
If they intend to be a chapter of a national organization, have obtained status as a colony of that organization.
Obtain an endorsement from the appropriate sub-council of the Greek Council by the seated membership.
Receive a majority vote in the affirmative by the seated membership of the Greek
Remain an Associate Member for a probationary period of at least two quarters.
Section X. Suspension of Membership a) In an officially scheduled hearing, the Greek Council may cast a two-thirds vote to suspend an organization from the Greek Council for:
A gross violation of the purpose of the Greek Council as stated in Article I, Section I.
Failure to further the goals of the Greek Council.
Any action sponsored or supported by the organization that is prejudicial to the good order, conduct, or integrity of the Greek Council.
Greek Council Bylaws 8
Failure to have a representative at two consecutive meetings or a total of two regular meetings per quarter without prior notification of at least twenty-four (24) hours to the Greek Council Executive Board or Greek Council advisor. i.
Record of attendance will begin the first meeting of the fall quarter. ii.
Extraordinary circumstances may be reviewed by the Greek Council Executive
Board and presented to the Greek Council for consideration.
Failing to submit a Quarterly Activities Report form for the previous quarter. b) In an officially scheduled hearing, a representative may be suspended from the Greek
Council, by two-thirds vote of the Council, for:
Officially representing more than one organization.
Failure to participate in Greek Council activities. c) Suspension of an organization will result in loss of status as a "Recognized Council
Student Organization." Additionally, the organization will be ineligible to vote on the
Greek Council, sit on committee, hold office, or receive funding from the Council. d) Suspension of a representative will result in him/her no longer being referred to as a member organization representative. Additionally he/she will lose all voting privileges and eligibility to sit on committees and hold office.
Section XI. Reinstatement of Membership a) An organization may be reinstated to membership when the reason(s) for suspension have been corrected and at least one representative has attended three consecutive regular meetings of the Council. b) A representative can be reinstated when the reason(s) for suspension have been corrected. c) In an officially scheduled hearing, a two-thirds vote of the Council is necessary for reinstatement to full membership status.
Section XII. Appeal a) At the conclusion of a reinstatement hearing, the decision(s) of the Greek Council is subject to appeal by either party to the Greek Review Board, then the ASI Judiciary.
The elected officers, who shall be known as the Executive Board, shall consist of the President,
Executive Vice President, Vice President of Finance, Vice President of External Affairs, Vice
President of Internal Affairs, Attorney General, ASI Senator, and Advisor. No executive officer may serve as a representative. Executive officers do not have a vote in Council meetings, except that the President is empowered to make or break ties. All executive officers must be active members of a recognized organization.
Section I. Duties and Privileges of the President (Presiding Officer) a) Organize the Executive Board to accomplish the purpose of the Council. b) Shall have veto power over all decisions of the Council.
Greek Council Bylaws 9
c) Empowered to delegate and administer the affairs of the Council, and implement and enforce these By-Laws and all measures adopted by the Council; and make all executive decisions as necessary. d) Preside over all regular, special, and Executive Board meetings. e) May call a special meeting, f) Shall approve all expenditures of the Vice President of Finance. g) Shall have the power to appoint officers to the Cabinet, subject to confirmation by a majority vote by the Greek Council General Assembly. h) Shall have the power to appoint officers of the Executive Board pending majority approval of the Greek Council General Assembly in cases of relinquishment or negligence of duties prescribed in the bylaws. Upon approval of the General Assembly, appointment will be held until the next general election. i) Shall serve or appoint another Executive Board Member as an ex-officio member of the
ASI Senate. j) Shall approve agenda items submitted by Council members, unless such items have not been submitted in a timely manner. k) Shall have complete oversight of the operations of the Greek Council. l) Represent the Council in all matters pertaining to or affecting it, but not limited to matters with the University, or Associated Students, Inc. m) Ex-officio member on all Council committees; may appoint a designee in his/her place. n) Establish new standing and ad hoc committees and appoint its chair with the expressed advised consent of the Council. o) Shall, with the Vice-President of Finance, prepare an annual budget to the Council and, upon approval or amendment by the Council, present the budget to ASI.
Section II. Duties and Privileges of the Executive Vice-President a) Assume the duties of the Council President in his/her absence b) Ex-officio member of all Council committees. c) Shall oversee all Sub-Councils, including GAMMA and Order of Omega with the
President of the Greek Council. d) Assume the role of President for GAMMA e) Shall assist in the duties of the President f) Shall chair the standing Greek Council Awards and Recruitment Committees.
Section III. Duties and Privileges of the Vice-President of Finance a) Shall maintain the books and accounts of the Greek Council. b) Shall be responsible for allocation of all funds from the proceeds of the annual Greek
Week activities in the following manner:
1. No less than 20% of the proceeds are to be given to the Cal Poly Pomona Dream
2. No less and no more than $2,000 to be given to the Christina Burmeister Memorial
Fund for two $1,000 Cal Poly Greek Scholarships.
3. No less than 40% to be given to the United Friends of the Children.
4. No more than 20% to the Greek Council account, not to exceed total cost of Greek
Greek Council Bylaws 10
5. Any remaining funds shall be put in the Greek Advisory Committee Account for
Scholarship. c) Shall be in charge of all expenditures for special events or activities in connection with the event chairperson or the Programming Officers. d) Shall prepare an annual budget and financial statement to be approved by the President, and to be submitted to the ASI Treasurer and General Assembly of the Greek Council.
Shall prepare quarterly budget relines and financial statements to be approved by the
President, and submitted to the ASI Treasurer and General Assembly of the Greek
Council. e) Shall be responsible for all budgeting processes with ASI. f) Shall review and make recommendations on all budget requests made to the council. g) Shall review and approve the budgets of all sub-councils prior to the disbursement of subcouncil monies. h) Shall bill each organization on a quarterly basis for dues and fines. i) Shall be responsible for the transfer of funds allocated to each organization. j) Shall oversee the duties and actions of the Development Officer.
Section IV. Duties and Privileges of the Vice-President of External Affairs a) Shall document all interactions with organizations or groups outside of the Greek
Council. b) Shall oversee all events and activities of the Greek Council. (see President) c) Shall oversee the Greek Council Newsletter. d) Shall oversee all public relations both within and outside of the Greek community. e) Shall oversee the duties and actions of the Programming, Special Events, and
Communications Officers.
Section V. Duties and Privileges of the Vice-President of Internal Affairs a) Shall take the minutes of each meeting. b) Shall maintain a file of all correspondence and other such documents. c) Shall be responsible for the posting of meeting dates, agenda, and minutes from the previous meeting. d) Shall be responsible for distributing all materials to member organizations. e) Shall inform organizations of poor attendance. f) Shall oversee the duties and action of the Scholarship and Philanthropy Officers. g) Shall be responsible for maintaining a directory of updated member lists for each member chapter of the Greek Council. This directory shall be used for any event or award associated with the Greek Council.
Section VI. Duties and Privileges of the Attorney General a) Shall be the official parliamentarian of the Greek Council. b) Shall be Chairman of the Greek Review Board and shall enforce and uphold all standards in Article XV, Judicial Code. c) Shall ensure that all meetings of the Greek Council adhere to Robert's Rules of Order
(Rev.) .
d) Shall serve as council to the Executive Board of the Greek Council in issues dealing with procedure, Bylaws, and Judicial Code.
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e) Shall, with the President, resolve issues dealing with sub-council procedure and compliance with the Governing Code of the Greek Council. f) Shall have the power to issue injunctions in emergency situations, in the interest of justice. Such action is subject to dismissal or amendment by the Greek Review Board. g) Shall have the power to freeze the account of any sub-council not in compliance with the policy or procedure of the Greek Council.
Section VII. Duties and Privileges of the ASI Senator At-Large Greek Council
Designee a) Ex-officio, non-voting member of the Greek Council. b) Ex-officio, non-voting member of all Council committees, c) Shall attend all Greek Council meetings on a regular basis in compliance with the ASI
Senate rules, and the Senators fiduciary duty to the students within the university. d) Shall assist and provide guidance in the preparation of the Greek Council's annual budget request. e) Ineligible to hold Greek Council office or receive Council funding.
Section VIII. Eligibility for Office a) At the time of assuming office and during tenure in office, an elected executive officer must meet all of the eligibility requirements as stated by the University. He/she will sign a Statement of Eligibility form when assuming office, and thereafter will accept responsibility of monitoring his/her own grades and unit load of the Greek Council. b) Members eligible to hold office include all representatives of the active member organizations. c) The university advisor and the ASI Senator are not permitted to hold office. d) All student members of the Greek Council shall have a minimum of a 2.50 cumulative
GPA prior to their election, and throughout their term. a)
If at any time during the course of their term, an officer’s cumulative Grade Point
Average falls below a 2.50, the following procedure will be followed: a) Throughout the next quarter, the officer must provide proof of tutoring through the Learning Resource Center or elsewhere, and provide a grade check to the
President at the President’s request. b) If, at the next quarter’s grading period, the officer is not able to raise their cumulative Grade Point Average to above the 2.50 minimum, a Vote of
Confidence is automatically called. e) All student members of the Greek Council must be able to attend every Executive Board and General Assembly meeting of the Greek Council, excluding inconsistent excused absences. a) Excused absences are those that are result of an illness or compelling personal issue and must be reported to, and approved by, the President of the Greek Council twentyfour (24) hours prior to a meeting. b) If an officer has more than two consecutive unexcused absences or four unexcused absences, the President has the authority to initiation a Vote of Confidence.
Section IX. Executive Board Vote of Confidence
Greek Council Bylaws 12
a) A Vote of Confidence may only be called as a result of a violation within Article III,
Section VIII, sub section d) or e). b) When a Vote of Confidence is initiated against a specific officer, the Executive Board votes on whether or not they have confidence in that officer to continue to fulfill the responsibilities and duties of their position. c) A failed Vote of Confidence results in the removal of the officer for which it was called.
Anything less than a majority vote (50% + 1) constitutes a failed Vote of Confidence. d) A Vote of Confidence requires the following;
All Executive Board members be present
A discussion must take place, without the officer in question, where each member of the Executive Board may voice an opinion if they desire.
Before the vote or discussion takes place, the officer for whom the vote was called must get an opportunity to speak on his or her own behalf.
The Presidential cabinet shall consist of the elected and appointed officers who shall each have one vote. These officers are the Risk Management Officer, Programming Officers
(Representative of all appropriate Sub-Councils), Public Relation Officer, Scholarship Officer,
Philanthropy Officer, and Development Officer, and sub-council chairs.
Section I. Duties for Presidential Cabinet a) In the event a person cannot fulfill their duty, the person must submit a letter of resignation and can leave without question. b) All cabinet members must submit a plan of action to VP of Internal Affairs.
Section II. Duties of the Risk Management Officer a) Shall oversee G.A.M.M.A. b) Shall be responsible for organizing all Greek quarterlies with the assistance of the
President and Advisor. c) Shall collect all standing Risk Management Policies for each member organization. d) Shall ensure that all member organizations are aware of and adhere to Cal Poly Pomona
Risk Management Policies, and organization specific policies. e) Shall act as the assistant and Vice Chair to the Greek Review Board under the Attorney
General (Chairman). f) Shall aid in all matters that deal with the Greek Review Board. g) Can not be in the same organization as the Attorney General.
Section III. Duties and Privileges of the Scholarship Officer a) Shall be responsible for collecting grades from Greek members and organizing a Greek
Honor Roll. a) Shall only use the current member listing filed with the Greek Council Vice President of Internal Affairs.
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b) Shall be responsible for presenting the Fraternity and Sorority Scholarship Award to the chapter with the Highest G.P.A. a) Shall only use the current member listing filed with the Greek Council Vice President of Internal Affairs c) Shall oversee all aspects of Gamma Sigma Alpha Honor Society.
Section IV. Duties and Privileges of the Philanthropy Officer a) Shall be responsible for organizing all Greek philanthropies. b) Shall serve as the liaison between the Greek community and outside philanthropic organizations. c) Shall work with the Public Relations officer in publicizing Greek philanthropic activity.
Section V. Duties and Privileges of the Programming Officers a) Shall consist of one officer from each appropriate Sub-Council. (i.e., IFC, Panhellenic,
Diversified Greek Council, National Pan-Hellenic Council, etc...) b) Shall be responsible for organizing programs in addition to Greek Week. c) Shall be responsible for maintenance of all programming equipment. d) Shall chair the Greek Council Programming Committee.
Section VI. Duties and Privileges of the Public Relations Officer a) Shall exist for the purpose of promoting the good name and benefits of member organization belonging to the Greek community. b) Shall develop and implement a program of public relations for all Greek events of the
Greek Council, IFC, Panhellenic Council, Pan-Hellenic, D.G.C., Affiliate Council, Order of Omega, and G.A.M.M.A., as well as any other Greek events that may arise. c) Shall act as a liaison between the Greek community and all non-Greeks. Shall chair the
Greek Council Public Relations Committee.
Section VII. Duties and Privileges of the Development Officer a) Shall be responsible for all fund raising for the Greek Council. b) Shall work with the Public Relations Officer and VP for External Affairs as a liaison between the Greek community and the outside business community.
Section VIII. Duties and Privileges of the Sub-Council Chairs a) Shall serve as an ex-officio, non-voting member. b) Shall act as a liaison between the Greek Council and the respective Sub-Council.
Section I. Advisor(s) a) The Greek Council shall have an advisor who shall be a full-time member of the faculty, administration, or staff of California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. The Greek
Advisor may not be an advisor of an existing fraternity or sorority.
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Section II. Selection of Advisor(s) a) The President of Greek Council shall appoint the Greek Advisor. Appointment is subject confirmation to by a majority vote by the General Assembly. b) After the nomination of the Greek Council advisor, the Director of the Office of Student
Life and Cultural Centers shall make the final approval and actual appointment.
Section III. Duties and limitations of Advisor(s) a) The advisor's responsibilities include the attendance at all Greek Council meetings, participation in as many Council activities as is practical, signing all forms related to the scheduling of activities and disbursement of funds and the other duties outlined in the
OSL Advisor's Guide. b) The advisor(s) shall be an ex-officio, non-voting member of the Council. c) The Advisor is responsible for checking GPA's quarterly for all Greek Council officers to ensure all officers meet the CSU officer eligibility requirements.
Section IV. Second Advisor a) The Greek Council may have a second advisor, in which case the same provisions apply to both.
Section V. Sub-Councils a) Each sub-council shall develop and adopt its own provisions for an advisor, unless otherwise provided for the Greek Council.
Section IV. Term of Office a) The advisor(s) shall serve a two-year term, after which he/she can be reappointed by the
Section I. Structure a) Shall develop a governing structure appropriate to its needs, so long as that structure does not conflict with the provisions in these bylaws. b) Shall submit a copy of all meeting agendas to the Attorney General of the Greek Council five business days in advance of the meeting. Failure to do so shall render the meeting unofficial. c) Each sub-council shall submit a copy of all official memorandum, judicial action, or chapter correspondence to the Attorney General of the Greek Council. d) Shall submit a copy of any changes to their set of bylaws, standing rules, or judicial code to the Rules and Policies Committee of the Greek Council for final approval. Approval is contingent on compliance with the Bylaws and Judicial Code of the Greek Council. e) Shall submit a budget reline by the second week of the fall quarter. Failure to submit the budget reline will result in freezing the sub-council's allocation until such reline is received.
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f) Shall submit a budget with a line item justification to the Vice President of Finance by the second regularly scheduled meeting of the Greek Council General Assembly of the spring quarter. g) The sub-council shall function within the limits of authority approved by the Greek
Council. h) Each sub-council shall develop a committee structure appropriate to its needs, so long as that structure provides for proper representation to the Greek Council committee structure. i) In general, sub-councils will be given the appropriate level of authority and responsibility to effectively manage those activities and issues unique to the member organizations of the particular sub-council.
Section II. Inter-Fraternity Council (IFC) a) All social fraternities that have a national affiliation with the National Inter-Fraternity
Conference (NIC) shall have membership in this sub-council. b) IFC shall function within the framework of the Greek Council Governing Code to provide guidance and leadership in the areas of rush, recruitment, and intramural sports, and to promote unity and cooperation among the NIC member organizations in the Greek
Council. c) Appropriate Associate Member organizations shall have membership in this sub-council.
Membership is subject to the limitations delegated by the sub-council.
Section III. Panhellenic Council (NPC) a) All social sororities that have a national affiliation with the National Panhellenic Council
(NPC) shall have membership in this sub-council. b) NPC shall function within the framework of the Greek Council Governing Code to provide guidance and leadership in the areas of formal rush, informal recruitment, and intramural sports, and to promote unity, cooperation, and Panhellenic sisterhood among the NPC member organizations in the Greek Council. c) Appropriate Associate Member organizations shall have membership in this sub-council.
Membership is subject to the limitations delegated by the sub-council.
Section IV. Diversified Greek Council (DGC) a) All social fraternities and social sororities that are not affiliated with the NIC, NPC, or
NPHC shall have membership in this sub-council. b) DGC shall function within the framework of the Greek Council Governing Code to provide guidance and leadership in the areas of recruitment, chapter development, and to promote unity, and cooperation among the members of the DGC. c) Appropriate Associate Member organizations shall have membership in this sub-council.
Membership is subject to the limitations delegated by the sub-council.
Section V. National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) a) National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) is the sub-council responsible for those issues specific to traditionally black national men's and women's fraternities and sororities with membership in the National Pan-Hellenic Conference (NPHC).
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b) This sub-council functions within the framework of the Greek Council Governing Code to provide guidance and leadership in the areas of recruitment, chapter development, community outreach and mentorship and to promote unity, and cooperation the NPHC member organizations in the Greek Council.
Section VI. Affiliated Council a) All Affiliated Council organizations shall have membership in this sub-council. b) This sub-council shall be active only when there are two or more Affiliate member organizations within the Greek Council. c) All social fraternities and social sororities that are not affiliated with the NIC, NPC, or
NALFO shall have membership in this sub-council. d) In the event that there is only one (1) social fraternity or sorority in this council, they will report directly to the Greek Council. Those other recognized student organizations with structure and goals similar to and/ or compatible with member organizations of the Greek
Council are eligible to become affiliate members. Eligibility to vote on council business, receive funding and hold an office of the Greek Council, with the exception of President and Executive Vice President is subject to those right delegated by the General Assembly of the Greek Council. e) Eligibility shall be determined on an individual basis by the General Assembly, at the time of the Affiliate Member Organization's incorporation into the council. f) Representation must attend at least three-fourths (3/4) of all meetings of the General g) Must hold assemblies, both regular and special, during the academic school year for eligibility to be valid.
Section VII. Greeks Advocating the Mature Management of Alcohol (G.A.M.M.A.) a) All Members of the Greek Council shall be members of this sub-council. b) G.A.M.M.A. exists to develop and implement a peer education network so students can play a uniquely effective role in encouraging their peers to reflect on, talk honestly about, about a variety of issues. G.A.M.M.A. has endeavored to expand the range of issues it addresses to include along with issues of alcohol use and abuse, drug use, sexual abuse, and personal health issues.
Section VIII. Order of Omega a) Order of Omega is a national honor society established to reward outstanding scholarship, leadership, and service. Order of Omega is reserved for members of the
Greek community with a cumulative GPA of a 2.7
who show leadership skills and campus involvement.
Section I. Purpose a) The Greek Council shall maintain standing Public Relations, Programming, Awards, and
President's Committees, with other committees as needed.
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b) The appropriate Executive Board member shall chair the standing committees, with chairs of other committees to be appointed by the Greek Council Executive Vice
President. c) Chairs of similar sub-council committees will serve as members of the Greek Council committees. d) Additional members may be appointed to committees at the discretion of the Executive
Vice President. e) All items brought to the Council may be referred to a committee by a majority vote of the
Council; the committee must report at the next scheduled meeting. f) All committees may be subject to special assignments according to the Greek Council needs.
Section II. Public Relations Committee a) Shall be headed by the Communications Officer from the Greek Council and shall consist of, but not be limited to, Public Relations Chairs elected or appointed by the Inter-
Fraternity Council, Panhellenic Council, Pan-Hellenic Council, Diversified Greek
Council, Order of Omega, and G.A.M.M.A., as well as any additional members deemed necessary. b) Shall work to promote the good name and benefits of member organizations belonging to the Greek Council. c) Shall coordinate all public relations both in and out of our Greek community. d) Shall develop and implement a program of Public Relations for the Greek Council, as well as for any all Greek events sponsored by the Greek Council, the Inter-Fraternity
Council, Panhellenic Council, Pan-Hellenic Council, Diversified Greek Council, Order of
Omega, G.A.M.M.A., the Office of Student Life, or any all Greek event sponsored by any other organization. e) It is the responsibility of each member organization to coordinate any "All Greek" events with the Public Relations committee. f) Shall meet at the discretion of Public Relations Officer.
Section III. Programming Committee a) Shall be headed by the Programming Officers from the Greek Council, and shall consist of Activities Chairs elected/appointed by IFC, PC, Pan-Hellenic Council, Diversified
Greek Council, Affiliate Council, Order of omega, and G.A.M.M.A., as well as any additional members appointed by the Programming Officers. b) Shall work with all chapters' social/ activities chairperson in order to coordinate social events within the Greek community as well as in planning social functions, which involve the Greek community or any portion thereof. c) Shall work with all chapters' social/ activities chairperson in order to implement and/or suggest risk management policies in order to provide a safer social environment for the
Greek community. d) Shall meet at the discretion of the Programming Officers.
Section IV. Awards Committee a) Shall be headed by the Executive Vice President of the Greek Council and shall consist of President's/ Chairpersons elected or appointed by the Inter-Fraternity Council,
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Panhellenic Council, Pan-Hellenic Council, Diversified Greek Council, Order of Omega, and G.A.M.M.A. b) Shall work in conjunction with all chapters and members to plan, coordinate, and present an awards ceremony at the end of the academic year so as to acknowledge the achievements in our Greek community by member chapters and individuals from those chapters. c) Shall meet at the discretion of the Executive Vice President.
Section V. President's Round Table Committee a) Shall be headed by the Greek Council President and shall consist of the Greek
Advisor(s), the President from the Inter-Fraternity Council, Panhellenic Council, Pan-
Hellenic Council, Affiliate Council, D.G.C., Order of Omega, G.A.M.M.A., and all
Presidents/Chairpersons of all Greek Letter Organizations of The Greek Council. b) Shall meet at least once a quarter. c) Shall discuss ideas and/or concerns within or regarding the Greek community, as well as suggest ways in which to improve the Greek community. d) Failure to attend will result in a twenty-five dollar ($25) fine.
Section VI. Removal from Committee a) The Executive Board may remove any committee chair or committee member, who, in their opinion, is not satisfactorily doing the duties for which he/she has been appointed.
No person shall be removed from committee assignment without due process. The person alleged to have not satisfactorily met their duties shall be notified of this violation and informed of his/her right to be present in person and represented in any proceeding against him/her.
Section VII. Removal from Office a) The Executive Board or member organization in good standing may motion to remove any Greek Council officer, who, in their opinion, is not satisfactorily doing the duties for which he/she has been appointed, or acts in anyway detrimental to the Greek Council or the integrity of the Greek Council. Officers may be removed with a 2/3 vote of the active voting members present. b) It is expected that all Greek Council officers, will uphold the integrity of the Council, perform their duties to the fullest, and are to attend at least three-quarters (¾) of both
Greek Council meetings and Greek Council events. Only excused absences, determined by the Executive Board, will not count against their attendance. No person shall be removed from office without due process. The person alleged to have not satisfactorily met their duties shall be notified of this violation and informed of his/her right to be present in person and represented in any proceeding against him/her. This notice shall be documented. c) In the event that quorum is not met in (2) consecutive General Assembly meetings, the
Greek Council may intervene through an Executive Order as outline in Article VIII,
Section V, Action Items. d) Following judgment to remove an officer, elections will immediately be held for any elected officer removed, and applications will be collected for any appointed officers removed.
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Section I. Regular Meetings a) Each meeting for the transaction of business, including the markup of legislation, by the
Council, or standing committee thereof shall be open to the public, including to media coverage, except when the Council, or standing committee, in open session and with a majority present, determines by record vote that all or part of the remainder of that meeting on that day shall be closed to the public. b) Each hearing conducted by the ASI Senate, or standing committee shall be open to the public, including to media coverage, except when the Council, or standing committee, in open session and with a majority present, determines by record vote that all or part of the remainder of that hearing on that day shall be closed to the public. c) There shall be a minimum of five regular meetings per quarter, excluding the summer quarter. d) Meetings shall be conducted according to the parliamentary procedure which is prescribed in Robert Rules of Order Newly Revised, subject to the limitations of these
By-Laws. e) At least 72 hours before a regular meeting, the Council, or its designee, shall post an agenda containing a brief general description of each item of business to be transacted or discussed at the meeting, including items to be discussed in closed session. The agenda shall specify the time and location of the regular meeting and shall be posted in a location that is freely accessible to the members of the Associated Students, Inc., as well as in the building in which the meeting will be taking place(State Educational Code Section f) The ASI Attorney General has the authority to ensure that open meeting laws are being followed. g) The ASI Attorney General will notify the Council if the California Open Meeting Law changes. h) The Council shall take no action by secret ballot. (State Educational Code Section
89305.3.e) i) No action or discussion shall be undertaken on any item not appearing on the posted agenda. (State Educational Code Section 89305.5.b2) j) Shall consist of the elected officers of the Executive Board and the Cabinet of the Greek
Council, and one representative from each Greek organization under Greek Council.
Section II. Special Meetings a) A special meeting may be called at any at any time by the presiding officer of the b) Council, or by a majority of the membership of the Greek Council, by providing written notice to every member of the Council, and to each party that has requested notice of special meetings at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. (State Educational Code Section
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c) The call and notice shall be posted at least 24 hours prior to the special meeting in a location that is freely accessible to the members of the Associated Students, Inc. (State
Educational Code Section 89306.5.b) d) Only the business for which the special meeting was called may be transacted at the meeting.
Section III. Closed Session and Emergency Meetings a) An emergency meeting or closed session of the Greek Council may be held under circumstances specified in the California Open Meeting Law. The Greek Council shall contact the ASI Attorney General to ensure proper compliance of the California
Educational Code in regards to closed session of the Council or emergency meetings.
Section IV. Executive Board Meetings a) Shall be open or closed at the presiding officer's discretion. b) Shall be held at least five times per quarter during the fall, winter, and spring quarters; it shall meet as necessary during the summer quarter. c) Shall be an advisory committee and cannot take any legislative action. d) Shall consist of elected and appointed officers of the Greek Council.
Section V. President’s Round table a)
The Greek Council shall conduct at least one President’s Round table per quarter, including one over summer. b) The purpose shall be to discuss current and future issues of the Greek community.
Section VI. Action Item a) A quorum must be present at all meetings, to conduct business. b) In such cases that a quorum is not met in two (2) consecutive meetings of the General
Assembly, the Executive Board may choose to intervene on action items, through an
Executive Order.
Executive Orders shall be reached through a recorded vote by the Executive Board of the Greek Council.
Executive Orders shall be binding unless overturned by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the
General Assembly of the Greek Council.
Section I. Quorum a) A quorum of the Council, or Council Committee, shall consist of a simple majority (50%
+ 1) of the membership with voting privileges. b) A quorum is required to take any action on any matter. c) Ex-officio members and the presiding officer do not constitute a part of quorum. d) In such cases that that a quorum is not met in two (2) consecutive meetings of the
Assembly, the Executive Board may choose to intervene on action items, through an
Executive Order.
Greek Council Bylaws 21
Executive Orders shall be reached through a recorded vote by the Executive Board of the Greek Council.
Executive Orders shall be binding unless overturned by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the
General Assembly of the Greek Council.
Section II. Voting a) All organizations may have one representative; representatives have one vote each upon all motions including elections unless otherwise specified in these By-Laws. b) A two-thirds (2/3) majority vote shall consist of two-thirds (2/3) of the voting representatives present. c) Plurality shall be defined as the most number of votes, with or without a majority. d) No absentee or proxy vote shall be allowed at any meeting of the Greek Council. e) A Greek Council executive or cabinet officer may not present or vote for his/her club. f) Only representatives and executive officers can make motions. g) All motions pass with a simple majority unless otherwise specified in these By-Laws or
Robert's Rules of Order. h) The president shall have the final vote in case of a tie.
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Section I. ASI Agency Account a) These Greek Council organizations, pursuant to its charter obligation, shall maintain an agency account with the ASI Business office. b) All monies of this organization allocated to it by the Associated Students, Inc. shall be deposited in, and disbursed from, this account in compliance with ASI financial policies,
CSU regulations, and ASI Business office procedure. All University chartered and
Council recognized student organizations are eligible for funding except those funded by
Instructional Related Activities (IRA) funds.
Section II. Usage a) All monies of this organization shall be deposited in, and dispersed from, this account following procedures outlined by the ASI/UU Business Office.
Section III. Dispersal of Funds a) Should the Greek Council become inactive by failing to apply for charter renewal, the trust account will be held as an inactive account for two (2) academic years. In the event, the Greek Council, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona does not become active during the two (2) year period, it is hereby declared that any funds remaining in said account are to be transferred to the Associated Students, Inc., California State
Polytechnic University, Pomona, general fund.
Section IV. Funding Eligibility and Special Assessments a) For fund raising purposes, an Active Organization shall be defined as an organization, recognized by the Greek Council, which participates in council business and submits dues and other required information. b) Only those groups classified as Active member and Active Affiliate Member
Organizations are eligible to receive ASI funding through the Greek Council. c) Funding eligibility shall also be contingent upon the following stipulations:
Funding from the Greek Council shall be reflective of a member organization's participation in the council for the entire year.
A member organization may miss one regular meeting of the Greek Council per quarter, per academic year without penalty. An organization that misses more than one meeting in any quarter renders itself ineligible for one-third (1/3) of its annual
ASI funding through the Greek Council.
Once a request has been granted, the organization must be present at all remaining meetings for that quarter. Failure to do so will forfeit the organizations’ right to the funds granted to it for that quarter (1/3 of the annual allocation). The member organization shall be responsible for repayment of the allocation, in the event that they are found in violation of this statute.
Affiliate Member Organizations deemed eligible for funding.
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The information under Article LI Section 1 Subsection C of the Greek Council
Bylaws within two (2) weeks of becoming an Affiliate Member to become eligible for funding. Failure to comply shall result in a loss of that quarter's allocation.
Any organization that fails to fulfill its attendance at two (2) Greek Council events in a single quarter, deemed mandatory by the Executive Board, not including fund raisers will forfeit one-third (1/3) of its annual ASI funding from the Greek Council. d) Any absence by a member organization or designee thereof, of any Greek Council fund raising event, deemed mandatory by the Greek Council Executive board, shall result in that organization being assessed the amount of lost revenue incurred by the absence(s), unless prior written notice of the absence(s) is received and approved by the Executive
Board of the Greek Council. Notification of absence must be at least two (2) weeks prior to the date of the event. The Executive Board shall be responsible for notifying organizations of their obligation to attend no less than two (2) meetings, or in the case that there is more than two (2) weeks between meetings, five weeks prior to an event.
Section I. Nominations a) Nominations for the elected offices of the Greek Council shall be made from the floor at the regular scheduled meeting prior to elections. If such meeting is held more than two
(2) weeks before elections, nominations may be submitted in writing at least seven (7) days prior to the election; or may be made at a special meeting called for that purpose, scheduling of such meetings are at the discretion of the President of the Greek Council.
Section II. Time of Election a) The annual election of officers will take place at the meeting prior to the final meeting of the spring quarter.
Section III. Election Procedure a) The election of the Greek Council officers shall occur by ballot. b)
Elections shall proceed in a “trickle-down” process. c) The winners shall be determined by plurality. d) All Executive Board and Cabinet officers of the Greek Council shall remain unbiased throughout the nomination and election process.
Section IV. Assumption of Office a) Individuals shall assume their office at the end of the spring quarter in which they were elected and shall serve a term of one (1) year.
Section V. Vacancies a) In the event that the President is unable to complete his or her term, the Executive Vice president shall act as President on an interim basis. Organizations will be notified of the vacancy. Nominations and elections will be held at the next meeting of the Greek Council
General Assembly.
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b) The President will fill vacancies in all other Executive Board offices through appointment. Appointments are subject to confirmation by a majority vote by the General
Assembly of the Greek Council.
Section VI. Recall of Executive Officers a) The Council may, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of its total membership eligible to vote, recall an executive officer after written charges, signed by one-third (1/3) of the voting delegates or representatives are presented before the Council and the individual has heard the charges and been given an opportunity to answer them. b) The recall motion shall be tabled until the next regularly schedule meeting at which time it shall be voted upon.
Section VII. Limitations a) Members of the same organization cannot hold the offices of President and Executive
Vice President. b) Officers of the Greek Council may not hold an elected or appointed sub-council office. c) Officers may simultaneously hold an office of the Greek Council and one of its Subcouncils only during the fall quarter overlap of terms. d) Members of Associate Member Organizations are ineligible to hold offices of the Greek
Section I. Executive Officers a) The current officers and advisors shall train newly elected executive officers and representatives in their new offices. b) This shall take place at a transition retreat organized by the Greek Council President.
Section II. New Members a) Every Fall and Spring quarter all New Members of each member organization are required to attend a New Member workshop which will be organized and presided by the
President, Executive Vice President and Risk Management Officer
Section III. President’s Round Table a)
Every quarter a mandatory President’s Round Table must be conducted. This meeting will be conducted and held at the discretion of the Greek Council President.
a) No appointed or elected official shall be removed from office without due process. b) The person alleged to have violated these by-laws shall be notified of the violation and informed of his/her right to be present in person and be represented in any proceeding.
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a) Any individual or organization against which disciplinary action is taken may appeal the conviction or penalty to the Greek Review Board, then the ASI Judiciary. The decision of the ASI Judiciary shall be final.
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Section I. Operating Procedures a) Shall be in compliance with ASI, University, and CSU regulations, as well as state and federal law. b) Shall be determined by the committees. c) A policy shall be established by a majority vote of the committee. d) A policy may be recommended by any Council member. e) Policies shall be collected by the Secretary and printed and distributed with these By-
a) All Judicial matters, excluding those internal issues referenced in these by-laws regarding meetings, officers, and membership, shall be conducted by the Greek Review Board, also known as GRB. Authored by James Perry, 2007.
Section I. OFFICIAL NAME a) This organization shall be called the Greek Review Board (also known as the "GRB").
Section II. PURPOSE a) The purpose of the GRB is to assist in arbitrating disputes arising between or involving
Greek organizations. The GRB shall first assist in mediating discussion between member organizations and the party who filed a complaint. The primary goal of the GRB is to have the individual(s) and/or chapter(s) resolve their conflicts through compromise and responsible behavior. However, if mediation is not effective, the GRB may conduct a hearing and levy sanctions on the offending Greek organization. Such sanctions shall be final, except in those instances where they may be modified by appeal as provided in the
Greek Review Board By-laws, or referred to Associated Students Incorporated (ASI).
Greek organizations include all voting and non-voting members of the Diversified Greek
Council, Greek Council, Interfraternity Council, Panhellenic Council, and National Pan-
Hellenic Council. b) To serve as the self-disciplining and responsible board for resolving Greek conduct issues within the Greek Community. To provide the opportunity for self-governance in order to protect the interests of the Greek Community and its membership. c) To recommend action from a student perspective.
Section III. ETHICAL EXPECTATIONS a) GRB members are expected to respond to the concerns of the University and the greater
Pomona community. At the same time, GRB members are expected to exhibit a genuine concern for chapters participating in the process. b) GRB members are expected to conduct hearings and all other interactions in a manner which shows respect for the dignity of the students involved.
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c) GRB members will protect the confidentiality of any information they receive, as appropriate. d) GRB members will not discuss a completed or pending case outside of the hearing itself. e) GRB members will promote fairness in the judicial process. Therefore, GRB members will disqualify themselves from hearing a case if they find themselves to have a bias about the group or an individual and/or his/her/their behavior. f) GRB members will examine their personal biases and challenge themselves to act in a manner that does not contribute to discrimination against persons whose backgrounds, cultures, beliefs, or life-styles are different from their own.
Section IV. JURISDICTION a) The GRB is governed by and has jurisdiction over the following documents:
Greek Council By-laws and Procedures Article XVI.
Sub-Council By-laws and Procedures.
Offenses against ASI's, OSL's and Cal Poly's policies and rules. b) The GRB shall hear complaints of students, student organizations, faculty, staff, alumni, and persons affected by the University community. Anonymous complaints will not be considered. c) Conflicts arising between one or more fraternity chapters and/or one or more sorority chapters regarding violations of Greek Council, Interfraternity Council, Panhellenic
Association, Diversified Greek Council, Pan-Hellenic Association, and/or Greek Affairs
Office policy, rules, regulations, and procedures. d) Referrals or appeals from the Interfraternity Council, Panhellenic Association,
Diversified Greek Council, Pan-Hellenic Association, and Greek Council. e) Reports from Off-campus Police, Sheriff Department or University Police officers which involve fraternity and/or sorority chapters or Greek individuals violating Interfraternity
Council, Panhellenic Association, Pan-Hellenic Association, Diversified Greek Council, or Greek Council regulations. f) Actions on the part of one or more fraternity chapters (or their members) and/or one or more sorority chapters (or their members), which are detrimental to the reputation or status of the remainder of the Greek Community.
MEMBERS a) All student members of the GRB shall be active members in good standing of their respective fraternities/sororities. b) All student members of the GRB shall have a minimum of a 2.50 cumulative GPA prior to election, and throughout Board term. c) There may not be more than one Board member or Alternate from the same chapter. d) All student members of the GRB must have been an initiated member for at least one year. e) It is recommended that each GRB student member have served as an Executive officer in his/her chapter or on DGC, GC, IFC, NPHC, PHC, or be serving on their chapter
Executive Board concurrently. f) GRB members must have completed a minimum of forty-five (45) credit hours.
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g) Each fraternity/sorority may submit two applications to be reviewed for election of set position. h) GRB members may not be serving on an executive board of any Greek related subcouncil (DGC, PHC, NPHC, IFC and GC).
Section VI. MEMBERSHIP OF THE BOARD a) The Greek Review Board shall consist of nine voting board members, all of whom shall be matriculated Cal Poly Pomona students who are initiated and active members of any
University recognized fraternity or sorority. The GRB Advisor shall not have a vote.
Two student board members shall be elected by the Diversified Greek Council
(DGC). One alternate DGC member will be elected to fill a DGC-GRB vacant position.
Two student board members shall be elected by the Interfraternity Council (IFC).
One alternate IFC member will be elected to fill an IFC-GRB vacant position.
Two student board members shall be elected by the National Pan-Hellenic Council
(NPHC). One alternate NPHC member will be elected to fill a NPHC-GRB vacant position.
Two student board members shall be elected by the Panhellenic Council (PHC). One alternate PHC member will be elected to fill a PHC-GRB vacant position.
The Ninth voting board member which is elected by the Greek Council (GC) as
Attorney General is the chairman of the GRB, which shall only have a vote under the circumstance to make or break a tie.
A faculty/staff member who will be a non-voting member selected by the Dean of
Students. b) A designee selected by the Dean of Students shall serve in an advisory capacity. The
Advisor will have no vote, but will be present at all meetings, hearings, deliberations, and will have voice in all these meetings.
Section VII. OFFICERS a) Officers of the GRB.
Chairman - The Attorney General that is elected by the Greek Council. They will also represent and uphold the standards of the GRB.
Vice Chair – The Risk Management Officer that is appointed by the Greek Council
(GC). The Vice Chair shall take on the responsibility of the Chairman should he/she not be present at the meeting, or is unable to serve as Chairman due to conflict of interest. The Vice Chair shall have a vote, unless chairing the meeting or hearing.
Said member shall not be affiliated with the same organization as the Chairman.
Secretary - The board members shall also select a recording secretary to take minutes, and shall have a vote.
Section VIII: RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE POSITION a) Members will attend and participate in all training sessions as required by the University
Greek Advisor, and Greek Affairs Office. b) Members will attend and participate in all Greek Review Board meetings. c) Members will participate in hearings on incidents referred to the Greek Review Board as appointed.
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d) Members will be punctual at all hearings for which they are assigned. If a member is unable to attend a hearing, it is his/her responsibility to notify the chairperson at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the time the hearing takes place. If a GRB member misses three (3) meetings (with or without notification), they will automatically be removed from the council, without exception. If a GRB member misses two (2) meetings without notification, they will automatically be removed from the council, without exception. e) All members share responsibility in ensuring that each GRB hearing is conducted according to due process. f) Members through group deliberation and decision making will determine appropriate sanctions for the incident through a majority vote. g) Members will make the necessary arrangements to ensure that the sanctions are completed in a satisfactory manner. Members who fail to fulfill these required responsibilities risk removal from the position.
Section IX. REMOVAL OF BOARD MEMBER a) Resignation or Failure to meet Eligibility - In the event a Board member shall resign, or fail to meet the Eligibility requirements as listed above, the member shall immediately lose his/her membership on the Board. b) Vote to Remove - Greek community members and organizations may request that a
Greek Review Board member be permanently removed from the Board. The request should be submitted to the Greek Review Board, as well as the chair of the electing body in writing, explaining the reasons for removal request. The electing body shall then hold an open meeting to discuss the request, and may ask the complaining party and the Board member in question to appear before the electing body. The electing body will then vote to remove or retain the Greek Review Board member. The Board member shall be removed by a (2/3) vote of the electing body. c) Filling vacant position - Upon a vacancy of any kind, the Board member shall notify the
Chairman or Vice Chair of the respective electing body of the vacancy. That Board shall then elect a replacement at their earliest convenience from sub-council in which the vacancy occurred from. d) Position vacancy during summer – Due to the fact that none of the electing bodies hold regular meetings during the summer, if needed, the Chair and the GRB Advisor shall appoint a temporary Board member in the event of a vacancy. That representative
Council shall then elect a permanent replacement at their earliest convenience in the fall.
The temporary Board member may be a candidate. e) If the GRB determines that the charges warrant a hearing, it must be held within ten (10) class days of the decision by the officers to hold the hearing. f) The member pressing charges may ask for representation from an advisor(s) or student(s) currently attending Cal Poly Pomona. g) The GRB member being charged that will defend his or her case, may ask for representation from an advisor(s) or student(s) currently attending Cal Poly Pomona.
Section X. REPORTING/REFERRAL PROCESS OF INCIDENTS a) A formal report of an incident must be made to the GRB through the Greek Affairs
Office and/or Greek Advisor and received within seven (7) class days of the incident.
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b) A formal report must consist of the Incident Report Form (which can be found on the
Greek Council website) and a detailed written description of the incident signed by the referring party.
Section XI. DUE PROCESS RIGHTS OF INDIVIDUALS/CHAPTERS a) Involved parties have the right to choose a representative from an advisor(s) or student(s) currently attending Cal Poly Pomona. b) The referred student(s)/chapter(s) have the right to be notified of charges raised against them within forty-eight (48) hours of receiving the charges. c) The referred student(s)/chapter(s) have the right to make a one-time request to reschedule the hearing date up to forty-eight (48) hours before the scheduled hearing. d) The referred student(s)/chapter(s) have the right to be notified of the decision of the GRB within seven (7) class days after the hearing. e) Any involved student(s)/chapter(s) have the right to decline to bear witness against himself or herself.
Section XII. PRE- HEARING PROCEDURES a) Charges must be brought to the attention of GRB as specified in Section X. The GRB chairperson must inform the parties involved and receive confirmation that the parties are aware of charges being brought forth. This must take place within forty-eight (48) hours of receiving charges. b) Procedures are initiated when the Greek Affairs Office and/or Greek Advisor receive a written report giving the details of an alleged incident. The Greek Advisor and the GRB members will review the case to determine if the case is within the Greek Review
Board’s jurisdiction. In a case involving a dispute between two chapters, a conference of the representatives of the groups involved in the incident will be called by the Chairman of the GRB after the accused chapter(s) has/have received a copy of the accusation. All possible attempts to reach an amicable solution must be made. If all involved parties reach a unanimous agreement, then the charges will be dismissed. If the representatives of the groups cannot reach an amicable solution, the case must be referred to the Greek
Affairs Office and the GRB members for review within three (3) class days of the mediation attempt. c) The GRB may request additional information from the referring party. d) The GRB will decide whether or not to bring charges to a hearing within seven (7) class days of receiving the charges. A simple majority of the GRB is required to bring the charges to a hearing. Otherwise, charges will be dismissed. e) The GRB will set an initial hearing date within forty-eight (48) hours of their decision to hold a hearing. f) The involved individual(s)/chapter(s), Greek Advisor and Chapter Advisors will be notified of the charges, who brought the charges, the identity of both the referring and referred parties, the judicial procedures, and the hearing time and date, in writing within forty-eight (48) hours of the GRB decision to move forward with the hearing. g) The referred party must be notified at least five (5) class days prior to the scheduled hearing. Violation of this article constitutes grounds for continuance by the referred party.
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h) The referred party is required to respond within five (5) class days of service by filing a response to the Greek Review Board. The Board will then present a copy to the referring party. The response will include the following:
Motion to Quash: The referred party can attack the procedural manner in which the action was commenced. For instance, if he/she was not properly notified of the complaint.
Motion to Dismiss for Failure to State a Claim upon Which Relief can be granted:
The referred party admits to the claims but asserts that there is no entitlement to a recovery. An example of this would be if the referred party admitted to actions stated in the complaint but went on to assert that their actions did not violate any rules.
Answer in the Affirmative Defense: The referred party admits to the claims but asserts that further information exonerates him/her of the action.
The referred party’s claims are not mutually exclusive and any variation of the above may be filed in the same answer. In the case of a Motion to Quash and Motion to
Dismiss for Failure to State a Claim upon Which Relief can be granted, the referring and referred party will present arguments before the Board regarding such pre-hearing motions. i) The pre-hearing conference, if called, will take place at least two (2) class days before the formal hearing. Before the conference a Pre-hearing Memorandum is to be prepared by each council and submitted to the Chairman of the Board outlining:
A brief statement of the facts of the case.
A list of witnesses the council expects to call at the hearing.
A list of documents, photographs, and other physical evidence the council considers relevant.
A list of the issues the council considers to be actually in dispute. j) Violations which take place during school vacations shall be considered by the Greek advisor and its members when school reconvenes.
Section XIII. JUDICIAL HEARING PROCEDURES a) The referred party will be sent a written notice by the GRB Chairman of the violation(s) of which they are being accused. The notice of the violation(s) will include a list of witnesses who may be called and a summary of the evidence to be presented. Notice of any additional witnesses or information will be provided to the chapter as soon as possible by the GRB Chairman. b) Each group involved in the dispute shall send a maximum of three (3) representatives to the hearing. (This does not include listed witnesses). c) The GRB Chairman shall preside over the hearing unless removed under Article III,
Section E. If The Chairman is removed then the Vice Chair shall preside over the hearing. d) Hearings will be arranged expeditiously and should be held at the next regularly scheduled hearing time following receipt of notification of violation(s) of the chapter(s) involved in the hearing. In the case of exceptional circumstances, the GRB may delay the hearing. e) The GRB Secretary will maintain a summary record (Minutes) of the hearing. A copy will be provided to each chapter involved. f) The charging party/parties will have the opportunity to make an opening statement.
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g) The charged party/parties will have the opportunity to make an opening statement. h) The charging side will present their case to the Judicial Board.
The referred side will have an opportunity to cross-examine any witnesses brought forward by the referring side. i) Each chapter will have an opportunity to present their own version of the facts by personal statements as well as written reports and witnesses.
The chapter has the right to bring witnesses and reports from witnesses.
The referring side will have an opportunity to cross-examine any witnesses brought forward by the referred side. j) The Greek Review Board may ask any pertinent questions to either side. k) The referring individual(s)/chapter(s) will have the opportunity to make a closing statement. l) The referred individual(s)/chapter(s) will have the opportunity to make a closing statement. m) The GRB will determine responsibility for the action in question based solely on the facts presented at the hearing. n) If the party fails to appear at the hearing without prior notification and good cause, the
GRB has the prerogative to make a decision based on the available information. o) At the time of the hearing, the referred party may request a postponement of the hearing due to insufficient time allowed to him/her to prepare a case. Such a request for postponement is not a matter of fact but rests in the discretion of the Greek Review
Board. p) In resolving disputes, the Board members will draw on prevailing legal rules and standards found in the Greek Review Board bylaws. Where no authoritative legal rule or standard appears to be controlling, the court will have authority to act as a general Board of Equity. q) Once the selected GRB members determine the charges are justified, they shall determine appropriate sanctions to be administered to the offending party or parties. The incident is then closed, unless the decision is appealed. Written notice of the GRB’s decision will be sent to the chapter within seven (7) class days of the hearing. A copy of the decision may also be sent to other appropriate University offices and the National Headquarters of the offending parties if deemed to be necessary.
Section XIV. APPELLATE PROCEDURE a) The GRB shall only hear cases of appellate jurisdiction. b) The GRB shall acquire all relevant documents and the statement of the official decision of the lower court before the appellate hearing begins. c) The appellate body shall vote with majority whether it should hear an appeal. It should make a decision within five (5) class days from the date the Notice of Appeal was filed.
The GRB may make a reasonable extension by notifying the disputants that it shall need additional time to review the Notice of Appeal. d) The referring and referred parties will be notified of the decision to move forward by the
GRB within forty-eight (48) hours of the decision. e) Procedural Rules applied to the referring and referred party.
Neither party shall be allowed to introduce new physical evidence or witnesses for the appellate hearing.
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The referring and referred parties may submit a brief statement of the facts within three (3) class days of the appellate hearing.
Any GRB member presiding on the Board may interrupt to ask questions. f) The GRB shall deliberate in closed session. g) The GRB shall vote with majority whether to confirm or remand the lower court decision. h) Official decision of the GRB shall be prepared in writing in the majority opinion with legitimate reason why the Board rendered such a decision.
Section XV. JUDICIAL DISCIPLINE a) The range of sanctions available to GRB, includes but are not limited to:
Suspension of funding privileges.
Suspension from participation in any Greek event or activity.
Suspension of social privileges – defined as any event open to non-members that in the opinion of the Board is sponsored by the organization in question.
Section XVI. POST-HEARING PROCEDURES a) The GRB will deliver a decision and sanctions if necessary within seven (7) class days of the hearing to all involved parties. b) The GRB Chairman will assign a board member to follow up on any assigned sanctions.
Section XVII. BOARD OF EQUITY a) The Greek Review Board of Equity shall serve, as the Supreme Judicial Body of the
Greek community, have the power of summary review of any sub-council court decision.
The Board shall use the entirety of the Governing Code of the GRB in its review. The board reserves its right to amend the set of sanctions issued by a lower court, given there is cause to do so. b) The Board of Equity shall have the power to issue sanction in cases of:
Failure to complete registration requirements.
Delinquent membership or attendance.
Dues more then one quarter in arrears.
Failure to participate in council affairs.
Violation of sanctions previously imposed as a result of any judicial action.
Actions of the Board of Equity in these cases may be appealed for formal hearing by the offending organization or individual.
Section XVII. APPEAL PROCESS a) If a party chooses to appeal a decision of the Greek Review Board they must file an appeal with the ASI Judiciary.
Section XIII. MEETINGS a) Regular Meetings - The GRB shall hold regular monthly meetings during the academic year. GRB members shall be notified at the beginning of each quarter as to the exact time, dates and place of their regular meetings. Notification shall be done by the Chair and/or the Greek Advisor. Hearings may be conducted at Regular Meetings.
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b) Special Meetings - The Chair or the Greek Advisor may call special meetings of the GRB as needed. Special meetings may be held to conduct hearings, personnel matters, or for other administrative functions of the Board. Every effort shall be made to give at least seventy-two (72) hours notice of Special Meetings. c) Additional Meetings – Additional meetings shall be held as needed. d) The Chair of the GRB may ask any visitor to leave the meeting or hearing at any time for just cause. Suitable reasons for expulsion from a meeting or hearing may include, but not be limited to: disruption of participants, abusive behavior or comments toward the Board or participants.
Section XIX. QUORUM a) Quorum shall consist of the seated voting GRB members, plus the GRB chair. Having quorum allows the GRB to take action on an issue at hand.
Section XX. RECORDS a) Records of disciplinary action taken by the Greek Review Board and any appeals there from shall be maintained in the office of the Greek Advisor. All such disciplinary records shall be confidential and only available to the student(s) to which they relate, the
University and general fraternity/sorority administrators who have an official need to know, except as provided by law. When the Greek Review Board receives a request for records from anyone outside the University, no records shall be given without written permission of the students or the organizations against whom the complaint was filed.
Section I. Bylaws a) The Greek Council By-Laws and policies shall be updated annually or as needed with the month and year of their approval clearly documented. b) Any proposed change to these By-Laws must appear first as a discussion item on the
Greek Council agenda, proposed in writing at this meeting, during which they shall be read for the first time. c) A two-thirds vote, in the affirmative, by the entire voting Council membership is necessary to adopt any changes to the By-Laws. d) Revisions shall be incorporated into a fully revised copy of the By-Laws. e) New By-Laws shall be dated and signed by the Greek Council President and submitted to the Office of Student Life and the ASI Attorney General for their permanent records.
Section II. Compliance
These By-Laws shall not conflict with the By-Laws of the Associated Students Inc., or with the policies and regulations of the California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, the Trustees of the California State University and Colleges, or the State of California. Any stipulations applying to all chartered organizations made by the university shall be considered to be immediately enforceable, whether contained in these By-Laws or not.
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Council President
Attorney General
ASI Attorney General
The above legislation received the following results:
Approved: X Amended: _____ Defeated: _____ Tabled: _____
By a vote of: Ayes: 26 Nays: _0___ Abstentions: _2___ Unanimous: ____
Date: January 30, 2013
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