APUSH Exam Review

APUSH Review
Key Names, Events, and Terms
Conservative Ascendancy
William F. Buckley
Milton Friedman
Religious fundamentalists
Political action committees (PACs)
Taxpayers revolt; California Prop 13
Moral Majority: Jerry Fallwell
Abortion: Roe v. Wade
Reverse discrimination
Regents of University of California v. Bakke
Ronald Reagan
Supply-side economics
Trickle-down economics
Deregulation; domestic spending cuts
Professional Air Traffic Controllers Assoc. (PATCO)
Sandra Day O’Connor
William Rehnquist
Jesse Jackson; rainbow coalition
Walter Mondale
Geraldine Ferraro
Budget and trade deficits
Military buildup
Nicaragua; Sandinistas; Iran-Contra Affair
Middle East; Palestine Liberation Organization
Mikhail Gorbachev; glasnost, perestroika
George Bush (41); Dan Quayle
Tiananmen Square, Beijing
Soviet Union breakup, end of Cold War
Boris Yeltsin
Panama Invasion
Persian Gulf War 1991
Saddam Hussein
Americans with Disabilities Act 1990
27th Amendment
William Jefferson Clinton
Albert Gore
Ross Perot
Carol Moseley-Brown
Newt Gingrich
Contract with America
New world order
Yugoslavia, civil war; Bosnia
Limits of a Superpower
Richard Nixon
Henry Kissinger
Nixon Doctrine
Kent State
My Lai
Pentagon Papers
Paris Accords of 1973
China visit
Soviet Union; SALT
New Federalism
Southern strategy
Warren Burger
George McGovern
Watergate; articles of impeachment
United States v. Nixon
War Powers Act (1973)
Middle East War (1973)
OPEC; oil embargo
Gerald Ford
Cambodia; Khmer Rouge
James Earl (Jimmy) Carter
Human rights
Panama Canal treaty (1978)
Camp David Accords (1978)
Anwar Sadat; Menachem Begin
Iran; hostage crisis
Afghanistan invasion - soviet
Cultural pluralism
Immigration Act 1965
Immigration Reform and Control Act 1986
Mexican Americans
Cezar Chavez
American Indian Movement
Indian Self-Determination Act 1975
Asian Americans
Gay liberation movement
Environmental movement
Nuclear accidents; Three Mile Island, Chernobyl
Clean Air Act 1970
Environmental Protection Agency
Clean Water Act 1972
Environmental Superfund
John F. Kennedy
Jaqueline Kennedy
New Frontier
Peace Corps
Alliance for Progress
Trade Expansion Act 1962
Bay of Pigs
Berlin Wall
Cuban Missile Crisis 1962
Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
Warren Commission
Lyndon Johnson
Great Society
War on Poverty
Michael Harrington, The Other America
Barry Goldwater
Medicare; Medicaid
Elementary & Secondary Education Act 1965
Ralph Nader, Unsafe at any Speed
Rachel Carson, Silent Spring
Lady Bird Johnson
Civil Rights Act 1964
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
24th Amendment
Voting Rights Act of 1965
James Meredith
Martin Luther King, Jr.
March on Washington; “I Have a Dream Speech”
Black Muslims
Malcolm X
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee
Congress of Racial Equality
Stokely Carmichael
Black Panthers
Watts riots
Warren Court
Brown v. Board of Ed. Of Topeka
Gideon v. Wainwright
Miranda v. Arizona
Baker v. Carr
“one man, one vote”
Yates v. United States
Separation of church and state
Engel v. Vitale
Students for a Democratic Society
New Left
Sexual revolution
Women’s movement
Betty Friedan, The Feminist Mystique
National Organization for Women
Equal Pay Act 1963
Equal rights Amendment
Vietnam War
Tonkin Gulf Resolution
Tet offensive
Hawks and doves
Eugene McCarthy
Robert Kennedy
George Wallace
Hubert Humphrey
Eisenhower Years 1952 – 1960
Dwight Eisenhower
Richard Nixon
Modern Republicanism
Highway Act 1956; interstate highway system
John Foster Dulles; “brinksmanship”
Massive retaliation
Third World
Covert action
Geneva Conference
Ho Chi Minh
Domino theory
Southeast Asia Treaty Organization 1954
Suez Canal crisis 1956
Eisenhower Doctrine
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
“spirit of Geneva”
Open-skies crisis
Nikita Khruschev
Peaceful coexistence
Hungarian revolt
Warsaw Pact
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
U-2 incident
Fidel Castro
Military-industrial complex
Civil rights
Jackie Robinson
Earl Warren
Little Rock crisis
Rosa Parks
Montgomery bus boycott
Civil rights acts 1957, 1960
Civil Rights Commission
Southern Christian Leadership Conference
Nonviolent protest
Sit-in movment
Consumer culture
John Kenneth Galbraith, The Affluent Society
Truman and the Cold War 1945-1952
GI Bill 1944
Baby boom
Suburban growth
Harry Truman
Employment Act of 1946
Council of Economic Advisers
Committee on Civil Rights
22nd Amendment
Taft-Hartley Act (1947)
Progressive party
Henry Wallace
States-Rights (Dixicrats) Party
Strom Thurmond
Thomas Dewey
Fair Deal
Cold War
Soviet Union
United Nations
World Bank
Communist satellites
Iron Curtain
Winston Churchill
George kennan
Dean Acheson
Containment policy
Truman Doctrine
Marshall Plan
Berlin Airlift
East Germany; West Germany
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
National Security Act 1947
Arms race
U.S.-Japanese Security Treaty
Douglas MacArthur
Chinese Civil War
Chiang Kai-shek
Mao Zedong
People’s Republic of China
Joseph Stalin
Kim Il Sung
Syngman Rhee
Korean War; UN police action
38th parallel
Smith Act 1940
McCarran Internal Security Act 1950
House Un-American Activities Committee
Alger Hiss
Whittaker Chambers
Rosenberg case
Joseph McCarthy
Diplomacy and WWII, 1929 – 1945
Stimson Doctrine
Good-neighbor policy
Pan-American conferences 1933, 1936
London Economic Conference 1933
Soviet Union, recognized
Tydings-McDuffie Act
Cordell Hull
Italian Fascist party; Benito Mussolini
German Nazi party; Adolf Hitler
Axis Powers
Nye Committee
Neutrality acts
Spanish Civil War 1936-1939
Francisco Franco
America First Committee
Quarantine speech
Poland; blitzkrieg
Cash and carry
Selective Training and Service Act 1940
Destroyers-for-bases deal
Wendell Willkie
Four freedoms speech
Lend-lease Act 1941
Atlantic Charter
Pearl Harbor
Office of Price Administration
Smith v. Allwright
Korematsu v. U.s.
Harry S. Truman
Battle of the Atlantic
Dwight Eisenhower
D Day
Battle of the Bulge
Battle of Midway
Chester Nimitz
Douglas MacArthur
Manhattan Project
J. Robert Oppenheimer
Atomic bomb
Hiroshima; Nagasaki
Big Three
United Nations
The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939
Great Depression
Stock market; Wall Street
Black Tuesday 10/29/1929
Dow Jones Index
Income distribution
Buying on margin
Gross National product
Herbert Hoover
Hawley-Smoot Tariff 1930
Debt moratorium
Farm Board
Reconstruction Finance Corporation
Bonus march 1932
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Eleanor Roosevelt
Twentieth amendment “lame duck”
First New Deal
Relief, recovery, reform
Brain Trust
Frances perkins
Hundred Days
Bank holiday
Repeal of Prohibition
Fireside chats
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Public Works Adminstration
Harold Ickes
Civilian Conservation Corps
Tennessee Valley Authority
National Recovery Administration
Schechter v. U.S.
Securities and exchange Commission
Federal Housing Administration
Second New Deal
Works Progress Administration
Harry Hopkins
National Labor Relations (Wagner) Act 1935
Social Security Act 1935
Father Charles Coughlin
Francis Townsend
Huey Long
Supreme Court reorganization plan
Congress of Industrial organizations
John L. Lewis
Sit-down strike
Fair Labor Standards Act 1938
New Democratic coalition
John Maynard Keynes
Depression mentality
Drought; dustbowl; Okies
John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath
Marian Anderson
Mary McLeod Bethune
Fair Employment Practices Committee
Philip Randolph
Indian Reorganization (Wheeler-Howard) Act 1934
The 1920s
Warren Harding
Bureau of the Budget
Teapot Dome Scandal
Calvin Coolidge
Herbert Hoover
Alfred E. Smith
Business prosperity
Henry Ford
Assembly line
Open shop
Welfare capitalism
Jazz age
Consumerism: autos, radio, movies
Charles Lindberg
Sigmund Freud
Margaret Sanger
Revivalists: Billy Sunday; Aimee Semple McPherson
Gertrude Stein
Lost Generation
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Ernest Hemingway
Sinclair Lewis
Ezra Pound
T.S. Eliot
Frank Lloyd Wright
Edward Hopper
Georgia O’Keeffe
Harlem Renaissance
Countee Cullen
Langston Hughes
James Weldon Johnson
Claude McKay
Duke Ellington
Louis Armstrong
Bessie Smith
Paul Robeson
Marcus Garvey
Scopes trial
Clarence Darrow
Prohibition; Volstead Act 1919
Organized crime
Immigration quota laws 1921, 1924
Sacco and Vanzetti
Ku Klux Klan
Washington Conference 1921
Kellogg-Briand Treaty 1928
War debts
Dawes Plan 1924
Zora Neale Hurston
World War I
Submarine warfare
Sussex Pledge
Allied powers
Central powers
Jeannette Rankin
Edward House
Zimmermann telegram
Russian Revolution
George Creel
War agencies
Espionage Act 1917
Sedition Act 1918
Schenck v. United States
Selective Service Act
American Expeditionary Force
Fourteen Points
Treaty of Versailles
Big Four
David Lloyd George
Georges Clemenceau
Vittorio Orlando
League of Nations
Henry Cabot Lodge
Red Scare
Palmer raids
Emma Goldman
Strikes; race riots
The Progressive Era 1901-1918
Progressive movement
William James
John Dewey
Frederick W. Taylor
Scientific management
Henry Demarest Lloyd
Standard Oil Company
Lincoln Steffans
Ida Tarbell
Jacob Riis
Theodore Dreiser
Australian ballot
Direct primary
Robert La Folette
Direct election of senators; Seventeenth Amendment
Initiative; referendum; recall
Social welfare
Municipal reform
Samuel M. Jones
Tom L. Johnson
Charles Evans Hughes
Hiran Johnson
Theodore Roosevelt; Square Deal
Anthracite coal miners’ strike 1902
Elkins Act 1903
Hepburn Act 1906
Upton Sinclair, The Jungle
Pure Food and Drug Act 1906
Meat Inspection Act 1906
Newlands Reclamation Act 1902
Gifford Pinchot William Howard Taft
Mann-elkins Act 1910
Federal income tax; sixteenth amendment
Payne-aldrich Tariff 1909
Joseph Cannon
Socialist Party of America
Eugene V. Debs
Bull Moose Party
New Nationalism
New Freedom
Underwood Tariff 1913
Federal Reserve Act
Federal Reserve Board
Clayton Antitrust Act 1914
Federal Trade Commission
Federal Farm Loan Act 1916
Urban migration
Niagara Movement
Booker T. Washington
W.E.B. DuBois
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
National Urban League
Carrie Chapman Catt
National American Woman Suffrage association
Alice Paul
National Woman’s Party
Nineteenth Amendment
League of Women Voters
Foreign Policy 1865-1914
William Seward
Napoleon III
Alaska purchase 1867
“new imperialism”
International Darwinism
Josiah Strong, Our Country: Its Possible Future and Current Crisis
Alfred Thayer Mahan, The Influence of Sea Power Upon History
Pan-American Conference 1889
James Blaine
Richard Olney
Venezuela boundary dispute
Valeriano Weyler
Yellow journalism
Spanish-American war
De Lome letter
Teller amendment
George Dewey
Theodore Roosevelt
Rough Riders
Hawaii; Liliuokalani
Puerto Rico; Guam
Philippine annexation
Emilio Aguinaldo
Anti-Imperialist League
Insular cases
Platt Amendment 1901
John Hay
Spheres of influence
Open Door policy
Boxer Rebellion
Big-stick policy
Hay-Pauncefote Treaty 1901
Panama Canal
George Goethals
William Gorgas
Roosevelt Corollary
Santo Domingo
Russo-Japanese War
Treaty of Portsmouth 1905
Gentlemen’s agreement
Great white fleet
Root-Takahira Agreement 1908
Algeciras Conference 1906
William Howard Taft
Dollar diplomacy
Henry Cabot Lodge
Lodge Corollary
Woodrow Wilson
New Freedom
Moral diplomacy
Jones Act 1916
Mexican civil war
Victoriano Huerta
Tampico incident
ABC (Argentina, Brazil, Chile) Powers
Pancho Villa
Venustiano Carranza
Expeditionary force
John J. Pershing