Not many people are looking for new revelation in God’s Word today. Most think they have all there is. And many people have grown weary of hearing about the Rapture...EVEN SOME CHRISTIANS. There is nothing but mockery for those who believe in the Rapture...but if you want to talk about aliens and UFO’s they are all ears. But if they can believe UFO’s ‘take up’ people for experimentation why can they not believe God can ‘take up’ His people to the safety of His Ark. For those who do not know what the Rapture is I will explain my view. The Rapture will be the literal taking up into the Heavens of all those who believe in Jesus the Christ, Yeshua Ha Mashiach as the Son of the One Living Eternal God...the One and only Creator of the Heavens and the Earth. Jesus WAS, IS AND WILL BE the FLESH appearing of the Almighty God. Flesh and bone can go to heaven but not the Blood as that is the life force on earth. The flesh and bone however must undergo a transubstantiation or transformation or transmutation making it able to function in both the earthly and heavenly realms. The word Rapture is not in the Bible. It is a ‘coined’ word for the words that are in the Bible which is “catching up”...which is often written in the Word of God as...”Come up Hither.” I believe that this “catching up” happens at the SAME TIME as the Second Coming of Christ. They are one and the same thing. In Acts 1:11 it says that the SAME Lord Jesus will be SEEN coming back in the sky exactly the way His disciples saw Him it will be VISIBLE to all who will be watching. The Church has believed a LIE by the liars who teach it and gain money by books on the teaching of it...and I believe will receive a cell in Hell. There will NOT be TWO COMINGS within 7 years or 3 and 1/2 years. Jesus said when He comes back it will be like it was in the Days of Noah and the Days of Lot. When Noah took his family into the ark the door was closed and locked by God Himself. There was not a second trip around for the ark to open up and take on more passengers. Life was going on as normal with the people mocking the revelation God had given to Noah until the flood came and took the evil folks away by drowning. The taking away of the SAVED and the taking away of the EVIL happened simultaneously. God gave Noah 120 years to build the Ark. Likewise it is the same today as it was in Lot’s day... “In your face” sodomites’ saying nothing is wrong with the way they want to live and marry. When the Bride/Church is gone...all Hell will break loose on this earth and Christians left behind and Sodomites will be the first ones rounded up for extinction. Sharia Law will not abide either one. The guillotines are already in America. They will harvest your organs if you miss being reaped on the Lord’s Harvest day. The first time Jesus came He came as a suffering servant to mankind and was rejected by the Pharisaical Church of His day. This time when He comes, He is coming as the Conquering King and is going to take “His Bride/Church” with Him to GO to be where He is. And the timing is also in the Word of God. (Revelation 11:1-14.) In Luke 24:45 the Word of God states, “Then He opened their mind to the Scriptures.” The Lord has lifted the Veil of our understanding in this, the last of the last days and now and we can discern more of the Word of God that He wants us to see as we get closer to His Second Coming. There has been much misunderstanding among the Christian community regarding WHO the two witnesses are and the Scriptures about the "thief in the night". When these two things are cleared up it will open ones understanding to the truth of God’s Word. I want to tell you a couple of things and pray the Lord will touch your heart so that you might receive this revealed understanding and begin to share these things with the Church and those on the streets to better prepare for His Soon Coming. Everyone expects for the ‘raptured alive’ prophets Enoch and Elijah to come back in the flesh...and they have already...but people are looking everywhere but the Bible to understand it. (Matthew 11:14 and Luke 1:17.) I do not have time or space in this teaching to get into the depth of how these particular two men have come back already...but they have been confused too long with the Two Witnesses. The first thing to be aware of concerning the coming of the Lord is that the TWO WITNESSES of Revelation ARE NOT TWO MEN. They are correctly identified by the Lord Jesus Himself in Revelation 11:1 where He measures His Temple. WE are now His Temple and we are all Prophets in the sense that we prophecy by preaching, teaching and speaking forth God’s Prophetic Word. Revelation 19:10 teaches us that the “Testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophesy”. Therefore we are all to be prophets and prophesy of Him. The two witnesses are the two olive trees and the two candlesticks. These are the Lord's Temples who are His people. The olive trees are Jews (saved Messianic Believers) and the candlesticks are Gentiles (His people saved from the Gentile nations) with 7 branches and are the 7 churches identified in Revelation 1-4. We will populate a new planet made especially for us. Additionally...Revelation 11: 7-14 gives us a distinct and unmistakable revelation of the TIME of His Coming. That is WHY the Book of Revelation is called Revelation WITHOUT AN ‘S’ ON THE END. It plainly says it is the REVELATION...the UNVEILING AND THE APPEARING OF JESUS CHRIST...and that is exactly what it does...reveal the time of His Coming. That is why the Book of Revelation said there is a particular BLESSING TO THOSE WHO READ IT AND UNDERSTAND IT. Now GET is very IMPORTANT. It says when we see the two olive trees and the two candlesticks (PEOPLE) laying (DEAD) in the streets of Jerusalem THEN in 3 and 1/2 days there will be a Resurrection and therefore there will be also be a Rapture. So we are to keep our eyes set on Israel and the signs in the Heavens. The four blood red moons coming up in 2014-2015 are extremely important as they each fall on a Jewish appointed time (Moedim or feast day...NOT Mary’s Feast Days BUT the LORD’S FEAST DAYS) even though many people want to discount this. The Lord said that the sun, moon and stars were given to us as SIGNS. (Right now Jerusalem is in the process of preparing for war as the world governments call for a divided Jerusalem and the surrounding nations call for complete destruction of the tiny nation of Israel.) The SECOND WOE is war against Israel and the Resurrection and Rapture. Yes we will be THAT far into what is being taught as the seven year tribulation period. In Matthew 24...the Lord identifies the time of His Coming by His reference to a "thief in the night". This does not mean that it will be a silent ‘snatching away’ of people and later a visible coming. He was identifying methods or teachings of the Hebrews. He clearly says that those of us who are watching for Him will KNOW the time of His Coming because we are of the day and not in darkness. The Jews have a story about "the thief in the night". It seems that there were temple guards that guarded the temple at night. When the guards went to sleep the HIGH PRIEST would go around and touch HOT COALS to their lips to wake them up. This JEWISH IDIOM is meant to WAKE UP THE CHURCH FROM THEIR SLUMBER and also to give us a connection to the time of His coming. The only way for any one to see this connection is if you have been doing what the Lord said...and have been “keeping the Feast”. He wanted us to keep His Feast or have the knowledge of His Feast or Moedim which means appointed times. There is and always has been a SET TIME for His Second Coming. So how did the Church get so confused? Why the secret coming before the Second Coming. Here is why! The Lord comes to each person silently, secretly and individually at the TIME OF YOUR VISITATION...or DAY OF YOUR VISITATION and He woos each person to make a decision for Him or against Him. One is kept on the Lord’s books and one is blotted out. We all start out with our names on the Heavenly books. When the Lord has called you there comes a time when He will no longer strive with you...and eventually a time comes for your last visitation and if you continue to reject Him at that time...your name is then blotted out of the Heavenly books. You do not know when that time is...only the Father in Heaven knows that. (Luke 19:28 and 37-48.) The Yom Kippur Neila Special 5th Service gives us a revelation that this feast is somehow more special than the rest. YOM KIPPUR is the MOST IMPORTANT TIME OF ALL THE FEAST/MOEDIMS, AND THE ONLY TIME THE HIGH PRIEST GOES INTO THE HOLY OF HOLIES WITHOUT THE BELLS ON. That means this service is the ONLY time the High Priest is SILENT. So...The TIME IS SILENT TO THE WORLD BUT KNOWN BY THOSE WHO ARE WATCHING. The time of the ‘SILENT’ THIEF IN THE NIGHT WILL BE DURING or AFTER A SET OF BLOOD RED MOONS ON A HIGH JEWISH HOLY DAY and I believe it will be at the last moment of Yom Kippur 2014 or 2015. The special Neila Service also says in its liturgy that this is when YENON (the Messiah) will come the SECOND TIME. When the Rapture and Resurrection happens, that will be the catalyst for Marshall Law and the One World Government to take over. Please believe do not want to be left here for this. I believe the Lord has shown me the man who will be the elected head of the One World Government and the One World Religion. The falling away will not come EXCEPT meaning UNTIL the man of sin is revealed. I have been revealing who I believe this man of sin is for over two years now. His name in HEBREW declares him to be the "PIG in the Garden of Eden"...the final anti-Christ. He is NOT the POPE but OF the SEVENTH POPE/KING. Now you must ask the Lord if I am correct and search out the understanding for yourselves. Shalom