The University of Texas at Tyler Office of Greek Life Expansion Policy

The University of Texas at Tyler
Office of Greek Life
Expansion Policy
The Office of Greek Life at The University of Texas at Tyler supports expansion and growth of the fraternity
and sorority community, however, it also appreciates a structured and healthy growth of the community that
will allow for the best support of new and existing chapters. When it is determined that a new chapter is
needed to strengthen the Greek community on campus, the procedures as outlined below must be followed.
The purpose of this outline is to ensure the successful expansion of Greek-lettered fraternities and sororities,
as well as to maintain that the process is intentional, carefully developed in relation to the mission of UT
Tyler, and that the necessary guidance and support can be provided during such a time.
Procedures for Expansion
There are three ways in which a National sorority/fraternity may choose to expand:
Through a formal expansion process outlined and approved by the Interfraternity Council (IFC),
Panhellenic Council (PHC), National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC), Multicultural Greek Council
(MGC), the Director of Student Life & Leadership, and/or Council Advisor, or
2. Through receiving a formal petition from an interest group, or
3. Through reviewing a formal petition for recognition from a chapter coming off a disciplinary loss of
recognition by the University.
In any expansion process, the interested party must first contact the Coordinator for Greek Life prior to
recruiting members and/or submitting any expansion materials.
Each governing Council will recognize no more than one group as a colony within its Council at any one
time. Therefore, no Council will be allowed to expand further until the colony has obtained a charter or
has been disbanded.
The Office of Greek Life at The University of Texas at Tyler reserves the right to modify or change this
policy as necessary for the success of the Greek community at any point.
Only those organizations with National affiliations as Greek-lettered organizations are invited to pursue
these expansion procedures. The Office of Greek Life at The University of Texas at Tyler will not grant
recognition and consideration for local, regional, or start-up fraternities or sororities, though they are
encouraged to be recognized as registered student organizations on campus if they choose to do so.
A. Formal Expansion Process through IFC, PHC, NPHC, MGC
Determine the need for expansion.
2. Interested Council must first gain approval from Coordinator for Greek Life prior to beginning the
expansion process.
3. Determine the number of organizations to be involved in the expansion plan in regards to needs
and available resources.
4. The Council must review outlined information and select up to three organizations out of group
that applied to make on-campus presentations. Letters of inquiry will also be sent to organizations
that have expressed interest in colonizing at The University of Texas at Tyler.
5. Fraternities/sororities selected to make on-campus presentations will first meet with the respective
Council executive board along with the Coordinator for Greek Life and Director of Student Life &
Leadership to discuss expectations, policies, etc.
6. After the presentations are made to the general Council body, the Council executive board will
submit evaluations to the Coordinator for Greek Life. At this point, a checklist from the
respective Council will be provided to the chosen group and they will be asked to submit materials
outlined in Section II.
B. Formal Expansion Process for Petitioning Groups
The University of Texas at Tyler will only recognize fraternities/sororities with National affiliations
and must be recognized by one of the four governing councils (IFC, PHC, NPHC, MGC).
2. Prior to initiating contact with potential new student members, the Greek-lettered organization
must first contact the Coordinator for Greek Life.
3. After contacting the Coordinator for Greek Life, the organization must then gain approval to
expand from the respective governing Council.
4. Organization must submit all materials as outlined in Section II in a timely manner.
5. Organization must schedule a meeting with the respective Council executive board and the
Coordinator for Greek Life to discuss expectations, policies, etc.
6. A presentation for the Council general body must be scheduled, and invitations shall be sent to
each chapter president, advisor, and faculty/staff advisor. Chapters in respective Council will be
encouraged to send up to three (3) representatives not including the president and the advisors to
these meetings/presentations. Only those chapters sending at least two (2) of the same
representatives to 75% of the presentations will be allowed to cast a vote on allowing the
organization to continue the expansion process.
7. After the presentations are made to the general council body, the Council executive board will
submit evaluations to the Coordinator for Greek Life. At this point, a checklist from the
respective Council will be provided to the chosen group.
C. Formal Expansion Process for a Group Coming Off Disciplinary Loss of Recognition
by the University
The organization will meet with the Coordinator for Greek Life to discuss possible recolonization. The Coordinator for Greek Life will also confirm the organization’s eligibility with
the Director of Judicial Affairs and verify that the chapter has fulfilled all obligations due to any
judicial sanctions placed upon them.
2. After time period of University loss of recognition ends, the organization will meet with respective
Council executive board to discuss possible re-colonization and receive list of criteria to be
submitted which includes but is not limited to: a new chapter advisor, limited/no involvement from
members involved in previous incident to cause loss of recognition, and pay amounts owed to
respective Council.
3. The organization must submit information outlined in Section II in a timely manner.
4. Organization must schedule a meeting with the respective Council executive board and the
Coordinator for Greek Life to discuss expectations, policies, etc. They will then schedule a
presentation to the respective Council.
5. After the presentations are made to the general Council body, the Council will vote if the
organization has met the criteria set forth by the Council executive board. At this point, a
checklist from the respective Council will be provided to the group. A 2/3 vote is needed for the
organization to re-colonize.
6. If an organization is seeking to re-colonize due to loss of recognition from the National office, the
organization shall follow the procedures outlined in Section B and also submit all materials outlined
in Section II.
Materials to be Submitted for Review for Formal Expansion
Letter of intent to the Coordinator for Greek Life explaining why this organization should become
a part of the UT Tyler Greek Community.
2. Logistical Information
a. Name of fraternity/sorority
b. Founding date
c. History at UT Tyler (if applicable)
d. Current number of colonies
Current number of undergraduate chapters
Average chapter size
Number of chapters closed in the last 5 years and reasons for closing
Membership costs: new member, current member, initiation fees, insurance,
Proof of liability insurance (minimum $1,000,000)
3. Program Policies
a. Risk management policy
b. Hazing statement
c. New Member Education Program
d. Minimum standards for new members
e. Scholarship program
f. Community service program
g. Constitution & by-laws
h. Recruitment program
4. Colonization
a. List and status of colonies established in last 5 years
b. Procedures
c. Support
i. Explanation of national/regional support
ii. Recruitment
d. Criteria for obtaining charter
e. Timeline
5. Organizational Structure
a. List of all chapters within 3 hour distance
6. Resources
a. National governing structure
b. Scholarship opportunities
c. Leadership schools and conventions
d. Nearest chapter
e. Number of alumni in East Texas area
f. Contact information of committed alumni
Colonization Process
Organizations selected to expand or re-colonize on campus at The University of Texas at Tyler must meet
the following criteria:
Follow all UT Tyler policies and procedures related to Student Organizations in the Manual of
Policies & Procedures (MOPP).
2. Join respective Council and are encouraged to participate in every aspect of Greek Life at UT
3. Abide by all Council, National, Greek Life, University, and Board of Regents policies and
procedures, as well as abide by all local, state, and national laws.
The colony has only two years from the beginning of the expansion process to complete all
requirements to fulfill membership obligations to obtain a charter. If a colony has not achieved
chapter status in this time frame, the organization will be expected to disband.
Updated 10/07/2009