AP US History Out of Many – Chapter 22 Term Sheet Please identify

AP US History
Out of Many – Chapter 22
Term Sheet
Please identify each of the following people / items / events from the chapter as well as answer any
questions at the bottom. Be detailed in your responses. This is both for me to check your work and for
you to use as a study guide for quizzes.
Bisbee deportation
Teddy Roosevelt / “Big Stick”
Panama Canal / Philippe Bunau-Varilla
Roosevelt Corollary
Russo-Japanese War
Gentleman’s Agreement
Root Takahira Agreement
“dollar diplomacy”
Mexican Revolution (leaders too)
General John J. Pershing
Archduke Franz Ferdinand
National Defense Act
Zimmerman note
Committee on Public Information (CPI) /
George Creel
Selective Service Act
American Expeditionary Force (AEF)
War Industries Board (WIB) / Bernard M.
Food Administration (FA) / Herbert Hoover
Liberty Bonds
National War Labor Board (NWLB)
Immigration Act of 1917
Espionage Act
Nineteenth Amendment
Eighteenth Amendment
Influenza Epidemic of 1918
Sedition Act
Schenck v. United States
Debs v. United States
Abrams v. United States
American Protective League
Treaty of Versailles
Russian Revolution / Bolsheviks
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
Palmer Raids
Red Scare
Bigger Ideas:
In what ways did Americans show the world that they were not truly neutral during the first three years
of The Great War?
Analyze the role of women and African Americans in America from 1915 – 1920 (be complete since there
are few terms above related to these groups and their struggles / accomplishments).
What were the three main points of Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points?