Parent Presentation day 1 - Devonshire Elementary School

Welcome to
Meet Your Teacher
• Boys-Paper Towels on kidney table
• Girls- ziploc bags by the cabinets
• Parents• baby wipes in the big box by the cubbies
• kleenex by the windows
• Please open all of your supplies, put pencil,
crayons, scissors and erasers in your supply
Parent Information
August 26, 2015
Mrs. Brubaker
Personal Biography
O Bachelor Degree from Northeastern University,
Elementary Education
O Master’s in Curriculum and Instruction from
National Louis University
O Specialized endorsement in ESL
O Married with two animal friends at home
O Block Schedule – rotation A-B-C (Lions, Tigers, Bears)
O Homework- Send home Monday, due Friday
O Sight Words (practice daily)
O Take home folders (Read and clean out)
O Lunch accounts – $2.50 hot lunch, $0.40 milk
O Students use Mealtime accounts
Policies/ Procedures
O Scholastic Book Orders (Cash Only, please)
O Changes in transportation- note required, phone
O Communication- voicemail, notes, e-mail,
newsletter on Fridays
O Birthdays –one district philosophy- we will no
longer be doing birthday treats.
Weekly Behavior Note (example)
_____________________’s Classroom Behavior
Week of: ________________________________
Behavior Codes
Blue: Outstanding!
Green: Great Choices
Yellow: Warning
Orange: Last warning
Red: Minor/major - phone call home
Common Core State
O Adopted by 46 states
O Guideline of student expectations – (exampleCCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.1.2: Write informative/explanatory texts in
which they name a topic, supply some facts about the topic, and
provide some sense of closure.
O College and Career ready
O Changes in our curriculum- reading and math
Literacy Program
O Wonders, Harcourt, Reading A-Z, Decodable Books
O Books for all learners- small group instruction
O Books sent home Friday, Return on Mondays
O Wonders- technology available at home, leveled
spelling lists
O Raz Kids- Also available at home
O Reading workshop Approach- mini lessons, teach
reading skills
O Daily Five and guided reading
Literacy Program
O Writing
O Write Tools- support paragraph writing
O Writing Workshop ApproachO Mini lessons- specific skills
O Purposeful Practice
O Share/Reflection
Scott Foresman/Addison
Wesley Math Program
O Instruction whole group, cooperative groups,
partners, small guided math groups
O Manipulatives/math centers
O Basic math facts, Operation Strategies
Measurement, Place Value, Double-Digit Addition
and Subtraction, Word Problems
Additional Curriculum Areas
Social Studies
O 3 units
O Long ago/today
O Geographical influences
O Community
• Pebbles, Sand and silt
• Balance and Motion
• Plants
• All Hands-on lessons
O Curriculum designed by
district teachers
O Students will:
O read, write, research and
Health Program
Health, safety, diseases,
food groups
Social Emotional
O Daily morning meetings
O End of the day reflections
O Wednesday Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
O -full hour
O Lessons will target student needs or focus on
specific skills- responsibility, respectful, safety,
kindness, fairness, citizenship, ect..
Curriculum Continued
O ESL/reading support- Mrs. Bueno or Mrs. Pilecki
O Math Resources- Mrs. Spangler or Mrs. Johnson
O LRC- Mrs. Orozco
O Fine Arts- (Art/Drama/Music)- Mrs. Steinman
O P.E. – Mrs. Sims
O Literacy and Innovative Coaches
O “FAST” testing
O Fountas and Pinell Reading Assessment
O Reading CBMs, Running Records
O Math Summative tasks/ Basic Facts timed test
O Science/Social Studies Summative task
Parent-Teacher Conferences
O October and February
O Sign-Up Today in our room!!
O Teacher/Parent/Student
O Goal setting Fall- Academic/Social
O Share goals, progress and discuss successes
and needs
O Student Ownership
First Grade Handbook
O Handbook-important papers!
O Daily Schedule – Lions/Tigers/Bears
O Manuscript Sample
O Spelling and word wall words are in the book
Field Trips
O Theater- Play in winter
O Friendship Park Conservatory –Spring
O Bike Safety – Spring
O Permission Slips required- Signed and returned
P.T.O Membership
O $6.00 for each family – Please sign up
O Assemblies
O Excess Funds
O Classroom Gifts
O Scholastic book fair
O Birthday books
O And MUCH, MUCH, Much More!!
Parent Volunteers
O Class Parties and field trip
O If you’re interested please let me know